Author Note: Happy Hump Day! I am glad that it is Wednesday and that means that we are super close to Friday. It is time to read and enjoy another story.

Chapter 1

Steve walked into the office after another night of not sleeping. He had been sleeping on the couch for the past month. He knew that having these issues would impact their day to day lives.

"Hey how is it going?" Danny asked his friend.

"It is not going so good. Mia and I are still having issues. This morning was really bad because the kids walked into the fight. Danny, I hate this. I hate that my kids are listening to the issues that we are having." Steve responded to his friend as Mia came walking into the office.

"You two need to work out your issues before you destory your marriage." Danny responded to her and Steve. "Your kids need you right now to be on the same page."

"We know Danny." Mia revealed to her friend before she left the room.

Danny could not believe that the way that she was acting towards him escaillpy since he had not do anything to desreve it.

"Hey, don't worry about the way that she is acting. I think something happen that she is not ready to talk about it." Steve said to his friend.

"Have you tried to talk to her about it?" Danny asked his friend. He figure that might be it but he was not sure.

"I tried to talk to her about it but she aviods it. I know that it was hard for her when I was kindapped by Wo Fat but I am surprised that she would act like that to you." Steve responded to his friend.

Steve's cell phone started to ring and found out that there was a new case. He had decided that today would be Mia's turned to run home base. He walked out of his office to go find his wife and let her know that she was staying at work.

"Hey, Let's talk about today's case?" Steve said to his wife when he finally found her. "I would like you to stay here at base since Kono did it yesterday."

"Bull, this is because you don't want me out there right now." Mia responded to her husband.

"Listen, I don't know what is going on with you right now but this is being fair to the rest of the team." Steve responded to his wife before leaving the office. Mia knew that her husband was upset with all the fighting and so was she. She hated fighting with him but right now this was the best way for them to communicate since the one case that she almost lost her husband.

Mia walked into the office with Kono. Kono knew the reason why she was having a hard time but just could not believe it. Steve did not get why his wife was so upset for his actions.

"I just don't get him and Danny. They don't see why I am so upset that my husband was almost killed because of the case." Mia said to her friend.

"Do you want me to try and talk to him? See if it changes anything?" Kono asked her friend. They need to come up with a better way to handle these cases. They did not hear that Steve had walked into the office.

"Kono, can I have a moment with her?" He asked his friend. He finally figured out why she had been so upset with him.

"Sure." Kono responded to him before walking out of the room. She wasn't sure what was going to happen but knew that hopefully it would be for the better.

Mia knew that her husband probuarly heared what she and Kono were talking about but she was not sure.

"What is going on?" Mia asked her husband

"I overheard what happen and why you are so mad at me. I am so sorry for putting you through that. I guess that I need to start remembering that I have someone at home that wants me to be safe." Steve said as he walked closer to his wife.

After the emtional talk with his wife, Steve walked out of the office. Kono walked into the office to make sure that she was okay. Danny walked as his frirend walked into the office.

"Hey how did it go?" Danny asked his friend with a smile. He was hoping that they were done fighting.

"It went pretty good. I finally figured out what is going on with her. I guess that it is from one the cases that we had recently." Steve responded to him.

"I know that the fighting has been hard for you. I am sure that it's going hard on your wife too." Danny responded to his friend with a smile.

The day went by super fast and the couple finally got home. Steve decided to make dinner for the couple or at least BBQ.

"This is nice." Mia said to her husband before giving him a kiss. It felt really nice for the couple to be enjoying each other again.

"It is nice that we are having this time together." Steve responded to her before giving her another kiss.

The couple had the next few days off so they decided to head to diamond lake and Pearl Harbor. They both enjoyed their time together and ended their days on the beach.

Author Note: It is time to start writing and posting again. Life is too crazy to post more than one story at a time. I haven't decided on what day this story would go up but I am sure that it will be shorty after the chapters are done. I will see you soon for the next chapter. I hope that you follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update off and on.