
A few years later…

Soul Society; Ichigo's Home

Near a quiet forest within the Soul Society there was a large house, built just a few years ago by the Kuchiki Clan. The tall grass swayed back and forth in the wind before Ichigo walked towards his house, where his wives and children waited for him. On his arm was a lieutenant's badge, the number thirteen etched on it.

Knowing that there was no way to maintain a normal life while balancing his Substitute duties and deal with two Soul Reapers and two Arrancars, Ichigo decided to move to the Soul Society to be with his women. He'd spoke with his father about and he agreed it was for the best. Then he went to go speak with Yamamoto.

The Head-Captain was wary of allowing Grimmjow and Ulquiorra stay in the Soul Society, them being Hollows after all. However, Ichigo was able to cut a deal with him: they'd be allowed to stay in the Soul Society if they were to stay within the vicinity of their new home. Luckily for him, Byakuya picked out a nice secluded spot next to a forest near the Kuchiki Clan's home for the five to make a happy home.

In addition to their home, Ichigo was asked to join the squads since he'd gotten two captains pregnant, to which Ichigo agreed. Even though he had all the capabilities to become a captain, he didn't want any more responsibilities on his plate so he and the other captains worked out a lieutenant's position, sharing the role with Rukia at Ukitake's behest.

Entering the house, he went into the kitchen and saw one of his wives in front of the oven. "Cooking dinner already?"

Turning around, the housewife with blue hair smiled cheekily at her husband. "I've nine mouths to feed. Gotta get ahead of the curve," Grimmjow said as she turned around. Ichigo was amused to see that the woman had on her favorite apron: a pink one with a blue cat eating a strawberry, a Christmas gift courtesy of Ichigo. Putting down her bowl, Grimmjow walked up to the young man and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a welcoming kiss. "Mmmmh…"

When they finally broke the kiss Ichigo looked around. "Where're the kids?"

"Ulquiorra is playing with Kayano and Nagisa. Ochiru is having a playdate with Yachiru and Byakuya took Hisana to play with Yoruichi."

"Actually," said a voice behind them. "We just got back."

No sooner did Ichigo turn around did a small blur tackled him. "Daddy!" squealed the young girl with black hair. Hisana, named after Byakuya's first wife, hugged her father. "How was your day?" she asked with curious eyes.

"It went well." Ichigo knelt down to pick up his little girl. "How was playing with Yoruichi?"

The little girl beamed with happiness. "It was so much fun! We played tag all day! She's so fast!"

Ichigo looked at his wife, Byakuya, and the two chuckled. "She sure is."

"Oh, Ichigo, you're home?" said a new voice. The group turned to see Ulquiorra walking down the stairs, carrying a little boy and girl.

"Daddy!" squealed Kayano, a young girl who was the spitting image of her mother, with bone-white skin and dark hair. She did share Ichigo's eyes, however. Nagisa had Grimmjow's blue hair but looked more like Ichigo, much to everyone's puzzlement.

Ichigo noticed two strange things when the Arrancar's babies were born. The first was that Ichigo's children were born as Souls, not Hollows. Neither Nagisa nor Kayano bore a mask fragment or a Hollow hole. It was a relief for Ichigo, who worried what might happen if his wives gave birth to Hollow babies.

The second strange occurrence happened right after the children were born. Ichigo noticed a strange shift in Grimmjow's and Ulquiorra's personalities. The violent bluenette suddenly seemed peaceful and content while the emotionless Ulquiorra was sudden alive with joy and feelings. Curious about what had caused such a huge paradigm shift, Ichigo consulted Kisuke on the matter.

"It's rather simple," Kisuke said, sipping a cup of tea while Yoruichi was fawning over the babies. "Grimmjow and Ulquiorra are both Hollows with very distinct character traits. Soi-Fon once told me that the Espada were all governed by Aspects of Death. The aspects define who they are. It makes sense that motherhood would tamper with those aspects."

"What do you mean?"

"Grimmjow is a Hollow ruled by a thirst for destruction. Ulquiorra is defined by her lack of emotion. However, the act of giving birth is the complete opposite of those aspects. Creating life is the opposite of destruction and becoming a mother brings a whole plethora of emotions. I'd argue that your two Espada ladies are now defined by an Aspect of Life now: Birth."

The two were interrupted when Grimmjow came into the room, a plate full of cookies in her hands. "Who wants chocolate chip cookies?" she merrily asked.

"I…see what you mean…"

The family heard the door opened and Ichigo's fourth wife entered the room. "WE'RE BACK!" Kenpachi loudly declared, both Yachiru and Ochiru on his shoulders. Ochiru was the only one out of the four children to share Ichigo's orange hair, a happy smile as she and her sister rode her mother's shoulders.

Ichigo smiled as the children all rushed him, eager to hug their father. "Hey, kids!"

"Daddy!" all four squealed, laughing as they hugged their father.

Soon the children had returned to their big playroom while Ichigo relaxed in the living room, sitting on the couch with Byakuya and Kenpachi snuggling with him, the three exhausted after a long day. As the two women kissed his cheek, Ichigo reflected on prior events.

Shortly after it was decided on what was to be done with the pregnant women, Ichigo decided to tie the knot with his four ladies. Although polygamy wasn't exactly allowed in the Soul Society, nobody really wanted to discuss semantics with four incredibly powerful women who would fight to the death for their lover. The Kuchiki Clan especially disapproved of Byakuya's new marriage, even after she'd "pruned the family tree". However, after a brief period to adjust, nobody could deny how happy the five were, especially after the four genderbent women gave birth to their children.

Ulquiorra and Grimmjow came in and joined the three and they settled on the couch. Ichigo wrapped his arms around them and smiled lovingly as they all cuddled together, one big happy family.

"Hey, girls?"

"Yes?" the four wives answered simultaneously.

"You ever regret taking that Serum?" Ichigo asked out of curiosity.

"Never," they all said, hugging him.

"If we didn't, we'd be enemies," Ulquiorra said.

"And I'd be all alone," Byakuya told him.

"Besides, if we didn't take that serum, there'd be no way I'd be having incredible sex," Grimmjow grinned.

"What she said," Kenpachi added.

Smiling, Ichigo kissed his ladies before settling in for the night, happy with his wives and children…

The End

A.N.: Before you ask, yes I did use the names from Assassination Classroom for the kids names. Till next time! Whacky out!