Author Note: I can not believe that we are already in the year of 2018. My life has gotten super busy with work and personal issues. Now we are relaxing down and starting to write a little more each day.

Chapter 4

Jane was happy that her nephew was not at the house but knew that Kurt would home minutes after this call was made.

"Hey honey. How's the talk going?" Kurt asked his wife after he answered the phone call.

"It did not happen because someone shot out our window. I have a feeling that we already know who it was." She responded to him

"Okay, honey. I am coming home right now. I need you and Sarah to stay safe." Kurt responded to his wife.

"Okay." Jane responded to her husband as she hanged up the phone. She walked over to her sister-in-law and relay the message.

Kurt arrived to the house without Sawyer with him. Sarah figured that her brother had dropped her son off somewhere safe.

"Where is Sawyer?" Jane asked her husband.

"He is with Patterson at headquarters. Reade and the rest of the team are on their way over." Kurt responded to her and his sister. "Jane, I want to talk to you in the bathroom."

"Okay." Jane responded to her husband as she got up and followed her husband into the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked her as he check her over.

"We are fine." Jane said to her husband. "I am just worried about Sarah. She was almost hit with the shooter."

Kurt and Jane walked out of the bathroom and headed back to where his sister was. They found the team arriving right then and there.

"Is everyone okay?" Reade asked the girls.

"They seem to be okay. We just need to get the person that did this to my house." Kurt said as another shot when out and the phone started to ring. Kurt pulled his wife out of the way while Reade did the same to Kurt's sister.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked his wife as he went to put his hand on her stomach. He wanted to make sure that the baby was okay.

"I am okay." Jane responded to her husband with a small smile. Kurt and Tasha got up and returned fire to where the shots were coming from. They could not believe that Roman was trying to killed them. Kurt got shot in the shoulder right as he made eye contact with Roman.

"Kurt!" Sarah yelled for her brother as she saw him get shot. Jane pulled her husband down so they could take a look at his wound.

"Are you okay?" Jane asked her husband as she looked over the wound.

"Yeah. Jane, you are not going to like who the shooter is. It's your brother." Kurt responded to his wife.

"I sadly can believe that my brother did this." Jane responded to her husband as she was sad about this.

Right as they were talking, Tasha managed to shoot Jane's brother.

"Alright, I got him." Tasha said to her friends.

"Did you kill him?" Kurt asked his friend.

"No I did not kill him. I just shot him in both of the hands where he can shot anymore." Tasha responded to her friend. She was glad that he was going to be injured now but did not know how Jane was going to handle it.

"Okay, we need to go find him and bring him in right now." Jane responded to her friend. She knew that Tasha was trying to save them.

They managed to go over to the other building while Kurt was being looked at by the EMTs. Neither Jane or Sarah left Kurt's side. They were not able to find Jane's brother but they were not going to give up. They knew that they were going to get him sooner or later.

Two weeks went by and Sarah found out that Jane was pregnant with her brother's child. She was so happy to see her sister-in-law pregnant that it was not even funny. They were having Christmas morning over at the couple's new house. They were super happy that they moved out of the place. They also knew that there was a chance that Roman was going to find out about the baby or the new place.

"Are you sure about this?" Kurt asked her as he opened his present.

Jane had recently found out about the gender of the baby and wanted to give it to Kurt for a Christmas present so she made sure not to leave any hints around.

"I can not wait to meet this baby cousin." Sawyer said to his aunt and uncle. "Do you know if it is a boy or girl?"

"We do know but we will say when the baby is born." Kurt revealed to his nephew. He wanted the rest of the family know when the baby was born.

Author Note: I hope that you enjoy this new chapter. We are back with the final two chapters. I hope that you follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time and I will see you guys next week for the last chapter.