A/N: So, uh. My 10+2 format has pretty much gone out the window at this point. Expect at least seven more chapters of this silly thing before we're done. x'D


"Pete, think you can do me a favor and not hang out with Loki at four in the morning again?"

Blinking, the teen paused with a spoonful of cereal halfway to his mouth. "Uh. It's not like I'd planned to..."

Tony just huffed, poking at the coffee machine. "Well, regardless, don't do it again." When Peter remained silent, he added, "If you have nightmares, just come find me, okay?"

"Friday said you were busy-"

"-and her protocols have been appropriately updated, so. Just. Don't fight me on this one, kid. If you've got a problem while you're here, it's my responsibility to help fix it, yeah?"

Feeling suddenly warm, Peter ducked his head down, smiling. "Yeah, okay. Thanks, Mister Stark."

Tony grumbled something, before seizing his ready cup of coffee and taking a long sip.

And that was when the swirling portal of orange light spun into being in the middle of the kitchen.

Peter jumped to his feet, spoon dropping to the floor, as Tony coughed and sputtered coffee everywhere. A tall guy wearing old-fashioned clothes (including a cape?) stepped through the portal, beyond which a dark room with fancy carvings on the walls could be seen. Good old spidey-sense wasn't making a peep, but Peter figured he'd better be ready to move regardless.

"Stark, where's Loki?" The caped man demanded.

"What the hell, Strange," Tony replied, angrily wiping at the coffee splashed all over his face and shirt. "Teleporting right into my kitchen? Really?"

Peter started to open his mouth to say at least it wasn't right in front of your salad, but paused, thought better of it, and remained silent. A reference like that would go to waste without someone like Ned or Shuri around to appreciate it.

"It's hardly as if I'm going to open a portal anywhere else when you're in here," the man, Strange, dismissed. "Now, again, where is Loki?"

"As if I'd know off the top of my head," the shorter man muttered. "Creep's being smart and staying out of my way, but he can't hide from Friday. Fri?"

*Loki is still in the library, Boss.*

"There, see, go bug him instead of me." Tony turned away to search for a dish cloth, and Strange closed his first portal in order to open a second.

"Um, I'd watch out for flying daggers if I were you." Startled eyes swung in the teenager's direction. He waved awkwardly. "Hi. I'm Peter."

One corner of the red cape lifted up and waved back, which was awesome, even if the way Strange himself glared made Peter a little nervous. "That petty demigod has left knots of magic every hundred miles between here and Norway that I've had to clean up, and he has the nerve to be throwing sharp objects around?" A wordless, disgruntled noise came out of the man's throat, and he swished his hands, yanking open a new spiral portal to march through. Sure enough, just before it closed behind him, a silver dagger identical to the one that had nearly impaled Peter in the library hurtled into the kitchen. It sank a good two inches into the wall next to Tony's head.

The man paused, wide-eyed, still in the process of trying to clean himself up. Peter clapped both hands over his mouth to muffle a giggle. Tony still heard him, though, if the exasperated look cast in his direction was any indication. "And people wonder why I can't stand magic."