Nico announced the beginning of her journey to waking up with cute little animal noises. Without opening her eyes, she nuzzled Maki's chest. Then she kissed the center of her chest, and kissed up her neck and jaw until she reached her target. Nico pressed her body to Maki's as tightly as possible and kissed her long and passionately before finally half-opening her eyes.

Maki could see she was a bit surprised.

"How did we end up falling asleep in a chair, I wonder," Nico mused.

"We" had done no such thing, as Maki had been holding on to Nico as she slept, too cute to wake up unless they needed her input. But now she was awake, and the way she looked at Maki right now, with honest adoration, was so cute it was unfair.

"Anyway - anyway, Maki-chan! Always, always, really, really, really love Maki-chan. But sometimes love you so much it makes my heart go so fast, and it's just overwhelming. How can I love you so much? Don't deserve you, Maki-chan." She went back to musing. "We must have been really tired. It doesn't feel like we had s_"

Maki put a finger over her lips. "Nico-chan …."

"Does Maki want her coffee and breakfast? Well … can we just be like this for a little while longer? Holding Maki-chan is the food for Nico's spirit, after all."

"Nico …"

"Is something wrong, Maki-baby?"

"Nico …"

Nico kissed Maki again. "Whatever it is, you know you can tell me, right?"

"Nico, we're in the club room. And we're .. we aren't alone."

Nico's eyes went wide. She turned around, slowly. She had assumed they'd fallen asleep in a chair by Maki's desk. Apparently not. There were all the other Muse girls, staring silently. She heard a cough.

"IF idols were allowed to date, it MIGHT be that Nico and I had been dating, but of course, idols can't date," Maki announced. She thought soberly, but in fact, unknowingly, a smile quirked the corners of her mouth. Well. At least, instead of laughing and teasing, they were all teary-eyed. Probably a good sign.

Nico closed her eyes and turned back to bury herself in Maki's chest. "Nico," she announced, "is going back to sleep. When she wakes up again, this will all have been a dream."

Maki sighed. "Probably a good idea," she said.