Secondly, I have several notes I want to make you aware of, however it's going to get sort of lengthy because I have a lot to say, so you if you'd rather skip it and go straight to the story that's fine. They're more my thoughts than anything and nothing is required reading to understand the story.

You all oughta know that near the end of the story I became very lazy because I just wanted to finish the damn thing so if it seems rushed, that's because it is.There are probably tons of errors - grammatical, spelling or otherwise - loose ends, loop holes, and plot points that I should have expounded on better, but I was just so happy to be done with it that I didn't bother to go back, find any and fix them. Maybe someday I'll go back and fine-tune everything, but for now it's gonna stay as is because frankly I'm sick of looking at it lmaoo.

DO YOU KNOW THIS FREAKING MONSTROSITY IS 39 GODDAMN PAGES. which is why i'm splitting it into two parts.

I, uh, sorta forgot that Kirara existed so she's not anywhere in this fic lmao oops. So pretend she's recovering from some injury at Kaede's village or something.

The castle/stronghold Inuyasha and Kagome travel to is the castle that makes an appearance in the Band of Seven arc, where Bankotsu gets the Banryu back and slaughters all the humans living there. I am no expert on medieval Japanese castles, so everything mentioned about them is probably not accurate but again, I don't care so whatevs lol.

Actually there are probably a lot of things in this monstrosity that's not accurate so just...idk pretend that everything is true and factual lol.

Oh I guess I should mention this takes place perhaps a year or so after the Band of Seven arc so I tried to make it as realistic as possible and added rotting bodies and the like so. Meh.

Throughout writing this I kept switching between Tessaiga and Tetsusaiga and ended up sticking with the latter because honestly to me it looks better and that's what I've always used anyway. I also didn't know whether to use English terms for demons or go with youkai, and decided to stick with the Japanese terms because I also like that one better haha.

Uh...okay so I guess it wasn't that long, but still, I know some people don't like to read author's notes and just go straight to the story. I'll probably edit this later when I think of something else I wanted to say but can't think of right now.

Please forgive any inconsistencies regarding Inuyasha's appearance; I'm so used to writing him as silver-haired and dog-eared that sometimes I'll forget myself and describe his hanyou attributes instead of his human ones.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings and on with the story! Please, please, PLEASE enjoy this stupid oneshot that took over my life and caused me serious lack of sleep.

Out of Time

"Take your shirt off. At this point it's just a rag hanging off your body and we can't leave that unwrapped."

Kagome made a face, afraid that he was going to say that, but she didn't protest because she knew he was right. So with a resigned sigh, Kagome attempted to pull off her wet-and-ruined-beyond-recognition shirt without moving her arm too much. But when it became apparent she couldn't lift her arm much without gasping in pain and tears pricking her eyes, large hands gently brushed hers away and went about ripping the garment off of her with a few deft flicks of his wrist, the already torn fabric tearing easily under his strength despite it being damp.

She stared woefully at the bloodstained, torn, dirty and still damp shirt as he pulled it away, too exhausted mentally and physically to care that she was sitting topless in front of him with only her bra to preserve her modesty. It was just as well, she supposed; its purpose as a shirt had long ago been sacrificed to bandage the gash on her thigh and with it being as torn and filthy as it was she may as well have been running around topless anyway.

Wordlessly Kagome watched him rip off yet another section of the garment as a makeshift bandage, taking a moment to wrap what was left of it around Tetsusaiga for later use before kneeling before her and wrapping up the laceration on her arm. Kagome studied him quietly with tired but alert brown eyes. He was in just as bad a shape as she was, probably more so because of his deeply engrained instinct to protect her at all costs. Because of that he was covered in more cuts and bruises than she was, his hakama and suikan torn in several places, darkened with new and old blood, and still slightly damp from their plunge into the river hours earlier. She noted the angry downward slash of black brows over fierce violet eyes, his strong jaw clenched and his lips pinched into a tight line as he knotted the fabric over the worst of the cut to keep pressure on it.

She knew the sight of her – dirty, exhausted, and wounded – was something that he blamed himself for and she wished he wouldn't. Their situation was neither of their faults, and she didn't know how many times she'd told him it was just bad timing, that there wasn't anything they could have done to prevent it. She knew he was worried, both for them and for those they sought, and the guilt in his eyes was plain to see every time he looked at her or whenever he cleaned one of her cuts.

After all, nobody could have predicted their friends would end up in mortal danger on the night of the new moon. Nobody could have guessed that the youkai that kidnapped them – masquerading as a human – would have a human army at his disposal, and they most certainly wouldn't haven known they would be forcefully driven away from the stronghold that kept their friends by said human army, using bows, swords, and javelins. Inuyasha and Kagome had had no choice but to flee for their lives before the weapons did more the just graze their skin. Kagome had gotten stuck in the thigh on their bid for freedom and after that Inuyasha had swooped her up into his arms and ran.

It was only after the sounds of the men chasing them had disappeared perhaps an hour later that Inuyasha deemed it safe enough to finally stop and treat her wound and that had been the first time they used her shirt as a bandage. Since they hadn't been able to grab anything before fleeing, Kagome's bag with all her medical supplies and her bow and arrows were still at the camp and when they'd tentatively gone back to retrieve them, they'd found everything missing. It didn't take a genius to figure out the army had ransacked their camp and taken their belongings with them.

It also hadn't taken long to decide to go back and rescue their friends – not going back hadn't even been an option – and of course Kagome had to argue with Inuyasha to accompany him since he'd been deadest on leaving her behind. It was only after she'd pointed out they were too far away from Kaede's village that Inuyasha had begrudgingly given in, hating the fact that it made sense. It would only be wasting what little time they may have to rescue them to go all the way to the village then turn right back around and head toward what they thought to be the youkai's stronghold.

A soft breeze filtered through the trees and Kagome, not for the first time, silently thanked the gods that it was a warm night. Her newest injury, the one Inuyasha had just bandaged, had been caused by another run-in of their quarry's patrolling soldiers some twenty minutes ago and without Inuyasha's enhanced hearing or smell, he'd been unable to detect their presence or the whizzing arrow's path until it was too late. Kagome's scream of pain had been Inuyasha's only warning before a barrage of spears and arrows rained down on them and Inuyasha hadn't even had time to think before he grabbed Kagome, dove into the trees to their left and ended up rolling down an incline into the river. Kagome barely had time to draw in a breath before Inuyasha had submerged them once again and urged her to swim along the bottom of the river away from their attackers.

Thankfully they'd managed to lose them and so now here they were, in the middle of the forest on the night of the new moon, still hours away from daybreak, both of them filthy, sore, exhausted and sporting cuts and bruises everywhere. They had no idea what condition their friends were in, if they were even still alive – although they both tried to avoid thinking about that – or if they could even survive the night with those damn soldiers on the prowl and actively looking for them with orders to no doubt eliminate. Kagome and Inuyasha were sure it was only sheer blind luck that they'd managed to escape with only minimal bruising and wounds thus far, and not for the first time cursed the fact that it was the new moon. Had Inuyasha been hanyou he'd be able to evade the warriors completely in the treetops, easily track down their friends, knock down anybody who got in his way and the five of them would be on their way back to Kaede's village, safe, uninjured, and together again.

But it did them no good to dwell on the what if's and could have been so Kagome focused on the here and now, studying Inuyasha's face in the dark, barely able to make out his features but close enough to see the worry and pain he was trying to hide. He hadn't gotten away unscathed either, Kagome recalled, and though she wanted to treat his wounds too, it would be a lost cause because she knew he wouldn't let her, telling her they were just "scratches" and they'd be gone in a few hours, anyway. It was true, though that didn't mean she had to like it.

Right at the moment, though, the regret in his eyes and face was prominent and before she could stop herself her hand rose and gently touched the cut that slashed through his right eyebrow, still oozing blood that trailed down his face. Her touch drew his eyes to hers and she tried to convey everything she wanted to say to him through her gaze, willing him to understand that it wasn't his fault, that none of this was his burden to bear.

Kagome offered him a thin smile that bespoke of her exhaustion but it was genuine and she was gratified to see Inuyasha's expression soften slightly. He sighed, closed his eyes and brought a hand up to capture hers, pressing her palm to his cheek and simply relishing in her touch.

They were silent, reveling in the knowledge that they were together, still alive, and however battered and bruised, were determined to find and rescue their companions.

Another zephyr whispered through the trees and Kagome shivered that time, her wet hair not at all helping her plight to remain relatively warm despite the nice weather. It hadn't gone unnoticed by her companion and wordlessly Inuyasha straightened before shrugging out of his suikan. Kagome smiled but then it faded in confusion when instead of handing it to her, he dropped it to the ground and instead shed his kosode before dropping it over her shoulders and redonning his suikan. She was about to ask why his kosode instead of his firerat, but stopped when she noted the less than stellar condition of the robe. Since he was human the self-repairing properties of the garment were not in effect and with it riddled with holes and stained with blood, it wouldn't do much to cover her.

Gratefully Kagome shoved her arms through the sleeves, still damp but uncaring and since it was large on her, she gathered the hem and knotted it at her waist. It gaped in the front and showed a slight amount of cleavage and the fabric of her bra, but she didn't care since it more or less covered her up and she doubted Inuyasha gave it a second thought either. They were both too tired, too sore to be embarrassed and driven in their mission to rescue their friends for Kagome's modesty to even be a footnote in their minds.

Inuyasha left the firerat hanging open and reached down to help Kagome to her feet. They both knew they had little time to stand around and regather their strength, however Inuyasha needed to take stock of his wench's condition; she was so much more fragile than him, more prone to bruising and wounds and it fucking terrified him that she was here with him, being hunted by those damn warriors, but there wasn't anything he could do about that, so the least he could do was make sure she was well taken care of. Or at least, as well taken care of as she could be given the circumstances.

"Doing okay?" he muttered, sweeping an unruly strand of damp hair behind her ear and not liking how pale she was.

Kagome gave him another smile and though her dark eyes had lost their usual brightness due to fatigue and pain, it was genuine. "Yes," she answered simply and pressed a hand to his bare chest, over his heart. "You?"

The corner of his lip twitched up into a half-grin. "Keh," he mumbled. "I'm tougher than you humans. I'll live."

"You are one of those humans right now," Kagome softly reminded him, her smile fading but not disappearing. "I just…I know you're stronger than me, and your skin probably is a little tougher than mine, but…Inuyasha, promise me you won't be so reckless from now on. Don't think I haven't noticed you've been shielding me from the worst of it." She leveled him with a knowing look, daring him to lie.

Inuyasha didn't answer because she was right; his scored and bleeding back could attest to that and he simply stared at her, completely unapologetic.

His silence unsettled her and she must have seen the resolve in his eyes because her chocolate eyes grew wide and her hands clutched the open sides of his robe, her voice holding a hint of desperation as she pleaded, "Inuyasha, promise me."

He didn't know if it was their situation, the look in her eyes or his unwavering resolve to always protect her, but whatever the reason Inuyasha couldn't stop himself from lifting his hands and gently cupping her face, her soft gasp of surprise reaching his ears. "My first priority will always be your safety, Kagome, and if that means taking a few measly arrows in your stead…" His meaning was clear as he trailed off, his dark eyes intense as he willed her to understand what he didn't say.

If it meant Kagome would live to see another day, he would gladly lay his life down for hers.

By the way Kagome's eyes glistened with the threat of tears, Inuyasha knew she'd gotten his message loud and clear. "Inuyasha—"

Inuyasha sighed and stalled any further protests by dropping an unexpected kiss to her forehead. "We don't have time to argue about this, Kagome. Later, after we find and rescue the others and everyone is safe we can discuss my 'recklessness' all you want, but for right now we need to concentrate on staying hidden and taking down the bastard that took our friends. Alright?"

It was clear by the way she pursed her lips and pouted up at him that she wanted to continue the conversation, but she knew he was right, even if she didn't want to admit it, and gave in with a nod and a small sigh. Still, she couldn't help but saying, "Please, just…be more careful. For me."

That was something he could do and his reply was a quiet hum of acquiescence coupled with another press of his lips to her forehead. "Deal, wench. Now let's get moving; the longer we stay in one spot, the more likely it is they'll find us."

Kagome nodded again, appeased now that her beloved hanyou-turned-human would also think of his own life instead of just hers, and didn't protest when he took her hand and tugged her deeper into the trees. By silent agreement they both kept a lookout for their pursuers while simultaneously taking stock of where exactly they were. Inuyasha wasn't certain, but he suspected they were pretty far north and relayed as much to Kagome.

"North," Kagome repeated with a thoughtful frown and grabbed Inuyasha's hands as he helped her over a fallen tree. "North…wait—isn't that where the Ox Tiger is?"

Inuyasha snapped his gaze to her and his brows dipped as he considered her words. "No, I think that was more northeast if I remember," he mused, hooking her waist with an arm and bringing her down next to him. He stared over her shoulder at nothing, his expression contemplative; something tugging at the back of his mind insisting that he was missing something crucial here—

"The Band of Seven," Inuyasha suddenly blurted at the same time Kagome said, "Mount Hakurei."

Kagome's eyes widened and Inuyasha clasped his hand urgently onto Kagome's arms as they both realized the same thing. "But it was destroyed," he reminded her with a small shake of his head. "There's nothing left but big ass spikes and boulders."

She seemed to deflate a little at that observation and she sighed, wrinkling her nose. "Oh yeah," she mumbled. "I forgot."

Inuyasha cursed as he thrust a hand through his hair in frustration, scowling off into the trees. He knew there was something else he was forgetting, something they were both missing. It was right there, in the back of his mind, on the tip of his tongue, taunting him with the knowledge that they would be that much closer to finding the others if he'd only remember…

"—a human army," Kagome was saying but he was only listening with half an ear, "wouldn't there have to be like…a castle, or something—"

Inuyasha whipped his head round so fast Kagome gave a soft gasp of alarm.

"What's wro—"

"What did you say?" he demanded, his words urgent, gaze fixated on hers.

Kagome blinked and repeated what she'd just said while thinking aloud, "I said, he has a human army so wouldn't there have to be some sort of castle or something—"

"The castle," Inuyasha cut her off for a second time, his eyes widening as he once more seized Kagome's arms in excitement. "The fucking castle, Kagome!"

Kagome opened her mouth, closed it, and gave him a puzzled look. "I don't…what castle?"

He made a sound of impatience. "The castle where Banryu was kept!"

He was rewarded with another blank stare and Inuyasha scowled and was about to open his mouth to yell at her to use that damn brain of hers when she suddenly gasped and went stiff under his hands. Kagome's eyes grew large to match his own as her hands came up to wrap around his wrists. "The feudal lord's stronghold," she muttered, more to herself than to him. "That could—but isn't it in ruins?" she asked, frowning again, not daring to hope. "After Bankotsu got the halberd back, he slaughtered the lord and all of the humans residing in it. No one's been there since it happened."

"But a youkai wouldn't care about that," Inuyasha insisted, growing more certain of his conclusion by the second. "Actually it's damn near perfect for a youkai that likes his privacy; the foul stench of death and blood with the occasional dismembered body would drive away any lower level youkai sniffing around the area and I'm pretty sure no human would dare venture anywhere near it after what happened there."

Unbidden tears filled Kagome's eye and she gave a watery smile, squeezing his wrists. "Do you think—"

"Yeah," he said and offered his own grin in return, feeling like they were finally getting somewhere for the first time since the entire event started. "That's gotta be it. There's nothing else in the region except for the temple Renkotsu took over and that's burned to the ground. I doubt he'd care to cross the lake onto Hijiri Island, and the village where that damn Suikotsu stayed is too small to hold any interest for him. So that leaves the only structure large enough to house a human army and since he no doubt thinks himself as a high ranking youkai—"

Kagome launching herself at him with a choked laugh cut off the rest of Inuyasha's sentence and he happily returned her embrace, the relief at finally having a lead on where their friends might be rushing through him like a temporary high and without even thinking it through Inuyasha leaned back, grasped Kagome's chin to tilt her face upward and dipped down—

Unbidden the hairs on the back of Inuyasha's neck stood on end and he barely had time to seize Kagome around the waist before spinning with her crushed to her chest and taking the arrow meant for her in his right shoulder. Kagome cried out in a mixture of alarm and dismay as Inuyasha grunted in pain, but there wasn't any time to assess the damage. Amid Kagome's fretting concerns asking if he was alright, he could hear the human soldiers closing in, making no effort to muffle their approach with their battle cries of victory and thundering charge through the trees toward them so gritting his teeth against the pain Inuyasha took off as fast as he could, half-dragging Kagome behind him as he dodged boulders, logs and ducked under low hanging branches.

Struggling to keep up with Inuyasha's frantic pace, Kagome stumbled and grit her teeth as her ankle rolled painfully beneath her weight. Her left thigh throbbed as the gash there pulled and stretched with her movement and she felt the warmth of fresh blood as it reopened, staining the dirty bandage.

"Dammit, Kagome, keep up!" Inuyasha hollered behind him and looked over his shoulder past her into the trees behind them. Shit, their assailants were getting closer and they weren't going fast enough!

"I'm—trying—" Kagome gasped and pushed herself to go faster, pumping her legs, her breath wheezing in and out of her lungs. "Inu—ahh!"

Abruptly Inuyasha stopped with a rough sound of frustration, but it was directed more at their situation than the young woman that collided against him with a grunt, struggling to catch her breath. He paid her no mind as he frantically looked around at their surroundings, desperately searching for something to hide behind, trees with low enough branches to climb, fuck, he didn't care what it was but they needed to find some kind of cover, quickly, because Inuyasha knew to keep running meant a gruesome end and he'd kill himself before he ever let that happen to his Kagome.

C'mon, c'mon, where—

An arrow thudded into the thick tree right next to them and Kagome released a quiet cry of fright, crowding up against him. "Inuyasha—"

Fuck. Out of time.

With zero hesitation Inuyasha reached behind him to yank out the arrow still embedded into his shoulder, ignoring the burning pain that splintered across his back and arm. He tossed it aside carelessly and with an arm secured around her waist, Inuyasha dove behind the large tree where the arrow had landed, hoping the wide girth and cover of darkness would be enough to keep them hidden as he pressed back against the rough bark, drew Kagome between his knees and pressed her head into his chest.

"Don't move," he hissed in her ear just as a dozen soldiers burst from the trees behind them and the couple froze.

Kagome tried to make herself as small as possible against him, tucking her legs up, pressing into his chest and hunching her shoulders, holding her breath. He could feel her shaking against him and he tightened his hold around her, sucking in a quiet breath and pressing back tight into the tree as he closed his eyes, hoping, praying they wouldn't think to look behind any trees. That'd be too obvious, right?

He clenched his jaw and buried his face in Kagome's hair. Please…please let me keep her safe.

"What the fuck, Wakashi! You missed!"

"You gave away our position, you bloody idiot! Don't shoot if you're not absolutely certain you'll hit!"

"At least I actually hit something! You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn even if it was ten feet in front of you!"

"You son of a—"

"Would you three shut the fuck up?! Your foolish squabbling is loud enough to wake the dead—"

"Ah, stuff it, Yoshino, you didn't even want to come in the first place."

"That's because I have better things to do than chase after some worthless half-breed and his whore."

Kagome flinched and Inuyasha bit down on his lip hard to stifle the cry of outrage that welled up. He could hear them walking around as they bickered and insulted each other, thankfully not coming close enough to their hiding spot, but still, Inuyasha was getting anxious and his heart was thudding painfully in his chest. They were staying too long, lingering; why the fuck weren't they moving on?

"If you four are done bitching and complaining like petty children," came a much deeper voice and the clank of armor suggested the speaker was the head of the squadron, "then I suggest we move onward. The targets are obviously not here or we would have found them already. Let's move out."

"I saw them, Daisuke," the man who'd shot the arrow insisted. "I know I did—the abomination was wearing red, right? What else is red in the middle of the fucking forest?"

"A giant bird?"

"A youkai?"

"Your wife?"

The last one elicited rowdy guffaws from the rest of the soldiers along with Wakashi's indignant protest and even Inuyasha had to withhold a snort of amusement.

"Enough!" Daisuke bellowed and the men immediately silenced at his less than pleased tone. "I want all of you to branch out, now—Sosuke, you and Wakashi head west, Yoshino, Nobu, due east, and the rest of you continue north toward the stronghold. Master Yuudai warned us that despite his status as a lowly half-breed, he is smarter than the average youkai and could have figured out where his human companions are being held. You must prevent them from breeching the walls. Now move out, all of you."

The warriors obeyed their commander without question, though there were a few grumbles and when footsteps approached their tree, Inuyasha stiffened as his blood ran cold. Kagome tensed and he knew she heard it, too.

"Are you daft, Wakashi? That is not west," the presumed Sosuke spoke up, his voice thankfully not any closer than it was before.

"Can it, So, I needa get my arrow. They don't exactly make 'em like they use to, y'know."

"Yeah, yeah, hurry it up, you bastard."

"Fuck off, bloody arsehole."

Closer and closer the footsteps drew near and Inuyasha knew he had to do something. Though the tree was wide and the night was dark, he couldn't take even the miniscule of chances of him discovering them. But what could he do? God, there had to be something, anything he could do to distract him, divert their attention so they could sneak away—

Wakashi was just on the other side of the tree and Inuyasha didn't give himself time to think. With a colorful mental curse and clenching his jaw so hard it ached, he swiftly jerked Tetsusaiga from his hip and prayed the cover of darkness wouldn't give him away as he stretched his arm out and flung his sword as hard as he could in the opposite direction, away for their hiding spot.

Kagome sucked in a sharp breath and without missing a beat he clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound with a hissed warning in her ear to stay quiet.

Tetsusaiga clattered against several trees as it sailed through the air and on its descent to the ground, as Inuyasha had hoped, and it successfully drew Wakashi's, and Sosuke's attention as it fell to the ground somewhere beyond the shadows, a satisfactory distance away from them.

"What was that?" Sosuke said sharply and was already moving to investigate. "Fuck—I think it's them! Forget your damn arrow, Waka, we can't let them get away!"

"Goddamn—wait for me, you bloody arsehole!" Rabid footsteps followed after Sosuke into the trees and Inuyasha didn't waste a second.

"Run, go!" he hissed and gave Kagome a shove as he scrambled to his feet, catching Kagome's arm and heaving her upright when she stumbled. "Go!"

Kagome did as she was told, forcing her legs to support her weight as she rushed headlong into the darkness before her with Inuyasha on her heels. Blindly she reached back and when his hand closed around hers she released a soft sob of relief and then both of them were swatting away branches and stumbling their way through the forest, trying to put as much distance between them and their pursuers while they could. Inuyasha tried not to think about just how he'd granted them the opportunity to flee and even though he knew he'd get his sword back again, it was still hard to leave it behind, and it was stupid but he felt like he was betraying his Fang.

Forcefully he shoved those thoughts away to worry over at a later time; right now he needed all of his concentration and energy saving their asses as they struggled to run in the dark to what he hoped was north, toward this Yuudai bastard's stronghold.

It was slow going; they weren't going nearly as fast as Inuyasha wanted them to, but then again it was difficult to go fast when you couldn't see where you were going. They stumbled, tripped, slipped and fell, but never stopped. Whenever Kagome went down, Inuyasha was there to heave her back up and when Inuyasha faltered, Kagome urged him back to his feet. It was tedious, and exhausting, and damn right frustrating, but they knew giving up was not an option.

They didn't know how long they ran for but it felt like hours until they came to a small incline and Inuyasha urged Kagome to climb, only sparing enough breath to tell her to use the trees as leverage to hoist herself upward before demonstrating himself. Though her breath was coming in wheezes and she must have been on her last reserve of strength, Kagome followed without complaint, forcing her tired muscles to heave herself up using the limbs of trees and when she neared the top Inuyasha grabbed her hands and dragged her the rest of the way up.

Falling back against a nearby tree as Kagome collapsed against him, Inuyasha grunted and his legs abruptly gave out on him. Down he went, sliding to the ground and Kagome went with him, clutching the sides of his firerat as she shuddered and gasped for breath against him.

Automatically his arm went around her, keeping her cradled against his chest and for several minutes they did nothing but breathe, recovering from their frantic rush through the forest and as the adrenaline faded away, every little ache and pain made itself known with deep aches and twinges, muscles throbbing from hard use. Both of them were covered with welts and scratches from braches and they stung from the thin layer of sweat covering their skin.

Leaning his head back against tree, Inuyasha closed his eyes and winced, knowing they couldn't stay here long; they needed adequate cover before they could truly rest, but for now they could at least catch their breath.

God, when was the last time he'd run like that, desperate, frantic to get away? Inuyasha was stunned to realize, after a brief journey through memory lane, that the last time had been as a pup fleeing from those bigger and stronger than him seeking an easy meal or wanted to kill him for sport. And he was willing to bet for Kagome this had been the first time she'd been running for her life, and Inuyasha vowed that it would also be the last.

And speaking off, Kagome was going limp against him, her breathing evening out and he knew she was seconds away from nodding off in exhaustion. He couldn't let that happen, not until they had a safe place to rest.

Grimacing, not without a stab of guilt, Inuyasha nudged the young woman resting against him and when that didn't work, he grabbed her shoulder and shook her back awake. "Kagome," he rumbled, voice hoarse. She whined. "C'mon, you can't sleep yet. We need to find a safe place first."

Kagome groaned and shook her head and then winced when her body protested even that small movement. "Nooo," she breathed, unable to muster the strength to even lift her head. "Tired."

Inuyasha sighed and reached between them to grasp her shoulders, gently leaning her upright. "I know, I am too, but we can't stay here. C'mon, we just need to get down the other side of this hill. I can see some rocks and what looks like a big ass hollowed out tree trunk that might work. It's not that far and then after we're safe, I promise you can rest. Alright?"

No, it was not alright. Instead Kagome huffed, gave a little whine of frustration, but with great reluctant somehow managed to muster up the strength to push herself upright on her own, using his chest as leverage. "I don't like you right now," she pouted and willed her legs to obey her silent commands to get up. They stubbornly refused to listen.

"I know." With every ounce of strength he had left Inuyasha heaved himself to his feet, wincing as his muscles twinged in protest but he ignored it. "C'mon, wench," he urged when she still hadn't moved. "Get up."

Kagome bit her lip and tried, but pain shot through her wounded thigh and she gasped. Clasping her hands over the gash that had started bleeding again through the already soaked-through bandage, she sounded near tears as she admitted, "Inuyasha, I don't think I can." Gritting her teeth against the pain she shot him a helpless look.

Inuyasha grimaced. As much as he wanted to assist her, he knew he wouldn't be able to support both his weight and hers and he tried to make his voice gentle as he said, "Then scoot down on your ass if you have to, but we have to move, wench." With that Inuyasha carefully picked his way down the slope, using limbs and trees to keep him from sliding too much until he was safely at the bottom. He looked back to find Kagome doing as he'd suggested, and though she didn't look too happy about it, she was slowly sliding down on her bottom while at the same time trying to keep her skirt from revealing more than she'd bargained for. He grinned in amusement despite himself then shook his head and went to poke around the rocks and trunk a few feet away.

Immense relief swept through him when he discovered there was a little nook large enough for both of them to hide out in for at least an hour or so and after making sure no animal had sought shelter within, he came back around and found Kagome pale-faced and breathing heavily leaning against the rocks. He hated to make her move even an inch more, but it was necessary.

"A little further, wench," he told her and she loudly groaned her displeasure before obeying and crawling the small distance where he stood. Inuyasha ducked inside before her and arranged himself so he was facing the opening with his knees bent. With the wood of the truck creating a ceiling of sorts as it jutted out and the rock waling them in it suited their purposes just fine.

Though he doubted she could truly see him in the dark, Kagome was peering at him from the low opening and he beckoned her forward with a wave of his hand. "C'mere," he muttered and instantly she was crawling the rest of the way in, settling herself between his raised knees and collapsing against his chest with a long, drawn out sigh of relief. He gathered her into his arms as she stretched her leg out and Inuyasha gently probed her thigh, frowning when his fingers touched warm wetness. Shit, she was bleeding again and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it, not in this darkness and when they could barely move.

She must have known where his mind wandered off to because Kagome covered his hand where it lay on her thigh and gave it a soft squeeze. "S'okay," she whispered, seconds from slipping into slumber. "It'll stop."

He didn't say anything and prayed that she wasn't losing too much blood or infection wasn't setting in as he dragged the sleeve of his robe over her thighs and pressed it against the wound. She winced softly but otherwise didn't protest. The injury he'd gotten from the arrow had already clotted, he was sure, so at least he didn't have to worry about that on top of everything else. Threading their fingers together, Inuyasha swallowed the lump in his throat and pressed his lips to her temple.

"We can only stay for a bit," he told her. "Just until we get back a little of our strength and we're not dead on our feet. Get some rest and I'll wake you in an hour or so, alright?"

Kagome sighed, gave a nearly imperceptible nod, but instead of instantly nodding off like he expected her to, she uttered after a slight hesitation, "…I'm sorry, Inuyasha."

He cast a puzzled frown at her. "What for?"

Her guilt was obvious as she replied, "If I hadn't stumbled, if—if I was running faster you wouldn't have had to—"

"Stop it," Inuyasha cut her off and tightened his arm around her. "You don't have to apologize for anything, got it? I told you before, wench, you're my first priority. Go. To. Sleep. We'll talk more later."

Of course she didn't listen. Had he really expected anything else? "But…but it didn't have to be Tetsusaiga! You could have used…I don't know, my shoe or something."

"Don't be stupid, Kagome.


He growled, or at least his human vocal chords made the equivalent of one. "Throwing your shoe would have slowed you down even more, idiot. The forest floor ain't exactly a grassy meadow."

She paused and then sounded adorably contrite as she muttered, "Oh."

Bringing a hand up to tiredly rub his eyes, Inuyasha heaved a sigh and said softly, with more patience than he thought he had, "It's not like I don't know where it's going," he assured, secretly pleased that she was as worried about his Fang as he was. "They took your bow, didn't they? So it stands to reason they'll probably take Tetsusaiga to the stronghold, too. I ain't too worried. S'not like that Yuu-bastard can use it, and if it turns out a human stole it, I'll just sniff 'em out when I'm hanyou again and take it back. No problem."

Kagome wrinkled her nose and still didn't sound appeased. "I guess so."

He rolled his eyes but couldn't stop his lips from twitching upward. "Keh. I know so, wench. Now would you quit your worryin' and get some rest? The more time you spend yakkin', the less time you have to rest and the more tired you'll be when we get movin' again."

In answer Kagome wiggled around to get more comfortable and when she started muttering to herself about how the hard ground made it hard for her to sleep, Inuyasha shook his head and stalled her useless squirming by abruptly lifting her up and shifting around to cross his legs before settling her back down into the cradle of his folded legs. She made a soft noise of appreciation and wrapped her arms around his waist beneath his robe, tucking her head under his chin, and then finally drifting off with a small sigh.

With Kagome wrapped safely in his arms, Inuyasha stayed awake for as long as he could, determined to keep watch and protect his wench, but eventually the lull of sleep was too difficult to fight anymore and with a quiet sigh he closed his eyes and succumbed.

When he woke up a little over an hour later, grateful for his deeply engrained survival instincts for allowing him to set an internal alarm clock of sorts, he was alert within a few seconds and the first thing Inuyasha noticed was that Kagome was awake as well. Surprising, but definitely not unwelcome. Waking Kagome was never a pleasure since it always took two or three tries to rouse her and if she didn't get enough sleep she was always crabby for the rest of the day.

Now he was just glad he didn't have to spend time they didn't have waking her up.

An ache in his neck and shoulders made itself known right then and Inuyasha winced, rolling his shoulders to reduce the stiffness and not for the first time cursing his weak human body for being prone to such aches. What a pain in the ass. And neck. And shoulders. And—


Settling back against the hard stone, Inuyasha sighed and gave the woman in his lap his full attention. "Hey," he said and belatedly realized that he could make out Kagome's features a little better than before. It only served to remind him that time was not on their side. How many more hours until sunrise? Four? Three?

Kagome must have realized the same thing because he felt her tense as she whispered, "I can see you. I mean I could before, sort of, but now it's…"

Inuyasha's tone was grim. "Yeah." He paused. "I'm surprised you're already awake."

She wrinkled her nose. "Well, it's not from lack of trying," Kagome admitted petulantly and Inuyasha could just make out the pout on her face. "I don't know if it's some kind of…deeply rooted survival instinct or something, but it's like I'm trying to unconsciously distract myself from our less than pleasant situation, because even though I know I need to rest, my brain is like 'let's think about that really embarrassing thing you did five years ago that nobody probably even remembers and obsess over it and oh by the way, bugs. Bugs everywhere' and how the hell am I supposed to sleep with that?"

Inuyasha coughed and turned his head to hide his grin, telling himself it really wouldn't be a good idea to tell her how cute it was when she cursed because likely he'd received a death glare and threats of bodily harm for his troubles. Still, Inuyasha couldn't help but liken her righteous indignation to that of a furious kitten.

And forget simple threats of bodily harm if he ever made mention of that; Kagome would inflict bodily harm on him, probably to very sensitive parts on his body, and Inuyasha promptly decided that he had a death wish because why the fuck did he suddenly feel like laughing?

Out of his peripheral he saw Kagome's eyes narrow suspiciously at him and he fought to school his features. "Problem?" she asked and her tone of voice suggested he answer very carefully.

Clearing this throat, Inuyasha tamped viciously down on his amusement and managed to retain a neutral expression as he finally turned back to her and said, "Nope. So, five years ago, huh?"

Kagome stiffened and he wondered at the blush that stole across her cheeks. "Nothing. Drop it."

Inuyasha did not drop it. "What was it?"

"What was what?" she asked innocently, pretending to survey the canopy of treetops above them.

"Don't play dumb, wench."

Kagome leveled a withering glare at him and growled, "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about, Inuyasha."

Deciding that he'd probably provoked the furious kitten long enough, Inuyasha finally heeded her less than subtle warning to shut up or else. "I'll get it out of you yet, wench. Just wait."

Kagome loudly snorted her opinion of that and ignored Inuyasha's chuckle.

Shaking his head, Inuyasha sighed and gave his wench a reprieve by asking, "How ya feeling?"

Kagome eyed him for a moment, debating, but when all he did was regard her quietly, she sighed and answered, "Like I can sleep for a week."

He snorted. His sentiments exactly.

"I'm still sore all over but at least now I think I can stand without face-planting. You? How's your shoulder?" Without waiting for an answer she slid her hand up his back and tenderly brushed her fingertips across his shoulder blade, her lips pursing in concern when she felt the puckered edges of the hole from the arrow, crusted with dried blood.

To her surprise he let her inspect the wound with her gentle touches for a bit before shrugging his shoulder, dislodging her hand and she obediently brought it back to her lap. "S'fine," he rumbled. "Stopped bleeding a long time ago. How's your leg?" He patted her thigh draped over his knee in an absentminded gesture.

Experimentally Kagome shifted her left and predictably her entire thigh protested the movement. She winced and spoke honestly, "Aside from the expected soreness from hard running, it still hurts but at least it stopped bleeding. Still, I'm worried about infection. If only I had some water…"

Inuyasha sighed and regretfully shook his head. "We can't go actively looking for a water source but if we happen to come across a creek or something we can take advantage of it." Though he didn't show it he was just as worried; her wounds did need to be washed and treated before they worsened. "I'm sorry, Kagome. We don't have—"

"The time, I know," Kagome finished wearily. "I'm really beginning to hate that word. Dammit, if only they weren't out looking for us—!"

"There's no use griping about it now," Inuyasha interrupted, slightly amused and wondering if she'd been hanging around him too much if she was swearing now. "Besides, even if we could wait around until morning and for me to change back, there's no telling how Miroku, Sango and Shippou are faring. It's best we get there as soon as possible."

Too late he realized his mistake as Kagome sucked in a sharp breath and she tensed against him. "Shippou…"

Inuyasha grimaced and closed his eyes, feeling guilty and damning himself for opening his big damned mouth. "Kagome…" Helplessly he tucked her closer to his chest, wishing he knew what to do, what to say to make it all better.

"I know," Kagome sniffed and relished the feeling of being in his arms, knowing she was the safest place on earth right now. "I just…I hope they're okay."

His sigh ruffled her bangs and she felt the warmth of his lips press against her forehead. "Me, too," he rumbled and for the next minute the two of them simply sat there, taking advantage in this last bit of peace they weren't likely to have again for a while.

Then Inuyasha sighed and Kagome knew what he was going to say. "We need to get going. We've already hung around here too long."

"Slave driver," Kagome said but crawled out of his lap and out of their cozy little niche.


Inuyasha followed her out, ignoring the various aches and soreness of his muscles as he pushed to his feet and he took a moment to stretch, getting all of the kinks and knots out of his back and heaving a satisfied sigh as his back and neck gave several pops.

Kagome was glaring at him enviously and he couldn't help himself. He grinned at her.

Apparently the dark had lessened enough for her to make out his features because she snorted before whirling around and stalking off, grumbling under her breath and he didn't need to hear her to be able to guess what she was grumbling about.

Chuckling he took off after her, pleased to find that his short nap had rejuvenated his strength enough that he felt good about their oncoming mission. He still wasn't 100% of course, and wouldn't be until he had his demonic power back, but at least he didn't feel like he had when Tokajin body slammed him into the ground. All six hundred fucking pounds of him.


They walked for perhaps twenty or so minutes when Inuyasha announced they were closer to the castle than he'd originally thought and then five minutes after that they were relieved to stumble upon a small fresh water stream. They wasted no time in washing out their injuries, using Inuyasha's suikan to scrub off the dried blood and Kagome was gratified and relieved to find that both of her wounds weren't infected. Not yet, anyway; there was still a chance but at least the risk had lessened.

They both took the opportunity to scrub off the dirt and grime, and although it was nothing like a real bath, Kagome still felt marginally better a few minutes later when they set off for the stronghold again.

"Do we have a plan?" Kagome asked half an hour later after they finally breeched the tree line and the stronghold where their friends were being kept loomed before them. She tilted her head as she stared at the once majestic castle, wondering how on earth they were going to get inside. She'd forgotten how big the place was and despite it being abandoned for a little over a year now, Kagome was surprised how well kept it looked.

Then again, the only place that was really destroyed was the front part where they battled the Band of Seven so it stood to reason that the rest of the stronghold would remain more or less in one piece.

"Nope," Inuyasha answered, arms crossed as he gazed up at the sky. He wagered they had about two hours left until dawn, give or take, and Inuyasha wished it was even less time. Before they were using the cover of darkness the moonless night had provided for them in their bid to escape detection by Yuudai's army, but now that they'd finally arrived at their destination being a hanyou again would sure as hell come in handy right about now.

Kagome nodded absently and chewed her bottom lip, contemplating, before finally giving up with a sigh and gazing at her companion with a hopeless look. "How in the world are we going to get in?"

"Servant's quarters," Inuyasha replied without missing a beat and Kagome blinked. Why the hell hadn't she thought of that?

"They'll be around the back," he continued, grabbing her hand and leading her down the slight incline. "I don't see any of the human warriors, so either the bastard's arrogant enough that he thinks he doesn't need the extra protection, or he sent the entire fucking army out looking for us. Damn fool doesn't even realize how easy he's making this," he muttered to himself as he slid the last few feet to the bottom. Kagome gave a squeak as she glided after him and he caught her with an arm around the waist.

"Or," Kagome said after she regained her bearings and swatted Inuyasha on the chest for that stunt, "his 'army' is significantly smaller than we thought."

Inuyasha paused to consider that and then snorted in amusement. "Either way it makes things simpler. There might be some wandering around inside, though, so stay quiet and alert."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Duh."

Ignoring her and staying low, gesturing for her to do the same, Inuyasha had no trouble finding a weakened section of the tall wooden barrier that surrounded the fortress, which wasn't all that surprising. In its state of disrepair the entire thing was pretty much useless at this point, but Inuyasha doubted Yuudai chose the place for its sturdy foundations anyway.

After walking the perimeter and staying tight to the outer wall, he found the servant's entrance in short order, his footsteps light as he navigated the deserted halls, his grip on Kagome's hand firm, and as they passed through the empty kitchen Inuyasha slowed down and gestured for Kagome to watch her step. Most likely in their haste to flee the massacre Bankotsu had started, the servants had literally dropped everything before turning tail and he made sure to step over the suspicious dark stains on the floor and being careful to not accidently kick some cookware across the floor, thereby making a racket. He honestly couldn't be sure if the erratically shaped stains on the floor were food or something else, though it didn't make sense if it was the former. Wouldn't any food have perished by now? Dried up, eaten by scavengers and rodents? Inuyasha didn't want to think about it so he didn't and instead concentrated on making it to the doors across the room.

He was glad Kagome was being extra cautious as well, stepping where he stepped and carefully avoiding the various cookware scattered all over the floor. She nearly stumbled once as she was stepping over a large stain of...something but a sharp twinge in her thigh made her fall short. Inuyasha reacted quickly, whirling around and catching her before she tumbled to the ground and gave away their location.

He glared at her; Kagome blushed guiltily and gestured to her wounded thigh. Inuyasha huffed, gave a short nod before helping her over whatever was on the floor. It was a relief when they finally made it to the double doors that led out into the large dining area, and although they hadn't had any run-ins with any warriors yet, Inuyasha still couldn't rule out there not being any wandering the halls as a lazy sort of backup.

Kagome must have realized the same thing because she didn't try to pass him and push through the doors, but instead crouched next to him and awaited further instruction, however he knew she must have been eager as he to save their friends. They were so damn close, but they couldn't afford to be reckless or thoughtless. Inuyasha hadn't survived this long without being careful, and despite not being the most level-headed or thorough when it came to strategizing, he found that his straight-forward, uncomplicated methods usually worked pretty well, if not even better than a detail oriented, thought out plan.

And since they didn't have the time to sit around and brainstorm out a plan, Inuyasha figured there was no time like the present to fucking wing it and hope for the best.

"Alright," Inuyasha murmured as he cautiously peered around the edge of the fragmented doorway, missing Kagome's contemplative look. "My guess is they'll be in some sort of hold or dungeon, or at the least a guarded room – he's a cocky bastard, but I don't think even he would leave prisoners unguarded – so our best bet is to check out the rooms closest to here first."

"Aren't dungeons supposed to be underground, or something?" Kagome peeked over his shoulder and attempted to gaze down the hallway.

Inuyasha absentmindedly pushed her back, away from potential threats. "Typically, yeah, but this is a smaller than average sized castle so an underground keep wouldn't be practical."

Kagome gaped. "This is a small castle?" she asked incredulously.

Inuyasha frowned at her. "Have you seen where Sesshomaru lives?"

Kagome bilked and promptly closed her mouth. "Um, right."

Rolling his eyes, Inuyasha looked back out into the hallway; no patrolling soldiers as of yet so it looked like luck was on their side. "Looks like we're clear," he said and inched forward. "Stay behind me and let's make this quick. The sooner we're outta here the—"

"Inuyasha, wait."

He whipped his head around to stare at her, brows snapping low over his eyes as he scowled. "Whaddaya mean wait? We don't have theKagome"

Kagome took his hand, halting his protests. "Please, just…hear me out, okay?"

Violet eyes regarded her silently for a moment, confusion mixed with irritation, before he sighed and rolled his hand at her in the universal "get on with it" gesture.

Biting down on her lip as she deliberated on what to say, how to best approach this, Kagome took one look at the impatience clearly etched onto Inuyasha's expression and sighed in defeat. There was no easy way to say this, so might as well get it over with and endure the inevitable blowup.

Locking gazes with him, Kagome sucked in a breath and said, "I think…we should split up."

Telling him that she was suddenly deeply in love with Jaken would have had a lesser effect.

Kagome watched with growing trepidation as Inuyasha's eyes grew were impossibly large, the color drained from his face, and his mouth opened and closed as he tried to absorb the complete and utter bullshit she just spouted to him.

Then finally, "You want to WHAT?!"

Kagome flinched and frantically waved her hands at him, wide eyes flicking to the doorway. "Shhh!"

"Wench, are you out of your goddamn mind?! Fuck no, we ain't splitting up! What the fuck are you—we're in the middle of dangerous enemy territory and you want to separate us?!"

Desperately hoping Inuyasha's outburst hadn't attracted unwanted attention, Kagome lunged forward and clamped a hand over his mouth, her expression urgent. "Inuyasha, please—!"

Releasing what Kagome would have described as a growl had he been in his hanyou form, Inuyasha grabbed her wrist and yanked her hand down. "Dammit, wench, how could you—I'm not gonna—we're not—No!" He glowered at her and Kagome recognized that particular expression: End. Of. Discussion.

This time, however, she didn't give in, determined to get her point across. "Inuyasha, please, listen to me! I wouldn't bring it up if I didn't think it was important!" Her eyes begged him, pleaded to let her explain before he shut her out completely.

Inuyasha clamped his mouth shut and glared at her in stony silence.

Kagome winced, knowing he wasn't happy with her, but taking his silence as acquiesce – however reluctant it was – she took his hand in both of hers again and began, "Think about it, Inuyasha. If we split up we'd be able to cover more ground and find the others quickly. You said it yourself, right? We don't have a lot of time and this is the most logical way to utilize what little time we do have."

He clenched his jaw and turned his head, avoiding her earnest gaze.

Desperate, she tried again. "Inuyasha, I'm not saying this because I want to be away from you," she said softly and was rewarded with a miniscule softening of his features. She leaned closer and tipped him a small smile, "I trusted you whole-heartedly back in the forest and you've gotten us this far. Can't you trust me on this? Please?"

Inuyasha grimaced and closed his eyes. Dammit, why'd she have to go and use the trust card on him? Ducking his head, he opened his eyes and stared down at their hands, his larger one cradled within her soft palms and his heart clenched in his chest. He did trust her. With his life, but…god, what if something happened?

Feeling like she was finally getting to him, Kagome scooter closer and squeezed his hand. "Plus," she continued softly. "This way it'll also give you the opportunity to look for Tetsusaiga."

Inuyasha's eyes snapped wide and he jerked his head up to gawp at her. Clearly he hadn't thought of that.

She smiled again. "Even if it's not here, one of us is bound to come across Sango and the others at some point. And after you're hanyou again, it'll be easy to track down those samurai and get back your sword back. After all, no human is a match for the great, strong, brave hanyou Inuyasha."

Inuyasha snorted and leveled her with a look that told her plainly that he knew what she was trying to do and he didn't buy her innocent smile for a second. Shaking his head, Inuyasha grimaced and shifted his hand so he could thread his fingers through hers and hold on tightly. Dammit, what she said made a hell of a lot of sense and he'd be a fool if he didn't seriously consider it. But still…

"Kagome…" His voice sounded tortured and Kagome knew this was a hard decision for him to simply accept, even if all the signs pointed to success.

Kagome gazed at him with gentle eyes, her smile a little sad. "I know," she breathed, "But this isn't about what we want, Inuyasha. It's about what we need to do. And you know I'm right."

Inuyasha gazed at her in silence a moment longer, his dark eyes troubled, but then he heaved a heavy sigh and Kagome knew she'd won. Without warning he pulled his hand from hers and yanked her into his arms, crushing her against his chest and she automatically returned his embrace, burying her face into his shoulder.

"I hate it when you do that," he whispered in her ear and despite herself Kagome gave a soft laugh. "Fine, wench. We'll split up, but you have to promise me you'll be careful, alright? I mean it, you fucking run and start calling for me if there's even the smallest chance of danger. I won't be there to protect you and if you find them before me, you find somewhere to hide, quickly, until I find you guys. Understood?" He pulled back and grasped her shoulders tightly, his eyes intense as they bore into own. His jaw was clenched and his lips were a tight line, his fingers digging into her shoulders. His worry was evident, the terror that something would happen to her that he couldn't prevent eating him inside and something warm blossomed in Kagome's chest.

Stupidly she felt like crying as she raised her hands and circled his wrists with her fingers, not unlike hours ago when they first discovered their friends were being kept here. "I promise. You be careful too, okay?" She offered him a trembling smile. "I won't be there to stop you from carrying out your stupid impulses."

Inuyasha barked out a brief laugh and before he even knew what he was doing he leaned forward and brushed a soft kiss over her lips, once, twice, then pulled back not without a blush. He noted with some pleasure that Kagome's was darker. "Keh. Just…" He trailed off, looking like he wanted to dive in again for a much deeper taste, but then much to Kagome's disappointment he made a face and released her before abruptly standing and stepping out into the hallway.

He cast her one last glance. "Don't die, wench," he rasped and then stomped down the hallway, not particularly caring if he attracted some poor sod's attention. He could use a good fight right about now.

"You, too," she whispered, wanting to launch herself after him and beg him to go with her, but knowing she couldn't. Sighing, she forced her gaze away from his retreating figure and stood up, clutching the doorframe as she leaned around to gaze down the opposite end of the hallway and completely missing how Inuyasha hesitated at the end of the corridor.

She had just gathered up the courage to step out into the hallway when she suddenly heard a lurid curse from the other end and then footsteps stomping back toward her.

Startled Kagome turned her head to find Inuyasha determinedly striding back toward her, jaw set, eyes locking in hers and her mouth parted in wonder.

"Inuyasha? What—"

Before she could finish Inuyasha grabbed her shoulders, shoved her back inside the dark room and spun her around to pin her against the wall before grasping her chin in his hand and crushing her mouth under his.

Kagome reacted instantly, melting against him with a whimper, digging her hands into his hair and returning his kiss with a heated fervor that could only originate from a long suppressed desire for this sort of intimacy and the thought made Inuyasha groan as he dropped his arms to circle her waist and haul her tight up against him. He plied her mouth open with his tongue, needing to taste her with a savage urgency that roared through his veins, his hunger for her desperate, endless.

Kagome moaned and he swallowed the sound. Arching her back she pressed into him, tilting her head, gasping as he plundered her mouth, sending heat spiraling through her body and then suddenly his hands were cupping her ass and he was lifting her up against him, urging her legs around his hips and Kagome complied without a second thought.

Inuyasha broke away, his breathing labored as he growled against her lips, "I swear to fucking god, wench, if something happens to you—"

Hands cupping the back of his neck Kagome tugged him back, claiming his mouth in another torrid kiss that bespoke of her own fears and concerns, nipping his bottom lip, sucking gently, and then drawing the tip of her along across the sensitive flesh. Inuyasha groaned and took over, bracing her against the wall as one hand came up to tangle in her hair and angle her head so he could assault her mouth once again.

They stood there for an unknown amount of time, clinging to each other, kissing over and over, some desperate and hard, while others were slow, lazy and maddeningly hot. Eventually a warning bell went off in Inuyasha's mind and with great reluctance he finally pulled back, his breathing rough as he rested his forehead against hers.

"You come back to me, dammit," he rasped, violet eyes boring into hers intensely and promising swift retribution if she did not heed his demand. God, he didn't know what he'd do if…

Kagome huffed a breath that might have been a laugh and tipped him a small smile. "Only if you promise to come back to me," she breathed and feathered another kiss across his lips.

Inuyasha grunted. "Deal, wench." Allowing her to slide down his body and trying to ignore how good it felt, he stood there for a moment, savoring the feel of her against him, her taste on his lips and unable to deny himself one last taste, he dipped his head and gave her one last lingering kiss.

Fuck, it was so hard to leave her.

Greedily Kagome reveled in his kiss, pressing her hands flat against his chest, not wanting to be apart from him either, and before she could convince him to stay with a deeper kiss Inuyasha abruptly broke away and left without a single backward glance.

Kagome sighed and leaned against the wall to catch her breath and regroup her brain cells that Inuyasha had scattered with his thorough and passionate kisses. Her lips were swollen and tingling, and for a brief moment she allowed herself to remember the feeling of him pressed so heatedly against her. Good lord, but if that wasn't incentive to come back unscathed…

Fighting against the urge to giggle, Kagome shook her head, braced herself and finally stepped out into the hallway, her footsteps light as she wandered down the corridor and not daring to look in Inuyasha's direction for fear of screwing the plan and charging after him.

Per her word, Kagome was extra cautious as she wandered the halls, peeking around corners, keeping her footsteps light – she'd ditched her shoes once she realized it was difficult to be stealthy with them on and figured she can just go back for them later – and ghosting across rooms, keeping an eye and ear out for anything that would lead her toward their friends. Her heart always pounded whenever she rounded a corner, uncertain what she would encounter as her flight or fight response kicked in. But then every time an empty corridor would greet her and nobody would burst through the door and she'd heave a sigh of relief before the whole damn thing started all over again a few minutes later.

It was nerve-wracking, for sure, but she would take chancing the unknown any day over encountering a patrolling samurai.

Kagome climbed up a short flight of stairs and tried not to think of what Inuyasha was doing or how he was faring, wondering if he'd managed to find Tetsusaiga or not. Every time she passed a window she was reminded of him, the sky getting steadily lighter until Kagome suspected dawn was very soon, perhaps in the next half hour or so.

Be safe, Inuyasha, she thought and distracted as she was with thoughts about her hanyou, Kagome rounded the corner without checking first...and stopped dead when her eyes landed on the solitary samurai standing before a set of double doors.

Unsurprisingly he noticed her presence immediately and shifted his stance, turning to face her as he lifted his weapon. It looked like some kind of spear.

"Hey, you!" he barked and Kagome reacted without thinking.

"Please!" Kagome cried and ran toward the guard, who lost his scowl at her plea and blinked at her in confusion. "Please help me! I'm being chased by a terrible youkai and—and I'm lost, I've been wandering this place for hours trying to find somebody to help me!" Kagome skidded to a stop in front of him and reached up curl her fingers over the top of his chest plate, peering up at him with wide eyes. "Please, you're the first person—man I've come across and I'm so scared!" She said the last part on an exaggerated sob and as she willed her eyes to tear up, Kagome mentally thanked her mother for being adamant that she signed up for the drama club in school a few years ago.

Thrown for a loop, the guard gaped down at her and it was clear he definitely hadn't been expecting this. But, he did lower his weapon and didn't look suspicious at her fabricated story so that was certainly a plus. But then his demeanor completely changed, going from puzzled to tough-guy within the span of a few seconds and Kagome could have sworn he just puffed his chest out a little.

"A youkai, you say? Where is it?" Drawing himself up to his astounding height of what Kagome guessed to be 5'9 – Kagome had to suppress a laugh because Inuyasha had him beat by about five inches – the samurai adapted a fierce look of determination and Kagome inwardly smiled.

Hook, line, and sinker.

Sucker, she thought. Aloud and acting every bit the damsel she said, "I—I don't know," she stammered and took a step closer to him, tilting her head up and peering up at him from under thick sooty lashes. "But I know I have nothing to fear when there's such a big, strong warrior like you to protect me. Right?" She moved her hands to his shoulders and smiled demurely up at him and when she saw him flick his gaze down to her cleavage, framed by the loose collar of Inuyasha's kosode, Kagome mentally cheered.

He made no attempt to hide the fact that he was blatantly staring at her chest and Kagome was suddenly very glad Inuyasha was not here to witness this; she had no doubt that if he had been this man's remains would be splattered across the wall right now, despite Inuyasha only being a human.

"Uh...that's right," he finally said and managed to drag his eyes back to her face. Then he grinned lasciviously, seemingly forgetting there was evidently a youkai running around somewhere that he should probably take care of. "Yeah, don't you worry, sweet thing," he drawled arrogantly and Kagome barely refrained from rolling her eyes. "I'll protect you. Just stay with me and you won't hafta be afraid no more." He looked down at her chest again, his interest glaringly obvious.

Trying not to cringe, Kagome's smile turned sultry as she slid her hands down his armored chest to the waistband of his trousers. "Oh," she cooed. "My hero. How can I ever...repay you?" Suggestively pressing herself against him Kagome bit down on her lip and tried to come off as shyly seductive while inwardly she was fighting back her gag reflex.

He actually licked his lips as his eyes greedily stared at her breasts and his spear hit the floor with a clatter as he released it to bring is hands up, tugging at the knot that secured the garment in place. "Well I have a few ideas," he said and chuckled a little darkly as he plucked at the knot with one hand while the other dragged down the collar and exposed her bra.

Kagome shuddered in revulsion and hoped he thought it was from excitement. He didn't falter from his task so he probably did. Telling herself this was necessary, that Miroku, Sango, and Shippou were probably just beyond those doors, Kagome slyly loosened the obi securing his pants, trying very, very hard to ignore how...excited he was.

Ew, ew, ew, ew! Bracing herself, flexing her fingers and trying not to hurl everywhere, Kagome bit her lip and purred, "I'm very sorry about this."

The samurai blinked and gazed at her with a puzzled frown. "What?"

The poor man's only warning was an innocent smile before mind-numbing, excruciating pain had him releasing a shrill screech that reached an octave Kagome would category as "window-shattering." His face went bleach white, tears leaked from his eyes and Kagome jerked her hand from his pants just as he went to cup himself. It seemed he was choking for breath as he fell to his knees, mouth opening and closing soundlessly and his eyes were unseeing as he stared at nothing before promptly falling over onto his side and convulsing in agony.

Kagome winced, and although she sincerely hoped she hadn't just destroyed his ability to father children someday, her sympathies went no further than that. He assisted in kidnapping her friends, after all; as far as she was concerned he had it coming.

Disregarding the softly keening man on the floor, Kagome stepped around him and wasn't surprised to find the doors locked, but it was a locking mechanism she'd never seen before. It sort of reminded her of a modern lock in that it looked like it required a key of some sort, but it didn't look very sturdy. Actually it looked relatively easy to break however that didn't exactly bring any measure comfort because it meant, since they hadn't already, her friends were somehow incapable of breaking down the door themselves and it sent a cold feeling of dread coursing through her.

Acting fast and with zero hesitation Kagome scooped up the discarded weapon, aimed the pointed end toward the locking device, and releasing a harsh battle cry Kagome promptly thrust the spear into the weak metal with as much force as she was able.

The weak metal gave, breaking apart and scattering onto the floor but Kagome didn't take the time to relish in her victory. Clutching the spear in her hand, she tore open the doors and dashed inside, wielding the weapon before her and instinctively falling into a battle stance she'd seen Inuyasha take many times. Her expression was fierce, determined, ready and willing to fight for her friends' lives.