Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.
Warning: Lemon!

Keeping Silent

Chapter One: A Secret Revealed

Soul Society

Dark storm clouds filled the sky, bringing spring rain down onto the Soul Society. Ichigo Kurosaki groaned as he ran down the street, doing his best to remain dry. "Dammit! I knew I should've brought an umbrella!" he cursed. He'd come to the Soul Society to train with Renji now that he got his powers back. It'd been raining in Karakura Town but Ichigo had hoped that it'd be bright and sunny in the Soul Society. However, the constant deluge coming down on him washed away that notion.

He'd ran down to Squad Six to ask Byakuya if Renji could train with him, only for the man to point him to Squad Four, stating that he was over there checking on several sick men. However, when Ichigo had asked for an umbrella or a poncho since it was a bit of trek through the rain, Byakuya merely stated that Ichigo should've planned ahead.

"Oh yeah…" Ichigo grumbled as he hurried through the downpour. "Next time, I'll be sure to check the weather in another dimension!"

By the time he reached Squad Four's medical center he was soaked to the bone. Luckily, the first person he ran into was Isane. "Ichigo!" the woman called out when she saw the substitute. "What happened? You're completely soaked!"

Ichigo was grateful for the lieutenant when she called for several nurses to bring Ichigo some towels and fresh clothes. "Sorry… I forgot to bring an umbrella," he told her after he finished getting dressed. "Is Renji around?"

The girl nodded. "Yes. He's checking up on his friend Rikichi. Here, I'll take you to him."

Isane led Ichigo down the hallway and opened a door. She knocked before telling Ichigo to wait before heading inside. After waiting a few moments, Ichigo saw the tattooed redhead emerge from the door. "Hey, Renji."

The man smiled at his old friend, happy to see Ichigo back in form after XCUTION'S betrayal. "Hey, Ichigo. What brings you here?"

"Wanted to see if you could train with me. How's your friend?" Ichigo asked.

"Rikichi? He'll be fine. He's just got a bad case of the flu. That's all," Renji shrugged. "Anyway, I'd be more than happy to train with you. Have to wait until this rain stops though. I'd think Captain Unohana would get angry if we started swinging swords inside here."

Ichigo merely grinned. "We've got that training spot that Yoruichi and I used, remember?"

Isane interrupted the two men. "Speaking of which, has either of you seen Captain Unohana? I haven't seen her in hours."

The two men shook their heads. "She hasn't told you if she's going somewhere, has she?" Renji asked. Isane shook her head no.

"No, in fact, I'm quite worried," Isane confessed. "This isn't the first time she's up and disappeared for hours. Every time I see her she tells me she has important business to attend to but…" Isane couldn't shake the worrying feeling.

The worried expression on Isane's face made Renji worried. He knew that Captain Unohana was not only powerful but inscrutable. If she was keeping something from her lieutenant, then it was doubtful that it was a benign matter.

Apparently Isane's fears were contagious because even Ichigo started to get worried. "Should we look for her?" he suggested. "Are you sure that she's even here?"

"I've asked but nobody has seen her leave the relief center. But that's not what's worrying…"


"Lieutenant Kurotsuchi came by earlier. It seems she can't find her captain either. Captain Kurotsuchi normally stays in the labs but Nemu told me that she hasn't seen him all day. She seemed quite distressed over his absence."

Renji's face showed more concern. "That's distressing. Having one captain vanish is bad enough but if something happened to both Captain Unohana AND Captain Kurotsuchi…"

"I know I might be overthinking things but I can't help but worry…" Isane said sadly.

Ichigo put a hand on her shoulder to give her some reassurance. "We'll find her. Since nobody's seen her leave, that must mean she's still here. Why don't we split up and look for her?"

Ichigo's cheerfulness seemed to cheer Isane up and she nodded. "Thank you, Ichigo. I'll check the surgical rooms. Renji, could you check the supply rooms?"

"Sure thing." Renji turned around headed for his destination, eager to help his friend.

The girl turned back to the Substitute. "Ichigo, could you maybe check Captain Unohana's quarters? I checked to see if she was there already but maybe she went there as soon as I left."

After receiving instructions to where Unohana's quarters were, her quarters kept separate from the relief center and the squad barracks, Ichigo went off on his way. He didn't think that this was cause for alarm but was particularly worried for one main reason. What alarmed him was that Mayuri was also absent, which didn't bode well.

As he walked, his mind recalled a certain conversation that the two captains had during the zanpakuto rebellion…

Mayuri crouched over Ichigo, ready to apply his dangerous antidote to Ichigo, who'd been poisoned by his rampaging zanpakuto, Ashisogi Jizo. Before he could inject the syringe he was stopped, however, by Unohana, who'd arrived with her squad to lend medical support. When Unohana said she'd take over treating Ichigo Mayuri scowled. "It isn't easy to treat a victim of my poison if you are not familiar with it," he warned.

"Please rest assured. We successfully treated Isane and the others who were exposed to the poison during Ashisogi Jizo's attack." She gave the captain her trademark smile. "We have already analyzed its contents."

Mayuri clenched his teeth in annoyance before scoffing. "That was unwarranted…" he seethed as he pocketed the syringe and stood up. Captain Unohana giggled as she walked over to the scientist. When the two captains locked eyes, Ichigo could practically see the sparks flying from the pair. "Next time I will create a poison that even you won't be able to analyze and treat so quickly, Captain Unohana."

If Captain Unohana was intimidated, she didn't show it. Instead she merely kept smiling. "Well I have that to look forward to…"

Reaching Unohana's quarters, walking up the wooden walkway to her small home, Ichigo couldn't help but wonder if Mayuri had ever made good on that promise. 'Even worse…' he thought, worry growing inside him as he thought of another memory. 'She did piss him off right before she went with me to the World of the Living. I know it's been almost two years but he seems like the guy who can keep a grudge.'

Reaching the door to her quarters, Ichigo knocked gently on the doorway. "Captain Unohana?" he called out.

Silence was his answer.

Ichigo waited for a few moments, wondering what he should do. Though it was disrespectful, Ichigo figured he would take a look inside to make sure she wasn't there. "I'll only be for a second. Just to make sure," he told himself.

He quietly slipped inside and took a few moments to let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the small home, dark curtains keeping out the sunlight. He saw that the woman lived with simple accommodations, the furnishings in the room not at all lavish like he imagined.

Sighing, Ichigo decided that he was wasting his time. "Guess she's not here…" he mumbled quietly. As he moved to leave he heard a sound that stopped him dead in his tracks.

A giggle.

Freezing, Ichigo stayed quiet, wondering if maybe it was just his imagination. However, the silence was broken by a quiet giggle. Then he heard a voice.

"Heehee! Stop it! That tickles!"

'Wait a minute…' Ichigo's eyes looked around to see where the sound was coming from.

"Come now, you love it and you know it!" said a second voice.

'Hold on…' Ichigo would know that voice anywhere.

"Ohhhh! Oh! Oh god! Right there!"

Hearing a dull thumping noise, Ichigo's ears picked out where the sound was coming from: the closet. Creeping over to it, Ichigo heard more sounds coming from it. And judging by the sounds the two voices were making, he had a pretty good idea what was going on. With a shaky hand, he pulled the door open and was greeted to the sight he'd never be able to purge from his brain.

Inside the cramped closet were Retsu Unohana and Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Both captains were buck naked, making the beast with two backs. Their nude bodies were covered in sweat and their hair was a mess, Unohana's braid having been untied and Mayuri shedding his gaudy makeup and weird hairstyle. Mayuri had Retsu pushed up against the side of the closet, his chest pressed against her sweaty back while plunging his manhood balls deep into the woman's cunt, his hands grabbing her firm tits.

Both fornicating captains immediately gasped when Ichigo opened the door, exposing their little secret. Ichigo just stared in complete shock at the sight, his face turning redder than Renji's hair. Both Retsu and Mayuri stared back in horror at being caught, neither one moving a muscle.

"Um…I'll just…leave you two alone…" Ichigo said quietly, embarrassed by what he just witnessed. He slowly closed the door to the closet and slowly backed away. No sooner did he turn around to rush out the door did the closet open back up and the two naked captains stepped out, Unohana hiding her shame with her Haori.

"Stop right there!" they both shouted at Ichigo as he tried to make a run for it. Ichigo got one step out the door when he heard the two shout behind him.

"You're not going anywhere!" Mayuri screamed as he used his grappling hook arm, his hand shooting out and grabbing Ichigo by his right ankle.

"Hadō #4: Hainawa!" A rope of light shot out of Unohana's hands and wrapped around Ichigo's left ankle. Before he could reach for Zangetsu to sever the ropes, the two captains pulled, yanking Ichigo off his feet and pulling him back in.

"Well, well," Mayuri glared as he put his foot on Ichigo's back to keep him still. "We have an eavesdropper…"

"Naughty boy," Unohana chastised. Though her face was all smiles, Ichigo could see nothing but fury in her eyes. "Sneaking into another woman's room like that."

"Now then, what to do with you…"

Ichigo gulped.

To be continued