Please bear with me, this is my first fanfic. Reviews, and Hikari will be 1st place.

Hikari's dad is getting a promotion at work, everything else is the same as S.A episodes.

Hikari Hananzo, eternally second place, was finally giving up. She would never be able to beat Takishima Kei, ranked first in the elite Special A. She'd spent 14 years trying and would soon be 16, she didn't want to waste her life trying to beat Kei and never even succeed.

She sat in the greenhouse in her usual chair lost in thought until she heard a voice squeal,


It was her best friend Akira Toudo (ranked 6th) running towards her. Hikari was pulled into a bone crushing hug and struggled to breathe. As Hikari was released she said,

"hello Akira." One by one the members of the S.A arrived.

Rank 7 Rui Tsuji-animal eat,sleeps and breathes animals.

Rank 3,4 Megumi and Jun Yamato-musical twins.

Rank 6 Tadashi Karino-son of school's director.

And finally Takishima Kei-CEO of the Takishima group. As he sat down in his usual seat next to Hikari he said, Good Morning Miss rank 2, how are you?" To this Hikari would have usually screamed back

"DON'T CALL ME RANK 2!" But instead she replied very courteously,

" Good morning Takishima, I'm very well thank you. And you?"

The whole S.A sat stunned, in silence. Hikari had just been called rank 2 and she didn't even flinch.

Kei was shocked, and his mouth fell open.

Akira screamed, "Kei what have you done to my angel Hikari?!"

"Takishima didn't do anything Akira. I just realised that I didn't want to spend my whole life trying to beat him," Hikari said.

The greenhouse was quieter than usual, without Hikari challenging Kei. Until finally Hikari jumped up and shouted, "Takishima!"

Everyone believed a sigh of relief, until she told Him, "thank you for helping me see there's better things in life, than being 1st place . We should celebrate this day, by going shopping."

No one moved until she said come on then what are we waiting for.

"Yayyyyyyy Hikari! Let's go," Akira said, she never refused to shopping.

Hikari stayed adamant to pay for everyone, and they ended up spending £300. At the end of the day Hikari got everyone a present.

Akira had a brand new bracelet with a charm for each person in the S.A. Hikari was a diamond heart, Megumi and Jun were music notes, Ryuu was an animal, Kei was a 1st place medal and Tadashi was a burger.

Megumi received a special notepad with the essay on the front page for her to write in. As well as a brand new microphone.

Jun got a piano, violin and trumpet. With 5 music books for each.

Tadashi won a lifetime supply of food from a local restaurant and a candy machine.

Kei got a new scarf with the S.A initials on it, but Hikari wanted to do it herself so she took it home with her.