Riding in a squad car is boring. Riding in an undercover squad car is boring with extra steps, but I can't help but shake this nervousness as I wait around in front of the toy store for a crazy blonde with white skin and hyenas for pets. After about a half hour of waiting I find myself thinking she's ditched me. However when she shows up wearing just black clothes and no red to her I knew something was different. I forget all about her being late. I can't help but think of how that outfit accentuated her figure or how it strange not it is not seeing her armed, or trying to attack me. She didn't even have so much as a pocket book. I try not to look her up and down and try to keep it professional.

"Ms quinzel," I say trying to keep it cool.

"Sorry, fashionably late" she giggles

"Let's go inside, less likely to be overheard, plus I know how much you love toys"

"Boy do I" she mutters furtively her eyes fixed on me while I pretend not to notice. She follows me to the door.

"why thank ya birdy" she says in a sort of sing song tone as I hold the door for her. A look of confusion sprawls my face where she was expecting horror.

"I…is that supposed to be me?" I ask feigning confusion as best I can.

She flashes her beautiful pearly whites grin at me and skips off towards the dolls. I find myself wondering if she knows or is testing me but I have to let that thought go for another time.

"Ms. quinzel, regarding the joker, can you give me the names of any other associates? Prostitutes, Henchmen or anyone to start with?"

"Penngy for starters," she smiles softly and gets distracted by all the toys her excitement like a child.

"I thought they hated each other," I blurt out incredulously bringing her back to reality.

"They did but mista J promised some kind of endless supply of fish to get shipped into gotham and a chance to expand the nightclub, but penngy isn't too happy about it. " she says trailing off. I pick up a lego set I had been eyeing for the last few minutes.

"What about any others? Like Poison Ivy, the falcone family, Eobard Thawne or the rogues?"

"Just that gang of evil clowns that have been killing people all over the country, hes been manipulating people to do that sorta thing in his free time, and one more, I don't know who he is. But hes like blue, all over" she says absent mindedly while picking up a doll and walking off with it.

"Blue. All. Over. gotta emphasize all," I say playfully following her.

I snatch the doll from her hands and head for the register. She snatches it back shouting at me

"Hey I can buy my own damn toys mr. D"

"Maybe I was buying it for you to be nice"

"How about you do something else"


I shuffle my feet uncomfortably trying not to meet her gaze as my face gets hot again. An eternity could have passed in the second between now and what I bring myself to say.

"I could take you to dinner, there's this great shawarma place over on seventh?"

She pauses. Shes stunned. Theres no way she saw this coming but before I can celebrate in my head she says,

"How about we call it a dinner date?"

"Sure" I say imagining bruce's screams in my head.

I pause

"Wait a second, you called me birdy earlier, why?"

I see that grin again

"Well lets just say that I didn't get my PHD for nothing Mr. D"

She skips off to the doors doll in hand.

As I watch her leave excitement flooding me I quickly realize that she never paid for the doll. I bite back a swear as I rush to the register to pay for the doll myself. Cursing myself now for being played so easily.