Blood Dawn

By Mardrena

Hundreds of thousands of Thangiens congregated outside Bainshaebo's main gate, the crowds stretching all the way to the banks of the Winding White. With dawn a couple of hours away, an air of excitement hung among the populace. All heads turned skyward when a shower of sparks erupted high in the sky. Flames spun in an expanding ring that yawned wide over the Plains of Kundain, a shallow roar filling the air. The populace of Thanged watched in amazement as a massive craft exited the Sol Gate, plummeting towards the ground before thrusters fired and the colossal air platform leveled out over the Winding White. Blasts of hot air from the engines sent thick grass whipping over the plain as the Argonauth slowly lowered into the wide river. The water surged higher, rising very close to the shore from being displaced as the keel came to rest in the river bed. Thangiens cheered and waved as a ramp extended from the upper deck and the first passengers disembarked.

Ryu broke out screaming shrilly and clenched his fists from where he sat in Mia's arms. The sudden outburst startled both Ryo and Mia and they halted at the top of the ramp. "All the noise is upsetting him!" Mia exclaimed over the din of crowds cheering. "Here, Ryu, here's your bottle…" Mia attempted to placate the babe only for Ryu to snatch the bottle out of her hand and fling it forcefully into the crowd. The bottle struck one Thangien in the face, who managed to catch it before collapsing and held it proudly aloft as if catching drumsticks in the middle of a sold-out concert. The rest of the crowd cheered ecstatically. "Ryu! Please, calm down! We're guests here; we have to respect their customs!"

Ryu made a grumble that sounded like "No we don't!" and pressed his palms over his ears. "Here, lemme hold him," Ryo offered. Mia handed the babe to him and Ryo grabbed a corner of his surcoat.

"Stop! You'll smother him!" Mia scolded and swatted Ryo's hand when she saw him trying to pull the cloth up to cover Ryu. She reached down and grabbed the golden tassels hanging from Ryo's waist and offered the ends to Ryu, who grabbed one tassel in each hand and stuffed the tips in his ears.

"I've never heard him cry like that before. He's been out in crowds before," Ryo remarked as they finally descended down the ramp followed by Renee Sanada and little Kayli.

"There's a huge difference between a mall and a planet where we're celebrities…" Mia muttered as she surveyed the crowded plain. Behind them another pair disembarked, descending the ramp like a couple on prom night. Kento could conduct himself like a gentleman when he wished and held Tanya's hand raised elegantly. He glanced at her out the corner of his eye and smiled.

"You look beautiful with your hair up," he complimented softly. Tanya wore her hair wrapped high and bound with a diamond-studded band. The Lady Ronin snorted dismissively.

"I'm only doing this because they said it was a special occasion," Tanya grumbled. Kento smirked warmly and the new couple strode out to greet the waiting crowd.

"So, what exactly is this supposed to be about? King Torke sent the invitation just yesterday and asked us to bring everyone we knew." Cye asked as he and Britania emerged next.

"It's called the Blood Dawn. It's a rare conjunction of the Twin Suns that happens roughly once every fifty-to-sixty years. The Thangiens believe the solar overlap opens the door to the Afterworld and allows them to commune with deceased loved ones. Think of it as All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, Carnival, Mardi Gras, and Day of the Dead all rolled into one," Rowen explained as he and Roxi disembarked behind them. Sure enough the city populace appeared all decked out in colorful pageantry and smaller bands and troupes performed with all the thunder and flair of a halftime show.

"So…how did your grandfather react to your miraculous return?" Shannon asked as she and Sage descended the ramp. Sage sucked air through his teeth and pursed his lips.

"Well...first he tried to decapitate me with an antique sword…" Shannon broke out giggling upon hearing that but Sage continued. "Then he threatened to call the police, then he threw a bottle of sake at me, then we hugged it out, and then I caught him trying to tack a warding charm on my back."

"Oh hoo hoo! Ohh my goodness! You poor-" Shannon laughed richly and shook her head. She still kept her hair down, but Sage noticed she'd combed the sides so they stuck out slightly.

"Who knows...maybe someday I'll introduce him to you."

"Oh no! No no nooo… the guys told me stories while you were gone…"

"Ah...well I can assure you: they're all true," Sage teased. Shannon nearly fell over from laughing.

"Look at all the Thunthen standing with the crowd! Bak and his crew are still onboard the Argonauth, aren't they?" Michelle asked as she spotted the distinctive spiked shells of Nobeyls. All Thunthen wore rounded gold caps on the tips of their spikes and horns as they mingled.

"These are the Thunthen captured during our various battles, sent to serve their penance in the forges of Peirolyth," Anubis explained as he disembarked alongside his daughter. "King Torke extended the invitation to them as well; to share in the celebration on this auspicious day."

"They're not afraid of any of them trying to escape?" Sehkmet asked as he walked behind them.

"Where would they go? Thangiens do not use ships, and no Pegasi would ever carry a Thunthen." Michelle giggled at the thought of a heavy Noble trying to ride a Pegasi. "This is the first time in decades that Thunthen have been allowed to walk publicly on Thanged. Look at how happy they are. Mal Daggur forced them to forget the friendships of the past. The Four Queens helped them remember," Anubis commented as they reached the ground to join the others.

Danae and Dais disembarked next, with Dais being the only one of the Ronin not wearing Armor. Instead he wore the gold and burgundy outfit he'd worn at their wedding. Danae wore an outfit similar to her usual combat uniform, only without the shoulder crests and trails. She held one hand over her swollen abdomen. The watching crowd cheered, viewing an impending child as a sign of prosperity. Dais and Danae exchanged tender glances. Danae's older sister, Aurora, followed behind them. She wore a more decorated version of her combat uniform. Young Australa skipped down the ramp.

Cale came last among the Ronin and walked alongside Shannon's aunt Jacqueline. Behind them followed other guests invited to share in the festivities: the Neo Ronin along with their parents, the rest of the O'Connor family, Bak and his crewmembers, members of the Northern Garrison, Kayura and Kaosu, Yulie and his parents, and Jonathan Proud-Wolf from Arizona. The visitors from Earth congregated on the bank of the Winding White beside the parked Argonauth.

"Hey, they're saying we can't go into the city yet. I asked a guy and he just gave me a ribbon with a number on it and told me to wait," Cye spoke up as he and Brit returned to the group.

"Yeah. What's all this about? It looks like the entire city is out here on the plain," Ryo commented.

"It's called the Dawn Walk. It's a procession of Thanged's most prominent families, and being a member of the esteemed First House of St'lur, I'll be up front hobnobbing with the rest of the Council of Houses. Later," Dais teased and waved over his shoulder as he, Danae, Aurora, and Australa wove through the crowd to meet up with the rest of their family.

"Figures: a little bit of fame and it goes straight to his head," Kento mocked. Whiteblaze stood beside Kaosu and gazed about the crowd. His eyes widened in horror and he cringed in dread as a gaggle of children rushed in his direction. They rushed past him and he opened his eyes, confused. Koi Udsarrin trudged past, wide-eyed in bewilderment as dozens of children clambered over his shell like a moving jungle gym. Rgn Chorrez rushed over and gently grabbed children and pulled them off, setting them on the ground carefully only for them to hop onto his shell. Whiteblaze seemed to smirk smugly.

"So, from what I've gathered, these badges designate the order we enter the city. By order of King Torke, we've been given status on par with a noble house of Bainshaebo," Rowen notified and passed out color-coded ribbons to the other Ronin. With sunrise merely an hour away, the crowd parted and formed a path leading to the main gate. Onlookers pointed up as a flight of Pegasi swept overhead.

"Hey, check it out: there's King Torke on Sunbolt Skyhammer," Ryo said as the Grand House of Taurit came in for a landing on the path. "There's Prince Torehj and Magma, Whiteblaze's son."

"Jeez! What are they feeding that tiger!" Tanya remarked upon seeing the armored Bengal.

"Fitting for a festival of the dead to come on the heels of defeating Beastlord," Sage commented.

"Yup. Everyone who's anyone's been invited," Shannon added and looked over her shoulder. "And I do mean anyone…" she saw her cousin Shainie babbling as she accompanied Danae's older brother Azuro as a special guest of his. She introduced herself to the other members of the House of St'lur and shook old Yainae's hand excitedly. Yainae nodded patiently and smiled in reply. Shainie clung to Azuro like a date, but Azuro himself seemed to merely treat her company as a courtesy. Cale made a big show of being Jackie's beau. "I'm gonna have the weirdest set of in-laws at this rate…"

"Hey? I don't see Bak anywhere. He came off just after we did, right?" Cye looked about, worried.

"The Captain's gone on ahead into the city, by special invitation of Watch-Rider Torkenantakin. He is to participate in the opening ceremony," Naz Dassyr replied from behind the group. He tilted his head up upon hearing a distant horn. "It's starting. You should move to your assigned positions."

Citizens congregated along the path to the main gate and cheered and waved as the ruling Grand House of Taurit entered first. King Torke walked alongside his beloved steed Sunbolt Skyhammer, and behind him walked his wife and many sons and daughters and their steeds. Prince Torehj walked alongside the stocky Magma. The horn sounded a second time and the First House of St'lur entered. Yainae walked at the fore, flanked by T'Plaureth and Aurora. She held herself proudly despite her age. The twins Ph'li and Ko'li followed directly behind their parents. Shainie had the royal treat of walking alongside Azuro and held a camera in one hand, taking pictures of the event for her scrap book. Azuro had dressed like a prince, ribbons adorning his upper chest and gold tassels from his shoulder crests. Dais and Danae followed arm-in-arm, waving at the crowds. Australa and Tornath came last.

"I think Ander would be proud if he could see what his family has achieved," Anubis commented.

"You know the heads of families aren't called Everlasting Mothers because they're 'old and wise'. They're called that because they tend to outlive the majority of their household," Cye snorted. Anubis cast a glance at him then sniffed and looked forward.

"All the more glory to the House of St'lur; that they have persevered in the face of adversity and prospered against all odds." The Ronin watched as the rest of Thanged's ruling families filed through the gate. Dozens of houses of lesser renown followed. "I think we're up next…"

Sure enough, the trumpet sounded again and Ryo entered first among the Ronin as the head of the Sanada family. He held Ryu cradled in one arm and Kayli by the hand at his side. Mia walked next to him and glanced down, amused at Ryo's youngest sister as she took in the sight of the grand city walls. Renee followed behind, wearing a simple dress and lacy shawl. Ryu's face contorted in irritation as he kept his ears plugged against the raucous cheers from the onlookers. Tanya and Kento followed behind them. Tanya glanced from her brother ahead of them to over her shoulder at the other Ronin.

"Hey, how come you didn't invite any of your family to come?"

"You really want a half-dozen me's running around the city?" Kento glanced at her and grinned. Tanya laughed through her nose and shook her head. "No, I'm serious! Dad's a major food buff. I could totally see him critiquing all the cuisine here. Mom'd fit right in with the nobility here. She's a warrior queen in her own right. Rin's a bit of a shopaholic; you'd have to drag her kicking and screaming from the market. Yun's a regular bookworm; he'd totally get lost in the archives here. Mei would probably challenge you to a fight just to impress you. Chun Fa's the youngest. She's a real sweetheart. She's around Kayli's age, though she's not as prone to kicking people in the shins…"

" idea where she gets that from," Tanya chuckled.

"I just realized...aside from Anubis' daughter, Michelle, Ryo's the only other person who invited immediate family with him. I thought most of you had families who know about you being Ronin Warriors," Shannon commented and glanced over her shoulder at the others behind them.

"We do, it's...well, it's difficult to explain. The reason we fight is to protect our loved ones from harm, and part of that involves shielding them from knowledge of the evils of the world. It's one thing to see a city shrouded in darkness, but being on another planet entirely might be a bit much for them. I can only imagine the amount of cajoling it took for Yulie to get his parents to come," Sage glanced over his shoulder at the very rear of the column where Yulie pointed out distant landmarks to his mother and father as if they toured an amusement park. Mr. Yamano looked dumbfounded by the sheer scale of the city. Tar walked up behind Mrs. Yamano and gave her a gentle tap on the shoulder, startling her briefly before they exchanged greetings. White Wind and Whisker followed behind them.

"Cye's mother isn't exactly in the best of health. He's been trying to dose her discreetly with Richtho tea, passing it off as a herbal remedy. The stuff certainly tastes bad enough to qualify, but she's apparently of the mind that she should spend what time she has left with her family, like Cye's sister and brother-in-law. Rowen's family situation is...complicated, to say the least." Rowen and Roxi walked immediately behind Sage and Shannon, and Roxi glanced at Rowen, noticing his troubled expression. Sage remembered the conversation he'd overheard in the comm. room.

"C'mon Rich! This is literally a once-in-a-lifetime event! Don't let Kai run your life!"

"Rowen…" Rich began firmly, narrowing his eyes before smiling cheerfully. "I'm glad you invited me, but it'd be a real bad idea for me to go anywhere near Thanged. There's something there that Kai's interested in, and I've learned the hard way it's best to keep Kai far away from things he's interested in." Rowen's face fell at the statement. "I know...I wish things could go back to the way they were too, but they can't. Now, don't let me drag you down. Go! Have fun with the space-vikings!" Rich closed the connection, leaving Rowen alone at the console. Rowen hung his head and sighed.

He never thought he'd live to see the day he'd miss being called "Rowie".

"Even though King Torke told us to invite everyone we know, some people turned down the offer. Father Malcolm back in Scotland wasn't too keen on leaving Earth, and Michelle's mentor William Walking Cloud declined for similar reasons. I guess he feels too attuned to his land to visit another planet. I hear Sehkmet has a young friend in the rainforest he could've invited, but he decided against it." Sure enough, Sehkmet remained the only Ronin Warrior without a companion, but he walked proudly, shoulders squared and chin raised. "I suppose he felt all this would be too much of a shock."

Sage's gaze strayed to the O'Connor contingent, easily the largest civilian family group. Cale walked with Jacqueline and flashed Shannon's aunt a mischievous grin, to which Jackie slapped him on the shoulder gently and rolled her eyes. Charles wore a spiffy white suit and walked arm-in-arm with his seldom-seen wife, Danielle. Jonathan Proud Wolf accompanied them as a guest. He wore a formal suit and glanced from side to side at the crowd. Sage frowned in realization.

"I thought you had another aunt…She didn't want to come?"

"No! I tried explaining the event to her, but she insists she's on the verge of a 'big breakthrough'."

"You did tell her this is an advanced culture thousands of years old, on another planet, right?"

"I know! But whatever she's been working on, she's not willing to leave unattended, not even for a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event. That's why she sent Shainie and Jonathan along in her place."

The guests from Earth filed into the massive Pavilion to await the opening ceremony. Roxi had brought her dog Goldheart along and held him on a leash. He bolted away suddenly, yanking the leash out of her hand. She let out a stream of frustrated expletives and Rowen laughed richly as Goldheart bounded over to a pack of guard Fyrhundi. He took to sniffing the muzzles of each one, tail wagging eagerly. The Fyrhundi remained seated, clearly not recognizing the excited Labrador Retriever as having formerly been one of their own. A large elevated stage had been erected in the center facing the open main gate. Jonathan Proud Wolf strayed away from the O'Connor group to study a trio of tapestries hanging on a building wall. Michelle had loosely explained Thangien history to him on their journey aboard the Argonauth, such as their ancient conflict with the dragon-like Thunthen.

He stopped infront of a tapestry of a man astride a majestic mighty Pegacorn. This had to be Danae's father, Ander; a human fighter pilot from World War II, elevated to almost messianic status by utilizing his combat expertise to help the Thangiens turn the tide against the invading Thunthen. Jonathan glanced over his shoulder at Shainie. He could only hope she'd remember to take enough pictures for her aunt, Jamine, or else he would never hear the end of it. He glanced back at the other two tapestries: the ancient Thunthen warlord Das Anazhar and the legendary queen Danaetanera III.

Jonathan frowned when he noticed something peculiar. For all the intricacy of the tapestries, the detail put in to each figure depicted, the eyes looked quite simplistic. Much like ancient cultures on Earth, Thangiens seemed to have a superstitious belief about depicting the eyes of a person; that it would divulge their true strength. Any artistic interpretation, be it the colossal equine statues close to the main gate or the banner depicting the folktale of the "Cresta and the Imp", the figures always had narrow triangular eyes. He'd seen a few variations of the Cresta with a stylized spiral horn not unlike a unicorn, but whether hand-sewn, woven, or illuminated with gold, the eyes remained the same.

Jonathan reached inside his jacket and fished out the journal he carried with him. He flipped through pages until he found the photos he kept of the "Prophecy Wall". He held the journal up to compare with the tapestry of Ander. The triangular eyes looked virtually identical, down to the exact angle of corners. Jonathan's eyes widened and he lowered the journal, holding it in one hand while wiping his hand over his mouth with the other. "It's the same style…" he whispered, his hand shaking with excitement. "It's the same style!" He scrambled to fish a pencil out of his shirt pocket and searched for an open page. He'd learned quite a bit about sketching during his time working for Jamine O'Connor and worked feverishly to put to page the image of Ander astride his steed.

" something interesting?" a voice tinged with a peculiar triple-echo purred from the side of Jonathan. He froze and flicked his gaze up before glancing to the side nervously.

She stood there arms folded infront of her chest, easily a full head taller than him. No one else in the immediate vicinity seemed to notice her standing there. He had only seen her at a distance back in the tunnel in Arizona, but now, this close, he saw very clearly the gray sash over the blue combat uniform, the high pearl-white crests, the tall yellow boots and gloves. Silver hair flowed down her back and her bangs hung low close to her brow. She regarded him sternly with black irises and steel-gray pupils. She blinked. She did blink. No otherworldly aura shrouded her, no divine halo ringed her head. She lived and breathed same as he, and yet her voice, her eyes divulged a power too staggering for a mortal to comprehend. The pencil tilted between Jonathan's fingers and the journal nearly slipped from his grasp.

"R...R...Rest assured, all will be revealed in due time...but at a time and place of my choosing." She spoke with a brief booming echo like the clap of thunder, and again, Jonathan noticed how no one in the crowd seemed to react to her. "I...I...I'm sure you can understand the need for discretion." Jonathan clapped the journal shut with one hand and thumbed the pencil with his other. "Good. Now, the morning is young. By...By...By all means, do enjoy yourself." With that, the woman turned and wove into the crowd, somehow vanishing from sight despite her height.

Jonathan stowed the pencil and journal back in his jacket. Jamine would just have to settle for a verbal account from him. The horizon outside the main gate grew brighter.

"Hey! Look, there's Bak! And King Torke and Almethea!" Shannon announced and pointed at the stage as Thanged's Watch-Rider approached a short cushioned stool. The last Bangukian stood behind the Watch-Rider with her hands clasped over her stomach. She wore a simple black gown with long flowing sleeves. Bak stood beside her but kept his hands clasped behind his shell solemnly.

"What's he doing up there? They're not going to sacrifice him, are they?" Cye exclaimed.

"Don't be silly! It's a reenactment of the Blood Walk. As a direct descendant of Das Anazhar, he represents reconciliation with the Thunthen," Anubis elaborated. Excitement in the crowd reached a fever pitch as people squirmed and shoved, trying to get a direct view of the sunrise. Towering screens had been erected throughout the Pavilion, reflecting images of the dawn for all to see. The Ronin and their guests had privileged spots close to the stage and the main road.

"I wonder what's with all the tents in the distance. Look at them! There must be thousands of them!" Roxi remarked as she glanced over her shoulder at the outer edge of the Pavilion.

"They're communion tents. A person goes in, lights some candles and utters a prayer and tries to call forth the spirit of a departed loved one," Rowen explained.

"Maybe you can try calling for your brother," Sage whispered.

"He's not dead." Shannon stated firmly. Sage flinched, taken aback by the tone in her voice.

"But, I thought you said-"

"He's not dead." Shannon reiterated, the edge of her voice cracking. He'd clearly struck a raw nerve. "There's dental records, fingerprints, there's identification if he were to turn up somewhere. There'd be a serviceman knocking on our door carrying a folded flag and expressing his condolences." Shannon looked at Sage directly. "He's not dead, Sage. I have to keep telling myself he's out there somewhere. It's the only way I get through my days." Sage bit his lip and nodded understandingly.

A little girl with silvery hair walked up the stairs to the stage and carried a set of blades atop a cushion over to King Torke. He shrugged his sleeves up past his elbows and took one dagger in each hand then crossed his arms, pointing the tip of each blade at the skin close to each elbow. "Oh no, he isn't going to-" Cye flinched in dread.

"He is," Anubis said. Tanya had her ponytails wrapped up so she settled for squeezing her eyes shut. Kento placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. Ryo turned Ryu's face towards his chest and Renee directed Kayli to look at the pretty sunrise instead of the stage. King Torke took a deep breath before drawing the tips along his arms, pulling the daggers outward. He held both arms out at his side and let the daggers clatter onto the stage. Blood dribbled from the cuts and he sank to one knee on the cushioned stool as the horizon brightened with the imminent dawn.

"Shouldn't we be wearing special sunglasses for this?" Kento asked worriedly.

"Nah, we'll be fine. Thanged's atmosphere shields it from harmful radiation. They've been doing this ceremony for hundreds of years," Rowen insisted.

"Is he trying to reenact the Blood Walk or recreate it?!" Ryo remarked as King Torke squeezed his palms, as if trying to force more blood out of the cuts.

"Do people really get to see the dead?" Britania asked. Cye shrugged and grimaced.

"They seem to think they do. I don't exactly think we're going to see ghosts flitting about."

"Supposedly its pretty hit and miss. Some Thangiens claim to see lost relatives or fallen foes. Now it could be anything from psychological projection to hallucinogenic effects incurred by the incense they use inside the tents, or maybe even a mass hallucination caused by the overlapping coronas…" Rowen babbled as the first crack of sunlight peeked over the horizon.

Instead of orange or gold, it seemed as if blood stained the sky and fire danced on the horizon. It looked unnatural, unholy almost, and screams rose from people in the crowd at the hellish sight. King Torke no longer shed blood, but fire, and he bowed his head reverently and clenched his fists. Little Ryu gazed at the red sunrise in awe, no longer crying angrily or fussing sullenly. The light of the Twin Suns reached far and wide, permeating every corner and crevice, every shadow and shelter. It looked like a scene straight out of a nightmare, like the end of the world, and Ryo felt a dread not felt in many years. Mia squeezed his arm and leaned close. Tanya dared to open her eyes when she felt the warmth of light on her face and reached out blindly at her side. Kento took her hand and gently clasped it.

The overlapping coronas had the effect of giving everything a reddish tint, and for all the horror expressed by some in the crowd, most Thangiens-who celebrated death as much as life- watched the spectacular sunrise in awe. King Torke swayed slightly and tilted his head up.

"The Blood Dawn rises! Let there be festivity and gaiety on this day! HONOR THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN THEIR BLOOD, AND THOSE WHO HAVE HAD THEIR BLOOD TAKEN!" Dais and Danae stroked the thick scars on their wrists and glanced into each other's eyes. "Pay them homage, for this is their day! On this day, they live once more! DEAAAAATH!"

"DEAAAATH!" came the echoing cry from the gathered masses.

"DEAAAATH!" King Torke bellowed again, and the deafening refrain followed. "DEAAAATH!" King Torke shouted once more before faltering and leaning back slightly. Bak Thraplek coiled his tail and pressed it against the Watch-Rider's back, keeping him steady.

"Strength, my king. You must be strong for your people," Bak whispered softly. Almethea stepped to his side and began discreetly bandaging his arms. The little girl with the silver hair stepped to the front of the stage as Bak and Almethea helped King Torke.

"Look, that must be the new Silver-Haired Maiden. The previous one died during the plague awhile back," Sage muttered, nodding at the little girl on the stage.

"On this day we not only celebrate the long-lived peace brokered by Danaetanera III of old, but commemorate those among our beloved who have passed before us. Let all grudges be cooled, all sorrow be lifted. Let hope be kindled, that even the Brothers may one day be reconciled." Banners unfurled along the interior edge of the city wall depicting the celestial brothers-Thangor the Tactician, and Thuruk the Warrior-clenching hands. "On this day let there be joy, for we may all see our loved ones at the coming of the End Tide, the Day of Doom when all good heroes die."

"I feel like I'm listening to a warped rendition of a Christmas pageant…" Mrs. Yamano muttered.

"No kidding" Mr. Yamano shouted over the din as the crowd began dispersing out into the Pavilion.

"Check it out! A parade!" Yulie pointed at the main gate as hundreds of Pegasi began filing into the city led by the brothers Skybolt and Sunbolt. The Pegasi walked rhythmically, jumping up on their forelegs and stomping their hooves with metallic clacks. Some of the crowd lingered to watch the procession. Sage noticed how his personal Pegasi, Thrender, walked alongside Danae's steed, Pegasus. He scowled when he heard snickering coming from Cale and Sehkmet.

"It's almost like taiko drums!" Ryo called over the din and pressed his fingers over his ear.

"I know!" Mia remarked as the Pegasi performed in their own way.

"Are you going to try communing with anyone?" Michelle asked her father.

"No, thank you. I have enough ghosts in my past. Far too many to count. The Blood Dawn is a celebration of life as much as it is about death, and I'd much rather focus on life," Anubis replied.

"So, that's it then? Sky turns red and gory? What all do we do here?" Cye quipped.

"Eat, drink, and be merry, all that good stuff," Kento shrugged and looked over his shoulder at rows of long tables set up close to the tents. Attendants brought out plates heaped high with food and some people took their seats. Dais had already taken a seat at one. Kento's face lit up and he walked over, leaving Tanya's side. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"So as usual, Mom's a no-show. I guess she figures she communes with death on a daily basis, what with her line of work and all…" Dais grumbled to the empty chair beside him.

"Heya, Dais! Mind if I?"Kento reached for a plate at an empty seat next to Dais.

"Hey, watch it!" Dais protested and Kento paused and pulled his hand back, blinking stupidly. "This isn't an all-you-can-eat. This is a feast for the dead, and that's my father's seat you're looming over." Sure enough, Thangiens seated themselves next to empty chairs and conversed with their loved ones.

"Oh! My bad! *ahem* Mister Dais' dad? May I please have some?" Kento asked the empty chair, waving a polite hand in an exaggerated manner. He waited a few moments before reaching over and plucking a breaded wing off the plate. "He said yes." Kento walked away, munching on the chicken.

"That's Kento for you…" Dais shrugged and said aloud to the empty chair.

"Does the combined light of the Twin Suns fall on your world as it does here?" Kaosu asked Tar as the rest of Bak's crew partook in the festivities. Cye had brought a small tank of goldfish and let them loose into a fountain and tried to explain to people how to gently catch them using a cup and a paper paddle. Miz tried to catch one but kept breaking his paddle. Ita stood behind them and watched. She looked like an imposing dragon queen wearing protruding shoulder pads with leather strips that gave her the appearance of wearing a kimono. Miz flubbed again and stared at the paddle in frustration.

"Far, far more seldom than they see it here, and with a much different connotation. I was barely fresh out of the egg when last the suns aligned, but on our world it is viewed as a celebration of conquest, not of the honored dead. Captain! Is the Watch-Rider well?" Tar asked as Bak approached.

"He is recovering. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was trying to one-up Danaetanera III herself. Ahh! What a terrible sight to behold! This feeling of dread! I believe Ryo would refer to it as the 'willies'," Bak remarked and shuddered, the gold caps on his shell spikes nearly sliding loose.

"It is good to see old Khanphe in good spirits. His troupe got decimated during the plague," Naz remarked as costumed performers assembled near the road. Workers erected complex rigging that straddled the main thoroughfare and children gathered around to watch. Kaosu didn't know what to think when he saw an actor dressed as Talpa-or Ouagli, as he was known- stride out onto the road. Other actors dressed as Nether Soldiers grabbed children and assembled them into a cluster in the center of the stage and actors dressed as Nether Spirits hung from rope harnesses attached to the rigging. The llaudaind circled the children, pointing "spears" or casting "spells" at them, and the children huddled back to back and stared in awe. Normally Kaosu would strongly object to the Dynasty being portrayed as dancing cheerfully, but apparently Thangiens' believed mocking their opponents negated fear. "Talpa" and his "minions" suddenly turned and raised their hands in mock fright.

Jaws dropped upon seeing the life-size animatronic float portraying Raurgoth as it moved through the main gate. The legs rested on platforms that rocked back and forth, giving the colossal puppet the appearance of walking. The neck arched and the jaws hinged wide, belching fire from tubes inside. The wings rose and folded jerkily. If the Inferno Dragon had deigned to accompany the visitors from Earth, he might've taken umbrage to his wooden doppelganger. The costumed llaudaind continued dancing with "Talpa" striding out to face the "dragon". The jaws yawned wide and bundles of red, orange, and yellow ribbons spilled out, and the "Dynasty" fell to the ground, writhing in mock agony. Crowds cheered and clapped at the sight. Kaosu made an awkward grimace. He had to applaud the Thangiens' creativity. He turned around and gazed out at the distant landmarks of the city. One in particular caught his eye: the fabled academy of Peirolyth. He took his leave of Bak and his crew and walked towards it.

"Here, let me take Ryu into one of the tents. I'm going to try calling my grandfather," Mia said and reached for Ryu. Ryo handed the baby over, and Ryu complained briefly. Enough tents lined the Pavilion that the lines didn't look that long. Other stages had been set up throughout the Pavilion. Singers and musicians delivered their own interpretation of rock n' roll as only Thangiens could. Gathered crowds danced and waved their arms wildly under the red sunrise. Ph'li sat on a short stone wall and thumped his wiry tail against the surface idly. He didn't see what all the fuss was about. His gaze flicked up when he saw the flash of brilliant white sequins out the corner of his eyes.

"Hey little man, where do you go to sign up to perform?" Ph'li raised an eyebrow and pointed to a booth set up next to the central stage. "Thank you very much." Ph'li wrinkled his muzzle and blinked.

"Oldworlders dress so weird…" He'd never seen so many sequins on a single outfit before...

"Hey all! Finally managed to find you in this mess!" Ryo looked over his shoulder when he heard a familiar voice and saw Reiou Kenji and his wife Aniko weaving through the crowd waving at him.

"Reiou! Hey! I didn't think you wanted to come! You missed the Argonauth taking off!"

"Ahh, well, we ended up taking the scenic route," Reiou rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. Aniko giggled mischievously. Both of them wore formal attire, though Reiou would've fit right in with his paladin armor. "I don't see Mia anywhere…" Reiou glanced about the crowd.

"She just went into one of the meditation tents with Ryu," Ryo pointed to the side at a row of tents.

"Ah! Just my luck. I'll just have to wait till later to say hi. You know, maybe you five should try calling the spirits of your ancestors." Cye and Kento walked over when they spotted Reiou.

"Ancestors? You knew them?"

"Of course! You honestly didn't think you five were the only ones to wear the Ronin Armors, did you? They were the first." Rowen and Sage joined the group.

"We know about the first big battle against the Dynasty and the Totalitary's invasion, but we don't know much else about the others," Rowen mentioned.

"History does not record their deeds. It's often said history is written by the winner, and the victor of that ancient conflict felt humanity was not ready to fully understand ancient, otherworldly evils. He believed burying the truth in apocrypha and superstition would be a kindness to mortal men, a misguided, if not foolish belief. I only know as much as I do because I was there. Your friends, the 'Elders' only knew them as rivals. They did not get to know the men behind the Armors."

"What was my ancestor like?" Ryo asked, genuinely intrigued. Reiou grimaced awkwardly.

"Ehh...let's just say the Sanada apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Ryo blinked several times in confusion. "Your ancestor was…complicated," Reiou said to Rowen, who wrinkled his nose. "Your ancestor was a smug prick…" He looked at Cye, who seemed startled. "...You're not actually related to the first Hardrock since your family isn't from that region, though I imagine you two would've gotten along fairly well," Reiou pointed at Kento, who placed both hands behind his head and shrugged.

"What about my ancestor?" Sage wanted to know whatever insights Reiou might have about his bloodline. Reiou turned to Sage and frowned, his cheerful expression turning serious all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, but your ancestor was a dick," Reiou stated levelly. Sage stared at him, wide-eyed and appalled. He thought he could hear Cale cackling maniacally in the distance.

"Wow, that look on his face…" Sehkmet commented faintly. Reiou's gaze seemed to pierce Sage's being, and Sage recoiled briefly, placing a hand on his forehead.

"Whoa, you okay there, Sage?" Cye asked. Sage blinked several times and shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine...just a bit dizzy from the sunrise I guess…" Reiou averted his gaze suddenly and became all smiles again, but something about his eyes unnerved Sage. Fragments of images flickered in his mind, maddeningly unfocused and out of reach like a scattered thousand-piece puzzle.

"I figure Mia's going to be awhile in there. I'll try to swing around later. Say hi to Mia and the little one incase I miss them. Until next time," Reiou waved and walked off with Aniko at his side.

"That was close. That could've ended badly," Aniko muttered.

"Indeed. There is a real power at work during this solar conjunction. As much as I wanted to see Mia and her baby, I'll just have to keep my distance for now. Now, why don't you go do some sightseeing. I've got some paladin business to take care of."

"Wh-what? Paladin business!? Reiou! We're on a completely different planet! How can you have 'paladin business' way out here!" Aniko exclaimed. Reiou waved both hands to calm her.

"I won't be gone long! I promise! Here, just try some of the local cuisine. Their soups are to die for!" Reiou offered. Aniko folded her arms over her chest and fumed, tapping one foot. Reiou backed away cautiously and wove through the crowd searching for an empty space in the area. He found a gap behind a row of tents and glanced from side to side to make sure no one noticed before transforming and shooting into the air. While most revelers kept their attention to the ground, a few noticed the winged knight flying through the air and pointed excitedly. Reiou glanced down at them then sped off into the distance towards the citadel-chapel Thananagreia. "I don't need any groupies here..."

"Did you get to see Tatiante during the last Blood Dawn?" Ko'li asked Yainae.

"No, of course not! He had not yet arrived on this world back then. No...I saw my siblings, who had all passed before me. Know this: my time draws nigh, and I will not be alive to see you die in the Entide, but we will be together at the end of all things," Yainae said to her grown children Azuro, Aurora, and Australa. Yainae blinked and frowned, searching the crowd. "...Where is Danae?"

"I'm not entirely sure why you asked me to come with you, Danae. I understand that these tents are intended for lone occupants, not a séance…" Kayura argued as she and Danae stood outside an empty tent. Lines had already formed outside many of the tents ringing the Pavilion. Danae had picked one as far from the crowd as possible. Danae looked troubled and clasped both hands over her abdomen.

"Ronatane's passing weighs heavily upon me. I should have been at her side."

"Danae, you're pregnant with Dais' child! You can't honestly blame yourself for what happened!"

"All the same, we were Sword Siblings! Her, Tornath, and I! If I could not turn the tide of battle, I should have been with her at her final moments. That was taken from me. The dead do not always appear when asked, and even so there is no guarantee that Rona would appear, but it is my hope that the relic you wield can reach beyond the Vault of Stars and call her forth. Please, KayuTakin…"

"Well...I'm not exactly sure this is the best use of the Staff of Ancients...but...I'll try…" Kayura rubbed her thumb along the lacquered shaft of the Staff and bit her lip. She couldn't fault Danae for wanting closure after everything the two had been through. Danae nodded gratefully and pushed the tent flaps open. Kayura followed in after her and stood to the side behind Danae as she knelt down on a cushion. Candles flickered on the edges of a simple stone altar. Danae lit a stick of incense and set it down then hooked her thumbs and index fingers together in the Chain of Life gesture.

"Ronatane, hear my plea and pierce the veil. Traverse the gap through the Vault of Stars…" Nothing happened and the rings hung silent. "Ronatane, hear my plea and pierce the veil. Traverse the gap through the Vault of Stars…" Danae repeated. Kayura glanced around. Still nothing. Danae remained determined and repeated her prayers. Kayura didn't know if there was a time limit on using the tents, though from what she observed with the others further down the row, most people spent anywhere from five to fifteen minutes patiently praying, and most of the time they either got no response or a flicker of the candles they interpreted as a great sign. Perhaps because Rona had been killed on Earth…

The candles went out all at once and the tent flaps rustled as if from a strong wind despite the calm weather outside. Red sunlight filtered in through gaps in the tent and Kayura could still see Danae in the gloom. A purplish glow emanated from the altar and Danae staggered to her feet, hopeful. The rings of the Staff began moving wildly and Kayura glanced from them to the altar. She hadn't contributed to the prayer or chanted an incantation. For the rings to react this way indicated the presence of an extremely powerful spirit. The candles re-lit with muted flames and wicked laughter cut through the air.

"...That...that doesn't sound like Rona…" Kayura muttered. The cackling grew louder and shadowy fibers seemed to crawl towards the altar from the corners of the tent. Kayura grabbed Danae by the arm and pulled her back slightly as a humanoid figure formed from the shadows. "That doesn't sound like Rona at all!" she exclaimed and placed herself between Danae and the apparition.

"Guuuuuteeeeen taaaaaag…" a male voice purred sinisterly. The figure took on a definite shape and Kayura saw a black-haired man wearing a brownish combat uniform with black boots and shoulder crests. Gold buttons adorned the collar and cuffs and Kayura noticed a red band around his arm with a white circle and a curious symbol like four scythes arranged together. Kayura gasped when a series of images flooded her mind: of a wild-eyed young man seduced by promises of conquest from a charismatic leader. The young man stood in a courtyard with thousands more youths, eagerly awaiting orders and ready to spill enemy blood. Kayura saw aircraft duking it out among the clouds, the man flinching in his seat as bullets riddled his craft, destroying his flight controls and just barely missing his body. He flew into a cloud bank over an ocean and emerged over a dense forest, crash-landing in the thick canopy. He emerged from the forest, gazing up at two suns hanging overhead. He looked over the immense grassy plain, his eyes coming to rest on the walls of Bainshaebo. Instead of wide-eyed wonder, his face lit up with covetous glee at the sight of a strange new city, a new world to conquer.

"Danae, stay back! This spirit means you harm!" Kayura raised the Staff and held it horizontally as the apparition lurched towards them. The rings hung loose and silent. Kayura glanced from them to the apparition as it approached. Instead of being repelled, the apparition sauntered closer and closer, step by step. Okay...any second now...aaaaany second… Kayura started to feel nervous. The Staff remained completely inert. The apparition came within a foot of Kayura and leaned to the side. She'd never seen such a wicked grin before, not even from the former Dark Warlords!

"DUMMKOPF!" The figure raised one arm to the side then backhanded Kayura savagely, sending her stumbling back with Danae barely catching her. "Das trinket of yours called me here! It gives me power! Makes me strong!" The man clenched his fists and his form became more corporeal. He splayed his fingers and looked at his palm, his form flickering briefly. "But, I am not yet whole. I require leben, und what better to consume, than die soul of Ander's unborn enkel!" The man fixed his gaze on Danae. Kayura scrambled to her feet and yanked Danae out of the tent.

"Hurry! We have to find the others-!" Kayura skidded to a halt when she saw a shadowy wall several feet infront of them. The fog seemed to wrap towards them, and none of the festival-goers nearby seemed to notice. She heard taunting laughter and saw a humanoid figure walking towards them through the fog. "I-I don't think it's safe to go that way…"

"This way! He would not dare set foot in Thananagreia!" Danae hissed and the two took off running away from the Pavilion and towards the distant citadel-chapel. With the entire city population participating in the festivities, they had no hope of flagging down help. Kayura glanced over her shoulder then back forward. They had many city blocks to cover. She only hoped they could make it…

Kaosu walked onto the floor of the academy and gazed at the dozens of anvils and forges. He'd heard how Thangiens revered the art of smithing, but on this day all anvils remained one. He noticed a single woman laboring at an anvil mounted on a raised platform, the "High Forge" apparently. Platinum hair flowed down her shoulders and a high-spired black crown kept her bangs out of her eyes. She noticed the monk out on the floor and set down her hammer.

"I don't often entertain tourists," she commented, her voice echoing from the platform.

"You do not wish to partake in the festivities of the day?" Kaosu queried and gazed up at the walls.

"There's always work to be done in Peirolyth, and someone has to keep the forges running. Celebration is best left to the young. At my age, you've seen one Blood Dawn, you've seen them all."

Kaosu noticed several paper banners hanging from the walls, but instead of depicting epic battles or folk legends, the banners displayed mechanical-looking drawings in red charcoal. Above each banner hung a smaller flag showing emblems painted in black ink of various animals. Kaosu recognized several: Bear, stag, crocodile, and seal. Above the lower row hung another set of five banners that dwarfed the rest. Each banner portrayed a mighty mythical beast. The woman at the High Forge stared down at him patiently with black irises and bronze pupils. Kaosu nodded in approval.

"...I see the work proceeds well…"

"I...I...It does. As powerful as I am, it's not easy binding and manipulating energy to such forms. My prototypes have performed admirably thus far, but much work remains ahead."

"I took a shortcut of sorts, breaking the power of Talpa and giving it new form. My haste to blunt Talpa's power resulted in much strife. As for the Armor of Typhoon, artisans far more creative than I participated in that creation. I could not hope to match their attention to detail nor yours..."

"Leonardo da Vinci was truly a man centuries ahead of his time. His concepts prove quite challenging to manufacture, but rest assured, myself and my students will work diligently to complete his original vision...and yours. While I cannot promise they will be completed before the Enemy returns, they will be ready to maintain peace in the time after the Day of Doom."

"I see. I will take my leave, then. I wish you well in your labors, Lady of Flames."

"You are far too kind, Kaosu," the woman grinned and resumed her work, the clanging of her hammer echoing through the halls of Peirolyth.

Reiou alighted on the ground outside Thananagreia. The courtyard-normally bustling with pilgrims-looked entirely empty. Even the Silver-Haired Maiden had departed to participate in the celebration. He walked inside and strode over the floor towards the very rear of the vaulted room. He turned to face the massive stained glass window of the Morning Mother. "Well? Is my service concluded now? Am I free of my obligations?" he asked aloud, his voice echoing through the air. Red sunlight filtered through the stained glass, sending arrays of curious hues against the floor.

"Th...Th...That's a rather curious way of describing the bonds of love and friendship." Reiou looked over his shoulder as the woman he'd seen the last time strode out on to the floor, seemingly from out of nowhere. The folds of her blue robe swirled around her legs and her brownish hair took on a reddish hue in the sunlight. Her eyes remained the same, however: black irises with hazel pupils.

"You're saying the Ronin remain in danger? Even after their victory in the recent Cataclysm?"

"For all the hardship they have endured, all the sorrow they have overcome, all the conflicts they have faced, none of the Three Wars have yet occurred. They will need guidance on their journeys, a comforting hand, and better for it to come from you than from me."

"If this 'Endtide' is so terrible, why not simply stop it from happening? You're certainly powerful enough!?" Reiou demanded, exasperated. The woman walked over to the stained glass where a swarm of moths flitted about. She reached out with one hand and a brownish moth alighted on her raised finger. It wriggled its comb-like antennae and stared at her from under the fuzz sheltering its eyes.

"What do you suppose the moth sees? Does it see a natural obstacle, like a cliff or a mountain? Or does it see something greater; a force of divinity…" The moth flapped its wings and took flight.

"You just compared humans to insects…" Reiou commented and wrinkled his nose.

"Reiou, as you know full well, there are powers greater than you, and there are powers greater than I," the woman said firmly and gazed at him. Reiou's eyes widened at the admission. "We did not present ourselves as gods to them. That was a title they bestowed upon us, and we meet their expectations best we can, but we are not omnipotent. Even we cannot see all ends. All we know is all roads lead to the End Tide. Could we stop the enemy? Could we swat them from the stars with but a thought? Perhaps. Should we? No. The child does not learn to walk with the parent holding on constantly. Mortals cannot find their own strengths if we were to swoop in intervening with every trial and hardship. It falls to mortals to secure their future, and mortal heroes must guide them."

"I'm not exactly mortal myself, you know. I'm only half human…"

"Do people see you as demon, human, or divine? Or all at once? Be their hero. Be their helping hand." Reiou sighed in frustration and turned to leave: not exactly the answers he'd come looking for. "Oh, Reiou. One more thing." Reiou paused and glanced over his shoulder. "Do not turn away aid when it is offered. It may come in the most unlikely of forms and may very well prove the difference between life and death." Reiou wrinkled his brow and turned around, opening his mouth to speak, but she had vanished. He stood there staring at where she'd been before glancing up at her likeness in stained glass. He sighed and shook his head.

"Damn meddling space gods…" he grumbled and moved to depart.

"I...I...I heard that…" came the booming triple-echo.

"I...I must stop!" Danae wheezed and she and Kayura came to a stop at the corner of a sidewalk. Kayura glanced down the street. She didn't see the man right away, but he seemed to be taking his sweet time, toying with the two women. She cast a worried glance at Danae, who gulped down air.

"Whoa! Danae, are you allright?" Last thing Kayura needed was for her to go into labor at a time like this. Danae nodded shakily and swallowed with great effort.

"I am fine. I need only catch my breath."

"Normally a simple chant would banish that spirit, but I can't even call the Ronin for aid. Tar once spoke of how 'low-level radiation' can interfere with the abilities of mystics, or 'psychokinetics' as he calls us. Something about the solar conjunction allows this spirit to not only drain power from the Staff but suppress my own powers. What about Pegasus? Can you call for him?"

"Not without drawing attention, and this man would be upon us before Pegasus could arrive." The two looked up startled when they heard distant laughter and saw wisps of shadowy fog creeping down the street several blocks away. The two pushed away from the wall and jogged down a side street before turning once more towards Thananagreia. "Who is this man to hunt us so relentlessly!"

"Judging from his accent, I'd say he's from a particularly dark chapter of Earth's history.."

"Roland Ekrich!" Danae exclaimed and glanced over her shoulder. Kayura glanced at her.

"You know him?"

"I know of him. He is the father of Na Na Kulk, Rolinilo of the disgraced House of Eklan, who Dais slew in his Trael de Nuca. He dueled my father many years before I was born. He used an illegal weapon in a Trael de Vaor to wound my father, but my father slew him with a Metra Wave."

"And now the Blood Dawn allows him to take physical form. That this man has nursed this hatred for so many decades gives him terrible power. You know, why don't you call to your gods and ask them for a lift?" Kayura joked. They still had many more blocks to cover till they reached the citadel-chapel.

"They do not intervene directly," Danae replied. Kayura raised an eyebrow at that.

Rowen and Roxi sat in bleachers erected around the pens of Mazzan where they watched performances hosted by Norin. Several Pegasi danced in the main pen, showing off incredible choreography, flapping their wings and trotting sideways. Rowen recognized some of the other Ronin Pegasi like Sicropeth, Fennon, Torturod, and Rhuquar. Attendants passed out bags of kettle corn, and Roxi fished out her wallet to pay, but Rowen shook his head and waved at her. Everything was free of charge on this day. Members of the O'Connor family seated themselves at proper banquet tables set up for the living. Shainie stood outside one of the tents waiting for Azuro, who had gone in before her. Cale, Sehkmet, Jacqueline, and Charles exchanged merry conversation. Shannon and Sage sat at a table next to them. Ryo sat with his back to the table and watched the crowd.

"I know Charles says I should get out more often, but you figure even Jamine couldn't pass this up, if anything to study a different culture," Shannon's mother, Danielle commented.

"We all have our vices, dear. Mine is eighty-hour work-weeks, and Shainie's is glomming onto any cute guy she sees," Jacqueline said and swished wine about in a glass.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Jamine stayed behind on purpose just to get Shanie out of her hair for a while," Shannon teased. Shainie heard that comment and glanced over her shoulder, scowling and making a face before sticking out her tongue indignantly. Kaosu returned from his visit to Peirolyth and seated himself a table away from the others. Dais had gone into one of the tents and Danae seemed nowhere to be found. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Kayura recently either…

"Hey guys! I'm back!" Mia called and approached the table where Ryo sat. Ryo held out his arms and took Ryu from her and let the babe sit on his lap while Mia seated herself.

"So, did you get to see your grandfather?" Ryo asked. Mia averted her gaze and bit her lip.

"Well...I'm not exactly sure… You know how Ryu had been fussing non-stop since we got here? He got very quiet all of a sudden inside the tent and just kind of sat there. What about you? Did you get to see anyone?" Ryo said nothing and stared at the ground while Ryu babbled and patted Ryo's leg with one hand. Mia frowned at his expression. "Let me guess...she was a no-show…"

"Yeah...You'd think she'd show up during a Thangien festival of the dead, of all places. I guess it's too hard to call upon spirits from Earth. Who knows…" Mia wrinkled her brow. On one hand she couldn't help but feel a tad bit jealous, but on the other she knew all too well Ryo's sorrow. Ryo let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. Mia fidgeted in her seat and bit her lip.

"...Maybe she feels you have such a good life now that it's not her place to intrude…"

"I guess…" Ryo mumbled. Ryu began babbling out loud and clapping his hands together, rocking from side to side in Ryo's lap. Sage saw this and grinned.

"Ryo, what on Earth is your son doing?" Ryo glanced down at Ryu and smiled.

"Singing," he replied. Ryu had yet to say any solid words yet, but he'd come awfully close recently. Kaosu tilted his head to the side and observed the babe's antics. It almost seemed as if Ryu sang back at someone other than his parents, as if someone knelt infront of him clapping with him.

"Traverse the gap through the Vault of Stars…" Azuro uttered as he knelt on the cushion praying. He kept his eyes closed but opened them upon feeling a swift breeze inside the tent. He looked up to see a single man with dark orange hair standing infront of the altar. The man tilted his head up and stared at Azuro with sad pale green eyes. Azuro frowned and narrowed his eyes. "Rothenn…" Instead of harboring vengeance or delusions of power, Rothenn stared at Azuro looking remorseful.

"Gage Wendell, hear my plea and pierce the veil. Traverse the gap through the Vault of Stars…" Dais recited. He opened his eye when he heard the whoosh of air as the candles flickered. He saw a dark-haired man standing infront of the altar. Na Na Kulk, Rolinilo tilted his head up to stare at dais. "WHOA! Uh...totally not who I was expecting!" Dais exclaimed and jumped to his feet. Rolinilo stood there silent, his face expressionless. Dais rubbed the back of his head then shrugged. "Look, if you want me to apologize for killing you, let's be honest, you did try to assassinate me and brought a gun to a formal duel. It's not exactly my fault the House of Eklan was booted out of the Council of Houses and your mother and sister are social pariahs and utterly destitute."

Rolinilo stood there listening to Dais ramble. Dais scratched the side of his head. " you have some sort of insight to share? Some bit of wisdom you wish to impart?" Rolinilo said nothing at first then his lips spread in a toothy grin. His form seemed to change with his skin turning chalky white and the veins over his temples turning black. Black particles like ash drifted from his body.

"MEIN VATER JAGEN DEINE FRAU!" Rolinilo crowed before his body disintegrated in a blast of ash, the recoil almost throwing Dais off balance. Dais steadied himself and stared at the altar. The candles burned as if nothing had happened. He placed a hand on his hip and grimaced. He had no idea what Rolinilo said, he could only assume he said something nasty.

Yulie flew over the Plains of Kundain astride White Wind. He wanted to find a special present for his mother to take home, and what better than an exotic plant from Thanged. He spotted what looked like a well-tended garden far out on the plain. Wind came in for a landing and Yulie hopped out of the saddle. Most of Thanged's farmers preferred to remain close to the city, and yet here stood a simple cottage far from any other habitation. Yulie whirled around when he heard blast barks and recoiled when he saw a grizzled yellow-furred Fyrhund bounding towards him. Wind moved to intervene.

"BUSTER! HEEL!" a voice shouted and the Fyrhund stopped and turned around, glancing back at Yulie before padding away and lying down on the ground next to the cottage. Buster? Not a very Thangien-sounding name...Yulie didn't know what of make of the elderly man that emerged from the house carrying a wooden pail. The man walked over to what looked like an artesian well and held the bucket under the spout before pushing the lever to pump water out. "Ya lost or somethin', son?"

"Uhh…I thought Thangiens weren't allowed to drill…" Yulie commented. The man picked up the bucket and set it atop the well wall and placed his bony knuckles on his hips.

"Do I look like a friggin' Thangien to ya?" Yulie blinked, mildly surprised. He noticed the man wore a white shirt with suspenders supporting worn brown pants and black shoes that had seen way too many summers out in Kundain. The man looked very old, likely in his late eighties, yet seemed fairly spry as he hauled the bucket over to a garden trough and began carefully pouring water onto sprouts.

"You must be Debiah Kubar!" Yulie exclaimed in realization, remembering what he'd overheard from Ryo and Aurora about the one other man besides Ander who'd found himself on Thanged via rift.

"The man, the myth, the legend, in the flesh," the man shrugged and continued his work.

"Aurora thought you were dead. She said you haven't been seen in the city in years!"

"Pfft! I got old, that's what! By all rights, I shoulda cashed in my chips years ago, but all this fine weather's given me a new lease on life. Now I just while away my days and operate this here waystation. There's always some poor bastard gets himself lost while freelandin'."

"You could just get a Pegasi to help you travel wherever you want, you know…"

"Pfft...I don't need some fancy mechanical horse fussin' over me…" the man dismissed. Wind scowled and snorted in warning. "Buster keeps me company well enough, though he's gettin' on in years. I used to ride him to town but his back isn't what it used to be." Sure enough, the Furhund's muzzle looked grayed, almost white. Buster huffed from where he lay and wagged his branched tails.

"You've been here a long time, haven't you? Did you ever get to meet Ander?"

"We weren't pals, if that's what ya mean. I'm just an ol' scoundrel, not cut out for heroic deeds. Roth told me so to my face! But hey, I'm still here, and Ander got himself kilt up in Banguk, so thats that for ya." Yulie raised an eyebrow at that comment. "So whatcha out here for?"

"I...uh..I wanted to get a plant for Mom. Something she can take home and keep in the house. I'm just not sure which one would be safe to take to Earth…" Debiah Kubar walked over to the window sill of the cottage and fished out a small pot and walked over to Yulie, mumbling under his breath.

"Fools gold! Pods look like coins then open up like beggin' hands when they ready to bloom. Just keep it near a window and water it once a week. It'll be fine."

"Cool! Thanks Debiah Kubar!" Yulie accepted the pot and bowed. The elderly man snorted and shook his head as he walked back to the trough and retrieved his bucket.

"Pfft! Thangiens and their colorful names n'all...Please…" the man looked over his shoulder at Yulie and flashed him a rascally grin. "Just call me D. B."

"Wow, this guy's pretty good for an impersonator. Almost sounds like the real thing…" Michelle commented from where she sat at a table next to Anubis watching one of the performances.

"The 'King' transcends time and space, it seems," Anubis joked. Cye lingered near the tables where most of the local Thunthen from Peirolyth gathered. Azuro had left his tent and now sat at a table watching the Thunthen while he waited for Shainie to finish. One of the Nobeyls quaffed mug after mug of something Cye had only heard loosely described as "meat beer". He leaned against the large keg and kept one hand on the spigot and laughed heartily while Azuro shook his head and chuckled to himself. Cye smirked, glad to see Azuro's attitude towards Thunthen had cooled.

A colorful patterned ball bounced out into the courtyard. Cye stiffened when he saw it, recognizing it almost immediately. The ball came to a stop beside his boot and he leaned down and picked it up with one hand. No one else seemed to notice the ball. Cye stepped away from the tables and looked about. He snapped his gaze to the side when he heard the faint jingling of a bell and walked towards the nearest alley. Neither Azuro nor the Thunthen noticed him leave. Cye turned into the alley then paused, raising both eyebrows before he strode over to the little red-haired girl standing in the shadows.

"I didn't think I'd get to see you! I was worried it'd be too far for you to come!" Cye exclaimed in a hushed voice and handed the ball back to the little girl. She placed a finger over her lips.

"Shh! Her attention is elsewhere for now, but I can't risk lingering for long. I think I figured out why she keeps trying to stop me: because I'm not following her script."

"You're talking about the Grey Lady, aren't you?" Cye scowled and clenched his fist.

"She's not your enemy." Cye blinked, startled by that admission. Suzunagi wrinkled her nose and narrowed her eyes. "I think she needs your help for something, but why she simply does not ask puzzles me. Perhaps she is subjecting you to a proving of sorts?" Cye didn't know what to believe. She had warned him in the past, but at the same time admitted that the "Grey Lady" could easily and had in the past disguised herself as Suzunagi in order to manipulate him. Was this all a ploy of the "Grey Lady" to alter his opinion of her? Suzunagi seemed to sense his doubt and frowned sadly.

"Okay then...who is our enemy?" Cye asked warily.

"The Queen of the Rogue's Moon. She harbors such powerful hatred for you! I've never seen such hate before, not even from myself in the past! She doesn't hate you because you've wronged her somehow, she hates you because you exist! You've ruined her fun for the last time, and now she seeks to destroy you once and for all! She will send a wave of hate through the stars. I'm not sure if your Armors can withstand her fury! Please, be careful Cye!"

Cye jumped and glanced over his shoulder when he thought he heard a loud shout. It turned to be drunken laughter from the Thunthen back in the courtyard. He sighed and turned back towards Suzunagi. "What was that you meant the last time, what you said about the Armors-" Cye blinked when he saw the girl had vanished. Cye sucked air in through his teeth and hissed angrily. Every time he came close to finding the answers he needed! He set his jaw and turned around, storming out of the alley. He heard Brit calling for him and spotted her sitting on the other side the table from Azuro. She waved Cye over and pushed a plate of roasted vegetables and meat in his direction. Cye smiled and nodded awkwardly but didn't sit down right away. He looked at Azuro, who leaned with his shoulders against the table edge. "What's the Rogue's Moon?"

Cye blinked and glanced to the side when he heard the sudden shattering of ceramic. One of the Nobeyls had dropped his mug and stared at Cye wide-eyed in shock. The Nobeyl by the keg kept his mug under the spout but didn't release the spigot, so his mug started overflowing. Cye glanced from side to side. "Uhh...Did I say something wrong?"

"Gaughran!" the Noble by the keg snapped.

"I beg your pardon?" Cye knew precious little of either Thunthen or Thangien languages.

"Gaughran!" the Noble reiterated and finally released the spigot, stepping away from the keg.

"Gaughran, the Rogue Moon," Azuro stated and sat up in his seat.

"I didn't know Thanged had a third moon. I've only seen the two sisters, Jhuno and Jhunin."

"You wouldn't see it. It is the personal domain of Phitdaitiarona. She keeps it far from the light of the Twin Suns. It can only be seen in the dead of night where no stars shine. It is said she tore it loose from the Vault of Stars and brought it here to spite Roth. From there she reaches out to inspire wicked souls. Only conspirators and criminals speak openly of it. Where did you hear this mentioned?" Azuro demanded and fingered the pommel of his sword. Cye waved his hands hastily.

"Ahh! It just came up in an idle chat, that's all!" Azuro narrowed his eyes skeptically but relaxed. Open worship of Phitdaitiarona was punishable by death, and the last thing Cye needed was Azuro leading a lynch mob of drunken Thunthen through the streets of Bainshaebo. Cye looked over his shoulder at the alley and frowned. Phitdaitiarona...that's not the only time I've heard that name...

Britania watched the exchange and wondered if this had anything to do with those hateful glowing green eyes with black irises and green pupils the night the Black Unicorn first appeared.

Kayura and Danae ducked into a shrine close to the home of the House of St'lur. Danae could not possibly reach Thananagreia in her condition. She knelt on a cushion in the middle of the room while Kayura searched the walls for an exit. Thick columns lined the inner walls, but aside from the entrance, Kayura couldn't see any other doors."We can't stay here, Danae! We're sitting ducks!"

"I will go no further," Danae said firmly. Kayura heard the conviction in her voice. She opened her mouth to reason with her but paused when she saw what rest at the center of the shrine. A life-size statue of a man with a sword resting on his hip and long hair flowing down his back loomed infront of Danae. Unlike most Thangien men, this figure sported a handlebar mustache. Kayura blinked when she saw something else. She walked past and saw the twisted wreck resting on a short platform.

Kayura didn't know much about the World Wars, but she knew an aircraft when she saw it. She walked over and spotted a brass plate bolted to the chassis. She thumbed layers of dust away and leaned close to read the lettering: CURTISS P-40. A faded paint-peeled image of an angel adorned the hull below the cockpit. Bold lettering read "Silver Archangel". Visions came to mind of a man crash-landing in the forests beyond Kundain. Unable to return to Earth, he did his best to acclimate to his new home. Explorers had retrieved the wreck of his aircraft and he despaired of ever being able to fly again. A much younger Yainae comforted him that he would find other ways to fly, and this culminated in the legendary contest of wills with Skybolt Sunhammer above the roofs of the city.

The man learned of the existence of his enemy, Roland, who entertained delusions of subjugating the city. The man challenged him to a duel to the death, to which Roland agreed, but just as the man gained the upper hand, Roland pulled out a boxy-looking pistol with a short thin barrel and landed an almost-fatal shot into the man's ribcage. Roland taunted the man by threatening Yainae.

The man pushed himself to his feet and began slashing at Roland, screaming with each strike. While Roland parried the blows easily, the man's strikes grew more frenetic instead of weakening, startling Roland. The man raised his sword and brought it down towards Roland and screamed, and the universe screamed with him. Light erupted from the blade and bore down upon Roland like an immense fist, crushing him into the ground and scouring him from physical existence. The man opened his eyes and recoiled upon seeing a deep pit where Roland had once stood.

This had to be a shrine to Ander, Danae's father, once known as Aleksander Vanstandtvoort. Now it made sense why Danae preferred to seek refuge here. "Fraaauu, oh fraaaau!" Kayura's gaze snapped up when she heard the faint voice. She grabbed Danae by the arm and pulled her to her feet. Danae followed without hesitation and the two hid behind one of the thick columns. Roland entered the shrine and surveyed the chamber. The only light came from candles in the center of the room. "Scheisse!" he hissed and stalked into the shrine. "Oh frau? Kommen sie mit...willkommen nacht…"

Kayura and Danae hunkered close to the floor, waiting for Roland to move further away from the entrance. They scurried along the wall, keeping to the shadows. His voice echoed from deep inside the shrine. They carefully approached the entrance, the red light from outside giving them hope.

"Gruss vom Roland!" Roland leaned out from the side of the entrance suddenly, startling Kayura and Danae. His form seemed to have deteriorated. His skin looked chalky white and his veins had turned black. Ash drifted from his arms and his teeth had yellowed. The two women backed away towards the columns, but they had nowhere to hide as he swaggered towards them. "Danke, frau, for giving me sie perfect revenge against my foe, ja! Once I consume sie soul of dir kind, I shall again be made flesh!" Roland gloated and curled his fingers. Kayura grimaced in revulsion as it seemed black fluid seeped out from between Roland's teeth. "Jetzt, ich habe hunger! Gib mir das meerswheinchen!" Roland reached out for Danae's abdomen. Danae cringed in dread, unable to flee. Kayura held her arm for comfort, unable to retaliate. Roland wriggled his fingers in anticipation.

A brilliant blue glow formed over Danae's abdomen and Roland withdrew his hand in shock. He looked to the side at the statue of Ander as the same blue glow radiated from the stone. "Nein!"

Kayura and Danae watched in awe as a pillar of blue light formed infront of the statue, solidifying into the figure of a tall man with long blue hair, broad shoulders, and a blue handlebar mustache. He wore a dark blue combat uniform with a vest that resembled a bomber jacket. The man opened his eyes slowly and gazed forward before tilting his head towards the three. "ROLAND!" he boomed.

"ANDER! Du schweinehund!" Roland shrieked and turned to face the new apparition. Chi Chi Lina Ander, Vai Stel Vethu, the Far Star Traveler, looked every bit as larger-than-life as his likeness in stone. Kayura could see where Azuro got his formidable stature from.

"Roland, what are you doing here on this hallowed ground? This is no place for a soul such as yours! Your time has long since passed, as has mine. The waking world belongs to the living. Begone from here and leave my daughter in peace!" Ander bellowed. Roland seemed to have forgotten about Kayura and Danae and stepped away from them to confront Ander.

"Du hast mich! Du stole mein leben, tore mein body to shreds! Not even mein bones remain! Gage's brat murdered mein sohn! I will have vengeance!"

"You sealed your own fate long ago, Roland. Instead of building a new life and seeking happiness, you only cared about fomenting discord on this paradise world. Now, leave this place! Return to the Afterworld to serve what penance remains!" Ander stabbed a finger at Roland.

"Nein! Du will not stop mich!" Roland raised his hand and a reddish glow formed in his hand, taking the form of a boxy-looking pistol with a short barrel. "Auf wiedersehen mein fiend!"

"ENOUGH!" Ander lunged. Kayura gasped when the Staff flashed brilliantly all of a sudden. The sword Gold Wing melted into golden light before shooting away from Danae's back and into Ander's hand. Roland fired his pistol, and much to his shock, Ander sprang over the bullet, flipping into the air before landing on the floor nimbly and charging towards Roland. Kayura pulled Danae back slightly as Ander swiftly closed the distance, plunging Gold Wing's blade through Roland's chest so powerfully the winged cross-guard dug into his ribcage. Roland twitched feebly and dropped the phantasmal pistol, which vanished. The two men stood face to face for several moments.

"H-H-How much longer must I suffer this torment!" Roland croaked, his body starting to crumble.

"As long as you cling to your hatred, Roland, you will never find peace: not in this world nor the next," Ander replied solemnly. Roland squeezed his eyes shut and threw his head back.

"ALL I HAVE LEFT IS MY HATE!" he shrieked. Ander closed his eyes and bowed his head.

"Then I cannot help you…" he whispered. Roland screamed and screamed as his body disintegrated into droplets of black oil and ash. His screams lingered in the air before fading completely. Ander lowered his arm and Gold Wing faded from his grasp, reappearing on Danae's back. He looked to the side at the two women, his expression softening. "Danae…my daughter…"

"Tintae...oh Father!" Danae lunged forward and buried her face against his chest. Kayura watched amazed as instead of falling through the apparition, Ander remained solid and reached up, patting Danae on the back of her head. Danae wept freely and wrapped her arms around Ander's chest.

"I am truly sorry you had to endure such a harrowing ordeal, Danae. I wish I had arrived sooner, but the power Roland stole prevented me from intervening until he reached this holy font. And you? You have my heartfelt thanks for protecting my daughter," Ander looked at Kayura.

"Oh! Oh, it was nothing. I barely did anything, really. I couldn't, not with that fiend having drained the Staff as he did…" Kayura rubbed the back of her head. The Staff had regained its luster.

"All the same, you stayed with her. I learned first-hand that Roth works in mysterious ways, or else you would not have come here to begin with. As for Danae, for you to have married Gage's grown son! Ritho has a very peculiar sense of humor! My grandson will have great deeds ahead of him." Danae smiled up at her father tearfully. "Would that I could see Yainae and the others once more, but I cannot leave this place as I am now. The Blood Dawn is starting to set. Let us stay here for a time…"

The red suns started to sink towards the horizon, but performances continued through the Pavilion. Shannon paced alongside a table and waited for Sage to return with drinks. She looked to the side when she thought she heard a hysterical voice. "I thought it was a novelty, like Ouija boards or Bloody Mary! Turn around three times and say the name! But he was there! I saw him! He was really there!" Shainie burst out from a tent weeping profusely, her cheeks flushed red and streaked with tears. She almost seemed to be hyperventilating as she waved her hands close to her neck. "I could see him! I saw him! Not how he went, but how he used to be!" Shainie looked completely distraught, her face contorted with grief. Azuro walked over to her and tried to comfort her, apparently at a loss at what to say. At first, Shannon thought he might've said something rude to her, but Azuro seemed genuinely concerned and pulled Shainie close, patting her on the back reassuringly and glancing around uneasily. Shannon frowned, not sure what to make of the scene.

"N...N...Not everybody sees something during the Blood Dawn." Shannon blinked and looked to the side where she saw a tall woman standing next to her. She hadn't heard footsteps or seen anything out the corner of her eye, and yet here this woman stood: Wild dark red hair flowing down her back and spiky bangs protruding from her head. The woman wore a white shirt and brown leather pants tucked into high black boots. A burgundy leather vest hung over her shoulders. The woman kept her arms folded over her chest. "Most people see nothing at all. Yet those few that do are granted rare insight that can change their life forever." The woman tilted her face towards Shannon and opened her eyes, grinning broadly. Shannon saw black irises and flame-orange pupils.

"Shannon!" Shannon turned around when she heard Sage's voice. She looked back to see the woman had apparently vanished into the crowd. Sage approached carrying a wooden cup. "The suns are starting to set. Closing ceremonies are starting." Shannon nodded in reply and took a sip of the drink before glancing at Azuro and Shainie. Her thoughts turned back to that strange woman who had spoken to her out of the blue; she'd never seen eyes like that before.

"Mardrena Lockehart, hear my plea and pierce the veil. Traverse the gap through the Vault of Stars…" Tanya recited, keeping her head bowed.

"Hey, Angel?" Kento poked his head into the tent. Tanya glanced over his shoulder at him irritably. "I know you said you didn't want to be disturbed until the suns went down, but, well, they're starting to go down. They're beginning the closing ceremony outside." Tanya sighed in disappointment and nodded in reply. "Lemme guess; she didn't answer?"

"No...I guess Earth is too far away for spirits. Ryo and Mia didn't really have any luck, either."

"Maybe that priest-guy in Scotland can help. I'll be right here outside."

"Okay, thanks." Kento withdrew from the tent opening and Tanya staggered to her feet. She thumped her heels on the ground and shook her legs a few times to get blood circulating. How much time had she spent kneeling? Tanya stooped over to rub her kneecaps before straightening herself.

"Ach, lass! If yuir gonna call me way out here, have th' decency ta wait some!"

"Mard!" Tanya jolted up suddenly, surprised to see her predecessor standing by the altar.

"If ye needed insight, ye coulda asked back home! So, then? What is it you need from me, lass? Yuir old enough ta stand on yuir own," Mardrena scolded. Tanya bit her lip and fidgeted. "Out wit it lass!"

" I making the right decision? With Kento, I mean?" Tanya managed.

"Ah...that...well..hrm…" Mardrena grimaced awkwardly and folded her arms infront of her chest. "Look, lass, I'll be honest; take love where ye can find it. It's hard enough ta come by th' first time, easy ta lose, an' harder still ta find again. I had all th' chances ta settle down an' live a quiet happy life, an' I threw away each and every one," Mardrena admitted sadly and shook her head. Tanya nodded gratefully. Music played robustly outside in the Pavilion. " almost feels like home."

"I know. I get the same feeling too. Isn't that weird?" Tanya remarked. Mardrena's form flickered and she raised her hand and stared into her palm.

"Ach! I only just got here!" she grumbled.

"Yeah, sorry. Thangiens say the door to the Afterworld opens, so I figured it'd be a cakewalk to call you. I guess spirits from Earth have a much harder time because of the distance," Tanya commented.

" more thing ye should know before I go…" Tanya glanced at the former Lady Ronin, wondering what other bit of wisdom she might have to impart. Mardrena looked at her squarely. "That god of theirs...she easily coulda intervened against th' Enemy long ago. She didn't, an' that should tell ye somethin'." Mardrena winked out of sight abruptly. No shower of light, no puff of dust. Just there one second and gone the next. Tanya jumped slightly, startled by the sudden disappearance.

She had the most unnerving feeling that Mardrena hadn't intended to leave just then and there.

Ander's hand flickered and he raised his arm to look at his palm. "The power that binds me here begins to fade. The Twin Suns are starting to set. Danae, I am truly sorry. I must leave you once more."

"Father, no! You only just arrived!" Danae pleaded and tried to grab him by the arm only for her hand to pass through. Ander looked at her sadly and raised a knuckle to her chin.

"Do not despair. I go now gladly, knowing my family remains in good hands. Lady Kayura, take care of my daughter and unborn grandson. We will meet again when the Entide comes." And with that, Chi Chi Lina, Ander faded from sight. Danae pawed through the air where he'd once stood and collapsed to her knees weeping. She buried her face in her hands, distraught. Kayura stayed by her side and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly as the Twin Suns sank.

"As the Blood Dawn sets, let us return home with the hope that we will see our departed dead yet again in the coming of the End Tide; the Day of Doom when Witheren throws open the doors to the Afterworld and calls forth honored souls at the turning of the tide!" King Torke bellowed as he, Bak, Almethea, and the Silver-Haired Maiden stood on the sage facing the sunset. Instead of spilling blood again, the four bowed towards the sun. Hundreds of Pegasi stood on the road leading to the main gate and uttered echoing moans like a massive choir of monks as the last vestiges of reddish light faded below the horizon. The moans ceased and the crowd began to disperse into the city.

Shannon roamed around the tables searching for Shainie. She finally spotted her cousin sitting alone at a table. "There you are. C'mon, it's time to head back to the Argonauth. No sleepover here."

"Um...actually...I'm not going to be going home," Shainie said in an odd tone of voice Shannon had never heard from her bubbly cousin before. "I already talked things over with Mom, and she agreed. Turns out the archives here offer some pretty in-depth business courses, so, I'll be staying here with Azuro. Saves Mom a fortune and I get to hang out with a pretty cute guy. Besides, I don't need to go to some stuffy college and get brainwashed by some washed-up professor when I can do all my learning here. It gets me out of your hair, at least, right?" Shainie shrugged and smiled. Shannon didn't know what to say in reply. Shainie stood up and walked over to Shannon. "Here, give this to Aunt Jamine. I took as much as I could until I ran out of film, and Jonathan has the rest of the notes. Tell Aunt Jami I said hi when you see her." Shannon carefully accepted the camera from her cousin. "Until next time." And with that, Shawn-Jainie walked away from the tables to where Azuro waited for her by the road.

Shannon stood there staring after her cousin. She thought about what that strange woman had said and wondered what could Shainie have seen to have caused such a sudden change in her.

"Allright everyone, time to head on home," Ryo called as he led the way to the Argonauth. Kaosu and Whiteblaze walked along the path but paused when they saw Koi Udsarrin attempting to lumber past, almost buried under the weight of dozens of children begging him not to leave. Yulie presented his mother with the fool's gold plant and she beamed with delight. Mr. Yamano thought the event fun, if a bit macabre. Kayura spotted Danae standing just outside the main gate staring at the fading twilight. She walked over to her and ran her tongue over lips before speaking.

"Danae, I'm terribly sorry what happened. Instead of calling Rona, my presence only attracted that awful spirit," Kayura offered. Danae tilted her head towards Kayura and smiled.

"There is no need to apologize, KayuTakin. I saw my father! As he was in his prime! The earliest memory I have of him is being carried upon his shoulders through the market, mere days before his death. Now, thanks to you, I have a much clearer image of him I will carry with me forever. I know now the doom I also face. I will die in the End Tide, and in the process secure the future for my son; as my father did before me," Danae explained and smiled cheerfully, squaring her shoulders proudly. Kayura merely smiled back in reply. Danae seemed in fairly good spirits despite them spending most of the day being chased by a vengeful Nazi ghost.

"Come on. Dais is probably worried sick about you…" the two women walked down the path to join the rest of the departing visitors from Earth.

"Well that was rather anticlimactic. There was hardly anything entertaining about the outcome. Milady, I fail to see the point in all of this-" Mal Daggur began and turned around in his chair.

The Empress of Night hovered above the floor a couple of feet. Her dress rippled and her hair billowed like a black corona around her head. She held her arms out at her sides, fingers splayed.

"They will fight together, and they will fall together,

They will laugh together, and they will scream together,

They will sing together, and they will cry together,

They will live together, and they will die together. So it is written, and so shall it be," the Goddess of Wickedness declared in a booming echo.

In the distant Vault of Stars, motes of energy pulled together, drawing upon the endless power of the cold void and coalescing into a massive wave of green light. Slowly at first, then with senses-numbing speed, it set off towards its target. A wave of hate bigger than belief.

AOD Soundtrack

1. Dawn Walk-Battleborne-Two Steps From Hell

2. The Emperor and the Dragon-Scaretale-Nightwish

3. Rockin' Bainshaebo-Prisencolinensinainciusol-Adriano Celentano

4. Pegasi Dancing-Square Roots of 6/8-Tartanic

5. Memories of her Father-His Brightest Star Was You-Two Steps From Hell

6. Sounds Like Home-Briefcase No. 1-Tartanic

Author's Notes

This is something of a bonus episode. Originally Cataclysm War concluded with victory over Beastlord. Blood Dawn serves to set the stage for the next series and as a tie-in to the AoD prequel, Far Star Traveler. The idea had floated about in my mind for quite some time of Danae getting to meet her father in a festival of the dead, but it had to take place before she gives birth to her son.

So what comes next? Spacequake was always intended to be the follow-up to Cataclysm War. It would see the debut of a major villain, two new major ally characters for the Ronin, as well a host of revelations that will shake the foundations of their beliefs. About the time Cataclysm concluded I began the AoD rewrite, however, most of the major fansites shut down. The only site that hosted the original drafts of Cataclysm in its entirety no longer exists. Most delays between chapters come from mapping out multiple chapters in advance. I have a worn blue folder stuffed full of notes I've jotted down here and there, plot ideas, terms, names etc. It's a miracle the thing's remained together after all these years. It's been a monumental effort doing the rewrite, condensing chapters, revising plots, pruning filler etc. Since I have no set timetable on when I'll release the first chapters of Spacequake, I'd like to give a shout out to those who supported and inspired me through the years.

Theria, Swiftold, Joudai of the old Ronin Joukaku, CypherCA, Janime, Dynamite, Ghost of the Dawn, Data Raven, Sharra Starblade/SheRonin, Arion-Chan, Shadow Dragon, Rachel Oberlin, Blizzard Blaze, Chibi Kotori, Lady Icefire, AnGeMoN323, Xanthos1111, TIGERG1RL, SL1011, Rebecca Throckmorton, Sandra Chen/ShadowChaser, Cheryl Stevenson, Squeek263501, Blade 031283, ALLENEAVE, Joseph Hale, STANJ85, Ronin Moon, Fox Shadow, Greg Nease, Mat1426254, VegetaGurl219, Dragon Dagger, Evilcuz101, XxWARLORDESSxX, Lady Mercury, Lisa897, Saxboy77, Apabaka, Jadis47, Halelani J/Draconis, YngJediKni, Laurence Logue, CatyKitty, Kryillion, Patrick Boerboom, Chibi Shadow Chaser, LGHSScout, Wmullins123678, Wendi Mullins, Brandy F, E.M. Johnson, Dean Hilton, SerenaMnPrincss, Yin-Yang, Alisa A. Slicker, Serenity, Brina, Danielle Calhoun, Todd Wennberg, Lauren Bain, Ilovemusic310954, Valandra, MYLYMILLS, JaydMara13, HOVA130, Harry M. VanHoudnosIII, Robert Doughty, Lara Avons, Riyo-The-Protector, Hans Jaeger, Revolutionary Venom, SkyHighFan, Sara85, Stormshadow13, Harry2, Rob of Eternal Fire, Corlock Striker, November S, heartbreakerninja, ladyshineoflove, Icefire2, MorganRay, Wildfiregirl2003, WildfireDreams, Silver, Evil Riggs, EdajaYasha, Dameus, juliejulissa, julie.

There is one guy in particular I'd like to thank, but I'm not even sure if he's still alive. He used to run the old Dark Warlords of the Dynasty site, one of the first informational sites I ever visited way back in high school. I think he went by the pen-name Talpa and his real name might've been Alexander Vandell. I found his Dark War series particularly gripping and I cite it as one of the most pivotal inspirations for Age of Defiance. I've looked and looked to find these fics anywhere else on the internet, and though they say the internet is forever, I have yet to find them.

The premise concerned the emergence of a new villain, Draka, a powerful rival to a newly-resurrected Talpa. In order to replace his warlords, Talpa recruited a business mogul, a crazed serial killer named Craven Hawthorne, and a martial artist. Draka had a soul hunter capture the spirit of Anubis and revive him under his control, as well as recruiting a young girl with potent spiritual power. In addition, Draka commanded the imposing Nether Dragons, while Talpa made use of technology to develop powerful Dynasty mecha. The Ronin quickly found themselves at a disadvantage against both foes with the remaining former warlords unmotivated to fight. Sabrestryke sent a student of his in his likeness to aid the Ronin. In an effort to even the playing field against Draka, Talpa manipulated the five younger Ronin into willingly absorbing power crystals that had the effect of enhancing their combat abilities but making them more aggressive. Hariel managed to manifest in physical form piloting a stolen mecha and slew the dragon leader. The last chapter was titled Blood Omen, I think.

I've never seen these stories again and I think now they only exist in my memory, but if I could ever meet the author, I'd encourage him to finish his story so we can see how it ends. It's a fear of mine that I'll never be able to finish Age of Defiance as envisioned. I have an idea of how it will "end", but I can safely say that to date the completed chapters of AoD comprise roughly 1/3 of what I envision. It's taken many years to complete the rewrite. I hope it will not take as long for Spacequake.

I feel as though Ronin Warriors as a series has gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to exposure. I was able to attend my first anime convention a couple years back, and it took literally years to find so much as a poster from the original YST series. Merchandisers seem to forget there's other anime besides DBZ, AoT, MHA, YuGiOh, Pokemon, and Bleach... I remember there was a series of figures set to be released by Tamashii Nations only for the US distributor, Bandai America to fold suddenly, so now these are only available on Ebay for more than I make in a month sadly.

The 30th anniversary of the original YST series happened last year, and I feel like it just came and went without much fanfare, at least here in the US. I saw that the original character designer passed away in 2017 tragically. Ronin Warriors will always hold a special place in my heart as one of the first anime I ever watched and in my opinion remains one of the best. Until next time...