Author Note: I hope that you enjoy this new story. My life has been crazy and writing seems to help me stay calm. Here is a couple stories that I have written during my break. I am not sure how many times that I will be posting. This does contain spoilers from the upcoming season. I have decided to bring back my one take Monday stories.

Kurt had finally woke up from his coma to sense that something was off on his wife. He knew that he was going to have to talk with his wife and team as soon as possible about it. He just knew that she was not acting like herself. He watched as she walked into the room.

"I am so happy that you are awake." Remi said to her husband. She knew that she needed to pay it cool so everything would be okay.

"So am I." Kurt responded to her with a small smile. He was just hoping that she would act like herself. "Is everything okay?"

"yeah everything is fine. Why do you ask?" Remi asked him.

"Because something seems off. I just want to make sure that everything is okay." Kurt responded to him.

"Everything is fine. I was just worried about you but I am glad that you are okay." Remi responded to her husband with a small smile. She was hoping that her husband was buying this. "Can we please drop this?

"Sure." Kurt responded to her. "I know that it has been hard for you since I have been here but I should be able to come home soon."

"That's great." Remi responded to her husband with a small fake smile. She knew that it would be hard the minute that he got out of here since she would not be able to fake it anymore.

Two days later, Kurt was finally able to go home and he knew that he was going to be able to figure out what is going his wife. He knew that something was going on with her because he was not acting like he remember her doing. Remi was helping her husband setting and she knew that she was going to be careful and not slip up.

The weeks went by and Remi knew that her husband was going to figure it out soon. She just hoped that she could get everything that she and her group needed to get. They were both going back to work.

"Kurt, are you sure that you are ready to go back to work?" Remi asked her husband.

"I am ready plus we need to work on things from Roman." Kurt responded to her.

"Wait, what stuff?" Remi asked her husband.

"Roman said that the memory drug that they gave you and in which you gave to your brother has some really bad side affect. We need to find it to save your live and end the threat once and for good." Kurt revealed to her.

"Are you sure?" Remi asked him. She was shocked to hear this because she was always told that it did not have any side effects and it was safe for her to take.

"I am pretty sure. Jane, listen to me, I am going to do everything in my power to get you better. I just need you to be honest with me." Kurt responded to her.

"I promise that I will." Remi lied to her husband. She had no intention on telling him about this latest delevopement of who she is. She watched as he walked closer to her to give her a hug.

Kurt walked into the lab without Remi to talk to Patterson. He hoped that she had caught wind of his suspiouns of his wife.

"Hey, what is going on with Jane? She seems off." Patterson asked him.

"Good, you have noticed it. She has not been the same person before she fainted. I think that she remember that she is Remi and who Remi was before this. If that is the case, we need to save her before it's too late." Kurt responded to her.

"What if she falls in love with you before it is too late?" She asked him.

"She won't. She doesn't care for me like Jane does. I need to save Jane before it's too late." Kurt responded to her. He knew that he needed to get his wife back before it is too late but they needed to work together.

Kurt walked out of the lab not seeing that Remi standing there. She knew that he would catch on sooner than later since they were living together. She also knew that she was missing about four years of her life.

"Kurt, I need to talk to you about something." She said to her husband.

"Okay." Kurt responded to her as he followed her to the gym.

"I know that you are starting to see that I haven't been acting like my self and I am sorry. I was just so worried about you and now you tell me that we need to find something because of Roman. What if I die before we find it?" Remi asked her husband. She really did not want to die since she wanted to take everyone at the FBI down.

"Maybe we need to talk to your mother again." Kurt responded to her. He figured that if she was really Jane then she knows where her mother is.

"How? We don't even know where she is." Remi said to her husband.

"Jane, don't you remember that we have her in jail." Kurt responded to her.

"Sorry, I forgot." Remi responded to her husband. She was glad that her mother was close by but wonder why she was in jail.

Author Note: I hope that you enjoy the first chapter. I will have the second chapter up on Monday. I have decided to bring back our Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I hope that you follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time when I get a chance.