Story Title: Robin Hood, An Inuyasha yaoi story

Summary: From my "Ever Us" universe, it's 1868 and it's bedtime for the twins. Inuyasha decides to tell a different version of Robin Hood. Starring Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Inucest at its best! Yaoi. AU

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. I do not make any money from writing fanfiction.

Author: Gayle Nightingale

Category/Genre: Inuyasha/Romance/family/

Content tags: Yaoi, Inucest, InuSess A bedtime story with a Robin Hood flare

Rating: T

Time: AU. Several years prior to my last story "Ever Us"; specifically 1868 in Japan at the castle in the Western Lands.

Prompt: From plot ideas inspired by SugaMama09's playlist chap 17. Thank you SugaMama!

Chapter 1.

It is 1868. The Takahashis are living at the Western castle in Japan. They have been mates for almost 300 years. Both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha have been practicing physicians for almost 100 years. Their opinions are highly valued. They are consulted frequently from all corners of the realm. For this reason Sesshomaru has been traveling. Inuyasha decided that one of them had to stay and work at the clinic in the castle and keep watch over their pups. Keiko is 14. Kenichi is nearly 11. Ryuu is eight and one half and Suteiibun is six and one half. Yuki and Kyo are over two and one half. Here is a reminder of our timeline to the current date.

Timeline for Ever Us

Dog years are seven per one.

1500 - Kagome returns to the Feudal era and she and Inuyasha marry

1503- Sesshomaru marries Rin

1560s – Both women die. Sesshomaru goes to Inuyasha and comforts him.

1570 – Sesshomaru and Inuyasha mate

1770 – Keiko is born [14]

1792 – The marital fight of the century –Large Tsunami

1793 – Kenichi is born [10.7]

1808- Ryuu is born [8.5]

1822 – Steven\Suteiibun is born [6.5]

1850- Kyo and Yuki are born [2.5]

1868- Robin Hood tale Ages of children – in square brackets [x]

Uncle Jaken is head of the work staff taking care of the castle, and chief of tutoring.

The twins are young and very active. They have many nannies and tutors during that day but at night a family member reads to them and puts them to sleep. This particular evening, Kyo and Yuki are waiting for a bed time story and it was Inuyasha's turn. He turned to the shelf to grab a book. He saw a well-worn copy of Robin Hood and opened it. After glancing at the first few words he realized how tired he had grown of reading it. In that moment he decided to change the story a bit. He knew what a ruckus the change would cause. The children had memorized all their stories and they did not like change. In truth they were very rigid in their thinking, a trait they had picked up from their father. Inuyasha had trained Sesshomaru to be a bit more flexible, so it was time to teach the twins a little flexibility too. The earlier the better, the inuhanyou thought.

"Once upon a time there was a young boy named Hojo. He was five years old. He was just a little older than you are now but younger than Suteiibun. He had dark brown hair and a very happy face. He got a long with everyone and was a very helpful son. His mother Kagome loved him with all her heart and his father Akitoki was proud of him. Akitoki was so proud; he would pop off a button from his shirt when his son's name was mentioned. On this particularly day Hojo was wondering through the market and found an apple that had rolled off the vendor's chart. He was going to return it to the vendor."

"Daddy! That's not right. That's not how it goes!" Yuki bolted up from her futon.

Snickering to himself he noted that their response had not let him down. After a brief pause he asked,

"Am I telling this story or are you?"

"Tell it right, Daddy" Kyo demanded as he copied his sister's actions.

Shutting the book and placing it and one hand on his hip Inuyasha gave them a stern look.

"Who says that's the only version, pups? I believe you asked me to tell a story and I'm doing just that. Shall I stop or will you allow me to continue."

The children's room was silent. Accepting the silence as permission to continue, Inuyasha smiled. "Now let's see, where was I?"

"Hojo picked up an apple," Kyo offered.

"That's right and he was going to return it to the vendor." Inuyasha kissed both twins, tucked the twins back under their blankets and reopened his book to continue the story.

"Hojo bent down to pick the apple up and had started to dust it off when Kaijinbo hollered at him.

Now Kaijinbo was an evil human sheriff with jaundiced skin and small wart-like protuberances on his head that made him like he had horns. He had very poor teeth so his canines looked like crocked fangs. The little hair he had only grew on the sides of his head and it was black and oily because he never bathed. A very small mustache rested above his lip. It looked like this-"

At that Inuyasha moved his finger tip to just below his nose and crossed his eyes to look at it. The visuals brought laughter to the twins. He continued his description of Kaijinbo to his audience.

"His eyes were blood shot and also yellow. He always wore a blue short-sleeve shirt that has a pattern of white arrows and a pair of dark gray baggy pants. Around his neck he wore a necklace made from rat skulls that he had killed. He considered it a trophy of his achievements but mostly it just scared the villagers.

"Stop thief!" Kaijinbo cried and he started running after the boy.
Hojo gently tossed the apple to the vendor as he ran by. He yelled back, "I didn't do anything."
But Kaijinbo was convinced Hojo was trying to steal the apple and he was determined to make an example of him for the other villagers to see.
The two chased through the narrow streets of the village and around to the open gate. Just as Kaijinbo was able to reach Hojo, a flying cat with a dashingly handsome inuhanyou landed between them.

At the words "dashingly handsome inuhanyou," Inuyasha had sat up straighter, extended his neck, shook his locks, and wiggled his ears. Kyo and Yuki giggled appreciatively at their dad's antics. Then he returned to the story.

"Kaijinbo stumbled and fell on his face in a mud puddle. The young boy smiled at the inuhanyou and dashed away. The out-of-breath sheriff muttered obscenities."

"Lord Inuyasha jumped down from his loyal cat Kirara and they stepped over the muttering sheriff as they walked in the city gates. He looked around. Not much had changed. A few faces looked a bit older, but the buildings were still there. He took a sniff. Yeh, it hadn't changed in the five years he was gone. Inuyasha allowed his mind to wonder as he walked down the familiar streets of the castle town, his destination, the castle entrance.

Several miles before he had arrived at the castle town, he had encountered Kohaku, Kirara's trainer. Kohaku was eager to see how Kirara had grown and Inuyasha was able to get an update on the status of the kingdom. It had been way too long since he had been home and he was eager to see his manor but his priority now was to talk to Totosai, the sword master. Tessaiga needed sharpened and he did not trust just anyone to sharpen it. According to Kohaku, the King, Inu Taisho, was away on business fighting a dragon named Ryūkotsusei and had left Totosai in charge.

Specifically, King Inu Taisho left his lands to the care of Saya, Totosai, and Myoga, his three most-trusted advisors. In Inuyasha's mind the only problem with the king's choice of regents was that Totosai was forgetful, Myoga was too small to get around and keep any eye on everything and Saya was a wisp of a ghost. The King was unable to leave his country in his heir's care because Prince Sesshomaru was too young when the King left. Lord Inuyasha continued his trek to the castle gates.

The villagers waved at Lord Inuyasha and cheered Kirara and their glorious return. Lord Inuyasha smiled and saluted back. Young women swooned and young men too. The dashingly handsome knight continued straight ahead. Lord Inuyasha reflected as he rounded another street on his way to the castle.

Inuyasha had not seen the activities at the market but had suspected the five year old had not done anything so horrendous as to deserve being chased by the irritating fool the towns' people called sheriff. He doubted that King Inu Tashio even knew Kaijinbo had appointed himself sheriff.

He did not spare another thought on Kaijinbo because Inuyasha's mind flipped to the royal family and some of the last words he had shared with Inu Taisho.

Prince Sesshomaru was only a young pup when Lord Inuyasha met him the first time. At that time Inuyasha had found the prince on his knees in the garden crying because his ball was stuck in a tree. Inuyasha leaped into the tree and recovered the ball for Prince Sesshomaru, an act that had instantly impressed the child royal. After that day Sesshomaru got excited each time he heard from his father that Lord Inuyasha would visit. The King was amused by the prince's response and confided in Inuyasha that he did hope something would develop between his son and Inuyasha as the years passed. Then there was rumor of something evil on the horizon. Reluctantly he had to send Inuyasha, his most trusted knight to investigate. If there was anyone strong enough to handle the trials and return home safely it would be Lord Inuyasha.

Again the inuhanyou looked up to see if his audience was still awake and listening. When he caught their eyes he looked to his arm, smiled coyly and flexed a bicep. One twin snorted and the other smiled. They loved their daddy.

"Lord Inuyasha had taken the dangerous mission for the king and was gone for many years so he had not seen what a handsome man Prince Sesshomaru's had become. As he rounded the castle wall to enter the court he was stopped in his steps. Awestruck, he admired the site of the handsome prince reading a book under a Sakura tree. The prince was in white silks with billowing sleeves and pants. His head was leaned forward over the book and his flowing white hair reflected sunlight like a flowing waterfall. The overall image burned into Inuyasha's mind and his heart started beating rapidly, his throat dried and his voice disappeared. He stood there staring for what seemed like an eternity until the Prince raised his eyes. When gold met gold, Inuyasha knew he was smitten.
Prince Sesshomaru had not been expecting any visitors and had been enjoying his private moment away from his annoying tutor Jaken. However, upon seeing he had a visitor he rose ever so gracefully and glided over to meet his company. As he got closer he realized it was his childhood crush, Lord Inuyasha, and a delicate blush appeared on his cheeks.
"Greetings Lord Inuyasha! What a pleasure to see you again! You have been gone so long. Where did you go? Was it fun? Did you meet lots of people? How are you? Do you need a cup of tea? Can I get you a meal?" Sesshomaru rambled and tossed out the questions in rapid sequence, barely breathing between each one.
Fortunately the line of questions gave Inuyasha the moment he needed to get his wits back and with a clearing of his throat he noted that a glass of water would be appreciated.
"Follow me and I will get the servants to arrange for an afternoon snack," and with that the prince turned his back to Inuyasha and walked back toward the doorway into the main castle. Inuyasha followed, watching the beautiful white hair gently move side to side with each graceful step.
Once in the castle Inuyasha realized duty always comes first and switched to a more professional demeanor. "Greetings to you as well, My Prince! It fills my heart with great joy to see you looking so well. Where is your father, Our King, for I have come to give him a report of my mission."

Blushing from the compliment, Prince Sesshomaru replied, "He has been fighting the dragons for the last three years. He left Totosai, Saya, and Myoga in charge because I was too young. Jaken has been tutoring me since then but I do not know enough about running the kingdom to step in my father's place yet. It is a humbling experience and I do not like it," Sesshomaru sighed as he bowed his head.
Inuyasha reached a right hand out to pat Sesshomaru's left shoulder in a gesture meant to be supportive but as soon as he touched him he noticed the Prince's warmth and ended up allowing his hand to slide up his shoulder to his cheek. The Prince did not mind at all. Sesshomaru leaned into it. He reached out his right hand to touch Inuyasha's hair. The two inus drew closer together. They stared into each other's eyes. Amber met sunshine and became fixed. There was a faint pink in both of their faces. Time had stopped and neither of them could breathe.

It was that scene that Jaken saw as he walked into the castle sitting room. His screech was loud enough to bring the regents, the other lords, the servants, the soldiers, the cooks, the pages, the water boy, the stable manager, and even the cleaning staff of the royal household running to him. All of them were armed with multiple weapons, pots and pans, pitchers, mops, broom sticks and even chamber pots. The royal household was prepared to fight!

Both Inus were startled by the noise. Lord Inuyasha quickly unsheathed his sword as he assumed a defensive position in front of Prince Sesshomaru. Lord Inuyasha wanted to protect him from the loud noise and whatever else caused the racket.

Yuki and Kyo couldn't help but laugh as the visual image their daddy's words brought to their minds. Inuyasha smiled and joined their laughter. The noise attracted other Takahashi household members and they peaked around the edge of the door frame to see what was going on.

Inuyasha didn't notice that his audience had increased but simply continued his story.

"When the regents viewed the montage before them they began to laugh. Totosai, Myoga, and Saya's laughter calmed all the members of the household. The regents applauded the castle staff for their quick response to their prince's aid and then dispersed them to their original chores. Lord Inuyasha was pulled away from Prince Sesshomaru and was in deep conversation with the King's regents. Totosai invited the other nobles to join them in the meeting. Inuyasha did not recognize these nobles but decided if Totosai invited them it would be ok to relay the details to them about the mission. After all parties had asked their questions and were satisfied with the responses Inuyasha pulled Totosai aside. He pointed to the nicks in Tessaiga and stressed the urgency of repairing the sword. After hearing the report and reviewing the damaged sword Totosai declared that he would need three days to repair the sword and he would need a tooth from Inuyasha. Trying to impress the prince, Inuyasha pulled out his own tooth and gave it to the sword smith. The prince, however, was nowhere in sight, and Inuyasha's disappointment was genuine. Additionally the pain was sharp from the removal of the tooth and the inuhanyou let slip a whimper.

"Immediately after the regents reassured everyone that all was well Jaken had dragged Prince Sesshomaru away. Jaken then commenced a severe, lengthy scolding, reprimanding the prince for leaving his tutor and allowing a stranger to touch his royal person without a chaperone present. Sesshomaru heard Inuyasha's whimper and empathized. He didn't get enough time with the man of his affections and now he had to go back to lessons with his tutor Jaken.
Fortunately for both inus formal dinner was only a few hours later and Lord Inuyasha was seated at Prince Sesshomaru's side. The King's chair was empty, but the table was otherwise full with the three regents sitting to the left of the King's chair and Prince Sesshomaru and Lord Inuyasha to the right. The remaindered of the table was full of the other nobles who were eager to hear more of the Hanyou's adventures. The position at the table gave Inuyasha plenty of opportunity to monopoly the dinner conversation, entertaining the prince and all the nobles with tales of his adventures. The young royal sat with raptured attention, eating up all of the tales and memorizing every movement the inuhanyou made.

"Over the next three days Sesshomaru spent as much time as he could with Inuyasha with Jaken as chaperone. They sparred together, walked through the village, rode their steeds Kirara and Ah-Un, and even had picnics. The prince fell helplessly in love with the dashingly handsome inuhanyou. When they weren't together both pined for the other and spent many hours sighing and staring into space. Jaken noticed the prince's lack of attention to his studies but even he had grown to respect the inuhanyou and was very tolerant of the Prince's starry eyed looks. Lucky for Sesshomaru, Inuyasha had also fallen in love. However, both men were afraid to confess their love. After three days Totosai returned Tessaiga to Inuyasha and Inuyasha reluctantly left the castle for the two day ride back to his manor. That night both Inus whimpered at the moon.

Inuyasha looked up from the book and noticed the twins were asleep. Turning he saw the older children silently slip out of sight. He closed the book, shelved it, and walked to their master bedroom balcony. In his heart he felt the loneliness of missing his mate and he whined at the moon. Half a country away, Sesshomaru paused and put a hand to his heart. He looked up at the moon and echoed the lament. Perhaps it was time he stopped traveling for a while.

That's the end of Chapter one. The story is written but in the process of review and clarification of points of confusion. If you see one of those points of confusion PM me. Smiley faces are an acceptable form of review. :) Gayle Nightingale