A/N: I desperately want these two to have a happy ending and this is what i came up with so, I hope you'll enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Princess Tutu and the image.

Ahiru hid her face behind her pillow, she can't look at Fakir! She just can't!

"What did you say Ahiru?" Fakir asked, shuffling papers on his desk, his back to her.

"I said I adore you..." Ahiru repeated, showing half of her face.

"Yeah." He replied, still not facing her.

Ahiru gritted her teeth and tried again, "I like you Fakir!" The former princess Tutu said to the knight. Doesn't he know that it's taking all of her courage just to say this? Really, what a jerk!


"I-I love you Fakir." Ahiru whispered and turn to the other side of the bed. She hugged her pillow tightly and bit her lower lip to keep herself from crying. She won't cry... She can't cry... She mustn't...

Then, a weight settled on her side. Fakir shifted her so he could rap his warm arms around her. "I love you too, Why did you think I married you Ahiru?" He whispered back and kisses her temple lovingly.

A/N: Yeah, I don't like it much. Please leave a review.