Author Note: I know that many of you are confused because during the season of Five 0, I normally write Come Back to Me but I really was not feeling it so I changed it to this story. I hope that you enjoy this. There is only five chapters into this story and it should last until the end of the year.

Character Summary:

Steve was high school sweethearts with Marissa. They got married shorty after they graduated from college. They ended up getting divorced after Steve left with Jenna to get her fiancee. They had not seen each other in six years. What if something happen with Marissa and he comes running to help her? Will he learn about his daughter?

Marissa was high school sweethearts with Steve. They got married shorty after they graduated from college. They ended up getting divorced after Steve left with Jenna to get her fiancee. They had not seen each other in six years.

Lexi is about to turn six years old. She has not met her father.

Chapter 1

Marissa walked into the house that she has been living in the past six months. Her daughter was still in daycare and was surprise to find that someone was in there.

"Can I help you?" Marissa asked the man that was standing in front of her.

"Yes you can. I am looking for your husband." He said to her.

"I think that you are confused. I am not married." She responded to him as he pulled out something.

"But you see, I know that at one time in point you were. You were married to Commander McGarrett. I want him now." the man said to her.

"I do not know if he is living in Hawaii. I haven't seen him in six years. Please let me go." She responded to him as he pulled out something else.

"You are lying. Steve still lives in Hawaii. He runs five 0." The man said to her. Clearly he has done his researched on Steve and her but hopefully he doesn't know about their daughter.

"Okay, I will call him. Please just don't hurt me." She said to him as she pulled out her phone to call her ex-husband. He answered the phone.

"McGarrett, Who is this?" Steve answered the phone.

"Steve, I need you to come my house please." She responded to him. She was sure that he knew where she lived.

"Marissa, I don't know where you live." Steve responded to her.

Before Marissa had a chance to respond to him, the man took the phone from her and said "Run a trace." before hanging up the phone.

"Okay, I did what you want. Please let me go." Marissa said to him. She knew that Steve was on his way as soon as he found where she lived.

"Not a chance. You and I are going to your daughter's daycare and getting her back here so she can meet her father." the man said to her.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked him.

"Because I might not like him but he has the right to know about the child you are hiding from him." the man responded to her.

"I am not hiding anything from him. Steve and I went our separate ways when I was pregnant with her. We have no contact with each other for this reason which was his call not mine." She revealed to him.

"You can not talk me out this. He has the right to know about his daughter." the man responded to her.

"Please just do not scare her. I will tell Steve about her later on." Marissa said to him.

"No. You will do it now." the man said to her as he grabbed her and lead her to the car. He drove to the daycare. "Alright go get your daughter and come back."

Marissa walked into the daycare. She was scared on what was going to happen to her daughter. She walked over to the front desk.

"Hi Marissa, are you ready to pick up Lexi?" the woman asked her.

"um, yes." Marissa said to her a little nervous.

"Okay, I will call her up here. Before I do is everything okay?" the woman asked her.

"Yes, everything is fine." Marissa responded to her. Lexi came up and smiled at her mommy. They walked out of the daycare. They got into the car with the man and headed back to the house. Marissa knew that her daughter was a little nervous about this. They pulled into the driveway and she picked up her daughter.

"Mommy, who is that?" She asked her mother.

"He is a friend of mine." She lied to her daughter. "It's going to be okay."

Marissa walked into the daycare. She was scared on what was going to happen to her daughter. She walked over to the front desk.

"Hi Marissa, are you ready to pick up Lexi?" the woman asked her.

"um, yes." Marissa said to her a little nervous.

"Okay, I will call her up here. Before I do is everything okay?" the woman asked her.

"Yes, everything is fine." Marissa responded to her. Lexi came up and smiled at her mommy. They walked out of the daycare. They got into the car with the man and headed back to the house. Marissa knew that her daughter was a little nervous about this. They pulled into the driveway and she picked up her daughter.

"Mommy, who is that?" She asked her mother.

"He is a friend of mine." She lied to her daughter. "It's going to be okay."

"Mommy, are you sure?" She asked her mother.

"Yes baby." She responded to her as her daughter as she heard a knock on the door. The man went to go open the door.

"Hello, Commander McGarrett." The man said as he pulled Steve into the house. "It is time for a little family reunion don't you think?"

"Okay." Steve said as he saw past the man and saw his ex-wife with a little girl that looked like she was almost six. Steve was a little confused about what was going on.

Author Note: I hope you enjoyed this new story. I hope that you will follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time.