Disclaimer: I do NOT own Hakuouki or anything related to it.

Chapter 2

Although Souji agreed that becoming Sanan's servant for the week was a good cover for their plan, he was miffed about what else it meant.

Pouring tea for the older male and assisting him with simple tasks was one thing, joining his dojo classes was another. It meant he'd be spending less time with Kondou. The knowledge that this was for the sake of the plan and only temporary did not soothe his dissatisfaction.

Heisuke was an all time helper in these classes, so he would be there too. Souji was not close to him, or anyone other than Kondou and Inoue and in a twisted way, Hijikata, but it was better than being alone. He'd heard how...interesting Sanan's lessons could be in comparison to Kondou and was as curious as he was nervous about finding out for himself.

After Sanan finished writing in his journal and notebook, they discussed their plot some more before Sanan ordered him to take care of the tea tray and then meet him in the training room. Souji kept his pace as normal as he could, wanting to turn around yet knowing that this was important for their plan and also fearing Sanan's wrath for disobeying him.

Sanan was speaking with Kondou in the hall directly outside the door to the room when he arrived. They turned to Souji as the boy came to a stop in front of them, greeting him with smiles.

"Ah, right on time, Okita-kun," Sanan said, clasping his hands behind his back.

Kondou's smile was brighter than ever."I must say, Souji, I'm very pleasantly surprised by your decision to spend more time with Sanan-kun lately." He patted the child's head."It warms my heart to see you two bonding."

Souji bit his lip."Umm..."

Sanan chuckled."Yes, bonding. It is an interesting experience." He tapped his fingers against Souji's scalp."Go inside now. I will begin training in a few minutes. Everyone else is already present." Souji gave both men a bow before doing as he was told.

Heisuke was sitting several feet in front of the other students, who were chatting amongst themselves. He'd been getting rather close to Harada and Shinpachi lately, but since they weren't part of this class, he was on his own here. Souji sat next to him.

"What did you do to Sanan?" Heisuke asked."I thought even you knew better than to mess with him."

"You'll find out soon enough," Souji replied."I'm just glad to still be alive." That wasn't an exaggeration. His terror as Sanan sang and hummed and calmly chased him could not be more genuine. He shuddered at the memory. Oh yes, Hijikata would pay dearly for putting him through that.

Heisuke raised an eyebrow."That bad?"


Grimacing, Heisuke nodded."I'll take your word for it."

Souji pulled his knees to his chest."So what is Sanan's class like?"

"You'll find out soon enough," Heisuke said wryly. He ignored the glare Souji gave him. No sooner had this happened, than the man in question entered and everyone stood to full attention. No one failed to notice Souji taking a second longer to do so than everyone else. Sanan's glasses flashed whilst the others students gulped nervously for Souji's sake. As for Souji, a chill traveled down his spine. He hadn't intended to be disrespectful, but he was so used to Kondou and he also didn't think this class should be taken as seriously since it was temporary that he had not completely thought about the consequences. It occurred to him that Sanan could prolong their arrangement past the time it took to get revenge on Hijikata, and he gulped nervously.

Sanan adjusted his glasses, lips twisting into a cheerful smile as he inclined his head and picked up a bokken. Heisuke sent Souji a pitying look.

Sanan came to stand in front of the crowd and in between Souji and Hesiuke."As I'm sure you've all noticed, we have a new addition to our class. Okita-kun has volunteered to assist me for the week. Isn't that wonderful news?" A manic glint appeared in his eyes as he glanced in his assistant's direction.

Heisuke grimaced at Souji."You're not going to be alive for much longer at this rate."

"Shut up," Souji grumbled, clutching his bokken. Two near death experiences in two days with the same person; he was either the most lucky or unlucky human being in the world.

"Okita-kun." Sanan was still smiling. How could a smile be so pleasant and so unpleasant at the same time? Souji unsuccessfully tried to conceal his trembling. Sanan noticed this, and his smile grew. To someone who didn't know him well, he would have appeared innocently cheerful."Having you here will be an excellent learning experience for all of us. It is always helpful to expand our knowledge and challenge ourselves more." As uneasy as Souji felt, he was inclined to believe those words. That being said, whether Sanan was speaking honestly, be it partially or wholly, Souji's fear did not lessen. He didn't even care how noticeable his fear was.

"Why don't you help me start the classs, Okita-kun?" Sanan asked, his cheerful visage seeming unbreakable.

Souji scoffed."As if that's actually a question." His eyes widened immediately after that sentence left his mouth. They might as well give him a shovel so he could dig his own grave at this point. He met Sanan's gaze and forced a sheepish grin. The bespectacled man's expression had changed, though not in a good way. The mixture of pleasantness and unpleasantness had grown. Souji wanted to run out of the room and scream for Kondou to save him, and the temptation to do exactly that increased when Sanan took a step forward.

All eyes were on the pair now. Sanan kept walking toward the boy, then suddenly stopped a few feet away from him and raised his bokken. Both an acknowledgement and non-response to Souji's remark; Souji was uncertain if he should be further unnerved or at ease. Heisuke walked to the group of other students to watch the fight from a safe distance. He gave Souji a wave of good luck and pity which both annoyed him and made him feel grateful; perhaps that was Heisuke's intention.

Souji took a deep breath, and waited. Sanan was also waiting, his eyes flickering at Heisuke as he gave a nod. Heisuke nodded back and after several more seconds, signaled for the match to begin.

Souji attacked first, charging at Sanan at full speed with his bokken held overhead. Sanan sidestepped, making Souji stumble slightly, though he swiftly recovered and spun on his heel to swing at the older male. Sanan blocked the attack with his own weapon and threw Souji off balance. Souji staggered back, having a bit more trouble regaining his footing this time. He ducked beneath Sanan's bokken as it swung at his head and aimed for his opponent's legs. Sensing this, Sanan stepped back and tried to slam his bokken into Souji's back. Souji twisted around and deliberately fell onto his back, bringing his bokken over his chest to block Sanan's. He put all of his strength into throwing Sanan off balance and succeeded, then came at him.

Sanan's bokken clashed with his as they tried to knock each other back. Sanan chuckled, making Souji raise an eyebrow as a silent question.

"Kondou-san has taught you well," he remarked, nothing but respect filling his tone as he spoke of the man.

Souji smirked."What else were you expecting? Kondou-san is the strongest and wisest of us all." His smirk grew."No one can beat him, including you, Sanan-san."

Sanan was not surprised or offended by Souji's words, and instead nodded."He is an admirable man and while I repeat that he has taught you well, you still have much to learn." Before Souji could think to react to that statement, Sanan shoved him with such force that he landed hard on his back with a yelp. He'd only managed to lift his head slightly a second before Sanan approached and pointed the top of his bokken to his throat.

"Honestly," Sanan said with a wry face."We all have much learn, even the teachers." He chuckled again."Especially the teachers, actually. Do try to remember that, Okita-kun."

Souji wanted be angered by that last sentence, but the lack of sarcasm or amusement in Sanan's voice made rethink his anger. He nodded before he could stop himself and said,"I'll keep that in mind."

Sanan inclined his head and stepped back before extending a hand to help him up. Souji took the proffered hand without hesitation.

Perhaps, he decided, participating in Sanan's classes would not be so bad after all.

With class over, Souji had some free time on his hands before lunch.

He wanted to spend time with Kondou, but the older man had a meeting with Hijikata and Sanan. The lesson had exhausted him enough that training was out of the question. He didn't have to serve tea for them this time, though he was disappointed about not being able to see Hijikata resemble a crazy person in front of Kondou. Oh well, there would be plenty of opportunities in the near future.

He wanted to do something with his free time, but no ideas came to mind. So he sat on the floor for several minutes long after everyone else departed. Well, not everyone. Heisuke also remained, and Inoue had just arrived and was in the middle of a conversation with the boy. Souji bit his lip. Sanan had become the center of his thoughts and Heisuke was among the few close to Sanan. Plus, Inoue was close to all of them, so if anybody could satiate his curiosity, they were the perfect candidates. Nodding in self-confirmation, Souji got up and approached the pair. What a fine coincidence that he'd bumped into them yesterday as he fled from Sanan. Based on their grimaces when they noticed him, they shared that thought. Inoue had the decency to smile warmly as Souji got closer; Heisuke's expression did not change.

"Hello, Souji," Inoue greeted as Souji sat with them. He patted his head, and Souji gave a small, genuine smile. He'd been determined to hate Inoue just for being related to his sister Mitsu's husband, but that proved impossible. Inoue hadn't caused that blood relation and even then he was so kind and understanding that Souji cared for him and respected him almost as much as Kondou. He could definitely be scary, though. Maybe that would add to him getting along with Sanan, though he lacked the mysterious aura that constantly surrounded Sanan.

"So, what did you think of Sanan-san's lesson?"

Souji would have liked to shrug, claim it was nothing special, but that would be the biggest lie he'd ever tell. There was a difference in Sanan's teaching style, and though Souji never pegged him as incompetent, he did not expect this. Perhaps some time away from Kondou wasn't a bad idea, especially if it taught him better ways to help him. Therefore, he said,"I...look forward to future classes with him." His cheeks reddened and he grumbled the last few words.

Heisuke's eyes widened."Who are you and what have you done with Souji?" Inoue chuckled while Souji scowled.

"I am glad to hear that." Inoue patted Souji's head again."Some new experience always does us good." Kondou would have agreed with that. Even then, Souji knew he wouldn't have done this of his own accord. In a strange way, he felt grateful to Hijikata. Which was why he would work extra hard to express that gratitude to him. He struggled not to smirk at the thought.

Heisuke leaned forward to examine Souji, still convinced the other boy was an imposter. Souji pushed him with his finger. After another moment of silently studying him, Heisuke shook his head and smiled.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that too." Heisuke said."Sanan-san is scary and a bit weird, but he's actually pretty fair and reasonable. Kinda like an in-between for Kondou-san and Hijikata-san."

Souji was impressed and annoyed by that description. How could being anything like Hijikata be a compliment? His face must have shown his negative feelings, because Inoue gave him a scolding look. Souji lowered his head. Maybe that had been a bit too harsh of him. Inoue sighed. Heisuke pretended not to notice the exchange.

Souji brought his legs closer to himself and hugged them."Tell me more about Sanan-san," he said to Heisuke."You seem to be the closest to him." He glanced at Inoue."And you're close to everyone, Gen-san." Kondou, to Souji's dismay and irritation, did not always receive the love and respect he deserved, but Inoue was impossible not to get along with.

Heisuke and Inoue exchanged a glance. The former shrugged."Well, like I said, he's kinda an in-between for Kondou-san and Hijikata-san. Don't get me wrong. I admire and respect both of them, but things sometimes flow over Kondou-san's head or he doesn't know how to poperly handle something while Hijikata is a bit too strict most of the time and I get too scared to even think of approaching him. Basically, you have a hot side and a cold side. And when you combine them, you get a perfect, middle mix of warmth and that's where Sanan-san comes in."

Souji completely agreed with the criticism regarding Hijikata, and for all that he loved Kondou, there were times when the man seemed oblivious. The description of Sanan as a combination of the two was an interesting idea.

"That's right," Inoue said, nodding in agreement with Heisuke's words."Isami-san and Toshi-san mean well, but they tend to be very one-sided. Believe it or not, Souji, but most of our students here gravitate toward Sanan for the middle ground he provides."

Souji was both impressed and annoyed by this statement. However, he couldn't deny that there were more people in this class than in Kondou's.

Heisuke continued."Sanan-san is intimidating and serious when he needs to be, and often for his own amusement too, but he's always willing to lend an ear. His advise and lessons are usually rational and kind. I like that. Those aren't traits I'm used to seeing in people, not combined anyway. Again, Kondou-san and Hijikata-san are great, but at the end of the day, they just don't stand a chance compared to Sanan-san for me." He smiled brightly."That's all I've got. Make what you will of my blatant favoritism."

Inoue touched Heisuke's shoulder."That was very well said, Heisuke."

Souji sat there, frowning. What was he to make of this? He hadn't put much thought into Sanan before, other than him being scary. He'd never thought beyond that, never wanted to think beyond that. Even now, he felt the urge to drop all this new information and curiosity. It was of no use in the long run. They were working together to get revenge on Hijikata, so there was zero need for personal matters outside that plan. Yet he knew he would not drop it. Though Kondou would always, without a shred of doubt, be the most important and closest person to him, he wanted to get to know Sanan more, to see the same man Heisuke described. And now was the perfect opportunity.

So when he saw Sanan in the hall, he nodded his thanks to Heisuke and Inoue and hurried after him. He did not notice Inoue's approving smile.

Yeah, I imagine it's disappointing to see no pranks after a long awaited update. But I promise there will be pranks next time.

Please remember to review, leave constructive criticism, but no flames!