Proud Parents

A/N It's been a while but my whole world changed, and then everyone's world changed too...

Chapter 20 - Making the Right Call

Jock Tamson limped his way along the dark corridor, deliberately forgoing the aid of a lumos charm. Jock knew there were dementors on patrol, and that his medallion bestowed total protection from the soul-sucking monsters on the wearer, therefore he had no wish to cast a charm that lit the corridor and allowed him see the vile creatures floating past. Why invite real nightmares into your life when you didn't have to? Out of sight was out of mind as far as Jock was concerned. The person he was looking for would certainly have his wand lit, making it easier to locate him from his own self imposed blackout. That prick Carrick - for all of his bravado and boastfulness - was afraid of the dark.

After four and a half years of serving as a guard in Azkaban, Jock was well used to this somewhat unusual working environment. He'd volunteered to go looking for Donald when the Minister's nephew had missed his check-in - not from any sense of suck-up, friendship or duty - but simply because Jock was crap at playing cards. The stakes may only be a few knuts but, when you lost almost every hand, the amount of cash he continually pushed across the table towards Billy or Martin soon began to accumulate.

His limp didn't slow him down too much, though certainly enough to see Jock being forced to change his career path from auror to prison guard. He could certainly spin a good story to the ladies about how getting injured in the line of duty ended Jock's glory days as an auror. He'd told so many different variations of the pivotal incident in his life that the truth - getting his knee accidentally blasted to pieces during his auror training - was almost completely forgotten.

That one incident had painfully and graphically illustrated to Jock that being an auror was not a future he should continue coveting, even if he physically still could. Instead he had gratefully accepted the Ministry's apologies, a small monetary compensation, and their offer of alternative employment. Whilst not everyone's idea of a dream job, Jock was certain this was a far safer occupation than being an auror. Jock was also certain that he'd found a job for life in Azkaban, something quite hard to come by in these unprecedented times of change.

A curse shooting out of the darkness slammed into Jock before he even had time to think about reacting, far less actually do anything. His last thoughts as he lay dying in the dark corridor were that at least he'd been partially correct. This had been a job for life, albeit a much shorter lifespan than he'd ever imagined. Nimble fingers soon had Jock's wand fished from his pocket. He was thankfully dead by the time his now bloody protection medallion was removed. Being deceased, the dementors would simply ignore his body.

Hearing the door open behind him, Billy threw his cards on the table - conceding this hand to Martin. "I'm glad you're both back..." A curse blasting a hole you could put your hand - still holding cards too - through in Martin's chest had Billy spinning around in his chair to see who the hell had just slaughtered his fellow guard. An astonished Billy found himself facing Death.

Bellatrix LeStrange standing there with a wand in her hand basically amounted to the same thing, and Bella almost instantly proved to the now terrified Azkaban guard that she was more than capable of living up to his rather morbid but totally accurate assessment of the situation.


Rodolphus greedily snatched at the medallion his wife passed through the bars of the cell door window. Just touching the wondrous object provided instantaneous relief from the soul-suckerers. He gazed adoringly through the tiny opening at his wonderful wife, only for her to once more blow his mind by offering three wands for him to choose the best match from.

Wearing the protection medallion and having a wand in his hand, Rodolphus stood taller than he had in years. Feeling like a wizard once more, he cast his first spell in over a decade. It might only be a simple unlocking charm but the loud click emitted from the mechanism was one of the sweetest sounds he'd ever heard. Rodolphus stepped from his cell to find his wife wrapped in the arms of another wizard, he instantly joined the family reunion.

This incredible night just got better for Rabastan when his brother offered him a pair of wands to choose from. Bella had one last surprise for her brother-in-law though.

"I have another medallion here too, just in case you had anyone in mind to escape with us tonight?"

Taking the offered medallion with all the respect and reverence he could muster, Rabasten left the couple to arrange one more romantic reunion tonight. They were still wrapped around each other when Rabasten returned, dragging a totally shocked Augustus Rookwood with him.

"Right you two, time for that later. What's the plan?"

"Get the fuck out of this place!" Was the instant answer from his brother.

Augustus finally found his voice. "That's all you got?"

He immediately found himself with a face full of angry witch. "Just because you play 'hide the sausage' with Rabastan doesn't give you the right to criticise us. We just got your arse out of a cell, a little fucking gratitude would be appreciated..."

"Oh I more than appreciate this. Even the chance to die with a wand in my hand once again is more than I thought would ever be possible. I was just going to offer a suggestion that might see us not only 'get the fuck out of this place' but possibly gain at least a few days lead on any search party." With all three LeStranges now giving him their full attention, the former unspeakable laid out his plan.

"I think it's a pretty safe assumption that the guards you took medallions and wands from will have no more need of them - but we could still find a use for the guards. Lock their bodies in our cells, it will then take days to work out that we've escaped."

Bella was not impressed. "The people that guard Azkaban aren't the brightest, but I'm pretty fucking sure they'll be able to tell the difference between Carrick and me..."

An unconcerned Augustus gave Bella the information she was missing. "Not by the time our fiendfyre has run its course."

Rabastan put his arm around Augustus's shoulders. "I don't think any of us are fit enough right now to control that spell after it's been cast."

"Who said anything about controlling it?"

Roddie began stating the obvious before cottoning on to Augustus's idea. "We'd burn the whole prison down... keeping the aurors busy for days. It would raise the alarm quicker though."

"Yes, but their first priorities will be fighting the fire and trying to rescue prisoners. Not searching for possible escapees. I'll torch this wing, Rabastan can target the admin and Governor's quarters while you hit the barracks. Bella's easily the best at transfiguration amongst us, we'll need her skills to produce boats that will get us out of here."

There was no argument amongst them, Bella simply announced she would take them to where the bodies were. After placing them in the three empty cells, and locking the doors, Augustus counted slowly - trying to judge how long it would take the brothers to reach their targets. Eventually he drew a deep breath, held it, and then released the curse that just condemned every prisoner in the section to a horrible and violent death. He had no time to consider that at the moment, however the screams coming from behind did lend speed to the former unspeakable as he raced towards their meeting point.

Bella had conjured a pair of two person canoes, and four paddles. It proved quite easy to see the three wizards rushing towards her, the fierce flames from the prison were backlighting them brilliantly. She didn't need to ask if they were successful, even the roar of the flames couldn't drone out every alarm on the island screaming out at full blast. Rather than waiting to greet the three wizards, Bella just climbed into the canoe before Robbie pushed them off and jumped in behind her.

Augustus proved to be amazingly accurate, they slipped away from Azkaban - with any and all attention focused on the burning prison behind them. Once outside the wards, the wands they all had would allow them to apparate if discovered. That option was for emergencies only though, as they hoped to make landfall before doing so - making it so much harder for the Ministry to track them.


Severus felt like a doomed early Christian, about to be fed to the lions at ancient Rome's Colosseum, except he had no semblance of faith to offer him any crumb of comfort.

He had faith in the witch beside him however and, as Narcissa had been spending her nights with him, she offered Severus the kind of comfort he'd previously only dreamt of. When they'd discovered today was the earliest they could marry, due to the upheaval in the Ministry from all the Death Eater trials, Narcissa had decided not to wait until they were married - ending any speculation this was merely a business arrangement for her on their first night together.

Draco was at his other side as they headed toward the phone box entrance to the Ministry of Magic, the trio trying to attract as little attention as possible. Severus and Narcissa pinned their badges that proclaimed 'to be Wed' on them, while Draco appeared really pleased that his announced to anyone who read it that he was 'best wizard'.

All were on edge but found the Ministry strangely quiet, the wizard who weighed their wands mumbled something about 'trouble at Azkaban'. Even standing while the Ministry official performed the binding ceremony, Severus kept waiting on a hand settling on his shoulder to lead him away for a trial. Only after stepping into the Ministry floo, taking the new family to see his great Aunt, did Severus begin to relax. The plan was for Draco to stay with Ophelia for a few days, and also be blood adopted into the house of Prince, while his mother - and new father - spent those same few days in Paris on honeymoon.

Should the Ministry come looking for Severus while he was out of the country, he now had a perfectly legitimate excuse for being abroad. Just how desperate they were to get their hands on him would certainly influence the possibility of the couple not returning. They would be out of the country before the Azkaban story broke in the press.


Albus also found himself getting out, escaping his own personal Azkaban. It took all of his skill, and many years of experience in politics, to keep a calm external demeanour as he thanked the staff of St Mungo's for all their excellent care during his stay. He really wanted to rant, rage and throw ridiculous amounts of Magic about but knew that having a tantrum would be used as a sign he was not yet ready to be discharged from hospital - so Albus played their game.

Back in his office at Hogwarts, the magnitude and sheer obscenity of the profanities Albus spouted at an absurd volume saw some of the former heads' portraits blushing - and more than a few leaving their frames in disgust. It also alerted his new Deputy Headmistress to Albus's return.

Sitting listening as Dolores brought Albus up to date with what had been happening in the Wizengamot during his absence saw Albus reach for the firewhisky - lemon drops just weren't enough to cope with a shock of this magnitude. She had kept all the copies of the Daily Prophet he had missed, and Albus could clearly see the Ministry's actions had the unequivocal backing of the press - and therefore the wizarding public.

This startling revelation led to Albus refilling his now empty tumbler with more of the fiery liquid. The solution the Ministry was undertaking was final, there was simply no redemption possible for anyone pushed through the veil, no way to ever bring them back to life - far less the light.

Albus certainly never doubted his ability to bring public opinion around to where he wanted it, but any action of his to achieve this would take planning and time. Time though was a luxury he didn't possess with this particular situation. Going by the rate at which things were proceeding, every single Death Eater would be wiped out before Albus could even offer life in Azkaban as a suitable alternative to the veil. He too was currently unaware that Azkaban had been so damaged, it would never again be an option - unless totally rebuilt.

It didn't take a genius to work out exactly who was behind all of this mayhem, his picture and name had been plastered all over multiple back-issues of the Prophet.

"Dolores, we need to get Harry Potter back in Britain - and under my mentorship once more."

Dolores well remembered the Minister's last words of warning to her while leaving Cornelius's office, but also understood her predicament here. She had to stay in the castle under Dumbledore's protection so really had no other option but to pay whatever price he demanded. It didn't really matter how Dumbledore phrased his request, Dolores knew it was an order - one she simply had to obey.

"You know I'll help you anyway I can, Albus."

Hearing that Severus had not only so far avoided the Ministry purge, but was currently out of the country after getting married, was the only bit of good news Albus had heard all day. Knowing he could count on Severus for any action he took against Potter, Albus was now thinking he should be able to rope Narcissa Snape into his plans too. Surrounded once more with people loyal to his cause, Albus could accept these current setbacks - knowing he must eventually win against a mere boy. Even the Boy-Who-Lived couldn't hope to compete, far less defeat, Albus Dumbledore.


Pomona remembered experiencing a touch of anger and exasperation when Harry had handed over the organising of this event to the Grangers. Those feelings had vanished within minutes as Harry then explained exactly what he wanted done. All Pomona felt now was gratitude to the former dentists as the event that decided whether their school would have any students this September unfolded in front of her.

They were currently in a Muggle hotel's massive conference suite, with most of the Muggle families having stayed in the same hotel last night. She was sitting at a table facing their rapidly growing invited audience as they were being seated, waiting to play her part in the Potter Institute's sales pitch. She would be joined at the top table by Harry, Dan and Minerva.

They were all astonished, and rather pleased, to discover that Hogwarts had yet to approach any muggleborn who should have made up part of this year's intake of students. Minerva also reported that being able to offer these parents a meeting, with others who found themselves in the same position as they were - with all expenses paid for said meeting too - could be an incredibly successful strategy for coaxing these and future parents to choose their Institute. This could be especially true, since their opposition hadn't even bothered to approach these families yet. With Dolores Umbridge now Deputy at Hogwarts though, more than a few of the Institute's staff thought this horrendous oversight might actually have been a deliberate ploy on her part. They weren't to know Dolores had no intention of putting her life at risk by leaving the castle, purely to try and entice some muggleborn to attend Hogwarts.

Hermione, Neville and Luna were all circulating amongst the families, and easily spotted since they were wearing the Institute's newly designed sky blue robes. All their friends had offered to come and show their support too, but it was thought better not to overwhelm their invited guests with a sea of light blue robes. Xeno was here, covering the event for the Quibbler, and Augusta to offer her support with the old pure blood families - hence Luna and Neville tagging along as well.

Dan had his laptop connected to a projector that had a welcome image on a large screen to greet those who entered the room. Noticing their guests reaction to this left Harry knowing his opening remarks needed to be as strong as they'd written them. With Hermione in his head, and Joan waving at him from Emma's side, a smiling and confident Harry got proceedings underway.

"Thank you everyone for turning up here today, I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this meeting could be life changing for everyone in this room. The image you see behind me is the newly built Potter Institute and, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Harry Potter..."

This drew some laughter from the witches and wizards in the audience, while the others stared at the young boy in the fancy dress robes. Harry understood he needed to capture all of his audience so set about doing so.

"A lot of people in this room think they know me, there have even been books written about me - all rubbish. I discovered I was a wizard on my eleventh birthday. My parents had been murdered when I was just over a year old, and I was raised by my non-magical aunt and her family. For those non-magical here today, I fully understand what you're feeling now. At eleven, I was told I was a wizard, put on a train to a castle in Scotland and faced the biggest culture shock of my life. That was only three years ago, and in those years I witnessed and faced so much bigotry that I have now left Hogwarts - and Britain too."

Harry stopped to take a sip of water, and let his last sentence sink in.

"To some sitting here, that reaction might seem a bit extreme. Here's the thing though, due to this bigotry I'm the last of my family. Inside Hogwarts, my life had been put at risk on multiple occasions so this move was motivated by one of our strongest instincts - survival. My original intention was to leave Hogwarts and hire tutors for me and a few friends - but that didn't do anything for those left behind. Thus, over many discussions with people I trust, the idea of building what has since become the Potter Institute was born. Now, that might seem even more extreme but Potters don't do sulking and hiding well - those tactics cost my patents their lives."

When moving on to talk about the Institute, gone was any sense of bitterness or anger. Harry's voice now projected nothing but confidence and delight. "Instead, my peers in this room are being invited to attend a school where bigotry won't be tolerated. Every single student will start on an equal footing in every way possible - with the same equipment, books, brooms, robes and wands too being provided by the Institute. Absolutely no exceptions will be made, even for me. The Institute's students will also sit the higher standard European exams, and pay less fees than Hogwarts - with no discrepancies in fees based on who your family are either. Headmistress Sprout is used to treating me like a student, and that will continue from the first of September until I graduate."

Stopping for another sip of water, Harry then began to wind up his part of today. "I'm glad to see everyone still sitting here. I found parts of that hard to say, for a number of reasons, so I can't imagine it was easy to listen to. Our intention is to sit at the end of these proceedings and answer all of your questions - as long as those questions are about attending the Potter Institute. We are also planning an overnight stay at the Institute for all our potential new first years, and their families, and are hoping to make this an annual event. This visit will include a tour of the entire school, and of course provide another opportunity to ask lots more questions before having to make a decision."

Looking around, Harry saw that was well received so expected the next bit of news would be too.

"We are also planning to start family visits for all our students families while the Institute is in session. Professor McGonagall will announce blocks of time on each session, with priority being given to those families trying to be together to celebrate special occasions - like birthdays and such. I'll now hand you over to our Headmistress, and our Herbology Professor, Pomona Sprout."

It was a relieved Harry who sat down and, like everyone else, enjoyed the rest of today's presentation. Pomona explained the academic side of the Institute, including the reasons behind currently restricting their upper limits to fourth year students, and accepting the higher graded exams. Dan was using his laptop to place slides on the screen that had been produced to help Pomona make her points. Pictures of the new Institute were also liberally sprinkled amongst the drier educational figures and charts.

Minerva then concentrated more on the students day to day life while attending the Potter Institute, with Dan's pictures of the accommodation, assembly hall, rooftop gardens and pool areas wowing everyone there. Pomona adding a proviso that her herbology classes would be taking a practical approach to growing and planting areas around the Institute that were currently left bare for those very reasons.

As Minerva sat back down, Dan's laptop was now scrolling thorough pictures of the Potter Institute, the muggle and magical shopping districts of Naples - with a few pictures of the orphans and Harry's friends who'd holidayed with him this summer enjoying themselves.

"I'm giving my observations about choosing the Potter Institute from a totally different perspective than the other three people you've just listened to. The images behind me are of course the Potter Institute, and the shopping districts in Naples the students would be able to visit on specific weekends. I took all of those photographs, while I've never seen even a picture of Hogwarts. As a non-magical father of a witch, I have practically no rights in Magical Britain. The last time my wife and I visited Diagon Alley - the London centre of magical commerce - the phrase 'filthy muggle' was shouted at us. Our one and only visit to the Ministry of Magic saw curses and bullets flying, and Harry being seriously injured. In Italy, we have been welcomed with open arms - the magical shops there actually accept credit cards."

Hermione, Emma and Joan were all sitting at the front, and that's where a now emotional Dan headed. Standing beside his family, Dan finished what he wanted to say.

"My daughter is a witch, nothing is going too change that - magic is a fundamental part of who she is. This little one here too is also magical, and both will be attending the Potter Institute - though Joan will be attending preschool classes for a few years yet. My wife and I believe so strongly in this school, we're currently selling our dental practice, have already moved to Italy and will be Professors teaching muggle studies to witches and wizards. If that doesn't tell you the Potter Institute will be different from what you're used to, I don't know what else there is to say."

Dan gave Emma a quick peck on the cheek, hugged Hermione and Joan, before taking up his seat at the top table to wait on the questions that were sure to be asked.

The first came from an angry muggle parent, the young girl snuggling into his side actually appeared frightened. "All I'm hearing here is talk of danger and bigotry. Why the hell should I allow my Natalie to be a part of that?"

Looking down the table, Harry received nods of approval to answer that one.

"Sir, as Dan said, your daughter is a witch. Nothing can change that, and she needs to be trained on how to use her magic properly. Not doing so could be dangerous to both you and her. Yes there are risks - first time flying on a broom, a good friend of mine fell off and broke his wrist. Magic though had his wrist healed before dinner time that same day - and the Potter Institute has it's own fantastic healer and modern infirmary."

Harry then took it further. "You also have my personal guarantee that the goings on in Britain won't get anywhere near your daughter in my school, should she choose to attend. At the Institute, we make the safety of our students our number one priority. All I ask is that you come and visit us, see for yourselves, before making any decision. Natalie will be able to phone home each night after dinner, and at any time during weekends. I would ask the families of all prospective first year students to do the same, wait until you see for yourselves what we're offering."

Like a springer spaniel whose owner just lifted its leash, Colin Creevey couldn't contain his excitement any longer. It all spilled over verbally, and rapidly, with Harry hearing Hermione laughing in his head.

"Can Dennis and I really attend the Potter Institute? Can we share one of those rooms - will we be able to phone home? Oh, this is Dennis - my younger brother - will we really get to visit Italy as a family? My sister Maggie is magical too - would she be able to attend that preschool thing Hermione's dad mentioned?"

Colin appeared ready to go on asking questions all day, not waiting on any answers, until his former head of house deliberately clearing her throat stoped the excited boy in his tracks. His father tried to apologise as laughter was breaking out around the room until Harry held up his hand.

"Mr Creevey, please don't apologise. We're all used to Colin's exuberance. He did ask some very good questions though. Apart from the last bit, the answer to everything else is yes. The preschool is being set up for children of Institute's staff, and Joan will be living with the Grangers. Maggie though will be able and welcome to come when you arrange your overnight visit for Dennis - and all later visits too."

The Creevey parents were well aware their eldest son had a serious case of hero worship regarding this young man. Seeing how Harry dealt with Colin had both of them smiling, and there was never any doubt that Colin and Dennis would be attending the Potter Institute.

The next actual question was asked by Gerald Greengrass, bedecked in a three piece suit that appeared to have been made in Savile Row, and his question was aimed specifically at Harry. "Lord Potter, as the owner, my question is directed at you. The Potter Institute is offering unbelievable facilities, supplying uniforms and all equipment, aiming for a higher standard of education - yet charging less fees than your competition here in Britain. This must be costing House Potter a fortune, and my question is this - what's in it for you?"

Smiling, Harry answered as truthfully as he could. "Witches and wizards call me the boy-who-lived, and forget what else happened that Halloween night. My parents were murdered, they died that night protecting me. I'm the last Potter, and I want to leave something behind my family could be proud of. The Potter Institute has the best of everything, staff, teaching and learning facilities, accommodation, resources. All we ask in return is that our students respect those around them, and do their very best academically. I hope to live a long and productive life, and intend that the Institute is still one of the top magical schools in the world when the time finally comes for me to rejoin my parents. Oh, did you know the self-titled Lord Voldemort is a former Hogwarts Head Boy?"

The gasps and a few shrieks as Harry said Voldemort was expected, though a bit disappointing considering the articles Xeno had been publishing. This set the tone however with any political or personal questions bing batted straight back at those asking, though one on their acceptance policy for students really had to be answered. At first it appeared as if someone's pureblood friend had apparently not received an invitation to the Institute. Harry kept it simple, and truthful.

"The clue is in the name, the Potter Institute. I own the school, and every year the list of proposed new first year students will have to be run past me. It's an exclusive private school, and that's the way it will stay. If you want your son to attend Hogwarts with his friends, that's of course your choice."

The real reason for Michael Corner's father's question then became apparent. "I know people who work in the Ministry. The rumour all over the building is that you are deliberately discriminating against the pure bloods. There are also moves underway to see any qualifications gained at your Institute not being recognised by the Ministry of Magic. I have to decide here what's best for Michael's future."

It was a very calm Harry who answered with a question of his own. "I assume you mean it's the British Ministry of Magic who are going to push through that legislation?"

Pomona was also quick to spring to Harry's defence in this matter. "Here's the thing though, Mr Corner. Our qualifications will be accepted the world over while, outside Britain, the OWL's and NEWT's from Hogwarts are recognised for exactly what they are. A gradual, constant and deliberate lowering of educational standards because certain influential families were being embarrassed as their sons and daughters were getting outperformed by wizards and witches they looked down upon as inferior. Their History of Magic qualifications aren't recognised anywhere outside these shores. The more discriminated a magical student would be in Britain, the more points they gain for acceptance to the Potter Institute. You simply have to ask yourself this question - do you want Michael to be limited to the British Ministry of Magic, or should he have the choice of working anywhere in the world?"

She let that hang there before coming back with a follow on comment. "As we are a new school, my position sees me in contact with the Italian Ministry on practically a daily basis. I have to say I've been greatly impressed with everyone I've dealt with so far - not something I could honestly say about their British counterparts. Learning the Italian language is also part of our curriculum, and we've already been given assurances that any student who graduates from the Potter Institute will be guaranteed Italian citizenship - they only have to ask."

Before anyone could comment on that, Harry jumped in again. "All of us sitting at this table hold duel citizenships - British and Italian. It's about having the best of both worlds, and having as many options as possible open to us. What options would the majority of our students have in Britain after graduating from Hogwarts? My betrothed has been the top student of her year group since discovering she was a witch, a trend we're all sure she'll continue at the Institute. To the people in power in Magical Britain however, no number of Outstanding N.E.W.T.s will ever balance out the fact her parents aren't a witch and wizard. That right there is the institutional brand of discrimination that the British Ministry of Magic excels at. They should, since they've been practicing it for centuries - and we want no part of this. The Institute's motto is 'Inspire'. Our aim is to inspire our students to be the best witches and wizards they can be."

With no more questions officially coming at them, they ended the structured part of the meeting. Dan and Emma were liaising with the new first year families, organising their visit to Italy. Minerva was also timetabling family visits into the time slots the staff had agreed on.

Harry was standing chatting with Neville and Luna, Hermione and Joan were of course by his side too, when they were approached by the Creevey family.

"We're still coming for our visit, but have already enrolled Colin and Dennis to your Institute. We might have seen pictures of Hogwarts, thanks to Colin, but there's no way we could ever visit. All that time Colin was petrified, we got one note from the school and were left hanging until he was well enough to write again."

Just being able to say he was attending the school owned by his hero had Colin practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. "Hermione was petrified too, dad, that's probably why Harry killed the beast. In Magical Britain, it's as if the monsters are blood purists too."

Feeling Harry's embarrassment at the hero worship now coming from the entire Creevey family, Hermione knew exactly how to change the subject. "Congratulations on choosing the Potter Institute. I can see you've still to speak with Professor McGonagall but I'll tell you of a little surprise. Since you have two children at the Institute, you will be able to visit twice - if you want. It's to save you having to choose whether to come for Colin or Dennis's birthdays."

Seeing concern on both parents faces, Harry quickly guessed what the problem could be. "The only way to visit the Institute is by portkey. Those will be provided free by us, and take you straight from your home to the school - and back again. We'll also provide your accommodation and meals, all you have to do is arrange time off work."

While his now smiling wife wiped tears from her eyes, Mister Creevey was enthusiastically shaking Harry's hand. "Thank you so much! We were going to struggle to pay for both our sons attending Hogwarts, but your fees are hardly more than we were charged for Colin last year. This is now more than we could ever have imagined."

Harry was saved from having to say anymore by the arrival of Xeno to their group. "Those were some wonderful pictures of the Institute and Naples Dan was displaying. Any chance of getting copies of a few for the Quibbler?"

As the Creeveys headed over to Minerva, intent on booking their trips to Italy, Hermione, Joan and Luna accompanied Xeno to see if Dan had any prints of the photographs.

Augusta then approached, handing Harry a small pile of businesses cards. "This is a small business, owned by a couple of squibs, who can install phones into magical homes. I've already got my order in. My grandson is not much of a writer, I'm hoping he'll phone more." An embarrassed Neville promised to phone home.

"Amelia tracked them down, she's got her order in too. A number of people didn't want to admit they hadn't a clue what this 'phone' thing was, they approached me as soon as Dan finished speaking. I got the impression most didn't believe me when I told them what a phone was, and what it did. A demonstration might be something you want to add to their tour. Amelia intended to be here too, some emergency at Azkaban has her tied up all day though."

Minerva then introduced the MacDonald's to Harry, the father immediately apologising for his earlier angry questioning.

"Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, lad. I just don't take any chances where my Natalie is involved. Having spoken to a few folks since, not one of them had a bad word to say about you."

"That's quite alright, sir, Natalie's safety should be your main concern. I still promise we'll look after her." Harry then spoke directly to the young witch that was trying to hide behind her parents.

"Are you looking forward to visiting us in Italy? Have you any questions I could help you with now?"

Her voice was barely above a whisper but Harry still picked up Natalie's question. "Am I really a witch?"

Taking his wand out, Harry offered it to the young girl - handle first. He also held it at such a distance, Natalie was forced to step forward to take it. With a sense of awe, she held the magical device in her hand.

"I'm now going to teach you your first spell. Imagine the tip of this wand glowing, concentrate on that and then say 'lumos'. Take your time and say the spell when you're ready."

The concentration on Natalie's young face was there for all to see. So was the shock and pleasure when she actually cast the spell. Her parents were clearly experiencing the same emotions.

"I did it, I am a witch!"

"You are indeed, and just to prove it even more - hand the wand to your mother." When nothing happened, Harry accepted his wand back and explained to Natalie what just transpired.

"Without magic, this is just a stick. With magic, your wand can be a very powerful tool."

At that, the youngest Greengrass daughter approached with a request. "Can you cast your patronus? I was in the library the day you cast it in the Great Hall. It was all anyone could talk about for the rest of term, and I missed it."

Nodding, Harry first offered an explanation to Natalie. "This is a very advanced spell, something you won't be attempting for a good few years yet. The professor who taught me this though now works at the Potter Institute."

Hermione of course had heard every word, bringing Joan over just as Harry called for Prongs. The trio of young witches, Astoria, Natalie and Joan, weren't the only ones in the room shocked at the size, brightness and apparent density of the corporeal stag.

Astoria was then joined by her older sister, who hadn't missed the show in the Great Hall. "That's bigger and brighter than the one you cast at Hogwarts."

"I've had a summer where I could practice, and also take time to produce some happier memories." That Harry was looking at Hermione when he said this cracked most of the room up - since they had all seen Prongs and were listening to Harry's explication.

Natalie's parents couldn't see Prongs, but certainly felt the effects. The fact that Natalie could also proved beyond any of their doubts that their daughter was indeed a witch. She also needed to be trained to control these magical powers, and all three of the MacDonalds were leaning heavily toward Natalie doing that training in Italy.

Gerald Greengrass was also impressed by Potter's display, as well as being another parent delighted his daughters would be attending this young wizard's school. That his company made a fair percentage of its profits through dealing with muggles was not something Gerald advertised. The bigotry young Potter described certainly existed, and that knowledge would do the name Greengrass a lot of harm if he didn't know how to play the game. Harry Potter however had stood today and not only proclaimed he wouldn't play their games, he was using everything at his disposal to smash their games to pieces.

The power this young wizard, combined with his godfather, Lord Black, wielded could and would change the entire country. His daughters being excepted to the Potter Institute was the final sign Gerald needed to end his family's notorious neutrality - he would support Potter in any way he could.

Harry had Joan's hand in his, and Hermione saying she was so proud of him in his head. She of course was on the other side of Joan, holding her hand too in what had become the normal formation for the three Potters. Like everyone else from the Institute, they were keen for this to be over so they could get back home.


Amelia actually was back in her home, something the Head of the D.M.L.E. was very grateful for. She'd been standing in the shower for the last twenty minutes, trying to remove the stench from her day spent in Azkaban. Amelia had been having her worse ever day at work. Her latest Azkaban visit was a total shit storm, and then that useless fucking imbecile Fudge turned up. They went from being caught in a storm to trying to deal with the hurricane his stupidity could unleash on the entire country - while having their hands tied behind their backs.

That his nephew was as stupid as his uncle didn't matter to Fudge - and neither did the facts of the matter. Cornelius was not about to let a little thing like evidence stop him from proclaiming that Donald - his sister's only son - was a hero who died performing his duties.

Amelia pointing out that all the cells were locked, and none of the four guards who were on shift last night had been accounted for yet didn't even dent fudge's enthusiasm for the hero explanation.

Telling him she had evidence of three separate castings of fiendfyre made no difference either, apart from Cornelius adding a bit of meat to the bare bones of a tale he'd started to build. The heroes had now thwarted a mass breakout attempt, valiantly loosing their lives in the process. That every cell was still locked, and contained at least a mound of ash - proving that it had been occupied when the fiendfyre struck - would be ignored by the Minister of Magic too. Instead of instigating a proper investigation, which would admittedly tie up a fair percentage of her department for weeks, Fudge was looking to abandon Azkaban - allowing what was left of the prison to stand undisturbed as a memorial to all those who had died there.

Azkaban was totalled, Amelia could easily stand behind the decision to abandon the island. Leaving what was left of the prison standing as a memorial was not the worst idea either, with the death toll approaching the hundred mark by the time they'd gotten the fiendfyre under control.

No, what would stop Amelia sleeping tonight was the utter certainty that not all those being counted as deceased were actually dead. Three separate spells had been cast to start the destruction, meaning that at least three people could have used the confusion their spells caused to get themselves off the island. With Fudge blocking any and all attempts at a proper investigation, the only way left for her department to discover any escapees identities would be after these very dangerous individuals began committing crimes again.

Considering Azkaban had held some of the wickedest witches and worst wizards Britain could produce, Amelia thought her sleep might be getting disturbed for a while yet.

The Black Orphanage would be opening in two days, and Amelia knew Harry wouldn't miss that for the world. She also knew this news couldn't wait that long, her portkey would be used to take Amelia to Italy before breakfast tomorrow.

Turning off the water, Amelia decided it was time to get out off the shower - and get her brain back into gear again. Spending a little time with Harry and his group might help restore some of her sanity, though only getting out from under the imbeciles and manipulators that were running British magical society would permanently cure her of this affliction.

She thought it was approaching the time for her to ask Harry if there was any place in the organisation he was building for one Amelia Bones. It was a telling indictment of their society when a fourteen year old wizard was already a better person than those currently running their country.

A/N Thanks for reading - and stay safe...