Charle looked at her brother fearfully, "Are you certain this will work?"
"Of course it will." Melbu replied showing every bit of the hubris he was known for.
"And even if it wouldn't, we passed the point of no return long ago." Faust interjected into the siblings argument. Of course he would advocate this plan. He was the most powerful of the young winglies, but it never seemed enough to him. Charle had admired that fire in her foolish childhood but now it frightened her. Almost as much as her brother frightened her now.
"If we fail this egg will hatch. And all the world will perish." Charle didn't mean to sound so frightened. But she was frightened.
Melbu was quick to reply "If we did nothing it would hatch and kill us all the same. We can stop it." He spoke to her but his eyes remained fixed on the egg. The 108th fruit born of the Divine Tree. "We will stop this so-called God of Destruction."
Charle opened her mouth to argue, but couldn't find the words. It was their only option at this point. They had come too far to find another way.
Faust interrupted her uncertain thoughts, "We need to begin. We can't afford any more delays."
And so they set about their work. Charle, Melbu, Faust, and 97 other winglies who had agreed to their plan drawing on the power of a hundred dragons they had lulled into a magical sleep. They had already set the paths for the magic to travel through. Now they just needed to channel all that they could. And pray it worked. Charle wished she was as sure as her brother and Faust were. This HAD to work.
The three winglies who had formed this plan began walking slowing around the colossal final fruit of the Divine Tree, ensuring all the other winglies' magic traveled as it was meant to. Ensuring their plan didn't back fire and condemn them all to an unimaginable hell.
They couldn't see the magic. No one could see magic. But they could feel it, whether it came from them or not. And so they felt the magic traveling the predetermined routes around and through the fruit. And soon found the moment they had prepared for, but dreaded absolutely. The moment the creature began to resist.
Charle was so shocked she almost stumbled. They had prepared for the eventuality but for it to actually happen was unthinkable. For an unborn creature to resist magical influence was impossible. And yet their magic was running into something. She began to worry that perhaps this was the will of Soa and by going against him they had picked a fight they could not win.
But soon whatever had resisted was subverted and washed away entirely. Charle released a long breath she had not realized she had been holding. But soon enough she was on edge again. For the only thing she had feared nearly as much as their failure was happening. They were succeeding. The air around her became thick as if it were becoming jelly, and there was a lack of sound so profound the weight of it seemed more deafening than the roar of a dozen grieving dragons.
Suddenly the thickness took on a bright white light, so that Charle could see nothing but the white, and it obliterated her companions, their surroundings and the fruit itself. But slowly it began to recede, revealing all that it had concealed, until all that was left was a glowing sphere, the Crystal Sphere they had created to house this creature's soul.
Charle saw that Melbu and Faust both let their eyes linger on the Sphere for an exaggerated moment, even as they continued weaving the magic. Their job was not yet done, but she could see they both hungered for the power in that sphere.
Charle tried to put her doubts aside and focus on the task at hand. But, sadly, this was only a temporary solution for soon enough the 108th fruit of the Divine Tree, the body of the God of destruction began to glow, and then float upwards, further and further into the sky, though it's massive bulk never seemed to dwindle. And there it hung, far away from its captive soul, but still looking bigger than the moon by far, for all to see. A monument to the winglies greatest achievement. They had defeated the God of Destruction, who was meant to purge the world so it could begin anew, before he had even been born.
Charle marveled at their accomplishment, and could see in her periphery the other winglies likewise staring awestruck. She looked around and just then understood how few of them had truly believed this plan-this insane plan-would actually work. There was such relief.
Charle felt that relief until she turned around and it became dread. Melbu had already formed a magical link between himself and the sphere; he was now able to draw magical power from the soul of the God of Destruction itself. And close by Faust stared at Melbu, his face a stoic carving, while inside he surely seethed. Until just a few moments ago Faust was the most powerful wingly there had ever been. And now Melbu could crush him, Charle, and every other living thing if he desired to.
It was then that Charle realized that everyone else was staring at her brother as well. Some fearfully and some with merely a questioning gaze.
Then Melbu spoke addressing everyone gathered there, his voice so loud it had obviously been enhanced magically. "This is proof. WE were meant to be the gods of this world. No other race could have done this. No other race is powerful enough or smart enough to begin to accomplish this. We were destined to rule. And now we will."
Now the other winglies were smiling and nodding their heads in agreement. And Charle felt an overwhelming sense of trepidation.