Light's mother quickly took her son in her arms, accusingly glaring at Whammy. His father, a stoic calm man, came and stood beside her wife.

"I'm truly sorry ma'am. Normally he is not like this. Instead he has never been violent, I don't know what got into him this time." Whammy gave a confused look at L.

"Well seems like children have to be taught some manners at least." The lady, not at all happy with a bright red blotch on her son's pretty face, stomped away.

Though, L could understand her act was based on her motherly feelings and instinct but he didn't like the fact that she insulted Whammy and because of him, that is.

Her husband gave an apologetic smile, sorry for his wife's lash out. "Well kids are... kids." He remarked trying to remove awkwardness.

"He really never has done this."

L decided it's time for him to come into action.

He tugged on Whammy's pant and asked to be lifted up. His guardian was surprised at the request however complied with it. After being lifted up, L just like a well mannered and obedient child, extended his hands toward Light's father, noticing from the corner of his eyes as Whammy's eyes widened.

"I'm L." He said as politely as he could but still it came out as monotone drawl. "Nice to meet you."

Light's father gave a gentle smile. "Hi L, how are you?"

"I'm fine." After giving a pause as if he was reluctant to say it. "But..." He pushed his lip forward in a pout, looking towards the direction where Light was, "your son took away my chocolate!"

Mans smile dropped as he turned towards his son, who was holding a chocolate bar in his hand. His brows narrowed in a frown, the same expression he has seen on Light. " I'm sorry if that's the case, L." he called out loud. "Light, Come here!"

Light who was nuzzling his head in his mother neck, looked at his father in apprehension, as he slowly treaded towards him.

"Yes dad?" He asked in a soft voice.

His father picked him up in his arm to bring both kids as same level.

Light glared at the onyx haired boy knowing he must be the reason his father frown.

"Where you got this chocolate from?"

"From...?" He thought for a moment, confused at the sudden, unexpected question. He turned around so he could point at the couple but noticed that they have already left the park.

His father's frown deepened. "Light!" he said in an admonishing tone. "Why did you take L's chocolate?"

"Wha-" he said in confusion before getting the hang of situation and quickly glaring daggers at that lie spewing devil who had accused him of stealing chocolate when he was nice enough to share it with him.

"Return him his chocolate!" he said in a soft but a reprimanding tone.

"But dad!" Light whined. Light Yagami whined! "It's mine. I got it from the couple there."

But his father wasn't convinced as he was aware of his son's intelligence. Instead, he shrugged off Light's explanation, thinking it to be one of his fabricated lies.


The said boy scrowled at his father, frustrated.

"Come on!" His father nudged him further.

Light huffed, knowing it was a lost battle and extended the chocolate without looking at L, which the raven haired boy gladly accepted.

Continuing to be a well mannered kid (read it as a devil spawn). He broke the chocolate in two and extended towards Light and said in a sweet way, "Caring is sharing!" his lips twisting into a grin which earned a sharp glare from the brunette.

"Come on Light, take it!" His father said smiling fondly at L's manners.

"No!" he said, still glaring at that conniving devil. His young, five year old ego was hurt. Not just that, he had been betrayed by his own father.

"Don't be rude Light." Soichiro said lowly in his ear, almost pleading.

He took the chocolate begrudgingly trying not to look at other's smug face. But curiosity held better of him as he took a look at frog like creature.

When their eyes met that black haired, gargoyle like kid had an audacity to give a victorious grin and that was enough to make him snap.

Without caring about other two elders he threw the chocolate at L's face, blood pulsing through his veins.

"Light!" A loud voice of his father drew him out of stupor of anger.

"Mr. You are grounded for a week!" Soichoro's face became even more stoic in anger. "I'm sorry sir for my son's behaviour, we will take our leave now. I'm again sorry for everything."

", no. It's okay. Kids are kids anyways." He gave him a reassuring smile.

Light's father bowed down and took away an angry brunette away with him.

"Seems like it's time to take our leave as well. Where are Beyond and Avery?" Whammy asked.

"Will you please put me down?" This act was enough for now and he was already feeling claustrophobic in Whammy's embrace.

His guardian complied, knowing how much discomfort a touch cause his prodigy. He was beyond surprised when he had asked to lift him up. There must be something going on. He was no idiot (after all he was a scientist)and moreover he had instinct of a father.

"I had banned the chocolate for a week?"

L grip tightened on the chocolate bar. "Yes you did."

And then Whammy noticed something. Yes he was not an idiot.

"And when did you get the time to buy chocolate from Japan?"

L being a genius child deduced easily that how he got to know about the fact that the chocolate was from Japan instead of England. The wrapper was indicative of the fact having Japanese inscription on it.

They have landed in the morning only, in Whammy's personal jet, not stopping anywhere but the park as their car decided to break down in front of it. So there was no way he could have buy it.

Knowing that he has been caught, he gave a small smile to his guardian.

Whammy eyes widen a bit in shock at the confession and a chuckle threatened to slip from his lips but he repressed the urge, clearly amused at his prodigy's acting skills.

"Mr. You are also grounded for a week." He tried to sound serious but was unable to keep affection away from his voice.

"Okay." L replied with a smile, nibbling on that sweet, sweet chocolate.