Table of Contents:

Chapter 01: "Table of Contents"

Chapter 02: "Prelude"

Chapter 03: "Hatter's Lab"

Chapter 04: "Ouverture"

Chapter 05: "A Personal Little War"

Chapter 06: "The Wizard in His Lab"

Chapter 07: "The Maiden in Metal"

Chapter 08: "A Bad Taste"

Chapter 09: "In the Realm of Shadows"

Chapter 10: "Pitch Black"

Chapter 11: "Escalation"

Chapter 12: "Big Brother at Work"

Chapter 13: "Rain"

Chapter 14: "Havana"

Chapter 15: "I Read the News Today"

Chapter 16: "Hair"

Chapter 17: "Recipe for a Molotov Cocktail"

Chapter 18: "Humpty-Trumpty"

Chapter 19: "American Gulag"

Chapter 20: "Return to Havana"

Chapter 21: "Dead White Girl"

Chapter 22: Sources Consulted

Chapter 23: Preview of "Wastelands"