Hey, guys! GOTA, here, with another chapter of 'The Deku Tales.' I know it has nearly been a year since the last chapter. We are trying to return back to series like this. In this chapter, Kinoko, Setsuna, and Pony discuss plans on monopolizing Izuku. Meanwhile, a prying ear listens as well. Later, Izuku awakes from his induced sleep to find another temptress who wants Izuku's sweet taste. Enjoy!

Kinoko, Setsuna, and Pony were too wired to sleep. The girls decided to venture to the nearby Manga Cafe for reading and drinks. Kinoko sponsored the drinks and Pony paid for the room. As the girls were behind closed doors, each of them had a story to tell about their amazing encounter with the cinnamon roll - their personal Dekkun.

The girls were in a triangular position. Girls und Panzer was playing softly on the computer screen. Kinoko was lying on the floor with her legs crossed. She was reading the first volume of Moyashimon and listening to the first edition of Megaman. Setsuna was twiddling her thumbs. On the surface, Aki Sora was on her lap. However, a relationship between siblings was far from her mind. She looked on her cell phone, displaying the screensaver of her Chappie. Immediately, she turned over the phone. She swallowed a lump in her throat, especially when she finally realized the actions she did with Izuku earlier that day. Pony was riding on cloud nine. Bobbing her head to Sonic Youth with one earbud and reading Birdy the Mighty, she still couldn't fathom the initiative of breaking in Izuku. As far as she knew, she was the first to take advantage of him. She wished to the gods that the condom did break, wanting to be soothed and fed by his swarming babies. Nevertheless, she had to put it on hold for now. She had a future of being a Pro Hero. She put her finger to her lip. Would the league allow pregnant prospects?

"Izuku is like a mist that floods my mind." Pony broke the silence. As she slurped her unicorn-colored frappuccino, she was giddy as a schoolgirl and jolly as a peach. She kicked her legs as she desired more filling from the cinnamon roll.

"Preach it, sister," said the happy-go-lucky Kinoko as she raised her strawberry tea. "He has the kind of mushroom that no man can appreciate. He is a valuable specimen." She observed Setsuna as she was squirming her legs. She sat across from them as her face was buried in whipped cream. Pony and Kinoko both knew that she was thinking dirty thoughts. Kinoko decided to tease.

"Cum on, Tokage. Spill it. Or should we ask Chappie," asked Kinoko with a not-so-sinister grin.

Tokage allowed the whipped cream to slide down her face. It was true. She imagined that whipped topping to be more nothing than Izuku's naturally made sauce. "A godsend! Amazing! A gift that is bestowed from the gods above."

"If he was the Titanic, I would let him capsize me," said Kinoko.

"He can treat me like a butcher and beat the hell out of my meat," said Pony.

"An exploded hot pocket." Setsuna buried her face into her drink. "Make love to me to the point that it makes me want to change gynecologists."

"Whoa," said Kinoko stunningly. "You got it that bad!"

"We all do," said Pony. "We wouldn't be having this tet-o-tet on an early Tuesday morning past curfew, may I add, not to be cute. Let's face it! We caught the bug and we want our personal thermometer."

Kinoko and Setsuna turned beet red, each of them used their drinks to cover their embarrassment.

"Do you think Midoriya can do it again," asked Setsuna flusteredly.

"Of course," said Pony. "You must understand that our cinnamon roll is sweet...and delicious…" She paused as she began to feel the itch in her groin. "With a creamy center." She licked her lips alluringly to the thought of being filled with Izuku once again. This time, without the condom.

"I'm in a mood for that frankfurter. And I am not talking about Nathan's," said Setsuna.

"Never in God's wide earth would I ever find a mushroom that is so tenderizing, firm, and with its naturally made sauce," said Kinoko. "We must seek him. Now. Right now!"

Pony raised her hand to incite a mildly rude interruption. "Hold it, Komori! We have already stunned him but if we are going to do it, then we must do it right." She crossed her legs as she took another sip of her drink. "Just like any good friend, we must give close to comfort. Making him vulnerable for him to give us that gift of his."

"Are there others?"

Pony and Kinoko turned to Setsuna. Setsuna placed her hands on her lap. "Are there others? Remember, each of us learned about this through word of mouth or caught in the act."

"Pony told me after I caught her leaving Izuku's room," said Kinoko.

"And I learned from you, Kinoko after watching you and Izuku getting it on," said Setsuna. She snapped her fingers. "Hey, Kinoko? Didn't you say you saw him with that blonde foreign girl entering some apartment building on your way home on Sunday?"

"In fact I did," confirmed Kinoko. "Around that time I went shopping. He was there for about two hours. Around the same time, I was in the store." The mushroom girl and the jokester turned to Pony.

"How did you know," asked the girls.

Pony gave a Cheshire Cat grin. She used her free hand to tug onto her horn and the other one to pull her eyelid. "Just like the infamous Xellos from Slayers," she winked, "it's a secret!"

The girls, still in disbelief and unsatisfied with their answer rushed over to the blonde girl. "Out with it, Tsunotori." Kinoko stood over the American with her arms folded. "Who gave you the intel?"

Pony shook her head in disagreement. "Does it matter? Each of us got what we wanted. Why complain?"

"We want to know because we don't want to be charged for our fix," said Setsuna before changing her composure. "I mean, we just want to be sure that our precious merchandise is protected."

"Look, if I were holding, then why would I allow you guys to share," questioned Pony. "I know I am a bit slow-witted but I am not that stupid." She pushed the mushroom girl to the side. "Just know that I got my information from a reputable but anonymous source." She nodded. "And that is all I am going to leave you with." She folded her arms while closing her eyes. "That is all, I rest my case."

Kinoko knew when Pony was absolute in her tone of voice, then she wasn't going to receive further information. Feeling defeated, she sat back on the floor while grabbing her manga book. Pony turned to her disappointed classmate and friend. "Look, Komori. I've made a promise with my source. And plus, I don't see Izuku having any apprehension." She took Kinoko's chin so she could see her. "Did he?"

Kinoko shook her head. "No, he didn't resist. Actually, he petted me afterward." Pony turning her head to the discerning Setsuna. "Did Chappie please you in any way?"

Embarrassed and covering her mouth with the manga book, she nodded compliantly.

Pony crossed her arms, knowing that everyone in the room has an understanding of the current circumstances.

Kinoko held onto the hem of her skirt. "So, what can we do for the time being?"

Pony put her finger to her lip. Kinoko and Setsuna waited for a response from the American. Pony sighed. She crossed her hands. "Here is what we can do. Izuku is going to look out for us. He is going to expect that we are going to go after him. So, let's play it cool, keep him on ice."

"In other words, let him dangle," asked Kinoko.

"If we want him to love us once more, then we must go in at his own terms," answered Pony. "Like my father always tell me, 'you can run and fuck one or you can walk and fuck them all.'"

Kinoko and Setsuna stared awkwardly at Pony's fatherly advice. Pony shrugged her shoulder. "What can I say? I am part-horse."

As the girls continued to formulate a plan on how to monopolize Izuku, they didn't realize that their conversation was being recorded from the tiny crack of their booth.

By an unsuspecting lecher.


There was an unsuspecting lecher in the midst at the manga cafe. Unsuspecting as she was one of many otakus and perverts who uses the manga cafe for the sole purpose of fulfilling their lecherous fantasies behind the computer. Handi-wipes, tissues, and Lysol was all the lecher needed at this particular juncture.

The lecher placed her hand inside of her skirt. She needed to be cautious. It was actually against the rules to pursue any sexual conquest in the manga cafe. She didn't care. She was paying them weekly for a nightly stay as she used the place to relieve her sexual frustration at the click of a button. Bible Black was the poison of choice as she was digging her hand into her cavern to fulfill her insatiable needs. She knew her roommate disliked the moans and groans of her alluring adolescence. Better yet, it was maybe her roommate didn't like being used as material for her masturbation. Be as it was a boy or a girl, any orifice was the goal for this lecherous pervert.

Mmm! Hell yeah! That's the stuff! It was a pair of her own panties that she kept concealed in a plastic bag. Drenched in her own juices, sweat, and urine, she used it to aid her cravings as she watched her favorite futanari scene in the video.

She grinned cautiously, keeping her hand on her panties and using the other to dig into her pussy. Her vibrators were damaged and broken and her parents wouldn't give her her allowance for another month. Filling markers inside of a condom as a makeshift dildo no longer aided her craving as she needed something thick and wide to see Holy Christ.

After all, she had to keep the appearance. Ave Maria was paying her roommate some coin to keep her mouth shut.

"Holy Mary! Mother of God!" Ibara bit her teeth into the soaked and soiled panties as she watched the professor insert her girth inside of her student. The green-vined teen thrust her hips, bucking with all of her might as she wanted to make it to climax. "Right there! Right there! Fill my womb! Make me see Jesus so I can receive all of his blessings. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess!" She bit deeper into the soiled fabric. "God, I feel so good!" She began making silent cries. "Right there! I am about to cum! I am about to cum!"

It didn't take long as the juices were being released from her holy passage. Juices sprayed like a twisted water hose, spurting onto the carpet as she looked onto the heavens. She fell onto her back, panting with satisfaction. She couldn't remember how many times she relieved herself. Last time she checked, it was probably the fifth time. Ibara Shiozaki was a closeted pervert. The many years of being raised in Conservative Christian household was getting to her. As much as she loved the Lord, she loved the feeling of lust and greed. Ever since that day when Minoru pulled down her skirt one afternoon at school and slapped him for it, she felt something new coming out of her. Something she had never felt in her sixteen short years on this Earth.

She lifted her soaked palm, inserting her fingers into her mouth, wanting to taste the essence of her own womanhood. She was tickled, excited about her own forbidden pleasure. She reached her and kissed her rosary, asking God for forgiveness on this beautiful sin.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she sat up as she looked onto her webcam she attached to the wall. On most days, she enjoyed voyeurism. Typically, the room would consist of perverts she would watch masturbate for her own pleasure. If it was a boy or a girl she would like, she would use it as an advantage to blackmail them. Rather to use them for her own gratification or money to purchase more time at the manga cafe or purchasing sex toys, there was an advantage for the closeted Ave Maria.

If he was the Titanic, I would let him capsize me.

He can treat me like a butcher and beat the hell out of my meat.

An exploded hot pocket. Make love to me to the point that it makes me want to change gynecologists.

Ibara was familiar with the voices of those harlots. She clicked on the keyboard as she saw the images of Tsunotori, Komori, and Tokage talking with each other in the adjacent booth. She always knew that those heathens were off track and knowing she was the right woman of God that can aid them away from those sins.

Do you think Midoriya can do it again?

Of course! You must understand that our cinnamon roll is sweet...and delicious…with a creamy center.

I'm in a mood for that frankfurter. And I am not talking about Nathan's!

Never in God's wide earth would I ever find a mushroom that is so tenderizing, firm, and with its naturally made sauce.

Midoriya?! Izuku! Was her ears deceiving her or was she hearing the words coming from their mouths? Shiozaki turned off the computer monitor as she could focus on their conversation. Admittedly, Midoriya was at the top of her list whenever she needed masturbating material. Thinking of him as the innocent, naive student, she wouldn't mind fellowshipping with him in the ways of love.

Shiozaki licked her lips when knowing that this sweet cinnamon roll had a wasabi-tint on top of his glaze. With the video she recorded of the girls talking about him, she had what she needed.

Thank you, my sisters of Mother Mary. I have what I need to sway my little cinnamon roll in the path of righteousness. So, it shouldn't be that bad to taste-test him in order to become my husband. If we are practicing to get married, then it is not lust. We are two people in love (lust). Love. I love (lust) him. I love Izuku. I don't want any other girl to tempt them with their ugly, wretched sin. I am going to save him, my Lord. I am going to save him and baptize him in my holiest of my juices. If Mary used oil for Jesus, then I will use my natural oils to purify my Izuku.


Izuku opened his eyes, but quickly closed them after the sensitivity of the sunlight. Upon his wakening, he, unfortunately, suffered a tremendous headache. As he was the anvil, the hammer throbbed on his head very profusely. It made him feel nauseated, and regrettably wished that he was still asleep. He coaxed himself into opening his eyes again. He slowly lifted his eyelids, one at a time. Once they were open, his first thought was on his surroundings.

He placed his hand on his chest. He felt something latched around him. Upon observing the object, he learned that he was wearing a seatbelt. It came to his knowledge that he was in a moving vehicle. Strange for him to be sleeping there, he thought, as he didn't recall being in any vehicle. The car was dark, only emitting street lights from the outside.

Thoughts began resurfacing in his mind. He tried to picture the events at the current moment.

I was leaving Aizawa-sensei's residence after doing my 'pet-sitting.' I was heading to get me some katsudon and then go to the manga cafe to sleep for the night.

'Can I help you with anything?'

There was a woman. She was wearing a trenchcoat. She was sporting a hat that looked something out of a noir movie.

'In fact, I think you can.'

Holy Pyrrha in heaven! I remember! She placed a cloth on me. She subdued me! She was putting me to sleep! Oh Lord! Oh jeez!

"You are finally awake. Good!"

The emerald-haired teen recognized that sultry, seductive voice. It was the same voice that sent shivers down his spine when leaving the Aizawa residence.

No resisting, darling! No resisting! Just go to sleep!

He jerked his head toward the front seat, driving was the bedeviling woman in question.

"Good to see you are fine, my little fishy. I was hoping that chloroform was not as strong as it was suggested," said the woman.

"Who are you," questioned Izuku worriedly. "And where are we going?"

His response was met with a click of the tongue from the captor. "Tsk-tsk, my little fishy, tsk! Haven't you been taught to always be aware of your surroundings?" The woman turned to face Izuku. "Were ever taught to always keep track of certain prey even in open territory?" Upon further observation, he saw her eyes. Eyes that he could easily recognize. Through the get-up of her fedora and the auburn wig, he could recognize that it was his own Pro Hero History teacher, Nemuri Kayama.

Pro Hero 18+ Midnight!

"Kayama-sensei?! What are you doing here? Actually, why did you do this," questioned Izuku.

Kayama-sensei knew it was safe to say that the cat was out of the bag. She removed her disguise, placing it on the passenger side. She released a tiny cackle as she proceeded to change lanes. "To test you on vigilance," she said to him. "Plus, young man, why are you out here at this time of the evening? It's after curfew."

The emerald-haired teen nervously turned pink. He placed his hands together. "Um, going for a walk?"

Kayama-sensei knew he was obviously lying. What other reason would Izuku be spotted outside of Shouta's residence this late in the evening. Matter of factly, how would Aizawa provide that kind of information knowing it was against the rules? In the end, the only reason why she saw Izuku was because she was doing some recon work of her own.

Nemuri has always been envious of Emi's relationship with Shouta. They were supposedly best of friends before Emi decided to pursue Shouta. Even since then, Kayama has had a vendetta with Emi as she blamed her for stealing her man.

Tonight was no exception as she wanted to spy on Shouta. Tonight was no different as she was able to retrieve her tools to sneak into his house. However, she saw that there was a little interference. Hiding in the bushes across the street, she watched as Izuku entered the residence. Seeing this as an opportunity, she waited until he left the home.

And an opportunity to blackmail the particular cinnamon roll.

"That still doesn't answer my question, Midoriya," answered Kayama-sensei. "What reason would be visiting the residence of Ai...why would you be out here?"

"I was just going for a walk. I was checking to see if the apartment had a bathroom open to the public."

Nemuri found it adorable that he was lying through his teeth. It amazed her that he wasn't stuttering. Knowing about Aizawa-sensei, he spiked Izuku's drink. She loved that man, especially on how he used it on her on their first date together.

"I sense a liar," said Nemuri in a stern voice. Within, she was tickled. She then made a sniffing sound. She was familiar with the scent of sex. "Midoriya, I am quite disappointed in you."

"What did I do," asked Izuku nervously.

"The UA bylaws clearly state that sexual affairs of any nature are strictly prohibited. And you're after curfew," questioned Kayama-sensei. She was aiming for the kill. At any moment, he was going to spill the beans in 3, 2, ….

"No," spouted Izuku. "I didn't go over to Aizawa-sensei's home to have sex with their pet!" He then covered his mouth.

Within, Kayama-sensei was smiling. So, Shouta! It seems that you are back again with your tricks with having a pet. Getting bored with flat-titted Emi? Well, jokes on her, bitch! She coughed to regain her composure.

Nemuri rubbed her glasses as she aimed for the coup de grace. "I am sorry to do this, Midoriya, but I have to report this to Principal Nezu." She picked up the phone. "I don't think he is going to enjoy getting a phone call at this ungodly hour." Oh, my little fishy! This is exciting to see you squirm in 3, 2,...

"Kayama-sensei, please don't tell."

"Don't explain, Midoriya. I honestly thought you had better judgment than that."

"I can explain about the sex."

"So, you admit you were doing it."

"Please, Kayama-sensei. I will do anything for you to not report to Nezu."


"Yes, sensei! Whatever you want, you shall receive."

Nemuri put down the phone and looked at Izuku. "Since I am such a wonderful and lenient judge, I will reduce your chance of possible suspension by coming to my home."

"Your home? I thought…"

"You are exempted from the bylaws of UA High. I've never said about exemption from me." She turned to Izuku. "So, I suggest you shut up and reflect on your lies." So, I can prepare to relieve all of that tension so I can partake on this cinnamon roll! So, save your strength for you are going to need it when I partake with your little All Might!

To be continued….

BD: Izuku can never get a break!

GOTA: That is what he gets for being adorably sweet!

BD: Glad you are working back on this series. We have many more to finish.

GOTA: Definitely! Still a hassle as we are working from home, taking care of school, and planning among other things.

BD: For sure but God has us! All right, folks! Stay tuned for more!