Author Note: Thank you all for the reviews on the first chapter. The past two weeks have been super busy and I had a nasty cold on top of that.

Chapter 2

"okay, I will see what I can do about it." Kurt said to his wife. He wasn't sure about this. He knew that something was off on his wife but he could not put his finger on. He decided that he was going to have a meeting with his mother-in-law himself before Jane did.

Kurt walked out of the room that Jane was in and next door to Patterson.

"Something is off with her, Kurt. I can't put my finger on it but that is not Jane." Patterson revealed to him. "What if it's Remi?"

"It is probuarly Remi but we will find out out sooner or later. We need to talk to Shepard and get my wife back before it's too late." Kurt responded to his friend.

Remi paced the room and knew that her husband would catch on sooner or later. She needed to figure out what to do sooner or later because they wanted to get to the buttom of it.

Later that week, Kurt sat in the room with his mother-in-law to find out what is going on with Jane.

"So what brings you by?" Shepard asked her son-in-law.

"Something is off with my wife and I need to get to the buttom of it before it cost me my wife. You will help me with saving my wife." Kurt responded to her.

"Why do I need to help you with it?" Shepard asked him.

"Because she is your child and you need to do something right by her. You have hurt her so bad that you need to make it up to her." Kurt responded to her.

"What do you need?" Shepard asked him.

"Tell me everything that you know if you can get your memory back? Also where is the memory cards that your son left for us to find to save her?" Kurt responded to him

"What do you mean memory cards to save Jane? What is wrong with her?" Shepard asked him.

"Jane is sick and I need to find those cards to save her and not to mention that I think she finally got her memory back because of what happen. She did not remember that you were in jail and where we have you stationed at." Kurt revealed to her.

"Well, I will try to help you save my daughter but there will be a price to pay." Shepard reveald to him.

"What price?" Kurt responded to her.

"You will have to wait and find out." She said to him.

"No I am not going to play any of these games. She is your daughter and you should want to help her instead of risking her life." Kurt responded to his mother-in-law.

Neither of them knew that Remi was there and listening to their conversation. She could not believe that her mother was that selfish to play with her life like the way that she was doing. It was wrong for her to be used that way. She really admired her husband for wanting to protect her like he was. She ended up walking into the room.

"Hello Remi." Shepard said to her daughter. She knew that her daughter had her memory back. "Kurt, Can I have a moment with my daughter?"

"Sure, I will be right outside." Kurt said to his wife before leaving the room.

Kurt could not believe that his wife remember who she was and was playing him the entire time. He felt like a fool. He saw that Patterson walked into the room.

"Hey what is going on?" Patterson asked her friend. She could see that he was hurting.

"Shepard just revealed that Jane remembers everything by the way Jane was standing. I knew that something was off." Kurt said to her.

"You can't beat yourself up. You can get her back. You just need to have faith. You and Jane have been through so much that you can't give up on her now." Patterson said to her friend. She turned and looked into the room. "how did Jane get here?"

"She must have followed me out here." Kurt responded to her. "I am kinda glad that she did because that means that I am going to get to the buttom of this."

Kurt walked out of the area and just sat down. He knew that he needed to find a way to get his wife back.

Meanwhile, Remi and Shepard were talking about what was going to happen. Shepard could not believe that her daughter was back after she lost her son.

"So when did you get your memory back?" Shepard asked her daughter.

"Right when Kurt was in his coma. Where is my brother and the rest of the team?" Remi asked her.

"They are all gone. Your brother was shot from what Kurt said and it was too late to save him. Remi, the sermen that we gave you is what cost us your brother." Shepard said to her.

"We are going to have to use the FBI to save my life and then I am going to take them down for what they did to our family." Remi said as she got up and walked out the room. Shepard leaned back in her chair and smile because means that they will be forming a new plan to take down everything. What she doesn't know is that Kurt will make it his mission to get his wife back.

Author Note: I hope that you had a wonderful two weeks. As I said at the beginning, I have been super busy and a nasty cold. The cold lasted about two weeks and then it was my dad's birthday on top of that. I hope that you all follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update as often as I can. I will see you next week for a new chapter.