Chapter 26

Kagome ran as fast as she could, but being careful due to her early pregnancy, she's not showing any signs of the bump. She rushes into the castle. "Sota!" She shouts from the top of her lungs. Inuyasha runs when he hear, "Kagome, what's wrong? Did something happened?" He asks her one question after another. Kagome pants a few seconds. "I'm fine, I just need to find Sota. Have you seen him?" Kagome grabs his shoulder to stand. I think he's in the gardens." Inuyasha sniffs around them, picking up on his scent. "Most definitely." She agrees as they head towards the gardens.

In the rose bushes, Sota can't put his hand on it, it somehow calmed him down. 'Being a king can be so hard for me.' He thought to himself as he walks along the gardens' many path. "Sota!" Kagome's voice calls out for him. Sota turns around to see her and Inuyasha coming up to him. "What is it, Kagome?" He asks her casually. "You have to come with me." Kagome takes his hand quickly, which kind of makes Inuyasha a little jealous but knows better that this is something with the siblings alone. "Going where?" Sota asks as he walks along with her. "Long story. Mom is there waiting for us as we speak." Sota tilts his head. "Mom is 'there' isn't she?" He kind figured it out. All Kagome does is nod as an answer. "I see. I know where it is." That's all Sota said before he runs off. Kagome just stood there. "Aren't you going after him?" Inuyasha asks her from behind. Kagome relaxes. "I know I have to do what my dad told me, but seeing Sota knowing what's going to happen, I felt like I had to give him some privacy for where's he going." She explains the scenario of the situation. Inuyasha couldn't argue with her. And so they went back into the castle.

Sota runs as fast as he could to get to the place he's most certain where his mother would be. After seeing the willow tree branches are hanging, he just knew he's there. As he stops he pants as he holds his hands onto his knees. 'I guess being in High School wasn't so bad after all.' He thought sarcastically. He takes a deep breath as he moves the willow branches to the side to let himself him. When he got inside he finds himself in the meadow. From the beautiful flowers to the few small waterfalls in the back, Sota sees his mom close in the back, but she's with someone. "Mom." Sota speaks gently as he walks up to her. "Oh Sota. I'm glad that you're okay." Ai hugs him. "Uh mom, who's that?" Sota asks as he looks at the man who is almost identical to him. "Sota, this is your father Hige." Ai pats him close enough. Sota can tell immediately that Hige is just a spirit. "Father…" Sota smiles up to him. Hige shows the same expression as he embraces his son.

When Hige embraced him, he felt that he wasn't gone at all, feeling such a bond that was indescribable. Ai just smiles at the two. Hige opens his eyes to silently tell her that he's got this. Ai agrees with him without saying anything and leaves the two alone. When she left, Hige and Sota take a seat on a rock, fitting them both. "So is there something you want to talk about?" Sota asks him first. Hige nod, "Yeah. First thing I'm sorry I have to send you to that high school. I couldn't risk you finding out about your sister's secret." Sota knew that already but he wanted to hear from his father's perception. "And for that 'no one is to know about another's status of life.' That was my idea as well. I just couldn't bear it to see if something was to slip and have enemies and allies to get the better of you." Hige looks down to his shaking hands. Sota catches the scene and places his own onto his father's hands like he's flesh and blood. "You were just doing the right thing for my sake. I had nothing against you at all. I just wanted to know more about my family, but that cannot be done due to what happened back there." He assures him, like a mother to a child.

When Ai returned to the castle, she first sees Kagome and Inuyasha talking among themselves. "Oh mom. I was worried about you." Kagome tells her first. Ai just smiles. "There's nothing for you to worry about. You should know by now that an amazing event is happening as we speak." She assures her daughter. "You mean…" Ai halts her before Kagome could continue on. "As I said, an amazing event is happening." She repeats herself hoping that Kagome understands what she's saying. Kagome can tell that she's happy about it. As such she smiles too, 'It's about time those two reminisce.' She thinks to herself.

Sota and Hige continue on what they went through over the years without each other for so long. "So that's why Kagome was cursed and not you." Hige speaks in relief. "You should be thankful that it didn't came down to you." Sota nods. "Yeah. I had no idea throughout this time, I have a sister. I was hoping it'd be the other way around though." Sota admits to his father. Hige tilts his head. "And why is that, my son?" He curiously asks. Sota takes a deep. "I thought that I'd be the older one, looking after her while you guys would leave. But I guess that wasn't meant to be." He looks down. Hige didn't see that coming. "I was hoping that happened but we cannot decide the fate of our children's gender when they're born." He wisely tells him gently as he places his hand onto Sota's shoulder.

As time went by, the sun begins to set. Hige smiles sadly. "It appears that I have to return to the afterlife." He stands up. Sota frowns at him. "Will I see you again, father?" Sota hopefully asks him. Hige smiles. "I can only come here when the moon is full. And since it's a first quarter of the moon, you have to wait till then." Hige instructs his son before disappearing in front of Sota. Knowing that there's nothing else to do here, Sota grabs a cloak to cover himself so that the villagers wouldn't recognize him while he's walking through town.

When Sota arrives back at the castle, he enters the front doors to hear commotion from the other side of the castle. From the sounds of it, it's coming from the dining room. He opens the door quickly to find that his family is about to start dinner. "Oh Sota. You came in just in time." Ai smiles as she sets down the last dish of dinner. Sota looks around the table to see his mother made his favorite dishes of roast beef, mashed potatoes and corn. "Mom, did you make all of this?" He asks as he takes all of this in. "It was your sister's idea to make your favorites." Ai answers him as she gestures to Kagome. Sota smiles, "Thanks Kagome. But how was it that you know about my favorite meals?" Sota asks as he takes a seat. Kagome smiles, "I was walking around the castle until I found your bedroom with your journal and to find one of the pages talking about your favorites. I'm sorry for snooping. I just thought that your first night as king that mom would make it for you." She explains to him.

From what she said to him, Sota didn't seem to mind Kagome reading his journal. Sota can see that Inuyasha is fidgeting to eat. "Let us begin." Sota announces them as they begin to eat. After biting each of his favorites, Sota couldn't help but smile in delight. "Thank you, mom. You have no idea how much I miss having this." Ai smiles proudly. "My pleasure, Sota. And welcome home. Here's to Sota's first night as King." Ai raised her wine glass. Kagome, Inuyasha and Sota raised theirs as well. "Cheers." Sota shouts in joy.

Later that night, Kagome is in her bedroom gathering her belongings. "What are you doing, Kagome?" Sota asks her as he enters the room. Kagome turns to him. "Nothing much. Just packing my stuff." She answers as she organizes her clothes. "You're leaving?" He asks her disappointedly. Kagome nods, "Yes. You see Sota, I used to live here, don't get me wrong. But I'm married and I'm pregnant as we speak, and so I have to live with Inuyasha." She explains to him. Sota nods to let her know he gets it. "But don't worry, I'll stop by every month so you can meet your niece or nephew." Kagome hugs him. Sota hugs back. Inuyasha comes in. "You ready to go, Kagome?" He asks as he closes the last suitcase. "Yeah." Kagome responds. Inuyasha takes the suitcase and puts it onto their carriage. "Kagome…" Ai comes up to her. "Don't go, sweetheart." She embraces her daughter. Kagome hugs back. "Mom, we all know this is the time I have to leave the nest." She gently lectures her. Ai nods. "I know. Even leaving the rest is just hard to me to deal." Inuyasha couldn't help but see such a sight. "We'll come and visit. Don't worry. She's in good hands." He offers his hand to Sota, which he gladly accepts and shakes his hand.

When Inuyasha helps Kagome get into the carriage, Inuyasha winks at the King. "You should come visit us when the baby is born." He advises Sota. "Will do." Sota agrees. Inuyasha gets in and closes the door behind him. The driver flicks the reigns to let the horses walk off. "Until we meet again." Sota whispers in the far distance.

A few months later, A scream is heard from Inuyasha's home. For such a thing, Inuyasha is demanded to remain outside of the room where Kagome is giving birth. Sango is helping her as Nurse Kaede is preparing to make it easier for her. "Just one more push, Kagome." Kagome takes a deep breath and screams from the top of her lungs.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha is walking back and forth outside of the room. "Honestly, how long is this going to take?" He asks irritated to Miroku who tries to calm him down. "Trust me, Inuyasha. I was in the same scenario as you were when Sango was in labor. All I had to do was to remain calm for Sango's sake. You should do the same." He tries to give his advice. "Says you. I have to stay out here, while she's in pain. I just can't stand it." He clutches his fists. That is until a baby's scream is heard. Inuyasha is about to go into the room, until it opens in front of you. "Oh no you don't. You are to stay put, until I give you permission to come in." Kaede warns him before closes the door in his face. Inuyasha could only growl at it. "See what I mean. This is the only time she's getting pregnant." He declares. Miroku shakes his head, knowing he doesn't really mean it.

All of a sudden the door opens to reveal Sango. "Inuyasha. You have a son." She tells him. Inuyasha smiles as he enters carefully so not to frighten the baby in Kagome's arms. He sits right by her side. Kagome looks up to his as she lies on his shoulder. Inuyasha wraps his arm around her. She unbundles the baby to see he has silver hair like his father. But the ears are black like Kagome's. When he opens his eyes they are soft chocolate brown like Kagome's set. But his facial is Inuyasha's. "What are we going to name him?" Kagome asks him. Inuyasha is thinking hard on this one. "Makoto." He speaks to his son. Kagome nods in agreement. "Makoto. Welcome to the family." She kisses his tiny forehead. Miroku and Sango smiles at the scene. "Do you think that Kimiko will be okay with the newest addition in the family?" Miroku asks her. Sango chuckles, "I know for sure they'll get along just fine." She replies back to him carefully. "Right now it's time to leave them alone." Kaede tells them as they all leave the house. Inuyasha smiles as he can tell that their friends left the building. "Finally, we are alone. You, Me and Makoto." He kisses Kagome head, "True." She nods as He picks up the infant and places him gently into their new crib that she got from Kagome's baby shower. "And right now, we sleep. I know for sure that you need a lot of rest after giving birth." Inuyasha picks her up and carries her o their bedroom. All Kagome does is fall asleep.

Inuyasha couldn't be any happier. After placing his wife onto the bed, he looks out the window to see the Moon shining down on him. 'Thank you for giving me this blessing. I don't know what I'd do without you, father.' He thinks up to the moon. But it wasn't his own father that he was praying to. It was Kagome's father that he was thankful for. 'You're welcome, my son.' Hige's voice replies back to him. But not just his. It was also Inuyasha's own father. "And someday we will meet again." He speaks this time. He turns around and goes to sleep with his wife. "Indeed we will." His father confirms it.


A/N I hope you enjoyed this story. I'll be writing a new story in the near future. Either it's a new one, or a sequel to this one. Only time will tell.