A.N.: This is a collaboration project with Natsu Is Awesome. We're going to alternate chapters. I wrote the first and he wrote the second and so on and so forth. Please RR and as always no : I don't own Fairy : Lemon! Non-Con! Gangbang!

No More Fairy Tails

WB: Lullaby to a Nightmare

Oshibashi Station

During the battle with Eisenwald…

"Circle Sword!" Erza shouted, her swords dancing as she attacked the Eisenwald dark guild members. "Get out of my way!" Men cried out in pain as Erza's swords slashed at them, sending them flying.

Nearby Lucy was kicking ass too. While she attacked the dark Wizards with her whip, Tauros, her bovine Celestial Spirit, smashed his axe into the oncoming Wizards. Together, the pair were mopping up the dark guild while their friends, Natsu and Gray, searched for Erigor inside the station.

Lucy kicked away another man, infuriated at how the lecherous Wizards were peeking up her skirt when she lifted her leg. "You perverts!" she shouted in anger. "Tauros! Get 'em!"

"Moooo!" raged the hulking spirit. "You bastards! Only I get to ogle Lucy!"

"Hey!" Lucy yelled. She always hated how much of a perv Tauros was. He was just as bad as the dark guild.

Her concentration was broken when Erza landed next to her. "How you holding up, Erza?" she asked. Her concern for the redhead grew when she saw how worn out Erza was. "Are you okay?"

Panting, the Armored Wizard nodded. "I'll be fine. There's just so many of them…" Her jaw clenched as she summoned more swords. "I need to end this now."

Lucy knew that the woman was at the end of her rope. She'd used to much energy piloting the magic four-wheeler cart they'd used to get here and Lucy guessed correctly that controlling so many weapons at once took a heavy toll around her.

As the next wave of men charged at the two ladies, Erza met them head on. "You slime! I'll end you here!"

The men swarmed the woman, all of the eager to take the woman down. Erza hacked and slashed at the men, the weaklings going down one after the other. But every swing took more and more of a toll and Erza's vision started to blur. 'I need to end this now. If it goes on any longer...'

Sweat dripping down her face, Erza's swords began to fade. "I'll have to save my strength and fight with just two swords," she said, sending her telekinetic swords away.

Lucy saw a sinister shadow move in the distance and gasped. "Erza! Below you!"

The tired warrior was caught off guard when a hand shot out of the ground. "What?!" she gasped.

"Got you!"

The hand grabbed her armored leg and gripped it tight before pulled. Erza stumbled as her foot passed right through the solid ground. Erza was forced to stab her sword into the ground to remain upright, else she'd fall flat on her face. "What on earth?" But Erza had no time to process what was happening as another group of men surrounded her, all with eager looks on their faces when they saw how vulnerable the redhead was.

To Erza's credit, she managed to fend off most of the blows with the one sword she still had but her body was taxed to its limit. Her armguards cracked as she was forced to block sword, club and spear. But she was helpless against the men as they continued to barrage.

The end of Erza's futile resistance came when one of the Eisenwald men's hammers slipped through her weakened guard. Her eyes widened as the blow struck her in the head, her body losing all sensation as the hammer's strike rattled her skull. "Guh!" she groaned before collapsing.

"Now for that pesky armor."

Out of the ground appeared Karaka, the man who'd run off and disappeared during the fighting earlier. He reached for the back of Erza's neck and pulled, his phasing powers working their magic. To Lucy's horror, Karaka's magic worked around Erza's body. Her leg was pulled free from the ground along with her body but Karaka's magic only affected her body, not her clothes. Her body phased through her Heaven's Wheel Armor, leaving her dangling in the man's grip, naked as the day she was born. Her armor in a heap on the floor, Erza groaned as she was tossed to the ground, the cold cement touching her naked skin.

"Erza! No!" Lucy reached for her keys, ready to summon Cancer to save her friend when she saw a group of men surround the woman. "Open! Gate of-"

Before Lucy could finish, one of the dark Wizards hit her hand with a whip. Lucy yelped as she instinctively let go of her keys. "No!" she shouted before a man wrapped an arm around her neck, pulling her away from the keys. She watched in horror as another man kicked them away, her most treasured possession disappearing into the shadows of the train station.

"Mooo! Lucy!" Tauros shouted, sensing his master in peril. "Hang on! I'll save you! Mooo-" Tauros's eyes widened and he choked blood when a hand went straight through his chest.

"Tauros!" Lucy screamed as her Celestial Spirit disappeared. She saw that it'd been the wall-phasing Karaka. "You coward! Hitting her when she was already exhausted!"

The round man grinned. "We're a dark guild, sweetheart. We don't play fair like you fairies."

Another dark Wizard, Byard, walked up to her and cupped her chin. "And while Erigor is going fulfilling our plans, we're gonna enjoy ourselves." The lecherous look in his eyes scared the girl, knowing what was on his mind. "Erigor's Wind Barrier has already surrounded the station. So we've all the time in the world. Your Fairy fly friends aren't coming to save you."

"Natsu and Gray are still here!" Lucy shouted, spitting into his face in disgust. Her reward was a harsh smack to her face. But her defiance still showed.

"Oh? You mean those two?"

A man walked out of the corridor leading to the train station. Lucy saw that it was Rayule, the man who went after Gray and Natsu. "You! But…but where's-"

"Your friends?" the man laughed. "Kage and I had a fun time shoving them out of the Wind Barrier. Last I checked, the pink-haired one was still tearing himself to shreds trying to break through!" he cackled.

"So then…" Byard grinned maliciously. "Why don't we have fun with you fairy bitches?" He backed away and shouted to the rest of his men. "Strip these bitches!"

Lucy watched in horror as the men surrounded Erza.

"Enjoying the show?" Rayule taunted. "Don't worry. Let's not forget you." From his hands erupted lines of black shadow, all aimed at Lucy's body.

"NOOOO!" Lucy screamed, trying to squirm out of her captor's grasp. She nearly succeeded when two men came up and grabbed her flailing arms, keeping her still while Rayule went to work. His shadow strings wrapped around Lucy's curvy body, slipping beneath her clothes. She gasped at the shadow's touch, the dark magic as cold as death. After the strings successfully infiltrated her clothes, she gasped as they started to pull on them. "No! Noooo!" she shrieked as Rayule's magic tore away her clothes, ripping them to shreds. Her face went white as she stood before the man men, naked as the day she was born, save for her boots.

All of the men surrounded her whistled or catcalled, all of them loving the sight of the squirming, naked blonde. When Lucy glanced over to Erza, she saw that the men over by her were beginning to molest the woman where she lay.

Her attention came back to her when she saw many of the men surrounding her, including Byard, Rayule and Karaka, beginning to strip.

"No! Let me go!" she screamed before the man holding her forced two fingers into her mouth, silencing her. She could have bit down on the invading digits but the grip on her throat made that an unsavory idea.

The beautiful blonde squirmed as her body was assaulted by hands. Rough, callous hands started to touch her nude body. "Damn! This bitch has some tits!" one man, a lanky man with messy black hair, said while groping her breasts.

"And that ass!" another said, touching her shapely booty. "This bitch is a grade-A slut."

"Mmmmh!" Lucy shrieked through the fingers, squeezing her eyes shut as the hands continued to touch her. She continued to try to break free of her attackers grasps but was interrupted by Rayule.

"So, the Fairy bitch thinks she can resist us? Let's fix that. Shadow Bondage!"

The fingers left her mouth, letting her scream as the shadows attacked her again. "Noooo!" The men let go of her but her resistance was useless as the shadows wrapped around her. She was forced to her knees, her legs spread apart wide while her hands were tied behind her back, her back forced into an arched position, making her breasts thrust out for the men to ogle. The black strings continued to bind Lucy until they finished their Shibari-style binding.

Hands crept from behind and grabbed her tits, fondling them roughly. Lucy cringed as the hands squeezed her sensitive puppies before the men encircled her. Her eyes widened with shock when she saw that all of the men's loins were all very long, very thick and very hard.

"We're going to have a lot of fun," Rayule snickered before grabbing Lucy by the back of the head. "First, you're gonna put that pretty mouth of yours to work."

The scent of a man filled Lucy's nostrils when the shadow man thrust his cock into her mouth. Lucy gagged as her orifice was stuffed. She looked up at the man threatening but he held up his hand, showing him the shadowy threads aimed at her face, giving her all the threat she needed to know that biting down on the intruding member was not in her best interest.

"Mmmmh!" Lucy gagged, her eyes squeezing shut as she was forced to suck the man off.

"Hey! Don't leave the rest of us out!" one of Rayule's men argued.

"Heh, fine." The man snapped his finger and the bondage holding Lucy became undone. "There's more than enough bitch to share."

As the naked men enclosed around her, Lucy found herself drowning in cocks. The men eagerly rubbed their dicks all over her face. She cringed as the men one by one grabbed her head and made them suck them off, her senses swarmed by the scent and taste of men. Two of the men grabbed her hands and guided them to their cocks, forcing the girl to jerk them off as well. 'I can't…think…' Lucy thought, her mind muddled by unwanted arousal. 'Erza! Please get back up!'

But Erza was in a situation similar to Lucy's. Just because she was unconscious didn't mean the dark guild wasn't willing to debase her. The men used her mouth as their own fucktoy while they fondled her breasts. While one heavyset man straddled her chest, sliding his thick cock into her cleavage to fuck her tits, another man spread her legs and started to finger her. Erza subconsciously moaned into the cock in her mouth as the men got her aroused, her pussy dripping onto the man's fingers. Another man, older than the rest, started to finger her asshole, making Erza's back arch in response to having her backdoor prodded.

Lucy was in the middle of a blowjob hell. She sucked off Rayule while jerking off his friends. Tears ran down her face from shame as she went from one man to another, sucking one man off while jerking off two more. "Mmmmh! Mmmmhhhhh!" she gagged into the men's cocks, her hands moving fast. She wanted them to cum right away. If they did then maybe they would lose steam.

"Look at how well she gives head!" one of the men grinned. "What a slut!"

'No! I just want this to end!' Lucy thought to herself. She gagged as Rayule pushed his cock deeper down her throat. The two men she was jerking off both moaned from her soft hands as she worked her cocks faster and faster, her hands smeared with pre-cum.

"Ahhh! Here it comes!"

All of the men groaned as they climaxed, enjoying the look on Lucy's face before cumming all over her. Rayule grinned wickedly as he came in her mouth, flooding her orifice with hot spunk. Lucy closed her eyes to hide the tears as her face was covered with cum. She could barely breathe, Rayule filling her mouth with his seed. Fighting back the urge to vomit from the horrid taste of the man's spunk, Lucy swallowed it, panting when the man finally pulled out.

"Kya!" she cried out as she was knocked to the ground. Rayule ensnared her again with his shadow binding, keeping her naked body spread in a wide X. Lucy saw that the men were still hard and knew this wasn't over. Not by a long shot. "Please…anything but this…" she pleaded.

The men all laughed before a nameless man got between her legs. Lucy shrieked as the man plunged his cock into her, throwing her head back as her cunt was filled by his large cock. Her cry was muffled as another man turned her head and shoved his cock into her mouth, choking her with his manmeat. To top it off, Rayule straddled her chest, wedging his cock between her huge breasts and enjoying himself with a paizuri.

On the other side of the train station, the Eisenwald members were having just as much fun with Erza. While a man sat in front of her head, tilting her head back and shoving his cock in and out of her orifice while another man pounded her pussy, the dirty sound echoing throughout the empty train station. "Mmmh…" Erza unconsciously moaned, her body aroused from the perverted treatment.

But as the men violated her, the redhead soon began to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open, only to widen in shock when she felt the cocks in her holes. She pulled her head away from the intrusive clamhammer and shouted, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Though the men had her arms and legs pinned, Erza was much stronger than she looked. Breaking free from them, she kicked the man who was balls deep in the face off of her and sat up. Her anger furthered when she saw that Lucy was getting gangbanged as well. "You'll pay for this!" She stood up and flexed her hand out in front of her to summon a sword.

"Don't get ahead of yourself!" Karaka snorted, the huge, naked man said appearing behind her. When Erza turned her head, the man grabbed her shoulders and leaned back, phasing through the wall and taking Erza with him. Erza yelped as she was pulled through, her sword disappearing before it could fully materialize. She found herself in darkness, trapped inside the wall.

Or rather…half of her was trapped.

"What the hell?!" Erza shouted, looking down and not seeing her lower half. On the other half of the wall her legs flailed wildly, amusing the observing Eisenwald Wizards.

"You're trapped in the wall realm," Karaka grinned. He wagged a finger in front of Erza's face when she tried to summon her sword. "I wouldn't do that. My magic is the only thing keeping your two halves together. Kill me and you'll find out what happens when the sawed girl in the box magic trick goes wrong."

"Let me out of here!"

The man merely chuckled. "You've a mouth on you. Why don't we see how good it is?"

Erza glared up at him. "You put anything in my mouth, you're gonna lose it!"

"I don't think so," he laughed, reminding her of the position she was in. "You refuse and I'll end the spell," he threatened. Stroking his fat cock, he brought it to Erza's lips. "Open wide!"

"Ghhhhh!" Erza gagged as her face was stuffed. To humiliate her more, Karaka leaned through the wall and grabbed her flailing feet, pulling them into the wall. Soon the only thing sticking out of the wall was Erza's rear end, turning her into a glorified onahole.

The men cheered at Karaka's thoughtfulness and went back to work. The man from before walked over to the wall and pushed back into her waiting flower.

Erza's jaw was widened until it almost hurt by Karaka's big meat. She choked as he pushed down her throat, unable to do anything even as the man on the outside of the wall started fucking her helpless pussy like a wild animal. She couldn't hear it, but she could feel her ass ripple as the man's hips smacked it rapidly. "Gkkkk! Glkckkk!" she choked.

"Better get used to this," Karaka smiled. "Because you and your blonde friend are our cumdumps now."

Over on the other side of the train station platform, that was exactly what Lucy had become. As if they were all set on a timer, the men who were violating her holes all came at once, blasting her with their cum. "Mmmmmh!" she groaned through the cock in her mouth as she swallowed his spunk, choking for air. Her lower half melted as the man inside her cunt blew his load, staining her insides with white. Rayule maliciously grinned as he came as well, covering her tits with cum.

If Lucy hoped that the men would be satisfied, it was quickly squashed as the shadow bindings loosened. As Kage laid down and gestured for his men to do the rest of the work, Lucy was lifted and forced onto his lap. "Nooo!" she shouted as Kage slammed her down onto his cock. "Guhhhhh!" she groaned, Kage being bigger than the last one. She tried to push herself off of him but Rayule quickly used his magic to tie her hands behind her back, giving her no choice but to ride Kage's cock or suffer the consequences. Lucy couldn't help but feel herl body heat up as she pleasured the man, her pussy clenching down on his invading manmeat and churning the cum inside her.

Rayule decided to have some more fun. Leaning Lucy forward, the shadow man guided his erection towards Lucy's unsuspecting asshole. With a chuckl into her ear, he pushed his thick head into her ring of muscles.

"Kyaaaa!" Lucy shrieked while her bottom was invaded. "NO! NOT THERE!" she shouted before another man turned her head and made her suck him off, keeping a hand on her head to keep her head bobbing back and forth. "Mmmh!" This time she couldn't hide the tears as her ass was stretched. She didn't know if she could ever walk again after this.

"Damn! This fairy bitch is tighter than I thought!" Rayule pushed into her as deep as he could go, her sphincter stretching to its limit. Kage merely grinned as he felt Lucy tighten around them thanks to the intruding member in her ass. Lucy's huge breasts bounced as Kage thrust harder into her snatch, causing them to flail wildly like balloons. Even more hands continued to touch and grope her as she was gangbanged, each of the men wanting in on their bosses' action.

The two men did not move in any rhythm or synch, causing Lucy's body to shake from such violent thrusting. Her asshole soon ceased its resistance, letting her feel the agonizing bliss of feeling him thrust all the way inside her. She couldn't help but moan into the cock in her mouth as she felt the pleasure inside her swell. Try as she might, she couldn't deny how good it felt. "Mmmmmh!"

"Looks like this bitch is gonna cum!" the men laughed, feeling her tighten around their cocks.

"Why don't you show us how a slutty fairy cums!"

Fingers touched her sensitive nipples and clit, making the pleasure shoot straight into her head. Losing control of herself, Lucy started to shake uncontrollably as her body tensed up. Her pleasurable torment was only heightened as her hands were guided to their dicks, her hands stroking them off.

Each of the men grunted as Lucy tightened around them, her mouth a vacuum to the one she was sucking off. As if set on timers, the men all blew their loads at once. Lucy's world melted as her holes were filled with cum, stuffing her womb and her guts with hot spunk. She swallowed the man's release, feeling cum splash onto her face and her hair from the men she was stroking. When the man holding her head finally let go she pulled her mouth away to let out a lewd moan, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "OHHHHHHH!"

Erza was unfortuantly fairing no better. Her pussy was overstuffed with cum as the Eisenwald men took turns pounding her pussy, helpless to stop them when threatened with death-by-bifurcation from Karaka. As for her other half, Erza once again gagged as the huge man came in her mouth, cum dripping down the side of the face. The redhead couldn't understand how the man could keep it up after cumming over and over again. He was like a fire hydrant!

"Your mouth feels nice. And I can tell you're enjoying it," he mocked.

Finally able to take a breath after he pulled out of her orifice, Erza glared up at the man with clenched teeth. "Who'd feel good about this?" she growled. Her eyes suddenly widened with surprise when she felt one of the men on the other side of the wall do something different. "Not there!" Her eyes became glazed as a cock pushed into her asshole. "Ooooooh!"

"Heh, seems the great Titania of Fairy Tail is a slut who loves getting it in the ass." Pawing at her large tits with his huge hands, Karaka groped her while the redhead was given anal, enjoying how her face twisted.

Erza's vision blurred. She'd kept the fact that she found the most pleasure from anal sex secret, a reminder of the days when she was taken advantage of while slaving away at the Tower of Heaven with Jellal and her friends. "Ohhhhhh!" she moaned lewdly, her face turning slutty. "Ahhhhh…"

"Heheheheh…I wonder what your friends would say if they saw the look on your face," Karaka mocked before clutching her face with his hands again. "My cock's all dirty because of you. Clean it up."

The Armored Wizard's mind started to go blank, the feeling of having her ass pounded filling her with lewd thoughts. Slowly her tongue came out to play and she licked Karaka's messy cock, her body heating up as her arousal grew inside her. She soon wrapped her lips around the head and moved her back and forth, sucking off the man while he played with her breasts. "Mmmmh!"

The man on the other side of the wall quickened his pace, tearing her asshole a new one and making the redhead moan into the cock in her mouth. Karaka teased her hardened nipples while she felt her body give in more and more. Soon her toes were curling and her head moved faster and faster, taking Karaka deep down her throat. Her ass clenching around the clamhammer inside her, Erza went limp as she came, her pussy gushing. Karaka blew his load into her mouth one more time, Erza swallowing the spunk eagerly, the man on the other side cumming inside her ass, making her lower half feel like it was on fire.

Tiring out, Karaka put his hands on Erza and shoved her out, knowing that they broke her. The naked woman tumbled out of the wall, landing in a heap on the floor, panting for breath. Opening her eyes, Erza saw Lucy still in her gangbang hell. Looking up, she saw the naked men all surround her and knew that this wasn't over.

"Get ready, fairies. We've only gotten warmed up."

Twenty-Four hours later…Eisenwald Guildhall

Natsu and Gray managed to break through the wind barrier after it'd weakened but they'd arrived to find Eisenwald missing along with Erza and Lucy. The dark guild had fled with their captives in tow, both women too exhausted to fight back.

In the dungeon of Eisenwald's guildhall, the two women panted for breath, the taste of a man's seed heavy in their mouths. Collars that suppressed their magic were wrapped around their necks and they now sported painful brands on their backs, marking them as property of Eisenwald. They hung from the ceiling, their bodies wrapped in tight ropes that kept them suspended in the air. The two were gangbanged constantly since they were taken captive, forced to become the guild's sex-slaves.

The door to the dungeon opened up, causing the two to look up to see their captors walk in.

Rayule, Karaka and Byard all grinned as they stripped.

"Ready to play with us, Fairy sluts?"

The End