Author Note: I hope that you enjoy this sequel to Find my way back. My life has been super busy and I ended up taking this story down on November 12, 2017 to merge the first two chapters to get the word count there because chapter 3 would have been over 2,000 words and counting.

Chapter 1

"What do you mean the team has been kidnapped? Who did you leave our daughter with?" She asked him. She was really not happy that he would leave their child alone with the team kidnapped.

"She is fine. She is with my sister and nephew." Kurt revealed to his wife. "You need to come home. Our daughter needs her mother to come back."

"Kurt, If I come back then I put our daughter at risk. I put you at risk and I can not do that." Jane responded to her husband before noticing the box. "What is in the box?"

"I don't know but I think we are going to need to open it together to make it work." Kurt said to her before taking the box out of his bag. They both touched the box and it open.

"What in the world?" Jane said as he held it to her body. "What does that mean?"

"I do not know but I do know that we will figure this out together." Kurt responded to her.

"Are you sure that it is a good idea?" Jane asked her husband.

"Jane, you need to have faith that I will be able to keep our family safe. Right now we need to get our team back safety and this is the only way that I know how." Kurt responded to his wife.

"Alright, Let's go." Jane responded to him as they left the hut.

They finally made it home within a few hours drive. Jane was surprised on how quiet her husband was being. She knew that he was upset by her leaving their family but she did not have a choice. She needed to keep her family safe.

"So are we going to talk about why I left?" Jane asked her husband.

"No. You are going to need to talk to our daughter. She was really upset by her mom leaving her and me behind. Jane, you thought that you were keeping us safe and I get that I really do but I have been here watching her being upset." Kurt responded to her.

"I know that I can't say that I am sorry to her enough. I thought that I was doing what was right." Jane responded to her husband.

"You should have came to me and we could have came up with a plan to keep our family safe." Kurt revealed to her.

"When could I? You were throwing yourself into work and not being there for me or our daughter." Jane responded to him.

"I came home at night didn't I?" Kurt asked her. "I was still there."

"I really do not want to fight with you." Jane responded to him.

"That's it." Kurt said as he walked out of the room. She knew that he was upset because of her choices but she wished that he would just moved past them so they could return to their regular lives with their daughter.

Jane sat down on the couch while he was in the bedroom. About twenty minutes later, he came out of the bedroom when he heard a knock on the door.

"Who is here?" She asked her husband. She waited for her husband's response but he just ignored her and opened the door. Kurt smiled when he saw both his daughter and son standing there.

"Daddy!" his son said as both his little boy and girl came running up to him.

"Hey guys, did you have fun with Aunt Sarah and cousin Sawyer?" Kurt asked the kids.

"Yeah." they said as Jane stood up. She was happy to see both of the kids there.

"Jane. You are back!" Kurt smiled as his son said that. He was super happy that his kids had their mom back for at least his daughter's mom back. Jane smiled when he gave her a hug. "I missed you."

"I miss you too buddy." She responded to him.

"Can you please not leave us again?" his son said to his step-mother.

"I promise that I won't leave again. I know that it hurt a lot that I was gone but I love your daddy and you guys so much." Jane responded to him.

They spent the rest of the day as a family. The next morning, Kurt and Jane walked into headquarters to start working on the tattoos and finding the team. They managed to find the team and knew that the next morning they would start with the new. They headed back to the daycare to pick up the kids and head home.

"Dad, look what I did at school today." His son said with a smile on his face as he show the picture.

"That is great buddy." Kurt responded to his son with a smile on his face. He was happy to have his entire family back together.

They managed to get the kids into bath and bed after dinner. Kurt and Jane managed to watch a movie as they cuddle on the couch. They headed to bed right after the movie was done only to get woken up at two in the morning.

"Daddy!" Their daughter yelled for Kurt.

"I am coming baby girl." Kurt responded to his daughter as he got out of bed. He walked into her bedroom and turned on the light to find Roman with her.

"Hi Kurt." Roman said as he pointed a gun at him.

Author Note: I hope that you enjoy this retake chapter. I just merged chapter 1 and 2 together so if you reviewed it in the last time be sure to do it again for me. I will see you next week for a brand new chapter. I hope that you follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update every often.