Brink of reality.

Disclaimer :I don't own Naruto.

An :I am aware that Tsunade did not participate in the third shinobi war, but in this story she did as Dan is still alive.

Chapter 3.

Tsunade was stareing with wide eyes at the boy in front of her, real surprise in her eyes.. Not far from her Jiraya, her fellow sanin his face showing his shock.

It was just two weeks from the day they saved young Haruhiro, and as they disi that the boy couldn't write or read - which should have been obvious with him being young and a slave - they immediately took it yo to teach him.

What they didn't expect was for the boy to easily remember every last Kanji character they had given him, and on top that memorizing an entire book, and what's more to learn to write in two weeks, the boy had photographic memory that was obvious... But what really caught the toad sanins eye was how fast he learnd to write... And how neat his writing was. It was obvious to jiraya that the boy had a future as a calligraphy master, and as a seal master Jirayas had to comprehend the potential of the boy to become one as well.

The silver haired boy turned to the two sanin "Tsunade sama... Jiraya sama" his voice was low as he spoke "is that correct?".

Haruhiro knew that for being a shinobi he would have to learn a lot... And really he carved knowledge, after all he was horribly uneducated.

For the last two weeks he talked to some of the shinobi stationd here, he learnd about the four different disciplines of shinobi, starting with ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu and fuinjutsu. There was of course a medical ninjutsu as well.

He wasn't really sure what exactly he would like to learn outside of medical ninjutsu and he concluded to ask the two sanin or Mikoto san for their opinion.

And that is how he came to his current situation, remembering was always easy for him... When he was a slave he always cursed it... Remembering every punishment and pain he ever endured was more a curse than a blessing.. But right now he was thankful.. He learnd to write and read easily.. To his surprise he actually enjoyed writing the Kanji, Katakana and Hirigana, the gracefully made lines felt alive to him... The brush was an extention of his hand.

"indeed.. Excellent work Haru" the blonde sanin said smiling but behind it she felt disturbed... The boy... He probably remembered every last beating he ever had to endure... Horrifying as this was she knew there was nothing she could do.. And that disturbed her even more.

"so.." the boy was obviously uncomfortable with his question, but it was obvious he wanted to ask something.

"ask away Haru".

Nodding in thanks he turned in such a position he could see the both of them "so... I wanted to ask you..." he took a deep breath, it was obvious he was not yet accustomed to be able to ask " if I am to become a shinobi... What would the two of you suggest me to learn?" he asked, his eyes were turned down as his voice full of hesitation.

The two looked deep in thought, their eyes were focused as they pondered the question.

"hmm... It's difficult to say right now.." the white haired sanin said deeply "you did not activate your chakra yet... And because of that we don't know how large are your reserves... If you want I guess we could work on it later... But what I can tell you is that you definitely should pursue at least an understanding in Fuinjutsu... You are natural at calligraphy... And your exceptional memory will definitely help you ".

" also you should think what catches your attention.. Many shinobi were unable to come their full potential because they did not look for what calling them "Tsunades voice was half chulke half serious, as she had to control herself not to burst into histeeical laughter at the serious look on the four years old face.

" oh " the young boys face fell a bit at that" I should have thought about it... "

" well, you definitely can start reading a bit about medical ninjutsu and medicine in general, if you have any questions come to me "the blonde said as she got up and walked outside.

" I will have time to teach you a bit sealing lore at evening.. Come meet me if you are interested, see you kido "Jiraya, unlike Tsunade jumped out of the window.

" cool "was the boys response.


It was noon already, the sun started to retreat towards the horizon, the shinobi occupying the small town were busy, some on guard duty, others training.

Haruhiro walked slowly through the streets, his eyes taking in the houses and the shinobi which were jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

A smile plastered on the young boys face, his eyes twinkling merrily, his body language relaxed.

"drop it child" a voice came right behind him, swirling around in surprise he saw a shinobi with all the attire included, his headband was placed on his bicep, and his dark brown hair was falling on his back, his two brown eyes had none of the twinkle that defined those who talk to him.

"drop what?" he asked, uncertainty in his voice.

"stop playing stupid brat! Drop the stupid mask... We both now that is exactly what it is... Why the hell are you even pretending?!" the shinobis voice was cold and piercing like a knife.

"I-I... I" the boy statred "you knew?" he hissed, the merry twinkle vanishing from his eyes, as his smile was replaced by a snarl, his entire posture changed into a hostile posture.

"of course... We are shinobi boy! We are trained imy assassination and stealth" he chuckled mirthlessly "you are good... But not that good".

A chuckle escaped the boys mouth, as his body shook with laughter "so I was just playing dumb... Thinking my facade will fool you guys... Haha".

"well, what is the reason of this charade?" the man asked impatiently.

"oh dear me" the boy chuckled "isn't that obvious?" he asked and without waiting for an answer he continued " they will think I need a mental doctor... Obviously they will think I snapped under the strain of the abuse!" he snarled "I am so sick of it!" he cried.

"much better" the older shinobi smiled "it was annoying seeing you walk like that... But tell me boy... Now that you know that we are well aware of your condition... Why do you think exactly we did not do anything about it?" he asked smirking.

" " the boy stood silently, pondering the same thing.

" the answer is obvious, dummy "the annoying smirk appeared again" we are shinobi! Do you think we are normal? "he asked, as a chuckle escaped his lips" belive me, we need mental care much more than you ".

Suddenly without any warning he appeared in front of the boy and slapped him in the face" that's for thinking you are special... Don't think you are the only one who suffered in his life.. It's OK to be angry, hateful and other dark emotions "he said" but never think you are the only one who suffers " the brown haired said darkly his eyes narrowing" also... Remember it's OK to show those emotions near allies and friends.. No need to suffer alone, Hoga Kyouske by the way.. A Genjutsu user "he said asas he walked off.

"thank you" the man turned around to see the boy bowing "thank you for telling me the truth... I needed that Hoga sama " he said sincerely, and the older man couldn't find any trace of deception.

He just nodded "if you need help with Genjutsu... Just come and ask... Also if you need to talk".

Haruhiro held his hand to his aching cheek, but a real smile appeared on his mouth.. The words the shinobi told him, we are all crazy.. He chuckled.. And for the first time in his life he felt a sense of belonging.


Orochimaru hated to be disturbed in middle of his work.. He absolutely loathed to be distracted in the middle of an experiment.. And everyone knew that.. Or that what he thought, until somone-he had no idea who - softly knocked on the door.

At first he tried to ignore it.. But apparently whoever was knocking really didn't have a lot what to do, with a snarl the snake sanin left the dissected body on the table and moved towards the door opening it.. Ready to give to whoever was fullish enough to disturb him something to regret...

He hated those simpletons... Those uneducated baboons who couldn't appreciate science.

To his surprise, at the door standing was not who he expected... Instead of another shinobi standing there it was the young boy.. Haruhiro... He thought was his name, the boys face was serious... Not in a way that a child would have.. It was not a scowl.. Rather it looked more like a look that somone stern would have... An eyes of a veteran.. Or more precisely an experienced look of a tortured prissoner.

"what?" the sanin asked the boy, his serpentine looking eyes bore deep into the boys black once.

"I came... To ask a favor, Orochimaru sama" the boys voice wavering a bit under the older man's look.

The only response he got was the arching of a brow.

"well... I wanted to ask you if I can see what you are doing?" he asked hopefully.

The snake sannin couldn't help it, as he burst into a laughter "really boy?" he asked him "do you even know what I am doing? Did anyone tell you what is it that I usually work on?"

"well... No.. But they said some sort of experiments?" he asked "I just want to become a shinobi.. And I am looking for advice in general" he finished awkwardly.

A small sadistic smile appeared on Orochimarus face which sent shivers through the boy's spine "alright you can come in... But only if you will help me" he lughed again.

"deal" the boy said as he walked in.

The sannin showed him to to the table where a body was sprawled, already missing its hands and with an open belly.

He fully expected the boy to bolt out, scream or something, what he didn't expect however was the boy to blink and turning to him to ask " so what exactly are you experimenting with this corps" in an almost bored voice.

"ku ku ku" the shinobi giggled slightly "you aren't disgusted by the dead? Aren't calling me a madman?"

"why would I?" he asked confused "you are a shinobi... I am going to become one... We are all mental to some degree"

This response set the usually cynical shinobi into a real laughing feat "oh my" he lughed " that was not what I was expecting, now common we have a lot what to do".

For the next hour they dissected the body and the sanin explained the human body structure. It was only after the hour the boy realized he has no idea what exactly was the experiment, only that it had to do with chakra coils.

"Orochimaru sama" his bloodied hands were still holding the dissection knife "what exactly are you experimenting?".

"if you really want to know" the older man looked at him annoyed "I am trying to inject some sort of chakra poison to create somi... But the body always rejectes it... So either it doesn't work or the man dies horribly" he was clearly annoyed at his unsuccess "so I am trying to determine if there anything that can work on the coils".

"oh" the boys eyes lit up as a shining star "but Orochimaru sama... If the problem is chakra.. Does it has to be a lot of it?" he asked.

"hmm... Yess otherwise the body will definitely destroy it"

"so if you will put a smaller amount, it will theoretically be enough to create the effect if the body's defense will be distracted?" he asked again.

The sanin turned around abruptly "what do you have in mind?" he asked eagerly.. The boy was obviously on to something.

"well if you will inject let say a chemical into the body... Like some sort of drug to weaken the bodys resolve or a poison to send it fighting against.." he was unable to finish because the grin on the legends face stopped him, as the sanin continued himself" with less chakra it will be able to easily be missed as the body struggles.. That's brilliant "he said... His smile was genuine.

He turned to the boy" if that will work I'll give you a present... My diarys about the work of human body and brain... I heard you want to be a medic... It will be useful "he paused" now go wash yourself and return in several days... Oh and before you go let me give you a little advice "

The boys face lit up.

" power is not about being a juggernaut, the clever are those who survive child.. Never be discouraged from finding your own way... "his serpentine eyes glowed" even if it means you will have to do what I am doing here... Now go.. I have a lot of work "he said briskly, as he eagerly returned to his reaserch, as the boy walked out of the door.


" so... Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time right now Haruhiro... But I will tell you the most important thing you need to know about Fuinjutsu" the white haired shinobi spoke slowly, his fingers were interlocking, as he stood near the door.

Haru felt a bit disappointed by that but that merely meant he will have more time to talk Kyouske.

"so, there are two difficulties with seals... One is the calligraphy which must be performed perfectly...a mistake might very well be fatal.. I believe you won't have problems with that.. The second problem is to create a seal you should understand the effect you want... And I don't mean just what you want to happen but how exactly should it happen... For this reason you should research very well what you are going to effect.. "taking a small breath he continued his rushing monolog" for example if one want to seal a powerful creature into a human.. You will learn about those later on... The seal needs to be able to not only seal the power shut but also letting the power be used by the vessel ... On top of it, it should be without endangering the sanity of the bearer.. Do you understand? "he asked, suddenly not sure that the young boy understood.

The silver haired boy nodded slowly" I think so Jiraya sama.. But I will have to think about it "he said truthfully.

" good good, now I should really be going.. Bye "he said as he jumped from the window.

" bloody hell "was the only thing the boy could say.


" kyouske! "a voice on the border between cheerful and ecstatic came out just as Haru was about to approach the Genjutsu master, who he was observing doing a Genjutsu , to his surprise the man looked nearly identical to the Genjutsu user, the same brown hair and same eyes... He would have mistook him for Kyouske if not for his much shorter hair.

The man suddenly lunched upon the Hoga his hands outstretched, as he hugged his seemingly twin.

The other man caught him and returned the hug.. "Ishin!" his voice was full of surprise , "when did you get here? Any knews from the village?"

"yepp brother of mine" he sasaid smiling "the war goes well... As much as a war can go well, we striked some very painful points on Kumo.. And your activity here is a heavy blow to Iwa " his face suddenly became grave " but we have endured heavy losses, the genin team under Namikaze has suffered a heavy blow.. Obito is dead... Nohara Rin is dead too" his voice was full of sorrow.

The other man looked shocked "they died?... Such promising young genin I am telling you... And Hatake being the last... It's really a shame" his voice was broken and he was shaken.

Slowly Haruhiro pedaled back... Not wanting to be caught eavesdropping, when he felt a hand touching his back, rearing with surprise he nearly fell but was caught by Kyouske "hello Haru.. I see you met my brother... His name is Ishin and as you can see we are twins" it was said with a fond smile.

The other Hogo suddenly looked apprehensive "Kyouske.. What does a young boy doing here?" his voice had none of the humor from before, it was as if too look at a whole different person.

"it's a long story.. The short version he was a slave here" he turned to the boy with a slightly lifted brow "so?... What are you waiting for.. I am sure you came here with a reason.." he asked, even if it was obvious he knew what the boy is going to ask.

"I.. I wanted to know more about Genjutsu".

"thought so" the older shinobi replied.

"hey don't ignore me!" the other man complained.

"just ignore him... Come ill tell you the fundamentals of the art of illusion" he gently took the boy towards a soft green patch and set himself down "might as well be comfortable" he said with a smirk.

"so... How do you prefer? Want me to just tell you... Or do you perhaps want to ask questions?"

"I wouldn't know what to ask Hogo sama.. But I will ask if I won't understand something".

"alright.. Let's start" the older shinobi lyed back on the soft green grass "well.. The arts of the mind.. Are complicated.. It's not a regular illusion.. Unlike illusions which are just that illusions they don't touch any of the senses just projecting something to see ..the Genjutsu is working directly on your senses.. The arts of Genjutsu need a great deal of control.. As unlike all other shinobi techniques which uses the user's own chakra here you are taking control of your opponents energy through something like a tune or looking in his eyes to affect the senses.. But the strength lyes a great weakness "he looked deeply into the boys eyes" the weakness is the ways to break through the illusions.. Like to disrupt your chakra by yourself or by a friend who will send you some of his own chakra... The body will try to fight the chakra resulting in the breaking of the jutsu.. Sometimes it doesn't work though.. Depends usually on the Genjutsu type and level... Of course you can always hurt yourself... But it's only possible in case the Genjutsu did not separate your consciousness.. Well maybe the word occupying will be more correct "he smirked as the boy's eyes perked in interest" in that case... It's impossible to move your body... So your only chance will be to disrupt your chakra ".

The boys eyes were wide in interest" isn't.. Isn't there a way to negete those chances to break free? "his voice was almost pleading.

" hahaha... You're a heisty one.. Theoretically there is a way.. "he paused seeing a hope spark on the boys face, he smirked deeply" but it's impossible.. You see if you will put your own chakra into his body.. You should be able theoretically to make it permanent or something "the boys face fell" but if that so.. The body will automatically try to expel the foreign presence.. Effectively breaking the Genjutsu "his voice was full of disappointment

The older man smiled widely" indeed It's something that every Genjutsu user attempts to find a way.. To this day none succeeded.. If you will ever take this path you should try to find a solution... It's always good to have a lofty goal... "before he was able to continue, a small fire appeared on the top of the building, vanishing and appearing again, suddenly the two man tensed as they jumped up" Haruhiro "Kyouske turned to the silver haired boy" ran and hide somewhere.. We are under attack "he said frantically.

The boy nodded fast as fear gripped his heart... A battle.


Hiding within a small hut at the outskirts, the silver haired boy looked fearfully outside, his heart beating twice as fast.. He could feel his inside shadder as icy tendrils were moving up his throat.

The area was quite.. Not even the birds were making any noise, in the silence Haruhiro felt as if his heart beat could be heard in the entire compound.

And in the silence an explosion suddenly occurred, breaking the silence with a loud boom.

From his position at the window, the young boy saw a person flying towards the general area of the hut... Apparently thrown out by the explosion the man met the wall with a sickening crunch.

Harus eyes grew wide as he recognized the shinobi... The short brown hair... The tanned skin, and the now lifelles brown eyes told him exactly who was the dead, Ishin Hoga Kyouskes twin.

He felt a sickening feeling within him... As if his heart jumped into his throat, as as slight whimper came out of his mouth.

Suddenly, a man... Wearing the same attire as a konoha shinobi only in red and bezh came out of nowhere, his sharp ears catching the voice.

"come out come out whoever you are" the man taunted.. And suddenly looking to the spot where Haru was he smiled a truly sickening smile.

With horror in his eyes, he understood that the man found him.. Is he going to die?... Without having a chance to repay to konoha for their kindness?... Without doing anything noteworthy?..

In his desperation he started to utilize the hand signs for the Genjutsu he saw the other Hoga using... He knew it was futile... He knew he didn't activate his chakra yet... But desperation was a dangerous thing..and with the Iwa shinobi loosing his patience and moving towards him.. Yume Haruhiro felt desperate.

As he neard the last sign the Iwa shinobi finally could see his face... And upon seeing it imm burst into laughter "a brat! Hahaha... And he is doing hand signs... Oh what will you do to me little man... Shoot some water at me... Most likely just be saliva" he lughed from his own joke, when he suddenly froze in place, then he fell to the ground his screams echoed around as he rolled on the ground as if trying to extinguish a fire.

Haruhiro felt his body getting heavy... His eyes started to unfoucuse when he saw a kunai on the ground... The simple black metal knife probably fallen from the dead konoha nin, taking it up slowly he moved toward the still hallucinating shinobi and put the edge to his throat.. And with a swift motion.. Just like Orochimaru showed him while dissecting the body he cut the Iwa nins throat... After which he collapsed down... Bloodied kunai still in hand.

End of chapter 3