Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.
Warning: Lemon!

Ichigo Loves Chocolate

Karakura Town; Urahara Shop

Yoruichi yawned as she lay on a cushion. Boredom was her kryptonite and she was so bored. She had nothing to do and everyone was busy. Tessai was busy minding the candy shop, Kisuke was downstairs tinkering with the underground chamber and the two children were out, playing with Yuzu and Karin Kurosaki.

The black cat yawned again before pondering what to do for the fifth time in so many minutes. She'd pop over to the Soul Society to visit Soi-Fon but having Kisuke ready the Senkaimon was too much of a hassle. Orihime was out of town with her best friend, Tatsuki, to support her in a martial arts conversation. Chad was busy with his new job. And she knew Uryu didn't want to spend any quality time with the Soul Reaper.

She'd contemplated her last choice for a while before deciding to just do it for the sake of curbing her boredom. "I'll go bug Ichigo," she said. She hopped off the cushion and trotted towards the door, slipping past the cracked backdoor. She didn't bother telling the others where she was going. They knew how she liked to go roaming while they were busy.

It didn't take long before the Kurosaki house came into view. Yoruichi chuckled when she saw that Ichigo's window was open. 'When will he learn?' she thought, this not being the first time she's surprised him with a sudden visit. "I wonder what he's up to?" Still in her black cat form, Yoruichi hopped onto the top of a fence, moving closer to the window. Once she was close enough she leapt, jumping right into his room. "Ichigo? You in here?" she called out.

But when she got no reply or sudden cry of shock, she realized Ichigo was not home. She looked around and found the room empty. Even the Mod Soul Kon was gone, though she figured that was more because the perverted stuffed animal was out trying to perv on girls. "Looks like he's out. Darn it…" Yoruichi pouted, sitting on Ichigo's bed while looking around. She hopped off and walked over to the doorway, sticking her head out. "Hmm…looks like his sisters are still out. And Isshin must be busy with the clinic," she noted when she saw or heard no sign of activity throughout the house.

"Hmm…what to do…" she pondered, getting back onto Ichigo's bed. After a moment she had a naughty idea. "It's been a while since I teased him a little. Maybe I'll give him a little surprise when he returns…"

With a poof of smoke, Yoruichi returned to her human form. Her very naked human form. Sitting on Ichigo's bed in all her splendor, Yoruichi wondered how to surprise Ichigo. "I know!" she thought when she turned to look at Ichigo's closet. "When he returns, I'll jump out and surprise him." The purple-haired woman walked over to the closet and opened it. As she moved some stuff around to make it more comfortable, however, she saw that there was something conspicuously hidden by his spare futon. Lifting it up, Yoruichi raised an eyebrow when she saw what it was. "Oho? And what do we have here?"

Yoruichi's lips formed a wide smirk when she saw what Ichigo was hiding: a stack of porno mags. "Aha! I knew that boy wasn't such a prude!" she cheered, elated to see that the shy boy had a perverted side.

Walking back to the bed with her pilfered prize, Yoruichi sat down on the bed and flipped one open. "Ooooh! Ichigo, you dirty boy," she said as she saw one naked girl after the other. Some were striking erotic poses while others teased the viewer with toys. But after a moment, Yoruichi started to notice a certain pattern among the girls. She flipped it over to the cover and saw the title read Dark Girls.

She grabbed the other magazines and read the titles. As she scanned the titles her grin grew wider and wider.

Ebony Jugs.

Jungle Fever.

Black Booty.

"Oh my. Oh. My." Yoruichi checked some of the pages and, indeed, some of them were sticky. "Well, Ichigo. You have surprised me…" Yoruichi suddenly understood why Ichigo was so embarrassed when she flashed him. It wasn't just because she revealed herself to be a naked woman. It was because Ichigo had a fetish for dark-skinned women!

Her ears perked up when she heard the front door open and close. 'Judging by the footsteps, I'd say that's our strawberry.'

Looking back at the porn magazines, Yoruichi's dirty mind grew more devious. Suddenly she knew of something she could do to pass the afternoon…

Ichigo stepped into the room, sighing as he rubbed his sore neck. He went over to his desk and pulled out a new shirt. He felt exhausted. Once again, Ikumi had come out of nowhere and abducted him while he was hanging with Keigo, making him do his much-hated work. "Dammit, Ikumi. She could just call me if she needs me."

"Well maybe if you didn't shirk your work, she wouldn't need to kidnap you to make you do your job."

The boy whirled around and saw Yoruichi sitting on his bed, the woman back in her black cat form. "Yoruichi! Is that you?"

"No, it's your fairy godmother…" said the talking black cat.

Ichigo facepalmed. "Okay, I walked into that one. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how you were doing. I was bored so I decided to make myself comfortable."

"Oh, okay then. Do you want me to bring you some milk?" Ichigo asked as he sat down in a chair.

"Well, I would like to take you up on that offer. But while I waiting for you, I found something very interesting…"

Ichigo blinked. "Wait, what were you doing going through my closet?" he asked, realizing his closet was wide open.

"Oh nothing…" Yoruichi said, getting up and walking towards the pillow. "Just looking through your little stash of goodies." She grabbed the pillow with her teeth and pulled it away, revealing Ichigo's porn stash.

"YORUICHI!" Ichigo screamed in horror. "What are you doing with those?!" he demanded, his face turning as red as his namesake.

"My, oh my. Look at all this porn," Yoruichi teased. "Ichigo, I knew you always liked chocolate but this takes the cake." She sat back down and cocked her head. "Why so embarrassed, Ichigo? I always assumed it was natural for boys your age to like looking at porn?"

Taking deep breaths, Ichigo quickly closed his door and locked it, not wanting his sisters to come in and see him arguing with a cat that was sitting atop his hidden pile of porn magazines. "I just…" Ichigo looked away embarrassingly. "I didn't want the others to think of me like they do Keigo and Chizuru."

Yoruichi merely smiled. "Go on…" She pointed a paw at the first magazine she flipped through. "How come you have a thing for this? I'd have thought you'd be more of a big boobs kind of guy."

Ichigo sat back in his chair and became more uncomfortable. "Well…I guess it was kind of because of you?"

"Oh? Do tell…"

"After we came home, I…well…when I was alone…"

Yoruichi could start to see where this was going. "You decided you needed a stress relief and the first thing you thought of was me in the nude." The cat's grin grew wider. "That is precious!"

"Yoruichi!" Ichigo shouted in embarrassment.

"Please, Ichigo, I'm quite flattered. Continue."

"Afterwards…well, I kept thinking about you whenever I needed to jerk off. And then…well…I found one of those porn mags and realized what kind of woman I liked."

Yoruichi continued to smile. Her golden eyes carefully observed Ichigo. She'd always found Ichigo to be a handsome teenager and seeing him all sweaty, his face and his strong arms glistening with sweat. She could even see that his pants were a little on the tight side, her tail swishing when she saw the clothed bulge between his legs. 'Today just got a lot better…'

The cat got up off the pile of smut and stood at the end of the bed. "Well, Ichigo. I suppose I should take responsibility."

Ichigo blinked. "What?"

Another poof of smoke erupted in the room. Ichigo coughed and fanned the smoke out of his face. When he opened his eyes, his blush increased when he saw the naked Yoruichi sitting on his bed, a seductive smirk all over her face. "You like girls like me. You're…how should I put it…a chocolate lover." She got off the bed and stood up, smiling down at the stunned Ichigo. "So why don't I help you indulge in what you like?"

"Yoruichi, I-"

Grabbing his hand, Yoruichi yanked Ichigo out of his chair and onto his feet. His heart almost stopped when she took his hand and brought it to her breast. "Yoruichi…I don't-"

"Don't you find me attractive?" Yoruichi teased, her smile widening as his hand instinctively squeezed her tit. "You did say you fapped while thinking about me." She caressed his cheek with her free hand and smiled tenderly. "Why not learn to enjoy what you like?"

Ichigo's heart felt like a boombox set to maximum volume. His hand squeezed Yoruichi's breast, secretly enjoying how firm it was. Staring into her seductive eyes, Ichigo realized that the woman was right. He was attracted to her. Why shouldn't he give in when she was so very willing? The tension in his pants told him that this wasn't a question he should be having.


Pleased to see Ichigo coming around, Yoruichi grinned from ear to ear. "Then let's have some fun." Cupping Ichigo's face, Yoruichi planted her lips on his, giving him his first kiss.

The softness of Yoruichi's lips enchanted Ichigo, who melted into the kiss. He let go of her breast and let his hands go to her sides, his fingers touching her soft skin. When Yoruichi's lips retreated, Ichigo's went in for round two. Yoruichi ran a hand through his hair as she deepened the kiss.

"Mmmmmh!" the two moaned as they made out right there in the bedroom. Ichigo's hands traveled up her sides and back. Yoruichi's hands ran through his hair, making him moan deeper into her lips as her fingernails massaged his scalp.

Pulling away from the kiss, much to Ichigo's disappointment, the naked woman removed Ichigo's shirt, tugging it over his head. She licked her lips when she saw Ichigo's muscular chest, her hands reaching down to give his abs a close inspection. "Damn…" she purred, "you've gotten sexier since I last saw you with your clothes off."

Turned on by Yoruichi's words, Ichigo kissed her again, pulling her close. He reached for her ponytail and undid the tie to let her purple hair down. Deepening the kiss Ichigo ran his hands through her silky locks, feeling her large bust push into his chest. Slipping his tongue into her mouth, Ichigo felt his blood rush south as he gave into temptation.

Yoruichi was taken by surprise when Ichigo pulled away, mentally whining at not being able to suck on his tongue anymore. She saw Ichigo fiddling with his pants nervously and merely smiled. "Go ahead, Ichigo," she told him. "Take them off."

Nodding, Ichigo removed his pants and underwear, showing the woman the goods. Yoruichi's eyes lit up like she'd struck gold when she saw Ichigo's throbbing erection. 'Goodness, he's big…' she thought as she took in the sight of Ichigo's nine inch member.

"Yoruichi…" Ichigo spoke, feeling awkward from what he wanted. "Could you…sit on the bed for me?"

Curious for what Ichigo had in mind, Yoruichi smiled and nodded. "Of course." She sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned back, spreading her legs to entice the teen. " Go ahead, Ichigo. Do whatever you want," she purred seductively.

Ichigo stared at the Yoruichi's beautiful body, eating up the sight of her erotic beauty. The woman looked like she'd been sculpted to perfection. Her golden eyes and lavender hair heavily contrasted her dark skin, her body at peak fitness thanks to her years and years of training. Yoruichi's smile widened when she saw his eyes linger on her large breasts, her size matching if not surpassing Orihime's.

The heart in Ichigo's chest beat ever faster as he got down on his knees and crawled over to the Flash Goddess. His hands reached for Yoruichi's smooth, toned legs, gently lifting one up and bringing his lips to her ankle, kissing his way up her leg. Yoruichi giggled from Ichigo's actions, finding it cute. Ichigo continued to worship her body like an acolyte worshiping his goddess, enjoying every inch of her. A moan came from Yoruichi's lips as Ichigo licked up her thigh, tasting her sweet skin before turning to her other leg to give it the same treatment. His hands reached around her to grab at her ass, finding her bottom to be soft and plump, having been too busy training to realize what an ass she had.

"Ichigo," Yoruichi breathed, running a hand tenderly through his hair as his face neared her honeypot closer and closer, her body heating up in anticipation.

His face nearing her pussy, Ichigo looked up at Yoruichi, as if asking for permission before he took the next step. "Go ahead, Ichigo," Yoruichi said, caressing his cheek with her soft hand. "Like I said, do whatever you want."

Spying her dripping folds, Ichigo leaned forward and licked her pussy, tasting her womanhood. Yoruichi gave a tiny gasp from feeling Ichigo's hot breath touch her special spot, her hands going to his head as he tentatively licked her pussy, tilting her head back.

Ichigo was nervous, having never given a woman oral before. But he quickly found his stride as his tongue tasted her pussy, finding her juices to be surprisingly good. He reached up and pressed a finger against her entrance. 'So warm and soft…' he mused. He'd fantasized what it'd be like to be with Yoruichi and other women before but never imagined what it'd actually feel like.

Yoruichi inhaled sharply as Ichigo pushed his finger into her honeypot. She put a finger to her mouth and lightly bit down on it while her new lover explored her womanhood. Yoruichi understood that this was Ichigo's first time with a woman and she wanted him to take his time letting out all of the dirty ideas and thoughts he'd kept locked away in that head of his. True, she was a little impatient to get to the good stuff but she knew that within Ichigo was a lover waiting to come out.

Becoming addicted to Yoruichi's taste, Ichigo increased the tempo of his fingering and licking. Yoruichi laid back onto the bed while Ichigo continued to eat her out, her legs dangling off his shoulders while she continued to press his face into her cunt. Soft sighs came out of Yoruichi's luscious lips, the tension inside her building like a fiery cauldron growing. "Ahhhh…so good…" she slurred, lifting her legs up into the air. Ichigo slid another finger inside her, enjoying how her honeypot squeezed around his digits. He saw her clit hardened and started to lick the sensitive bundle of nerves. Arching her back, Yoruichi gave a sharp cry as she danced on the edge of ecstasy. "Don't stop! Keep going!" she pleaded, her toes curling. Her grip on his head tightened and she threw her head back. "I'm…gonna…gonna…" her eyes squeezed shut as she finally lost control. "I'm cumming!"

Ichigo sat in lustful awe as Yoruichi orgasmed. His hand became soaked from her squirting juices, Yoruichi arching so much most of her body was off the bed. He brought his wet hand to his face and gave it a lick, once again liking her taste.

Yoruichi lay on the bed with a wide smile. It'd been a while since she orgasmed that hard. 'Just like I thought,' she said to herself. 'He's a natural. Damn, this boy's got a lot of skill.'

When her head touched a pillow Yoruichi realized that Ichigo had gently lifted her up and repositioned her fully on the bed, lying on top of her. The dark-skinned woman pulled him into a deep kiss, loving how her taste lingered on his lips. Her hands ran up and down his back, gently dragging her nails across his tanned skin. Ichigo moaned into the kiss while his hands cupped her breasts, enjoying their soft but firm feel in his hands.

When their lips parted Ichigo sat up and settled in between Yoruichi's legs, his cock aimed at her womanhood. "I'm putting it in," Ichigo told her, his arousal giving him the self-confidence he needed.

"Yes," Yoruichi purred. She couldn't remember the last time she was so turned on. "Stick it in me." She reached down and spread her wet lips. "Fuck me, Ichigo. Make me yours."

'So hot!' was the first thought that went through Ichigo's mind as he pushed into her pussy, giving Yoruichi his virginity. 'It's so hot and tight!' He couldn't help but moan at the seductive feeling of her tight walls wrapping around his manhood. Yoruichi dug her nails into the sheets as Ichigo filled her cunt, feeling her pussy stretch around his thick girth. She took deep breaths as Ichigo bottomed out, her legs instinctively wrapping around him to keep him inside her. She took hold of his hands and guided them back to her breasts. "How is it?" she asked, panting as Ichigo began to move, feeling his cock shift inside her. "How does your first taste of a woman feel?"

"It's good!" Ichigo panted as he moved in and out. "You feel amazing!" He couldn't believe sex could feel this good! Now he felt a little embarrassed for being ashamed for his fetish. "Yoruichi!" He let go of her breasts and leaned forward, laying on top of her as his hips moved in and out of Yoruichi.

Soon pants and moans were all Yoruichi could manage once Ichigo found his stride. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she clung to him, her tits pushed up into his hard chest as he mashed her pussy. The bed shook violently when Ichigo lost control of his hips, banging against the wall. "Ah! Ahhhh!" Yoruichi moaned, her heels digging into Ichigo's back. Both could feel heat burn in their chest as Yoruichi's hard nipples rubbed against Ichigo's chest, making them want each other more.

"Yoruichi!" Ichigo moaned, sweat beading down his body. He was bereft of all cares. He could care less if his dad or sisters accidentally walked in on them and he didn't care if Keigo and Tatsuki gave him crap for finding out about his fetish. Right now all he wanted to do was fuck Yoruichi, to explore his sexual needs now that they'd become unglued and fulfill all of his desires.

Moaning his name lewdly, Yoruichi pulled him into another bruising kiss, their tongues tangling together with as much fervor as their lower halves. Spurred on by her nails and heels digging into him, Ichigo quickened his pace. Yoruichi used her experienced walls to squeeze down around Ichigo's thick shaft, gasping as Ichigo hit her cervix. Though some women would find it painful, Yoruichi felt nothing but pure pleasure, feeling her lower half melt. "Ahhhhh! Ichigooooo!" she moaned, holding onto Ichigo like a life preserver.

His cock finding itself right at home inside Yoruichi's snatch, Ichigo could feel the ecstasy driving him reach its crescendo. "Yoruichi!" he panted. Though their lips weren't connected, their tongues continued come out and lick each other. When Yoruichi let go of Ichigo's shoulders and threw her arms over her head, Ichigo reached for her hands and slipped his into hers, their fingers threading. "I'm gonna blow!"

Yoruichi merely smiled. She was on the edge herself and couldn't take much more. "Cum with me, Ichigo," she said, a lewd expression on her face. "I want you to cum inside me!" She threw her head back as Ichigo hit her womb again, letting Ichigo attack her sweaty neck with his tongue. "Oh god!" she groaned as that familiar tidal wave began to sweep her away. "Cumming! Cumminggggg!" she cried out, her pussy tightening around Ichigo, refusing to let him go.

Ichigo gasped as Yoruichi's cunt gripped him, his balls soaked from her juices. The feeling of the woman having a huge orgasm around him coupled with the woman's beautiful face in utter rapture was enough to send Ichigo over the edge with her. Crashing his lips into hers in one final kiss, Ichigo shoved his cock as deep as he could before releasing. Yoruichi melted into Ichigo's lips as he came inside her, filling her womb with his hot spunk.

The sweaty lovers continued to lay on the bed, their limbs tangled up in each other and glued at the mouth. When air finally became a growing necessity they finally parted and Ichigo pulled out of her, white liquid leaking from her cunt. "Yoruichi…" he panted, realizing what he'd just done in the heat of the moment. "I'm…I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

Yoruichi interrupted him with her laughter, finding it cute to see Ichigo so concerned. "Don't worry, Ichigo. I'm on the pill. No baby-making today."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Ichigo laid down next to her and the two cuddled. Yoruichi laid her head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around her. "Thanks, Yoruichi…" he said, running a hand down her sweaty back.

Smiling, Yoruichi nuzzled his neck. "Anytime, Ichigo. You shouldn't be ashamed for what you like. If you'd like…" she took his hand and guided it back to her breast, "we could be…friends with benefits whenever you get the urge to indulge."

Ichigo grinned. "I'd like that."

"Great. Now then…" Yoruichi sat up and got on her hands and knees, wiggling her sexy rump in front of Ichigo. "Why don't we continue with the benefits?"

To be continued