This is the fan fiction story all about the Phantom of the Opera. That was my first favorite novel book that I had ever read and even also I watched the musical movie version and that when I became inspired to create a story based on it.

This story that I created is a genderbend version because I was a huge fan of creating genderbend stories so that the reason why I wanted to create this, especially to the genderbend fans. Although it was romance with a tragic part, I included some few elements from the novel and the musical version.

Please I don't not owned this. It was just fictional story.

Chapter 1

In the middle of the year 1980's, The world renowned Opera Populaire was holding an auction for the old items in the beneath of the underground opera house. One of the guests was the old woman wearing black dress and with a black hat on her head, was sitted in a wheelchair. The old woman named was Viscountess Raina De Chagny who wanted to purchased the papier mache music box. However, a aged man inspects her. The aged man was named Monsieur Madon Vera. The Viscountess looked at him for a moment then she turned around and looked at the music box and the box played and she recalled on her mind, sadly in face

" A collector piece indeed as exactly he said when the rest of us are dead. " she thought

That when, the auctioneer began to show an another item for the next bidding, a broken chandelier

" This broken chandelier in which it was the connection of the strange affair of the Phantom Girl of The Opera. Some of you might recalled about the disastrous incident and we are been afraid of the ghost so many years ago. With full of illumination, Gentleman. " the auctioneer said

The mens raised the broken chandelier, swirling in dusts, going up to the top and it was transformed back to its original state.

In the year 1875, the Opera Populaire was famous for its opera stage plays and the favorite destination for every French people. But some of the people who work in the opera house believed that the opera house was haunted by an entity known as the Phantom Girl of the Opera or simply as the Opera Ghost. She was living in an underground lair for almost many years. Some of them saying that she was not exist and some others thinked that it was just a myth.

In outside of the opera house, three ladies were went down from the carriage and these are Madame Anita Moncharmine and Madame Fermina Richards, the new managers of the Opera House along with the old manager Madame Laverne. On the other hand, another carriage has been arrived in, and a young woman was riding on it, wearing pink dress.

At the inside of the Opera House, the whole floor was filled up with every staffs and workers who had been prepared up especially the dancers. On the top of the stage, there were some men and women practicing for the upcoming musical " Hannibal " and the most intense is the leading tenor who works in the Opera Populaire for six years, His name was Carlito Giudicelli. He has higher pitch voice in which some of the workers annoyed for. After that, the company of soldiers along with the lead soprano singer Gina Pianki, who was courting the lead tenor. That a minute, the music conductor named Madame Daver interrupted the rehearsal.

" Everyone! Everyone! Please settled down. " she said

Everyone were gathered together and the four ladies went in on the stage

" Well you see, we are in the production of the latest musical Hannibal. " Madame Laverne said

" Madame! I was still rehearsing. " Madame Daver said, loudly

" Ladies and Gentlemen, please settled down for a moment. I will telled you about the rumors of my retirement and today all of it was true. I will presented these ladies who will owned the Opera Populaire, Madame Anita Moncharmine and Madame Fermina Richards. " Madame Laverne introduced the ladies to them

And an applause occurs

" And also we are deeply honored to introduced the new patroness, the Vicomtess De Chagny. " Fermina introduced her to them

On the other side of the stage, some of the dancers were standing, looking at the Viscountess. One of them is the young man with colored brown hair who was younger than the Viscountess, His name was Christian Daae, the son of the Swedish violinist and came live in France to lived in the dance dormitories. On his side, a little blonde boy who was more younger than Christian. His name was Mitch Vera, the son of Monsieur Madon Vera, the box keeper. The dancers are keeping chatting about the new patroness.

" It was Raina. Before my mother died, at the seas... I think we are childhood sweethearts and even she called me Little Lotto. " Christian said to Mitch

" Oh my gosh, she is so beautiful. " Mitch said, in an admired way

" My parents and I will support all the arts especially the world renowned Opera Populaire. " Raina said

" I would like to meet Carlito Giudicelli, the leading tenor for six years. " Madame Laverne introduced him to her

" It was pleasure to meet you, Viscountess. " Carlito said, amusing

" It was nothing at all. " Raina said

And the leading soprano Gina Pianki cough to tried to get their attention

" Oh, and this is Signora Gina Pianki, the leading soprano." Madame Laverne said

More applause occurs

" Pardon for the interrupting your rehearsal. I will see at your great triumph tonight. Look forward to it. " Raina said

And she walks out of the stage

" Shall we proceed then? " Madame Daver asked

" Of course, proceed " Madame Laverne said

The rehearsal continues. Monsieur Madon Vera lead the ladies to the dancers

" I would take the pride for the in charge of the dance. " he told them

" And including the little blonde boy. " Anita said, amusing

" My son, Mitch Vera. " Monsieur Vera said

" And who is this exceptional gorgeous? No relation I think. " Fermina asked

" That's Christian Daae. He has excellent talent, Madame Fermina. Very Promising. " Monsieur Vera said

" Daae, di.. did you say? No relation to the famous Swedish violinist? " Anita asked

" He was orphaned at the age of seven. He was came to worked in the dance dormitories. I also think of him as a son. Ladies, if you mind can you go to the other side. " Monsieur Vera told the ladies

The rehearsal almost continued in. Carlito sings loudly in front of the new managers to catch their attentions.

At the top of the rooftop of the opera house, a shadow was sneaking behind, watching the rehearsal practice and it was prepared to released the backdrop rope and it was falled down to Carlito and the others were in panicked.

" Signore! Are you alright? " Madame Daver asked, rushed down

And the others helped him out

" She's Here! The Phantom Girl of the Opera. " Mitch said

" Hey Buquet! What's going up there?! " Madame Laverne asked

And Josephine shouted from the rafters " It wasn't me, Madame. I was not there at my post or it is it was just the ghost. " and she laughed

A letter felled down from the rooftop, Monsieur Vera picked it from the floor. The letter has red marks on the center.

To Be Continued... Chapter 2 - Message From The Opera Ghost