Final Chapter

Sometime later…

Violet eyes slowly opened, the sunlight coming in through the window breaking the girl's long rest. "Sunlight?" She remembered that there was no sun in Hueco Mundo. Blinking in surprise, the Soul Reaper slowly sat up and took in her surroundings. Finding herself lying on a futon, the girl recognized her surroundings and was shocked at the realization of where she was. "This is…Karakura Town?" Looking down at herself, she was further shocked to see she was back to normal. Her hair was short and back to its natural dark color and her skin had returned its usual color. She was wearing a white robe that wrapped around her small, petite form. It was strange for Rukia to feel back to normal, after spending so much time as a blonde bombshell.

"Oh? Finally awake? We were starting to worry."

The door slid open and Kisuke Urahara walked into the room. In his hands he carried a tray that had a pot of tea, some cups and a plate full of food. Sitting down next to the futon, the shopkeeper set down the tray in front of Rukia and gave his old customer and friend a smile. "I figured you might be hungry. It's probably been a long while since you had something proper to eat."

"I…I'm back at your shop?" Rukia murmured in disbelief. All she remembered was Bliss, the Hollow created from the Gillians and her leotard fragments, exploding for some inexplicable reason and landing on the ground before passing out. "But…how am I…" she left the question lingering as Kisuke handed her a cup of tea.

Rukia downed the cup and was in the middle of a second when Kisuke finally answered. "I brought you here after I found you in the Forest of Menos. You've been asleep for two days."

Finishing her cup of tea, Rukia handed it to Kisuke to fill up again. "How…how did you find me?"

"It wasn't easy. Tracking your spirit energy was tricky thanks to the leotard's alterations and that pink Hollow didn't help much." He pulled out a small handheld device. "I used this to track you down."

"How…how long was I stuck in Hueco Mundo?" she asked, Kisuke handing her the plate of food.

"Eat. You need to regain some of your strength. I'll explain everything. But you need to understand, you've been gone a long time. About three and a half weeks."

Rukia spat out the tea she'd been drinking and coughed in alarm. "W-what?! I was gone for almost a month? What happened to the others?"

Sitting back on a cushion, Kisuke took off his hat before he began. "Captain Komamura and the others didn't realize that something happened to you until about three days into their mission into Hueco Mundo. Renji looked everywhere for you but it soon became apparent that something had happened."

The blood drained from Rukia's face and she set down the plate, feeling sick. "Renji…my captain…brother…" She gripped the futon sheets as shame ignited inside of her. "What I must have put them through…" She looked away and fought back tears.

Kisuke continued, knowing that Rukia needed to hear the truth. "Not long after you were reported missing, Mayuri informed me that you had taken the…uh…" Kisuke coughed, "combat raiment. It didn't take much to realize what must have happened. Rukia, why did you put the leotard back on? You knew that it affected your mind and once you put it on in Hueco Mundo, you knew you couldn't take it off."

"I…" Rukia hesitated for a moment before turning back to look at Kisuke. "I don't know…" She sighed and looked down at herself, remembering who she had become. What she had become. "I knew I shouldn't have brought it with me. I lost my clothes thanks to an acid-spitting Hollow and then I only had that. I…I couldn't help myself…" she confessed, looking back up at Kisuke. "It was like a drug. That feeling of being so beautiful, so gorgeous. And then…"

"Go on…" Kisuke encouraged. "I have a good idea what happened but its best to hear the whole story."

Nodding, Rukia gave a full recount of her sexual odyssey. From being hypnotized by the Merman Arrancar, captured and turned into a sex slave by Ochiru and Aibara. Kisuke listened as Rukia explained how the pair exploited her growing Bimbofication before it was completed by the male Arrancar who gangbanged her. After wiping them out, she trekked across the desert only to encounter the twins, Migi and Hidari, and the Sand Hollow. Kisuke raised an eyebrow when Rukia explained how she was sucked into the Menos, where her treasured leotard was ripped to pieces. He listened as Rukia reached the end of her story, where the pink Hollow, Bliss, exploded. "I see. That explains the oddity that my device showed."

Rukia stared at the sheets and felt tears sting the edges of her eyes. "What…what am I going to say to my captain? How could I possibly face Byakuya after I've done?" she cried.

A warm hand touched her shoulder. Kisuke gave the girl a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. What you told me will stay between us. We can tell your brother and Ukitake what happened. We just have to leave out the more…adventurous details."

"What do you mean?"

Kisuke smiled. "Well, you were hypnotized by a Arrancar, managed to defeat him before being captured by another pair of Arrancars. After you managed to break free of their captivity you came across the Arrancar that you were hunting and dispatched them before making your way across the desert, fighting your way past several more Hollows and Arrancars before you collapsed in the Forest of Menos, where I may a timely rescue. That is technically what you went through, after all, so you won't be lying."

Hearing the former captains logic helped ease Rukia's fears. "I guess you're right. In a way that does make sense. But…what happened to the leotard?" she asked out of curiosity. "I thought I was stuck in that form?"

"You only remained thanks to the fact you were in Hueco Mundo. Once I removed you from an environment filled with Hollows I was able to restore you to normal, though it did take a while. Like you said, your body was practically stuck in that state."

"Kisuke…" Rukia's stare turned stern. "I believe that you owe me an explanation after all I've been through with that thing. Why did you create such an insane garment?"

The shopkeeper was silent, merely pouring himself a cup of tea. He quietly drank his tea in front of the girl. By the time Rukia started becoming impatient he finally spoke. "It was meant as a practical joke…" he quietly said.

The dark-haired girl simply stared in disbelief, not sure if she heard the man correctly. "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

"I said it was meant to be a practical joke." Kisuke sighed and set his cup down on the tray. "It's a bit hard to explain but the leotard was meant as a birthday prank for Yoruichi."

"Wait, Nemu told me it was meant for Hiyori?" Rukia pointed out.

"We'll get to her in the minute. But let me start at the beginning." Kisuke cleared his throat before he started.

"Back when I was a captain, Yoruichi continued to taunt me with that body of hers. She always flaunted those curves of hers and teased me for a proper lack of lovelife." He held a hand up when Rukia started to speak. "I know what you're about to ask but no, we aren't lovers. We were best friends since children but we never went that far. But Yoruichi continued to tease me so I decided to get back at her."

"That was the pink leotard?"

"It wasn't pink when I created it. It was meant to look like one of Yoruichi's skimpy combat outfits. I gave it to Yoruichi as a birthday gift, telling her it was a special combat raiment I designed just for her. Then she accidentally spilled a can of pink paint all over it. Now, the question you want to know is why does it transform you into a sexy bombshell and makes Hollows attracted to you? Well, I used a special material to create the leotard that was highly experimental. Part of the reason I gave it to Yoruichi was to see what effects it had on Soul Reapers. The leotard reacts to the spirit energy of the one who puts it on and modifies their body to become more desirable. Once it's on you long enough and you've experienced enough sexual satisfaction it begins to affect the brain."

"So…did Yoruichi-"

Kisuke let out a low whistle. "Well, let's just say she decided to go fight a Hollow out in the Rukon District while wearing it and…the result was very similar to yours."

Rukia recalled her encounter with the Gorilla and Plant Hollows and could relate. "Um…when she…fought the Hollows…" Rukia struggled to frame her words wisely. "Did she…turn into…something like me?"

"Well…" Kisuke scratched the stubble on his chin. "Yoruichi was already beautiful to begin with. The leotard didn't really affect her body all that much, to be honest. But as you discovered for yourself, Hollows are quite attracted to the pheromone. By the time I found Yoruichi and killed the Hollow, she was almost too far gone."

"What happened then?"

"You asked where Hiyori entered the picture, right? Yoruichi gave me back the garment, and after a very harsh slapping, I held on to it for a while. I decided to give it to Hiyori since she was so depressed about her lack of sex appeal. She didn't like how Yoruichi, Lisa or Mashiro teased her about her looks. I was curious to see what it'd do to her. You can guess how she looked when she put it on."

"Yeah…" An image of Hiyori with the proportions of Rangiku entered her mind.

"Anyway, after an incident involving the men's bathhouse, I decided that it'd be best to just put the leotard away before I got slapped anymore. Imagine my surprise when I get a call from Mayuri saying that you removed it during an earthquake."

Rukia hung her head. "It was stupid of me. I should have never took the thing." Even as she said that though, a dark urge whispered into the back of her mind, reminding her of all the fun she'd had until now. "What happened to the leotard? Bliss had the pieces inside of it."

Kisuke flipped his fan open and hid his expression behind it. "I'm not sure. There wasn't much left of that Hollow when I found you." He reached into his pocket again and pulled out the last piece of the leotard. "So far as I'm aware, this is all that's left."

Before she even knew what she was doing Rukia had her hand out, reaching for it. Catching herself, Rukia clutched her hand and looked away ashamedly. "Kisuke…what's going to happen to me now?" she asked. "I'm not talking about explaining what happened to my captain or Byakuya. The leotard is destroyed but…" she clutched her arms and closed her eyes.

"I…can't give you a real answer. Neither Yoruichi nor Hiyori were altered to the extent you were. And they wore it for only one night. So whatever lingering effect it might have, we'll have to simply wait and see." He set the scrap of latex to the side and stood up. "I'll inform your captain you've woken up and tell him the abridged version of events. You just lie down and get some-"


The sliding door was slammed open behind Kisuke. In the doorway stood a very irate Yoruichi and Hiyori, both of whom were looking at the shopkeeper with murderous eyes. "L-Ladies!" Kisuke gulped. "What brings you both here?"

Yoruichi gave him an angry grin. "Oh, I think you know exactly why we're here, you lying jerk…"

Hiyori pointed at Rukia. "We've been listening the whole time! You told us you destroyed that stupid outfit. Instead you let her take it and get even more screwed up then we were!"

"Now ladies…" Kisuke put his hands out defensively as he backed up, the two angry women slowly stalking towards him. "I assure you, I only preserved the raiment in the name of science."

"And we're about to get payback for us and Rukia in the name of being pissed off!" Yoruichi yelled.

"Get him!"

Kisuke dashed for the window but Yoruichi was faster. She grabbed Kisuke by the back of the collar and threw him to the floor. The two women grabbed Kisuke by both legs and began to drag him away. Hiyori looked over at the scared Rukia. "Don't worry, we aren't going to tell your captain anything. You've been through enough. We thought we might get revenge for you since this jackass didn't keep his promise."

"Hiyori! Yoruichi!" Kisuke whined as he was dragged away. "Ladies, be reasonable!" He clawed at the floor, leaving scratch marks on the wood while he was pulled out the door. "Nooooo!"

Rukia watched the angry girls leave with Kisuke, mustering only a slight chuckle at the scene. "At least someone has it worst than me…"

"AHHHHHHHHH!" came a scream outside.

The next evening…

Soul Society; Squad 13 Barracks

Rukia sat on the edge of her bed, looking out at the peaceful night sky. "It's almost hard to believe it happened," she murmured to herself.

With Kisuke suddenly indisposed, Yoruichi helped Rukia explain her story to Ukitake, Renji and Byakuya, all of whom were ecstatic to see that Rukia was alive and well. The lieutenant was taken back to her home in the Soul Society where the Head-Captain commended her for surviving such a harrowing experience and for completing her mission.

It was surprising for Rukia how everyone bought her story, even Byakuya. But then again, since Rukia wasn't technically lying she supposed it was alright. She knew that everyone was just glad she was alive and safe.

Looking down at her hands, Rukia inspected the scrap of latex in her palm. She hadn't even realized she'd taken the piece until she'd returned to the Soul Society, well out of reach of Yoruichi and Hiyori's hands.

The beat of her heart echoed in Rukia's ears as she stared. "What should I do?" she wondered aloud. "Should I destroy it?" The obvious answer was to get rid of it. She still had no idea what the leotard's long-term effects were. And she couldn't allow herself to go back to getting fucked by Hollows left and right. She closed her palm and took a deep breath, her indeciciveness like a plague.

In the end, however, she didn't need to make a decision.

She noticed her hand glowing and gasped, fearful that it was taking her over again. She opened her palm and moved to let go of the piece. When nothing emerged from her hand, she turned her palm over to see that the piece of latex was gone. A pink light glowed from her hand like an ember, spreading to the rest of her body. Rukia gasped when she realized that her body had somehow assimilated the last remaining piece of the leotard. Fearful of what was happening, Rukia squeezed her eyes shut and waited.

When the light subsided, Rukia opened her eyes and saw that nothing had happened. She was normal still. Walking over to the mirror, Rukia decided to strip down to her birthday suit and looked at her image in the mirror. She smiled at the short, petite image in the mirror. "I…" She put a hand over her head and closed her eyes.

Memory poured into her brain. Everything she'd been through made her body ache with longing. "If only…for a little while…" she whispered.

A pulse resonated through her body, making Rukia gasp. With a pink glow her body morphed into the buxom, blonde-haired, tanned skin bombshell she'd become in Hueco Mundo. She couldn't believe it. She could now transform at will!

Staring at herself in the mirror, the naked bootylicious Rukia touched her face and wondered if she could turn back. Closing her eyes, she imagined her normal self and felt her body turn back to normal.

Her heart continued to race and refused to quiet down. Rukia took deep breaths before turning away from the mirror and wondered what she should do next. Her bimbo side was now a part of her forever. She knew she should go to Mayuri or Kisuke to see if the piece of leotard could be removed from her…but she didn't want to.

Walking over to the window, Rukia felt the cold wind touch her naked body and shivered, thankful she could still return to normal. "I can't turn back in the presence of Hollows. If Renji or Byakuya ever caught me, I'll never live with the shame. But…" a dark thought crept into her mind. "I guess…I can have fun every once in a while…"

Closing her eyes once again, Rukia concentrated and Bimbofied herself. Putting a new uniform on, the blonde crept out of her quarters and into the night. Quietly she made her way over to one of the squad's male bathhouses. Peering inside, she saw that it was full of naked men and smiled before quietly stripping.

The bathing men heard the door open and were all astounded to see a blonde naked goddess enter the bathhouse, flashing them a sensual smile.

"Hello boys. I'm a new recruit. Would any of you care to wash my back for me?' she asked innocently, her eyes lighting up when she saw every men get erect.

"I'll take that as a yes."


Forest of Menos

In the middle of the Forest of Menos where Rukia had been rescued, the remains of Bliss were undisturbed. None of the passing Hollows dared to eat its remains, fearful of ending up in the same state that had befallen Bliss.

In the darkness of the forest, the scattered remains of the Adjuchas-class Menos Grande began to glow bright pink. Slowly, the pieces of the Hollow crumbled away to reveal the many fragments of the Pink Leotard.

The individual fragments glowed in unison. As if pulled by some magnetic force, the pieces flew into the air and met in the middle. Using the remains of Bliss's spirit energy, the garment put itself back together, albeit with one small missing piece. A brilliant pink light resonated throughout the forest as the raiment restored itself.

Whole once again, the Pink Leotard floating to the ground, lying in the middle of Bliss's ashes. It didn't wait long before footsteps approached it, their owner drawn to the bright light that had come from it.

Reaching the garment, Tier Halibel looked down at the Pink Leotard and raised an eyebrow. "Well, well. What do we have here?"

The End?

A.N.: In the future, I may decide to do a sequel to Pink Leotard as well as maybe several bonus chapters involving Yoruichi and Hiyori's time with the garment. Until then, ciao!