Back to the present,

Italy contunued punching Germany's body,

Even though it won't help bring Germany back to life...

-...I-Itaria-kun…?-Italy heard a voice ask in concern. Was that Giappone...? It really was him, right...? It wasn't just his imagination...?-...Is that rearry...?-It really sounded like him...He was actually alive, wasn't he...? Not everyone died, right...? Not like...G-Germania...-...W-what happened here...? W-why is Doitsu-san...?

-...I-I killed him...I-I killed him...I-I killed him...-Italy whispered in a heartbroken voice, as he stopped punching Germany's body. It was his fault...He killed Germania...It was his fault that he was dead now...If not for him, he would still be alive...He should have died instead...-...I-I killed him...H-he is dead because of me...H-he died because I am useless...B-both he and big brother Francia died because I am useless...-He continued, as his voice started to become hysterical. It was his fault...Everything was his fault...All his fault...-...W-why am I always so useless...? W-why am I always so useless...?! W-why am I always so useless?! W-why did they have to die because of me?! W-why am I the only one who got to live?! W-why?! W-why?! W-why?! WHY?!

Why was he always so useless?!

Why did he always need protection?!

Why did he always had others die for his sake?!


Italy yelled and yelled,

The words coming freely from his mouth,

Words that were in the deepts of his mind for so long...


-...So, you are here too...-An annoyed voice was heard, as an unusually serious America walked from between the trees. Huh, there's only Japan and Italy...-There's only the three of us here...-He said, as he went to Japan's and Italy's side. -...Are everyone else dead...?-He asked in a strange voice, before making a mad face expression. -Those 2P assholes murdered them, didn't they?! Are they still alive?! Where are those fucking fucks?! -He yelled in rage, as he started looking around. -I am going to fucking torture those assholes and then fucking murder them in the wosrst way possible!

Both Japan and Italy paused in shock,

Not believing that the once playful America,

Would become so hateful, mad and blood thirsty...


-...Both Kanada-san and Igrisu-san are dead now...Aren't they...?-Japan said in a sad voice, as he looked at America. That's why Amerika-san snapped, right...? Because his famiry is dead...Famiry...Huh...-...Amerika-sa...?

-THEY ARE BOTH DEAD! THOSE 2P ASSHOLES MURDERED THEM!-America suddenly yelled, in a hysterical rage. And he didn't stop them...He didn't save England and Canada...-I should have saved them! I should have stopped those fucking 2P! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A HERO AND I LET CANADA AND ENGLAND BE MURDERED BY THOSE FUCKING 2P'S HANDS!-He yelled some more, before starting to cry. It was all his fault that they are dead now...-...I-I should have saved them...I-I shouldn't have let them die...W-what kind of hero am I if I can't save the people I care about...? I-I am a joke of a hero, aren't I...?

America felt guilty for their murder,

He should have saved them and yet,

All he could do was avenge their deaths...


And they made him promise,

That he would find the portal,

And leave this wretched place!


How could he possibly do that now...?


-...Amerika-san...?-Japan asked in concern, as he stood before America. This was so unrike Amerika-san to be so serious and sad...And to cry so suddenry and so heavirry...-...Are you sure you are going to be arright...?

-Japan...? I-I am going to be fine...I think...-America said, surprised that he didn't notice Japan standing before him. That's right...Both Japan and Italy were also still alive...Maybe he couldn't be a hero...He can't erase the guilt of what he done...But, he can still save two lives by helping them find the portal and getting out...And by what Iggy told him, it should be hidden nearby...-The portal should be around here...Let's find it and leave this fucking place...!

-L-leave...? B-but...I-I...-Italy mumbled awkwardly, as he stood up in shock. He couldn't just leave...Not after...After...-...I made a promise...-He said, in sadness and regret. That's right...He made a promise...To Germania...He didn't have a choice...He had to leave...He had to live...-...I will help you find it, America...

-...I wirr herp you as werr…Thought, I don't rearry rike it...-Japan said, in a reluctant voice. He arso had a promise to keep...To Roshia-san and...Chugoku-san...It seems rike arr three of them had...-...The three of us are bond by our promises, so we don't have much of a choice, do we...?

So, with great reluctance,

The three buried Germany's body,

And then started searching for the portal...

It took them some time,

But they finally found it...


The portal that will teleport them back...


-...So this is the portal, huh...? The thing everyone was desperately searching for...? The thing that will teleport us back to our world...?-America said, in a strange voice. And to think that they found it...Just the three of them...While everyone else died...It didn't feel right...-There was nine of us when we got teleported here...But now...It's only the three of us who are still alive...

-...E-Everyone else is dead...-Italy whispered in sadness and regret, as he was on the verge of tears. They are dead...Dead...And all so they could get away...All so they could live...-...T-they...D-died...F-for us...T-they...D-died...S-so we could...L-live...!

-...We have no choice...We have to furfirr their rast wishes...-Japan said, in a sad voice. -...We have to reave this prace...We have to rive and terr everyone about what happened here...About the 2P's...About the death battres...About how they...D-died...-He explained, in a sad and regretful voice. C-Chugoku-san...Roshia-san...They are dead...Because of him...If onry he was stronger...If onry...-...T-they need to know this...And we have to terr them...No matter how hard it wourd be...


There were a few minutes of serene silence,

As the three prayed for the souls of those who died...

Then they held hands,

Exchanged heart wrenching glances,

And reluctantly stepped into the portal...