"Oye, Bear Woman!"

"What did you say, stupid?!"

"These waffles do look like fly swatters, righ-AHHHHH!"

"Don't call it like that!"

"Is there a different sorry for big or small problems? If you think you've done wrong, then say sorry."

"Thank you, Tadashi..."


"Why are you wearing that?"

"I'm sorry."

"Want to see the night?"

"No one has ever showed me this. Not my father, my mother... not even Yahiro."

"I will now say it just once and for the last time... I love Tadashi. I love Tadashi Karino."

"What did you say, Akira?"

"Yes! I really do love you! And I'm sorry I've been so selfish. I haven't told you any of these...yet..yet I got angry at you. I beat you and I...I selfishly loved you! So I'm sorry for slapping you, I just...I just got frustrated that you are okay with me marrying some other guy...I'm sorry."

"Then don't go to that marriage interview. Just stay with me."

Akira can't seem to hold her tears anymore. She clenched her fists, hoping that the brunette lad won't notice.

"I'm sorry Tadashi.." she managed to tell it. With her tears clouding her vision, she tried to judge what would be the boy's reaction.

He only stared at her, speechless, looking at her with his ever curious brown eyes. He doesn't know why she's acting and saying all of that suddenly.

The wind that night was painfully cold. There are no stars, but the familiar skyline of their city is still visible, flaunting it's beautiful lights. They only stood there, in the place where they built their most precious memories. It is a shame that all shall stop there. Ending it all, Akira spoke, "I'm in love with someone else. Forget about me. I'm sorry."

With all those words, she left. Crying and praying silently that all would definitely turn out to be alright even if it won't. She is hoping that one day, he will understand.

The brunette-boy was left on the place, staring at the back of the girl's figure. He can feel tiny droplets on his hand. This is not a dream or a nightmare. He stood there even if she's long gone. Then, the suppressed rain started to fall.


Author's Note:
Hi everyone! This is almelyn. As I have announced on my message board, this is actually revised. I have made a few alterations to the original fanfic that I have written 4 years ago. So if you are a previous reader of this, (I'm so sorry for being a lousy editor/writer back then) the title, story and some OCs are changed or removed. That's all! ≧∇≦

Please continue to support my stories! Thank you! ( ˙︶˙ )
