Chap 9

Inuyasha was sitting quietly in the twins' room with his back to the door waiting for his progeny to complete their evening grooming routines. One by one the other pups filed in and surrounded their dad. Kyo and Yuki were tucked into bed. Kenichi took his usual place at Inuyasha's left. Ryuu had taken to lounging to his right on the floor. Keiko resumed her position curled next to Yuki just next to the futon. But now Suteiibun had moved closer to her. Uncle Jaken sat to Suteiibun's left. Inuyasha enjoyed his children but he particularly enjoyed the hours just before bedtime when they were winding down and open to listen to stories.

"Can you remind me where we are in the story?" he inquired.

Suteiibun was first to speak. "Ryuu had just returned to his humanoid dog demon form and Lady Keiko and Lord Suteiibun were hugging him."

"EW GROSS!" Ryuu butted in. "Why would I ever hug you?!"

"Because I'm your father, dragon dog!" Suteiibun stated matter-of-factly.

Keiko and Yuki snickered into their hands.

Kyo looked puzzled. "You aren't his father. Father is his father."

Inuyasha grinned at his children. "Getting into the story are you, my Star?"

Suteiibun looked around. Seeing the amused faces on his siblings and Uncle Jaken, he turned a bright red as he slunk down behind his uncle, which was no small feat considering he was already twice his uncle's height.

Walking around the futon to Suteiibun's place, Inuyasha reached out a hand to pat him on the head. "I'm happy you like the story. Don't be upset." He ran his fingers through Suteiibun's long locks so much like his mate's. He caught Suteiibun and had him look him in the eye. Suteiibun and Keiko had inherited his round eyes so it was like looking at himself with Sesshomaru's hair.

"You were right, my Star," he murmured. "Lady Keiko and Lord Suteiibun were hugging their son. They were so very glad that he was alright."

He paused and looked at his children. "That's how parents feel about their children. It's how your father and I feel about you. We love you so much."

The children beamed back. The warm fuzzy moment dissolved quickly when Uncle Jaken spoke.

"Jaken and Lady Ayame used sacred fire and stopped the entity from attacking my Prince."

Lowering his head and bangs to cover his amusement that everyone was getting into the story, Inuyasha took a moment to gather himself.

"Yes, Tutor Jaken and Lady Ayame stopped the fire."

"And Lady Rin, bless her sweet name," Uncle Jaken had tears in his eyes and his voice caught. Taking a deep breath Uncle Jaken continued, "And dear sweet Rin saved the day again. May Kami bless her." Jaken melted into a puddle of inconsolable tears.

The pups looked curiously at their uncle and then to their dad. One was about to open his mouth to ask a question when Inuyasha smiled knowingly and said, "Yes, dear sweet Rin saved the day again. And she is blessed by Kami, Jaken." With those words he patted Jaken on the head and walked back to his place between Ryuu and Kenichi.

Inuyasha turned to his children. "Were any of you surprised to know who Izayoi's children were?"

Keiko replied, "I figured it was you and Rin, Dad, but I didn't have any clue that it was Ayame too."

Yuki and Kyo nodded at their oldest sister's comment.

"You ready to find out more?"

"What happened to the portal?"

This question was asked at the courtyard and on the northern plains.

It was followed by "We need to go to the hamlet now!"

At the hamlet Kagome rushed to Izayoi's side. She grabbed in her apron pocket for her bottle of Phoenix tears that her husband left for her. As she started removing the stopper, the lady revived.

"Save those precious tears my dear," shined Izayoi. "Take me to Lady Ayame's tent."

Sango and Kagome acted as crutches for the lady as she moved toward the tent. Before she left, Izayoi turned to Rin. "Wait for me here Rin. I promise I will return to you. But for right now I need some time alone with Lord Chōrō."

"Yes, Momma." Rin dutifully obeyed.

Rin stood next to the altar. Kirara purred loudly as she walked around Rin's legs.

Yuki ran to her side.

"Rin! You found your momma! You saved the day!"

Kyo bounded over to the two girls. "Rin! You did it! We did it! We helped Lord Inuyasha and Prince Sesshomaru!"

Shippo and Hojo joined the children at the altar, jumping and clapping and making a joyful noise.

In a short time the adults joined in.

On the northern plains, silence reigned for a second after the image disappeared and then a blast of voices asking the same question.

"What happened to the Lady and the portal?!"

King Kenichi bowed to King InuTaisho. "My cousin, Thank you for your help. Please relay my thanks to the lady. I shall stay here and regroup my kingdom and reestablish peace treaties with the dragons. You need to get to your kingdom and find out what happened and how my nephew and our good knight fared. We shall meet in a fortnight and share our news. Should anything happen between now and then contact me by your fastest messenger."

Both kings grabbed forearms and embraced.

King Inu Taisho turned to Lord Suteiibun. "I see my son has sent his dragon with you. I am not able to talk to it so I am not sure how to get Ah-Un to …"

Lord Suteiibun looked to the King and noticed he was staring open mouthed. As Suteiibun followed the line of vision of the king he too opened his mouth in shock. Ryuu was TALKING to Ah-Un. Actually they were DEEP in conversation. Occasionally it appeared that they were enjoying a joke or two.

King Inu Taisho closed his mouth. He turned back to his cousin.

"It appears my citizen has become fluent in dragon."

"Indeed, it does appear that way."

Quietly the adults watched the boy and the dragon.

Lord Suteiibun grabbed Lady Keiko's hand and looked into her eyes. Their expressions spoke without words. Lord Suteiibun turned back to the kings.

"My Kings-My wife, son and I would like to stay and help broker peace. It appears Sounga left Ryuu the ability to speak dragon."

"Indeed, it does appear that way."

A quick shake of hands and Lords Akitoki, Ginta, Hakkuku, and King Inu Taisho dashed off to the hamlet.

In the courtyard Lord Inuyasha and Lady Ayame were staring at each other.

"You're my sister?!"

"You're my brother?!"

"Come Lord Inuyasha. We need to return to the hamlet," Prince Sesshomaru guided him by the elbow. "Totosai, we will return as soon as we can. You will have the courtyard in some semblance of order by the time we return."

"Yes, my Prince," smiled the regent.

Lady Sango and Lady Kagome confided with the celestial spirit as they brought her to Lord Chōrō's tent.

"I want you to be prepared. Lord Chōrō was injured when the bandits raided, my lady. His mount startled and he fell on a spike. My husband has done his best but he has been slow to heal. My husband believes his spirit is broken. Lady Ayame has been at his side and very attentive but he continues to fail. Lady Ayame believes he is clinging to life until she is married off. "

"I understand. Thank you for your words. I wish to have a private moment with him."

The ladies turned and left the celestial spirit at the door of the tent. A peaceful expression came over her visage as she internally conversed with the Kami. Nodding her head in understanding to the Kami's wishes she opened the tent.

"My dear husband"

The knight's eyes opened wide in joy and surprise. Reaching out a hand to grab at hers, he replied, "My beautiful princess"

"I have returned. It has been so long since we saw each other." She reached her hand to grasp his.

"You are as beautiful as ever!" The wounded knight partially rose from his cot and stared unabashedly. "Are you here to escort me to the heavens?"

"No, my love."

The knight dropped back to the cot, the momentary happiness dissipated as quickly as exhaling a breath of air.

Izayoi continued. "I am here to help my children."

Disappointment continued to ooze from the nobleman. "Will you be staying long?"

"I am not sure. I will do what the Kami wills."

"Oh," he mumbled.

Izayoi smiled as she walked closer to her pouting beloved. "I will stay with you as long as I can. Will you join me now to celebrate and talk to the children?"

The knight's countenance quickly transformed. "If you help me, I will walk beside you forever."

Lady Izayoi glowed. She squeezed Lord Chōrō's hand. Tears of happiness pouring down his eyes, he gently took her hand, turned it over and examined it and then brought it to his lips. The reunited lovers spent several moments alone in each other embrace before leaving the tent to rejoin the celebrating crowd.

Lord Inuyasha led the group as they rushed back into the hamlet. As he walked through the shimmering portal he saw the children shouting and jumping and playing in a pile of leaves that Bokusenō had donated to the cause. The servants and noble women were talking joyously and preparing a feast as evidenced by an amazingly delectable odor in the air. His eyes roamed the hamlet frantically searching for evidence that it really was his mom that he saw.

Rin was the first to see him. She ran full speed into him, knocking him back into Prince Sesshomaru, who trailed close behind his love. Prince Sesshomaru had been prepared for the assault and found himself bracing the two siblings. Rin's large orbs glittered with adoration as she looked up to Lord Inuyasha and Prince Sesshomaru.

"You did it! We did it! She did it!"

Seconds later the trio was joined by the other children screaming and cheering their joyful praises. Their mothers ran quickly to liberate the prince and their head knight. They uttered their apologies as they pulled their children from the pile, but Lord Inuyasha stopped them.

"Wait! Rin's my sister. Rin's my sister."

All stopped and listened to the knight.

"Rin, was that really your, I mean, our momma?"

"Lord Inuyasha! Momma is here! Momma is still here!" Rin bubbled with joy.

As she bounced with joy, an ethereal presence entered the common area.

"Dad! You're up! Kami be praised!"

Lady Ayame ran to her father who was quickly regaining his sparkle in the presence of his wife. Ayame smothered him in affection, keening softly her love.

Izayoi stepped to the side. But Lord Inuyasha saw her move and quickly snatched her hand fearful that she would leave. Lord Inuyasha whispered, "Mom, it's you. It's really you. Rin was right," tears leaked down his cheeks. "I won't let you go anywhere," he whimpered softly.

"I wasn't planning on it, dear," Izayoi murmured. "I just wanted your sister to have a moment with her father."

"Well then, I want a moment with my mother!" demanded the Inuhanyou.

"Me too," chirped Rin

"OH YEAH! Count me in on that!" turned Lady Ayame as she switched her front hug with her father to a side hug so that they could look on.

"Patience, children. We will wait until King Inu Taisho arrives then I will explain as much as I can."

At that moment Miroku walked into the hamlet. He was the last of the Castletown group to return to the hamlet.

"What a day! What a day!" he muttered to himself. "Left behind. No transportation. No one appreciates a poor itinerant monk. Used to find a spiritual barrier today. Probably will be demanded to perform some ceremony tomorrow. No time to be with my beautiful Sango. Poor, poor me." Stopping in his tracks he saw the heavenly spirit. In less than a millisecond he was prostrate on the ground.
"Kami forgive me," he repeated over and over.

Izayoi stepped forward with Lord Inuyasha in tow.

"Miroku, rise up! You do not need to bow to me," Izayoi beamed.

"I don't know, Mom. Seems like you don't know him as well as I do," Lord Inuyasha snorted.

"Yasha! How dare you assume the will of the Kami! I would have thought your father taught you better than that! Judge not, lest you be judged!" As she scolded the grown lord, one could clearly see Lord Inuyasha's discomfort and bewilderment and Prince Sesshomaru and the other's amusement.

"But Mom. I know him. We joke all the time."

The lady looked at her son and his friend. "Then perhaps you should complement him periodically. Friends build each other up." She turned back to the monk who was still on the ground. She bent down and touched his shoulder.

"Rise Monk Miroku. Rise and know that you are loved by Kami."

Tears poured down the cheeks of the monk.

"My Lady," he sobbed. "How are we so blessed by your presence?"

"Later, when the King arrives," she murmured. "But for now let's pray together at the altar."

The lady led the monk to the hamlet's altar and knelt on a kneeling pad. All the residents joined her. The singing started again. This time it was joyous.

Prince Sesshomaru reached out for Lord Inuyasha's hand. Lord Inuyasha smiled at him and squeezed it. Rin reached for his other hand and he turned and smiled at her. Before too long all the inhabitants of the hamlet were holding hands. The group finished the song just as Bokusenō proclaimed.

"The King is here! The King is here!"

Prince Sesshomaru was the first to jump to his feet. He rushed to the side of the demon tree. "Open the portal for my father please Bokusenō"

The portal shimmered into place and the King stood in all his glory. Stepping through the portal into the hamlet his radiance paled only a minuscule to Lady Izayoi's. He beamed at his son.

The lady stepped forward and reached out her hand.

The King took it and bowed slightly as he kissed the lady's hand. "Thank you, My Lady. Thank you for saving us all."

"My Lord, I believe you need to meet my daughter Rin. She is the one that saved us all. She is the one with the greatest faith and loyalty in this kingdom. Now that you are here, it is time to tell our stories."

The nobles grabbed the logs from the 'shhhhs circle' and made room for the returning warriors. As the circle filled with nobles and their spouses, the servants filled in behind them. All wanted to hear and share their part of the story with their King, who had been gone for far too long.

The story was told. Food and drink was shared. As the festivities wound down, Lord Inuyasha whispered in Prince Sesshomaru's ear. Both excused themselves and wandered to a quiet place.

"Sesshomaru, I can't believe it. That's my Mom! I'm so happy. I have two sisters too. I have a family!"

"Yes you do and you have me too. I love you."

Lord Inuyasha grabbed his hand and brought it to his lips. "You are my life. You are my world. I love you. "

The two Inus stared into each other's eyes. Lord Inuyasha pulled his loved one closer to him, and wrapped his arms around the prince's waist. The prince leaned his head to the side and slightly forward and closed his eyes. Lord Inuyasha closed the gap. Lip met lip for the first time.

The hidden audience roared its approval.

The surprised Inus broke apart. Embarrassed they looked around to see Lady Izayoi and all the women staring with stars in their eyes, King Inu Taisho laughing uninhibitedly, Jaken's beak restrained by his hand, and several lords exchange money.

"Miroku," the King called out. "I believe your services will be required in the very near future."

"Make that two ceremonies!" Lord Kouga cried out as he walked from around the tree while shoving his disheveled robe back into place. Lady Ayame smiling deviously behind him.

"Wait a minute! I have to make sure my SISTER is happy with that clueless clown!" Lord Inuyasha said as he rushed forward to talk to Lady Ayame. "I heard you tell the others that he didn't appreciate you."

Lady Ayame put a hand to her mouth to hide her giggles. "My dear BROTHER, I am beyond delighted that you would decide to protect me. But I believe I protected you more times today and that was before I knew you were my BROTHER."

Lord Inuyasha pondered this revelation for a minute. "Are you happy?"


"Then I approve."

Lady Ayame's hands went directly to her hips. "When did I need your approval?!"

"I'm the oldest," the knight stated matter-of-factly.

"I don't care."

"You should"

"Should not"

"Should so"

And the argument progressed.

Lord Chōrō turned to Lady Izayoi. "I believe you said and I quote, "I am here to help my children." My dear, they are all yours." And he pointed to the squabbling nobles turned children. The surrounding nobles laughed whole heartedly.

Rin tugged on the King's sleeve.

King Inu Taisho knelt to her level.

"My Lord, if that's what siblings do, can I be Prince Sesshomaru's sister instead? He's really nice."

All eyes turned to the two.

The King smiled warmly and opened his arms to the child. "What a great reward for the savior of the kingdom! Of course you can be Prince Sesshomaru's sister. That would make you a princess. And your real brother would become your brother-in-law."

Rin put her small hand to her chin in contemplation. "I don't think I want to be a princess. I just want to have a family."

"Then by my royal command, a family you shall have!"

Prince Sesshomaru had walked over to his father during this interchange. "It would be my greatest honor to be your family, dear lady." And with that he lifted her in his arms and swung her around causing her to squeal with joy.

"The End," Inuyasha closed the book and set it in his lap.

"But Dad! Aren't Lord Inuyasha and Prince Sesshomaru going to marry?" Kenichi looked into his dad's face.

"Of Course they do. It's a Robin Hood story. It always ends happily ever after."

"What about Ryuu and his parents?" Keiko asked as she looked about sheepishly.

"Ok, ok. Seems you need a little wrap up," Inuyasha laughed as he gazed at the expectant faces surrounding him.

"Celebrations continued as the partyers moved back to the Castle town. The town and the castle staff rejoiced with the return of the king and the end of Lord Goshinki's evil machinations. The celebrations continued with the arrival of Ah-Un, Lord Suteiibun, Lady Keiko, and Ryuu. King Kenichi and the new dragon ruler had signed a treaty in record time thanks to Ryuu's ability to speak dragon and Ah-Un's report of how well he was cared for by Prince Sesshomaru. Turns out he had been a secret spy and had infiltrated the Castletown in a deep cover investigation. But that's a story for another night."

Seven pairs of eyes opened wide in wonderment.

"Lady Izayoi stayed with Lord Chōrō for many more years before she had to return to heaven but this time when she went Lord Chōrō went with her. But it wasn't until after Lady Ayame and Lord Kouga had many little wolf cubs to terrorize their lands."

"The Prince's wedding was a grand and huge affair complete with a wedding barge floating down the river between the two countries. Since Lord Inuyasha had spent a lot of time in the Southern part of King Kenichi's kingdom he had many friends come to offer well wishes. The prince and lord share a mind numbing, incredibly passionate kiss. And they lived happily ever after. There. That's all the loose ends," Inuyasha clapped his hands and then he stood up.

"Not all of them," came a baritone voice behind him.

Inuyasha twirled to find his mate had snuck into the room. Sesshomaru had hid his scent as soon as he saw all the maids and servants in the hallway around his children's room. Asking them to keep his presence a surprise he too peaked around the door to see his family listening intently to his mate's version of some story. As the children one by one notice him he motions to keep the secret.

"I'm here to deliver 'a mind numbing, incredibly passionate kiss'," and Sesshomaru grabbed Inuyasha and did just that!

The real end