LuffyGirl here.

The story this was originally for is no longer on here. If you've read this before it was changed, don't question it. If you're new, don't question it.

Notes: I always try my best to match up my parodies to the whole song. I do not change anything, take out sentences, add sentences, etc… I leave the song the way it is and work with it so it's 'easier' to read. (I put quotes around 'easier' cuz it's almost impossible to figure out how one I matches everything without actually reading it out loud)

M- Marco

A- Ace

T- Thatch

H- Haruta

I- Izo

Names do not get read with the song



Summary: A bet is started between Ace and Thatch but Marco, Haruta and Izo are dragged into it. It starts with Marco's p.o.v and transitions into other p.o.v's. (If you didn't read what this was originally for then you might be confused)

Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda and Look What You Made Me Do is by Taylor Swift :)


I don't like your little games

Don't like this stupid bet

The bet you made me play

You dumb fool

I do not like this

I don't like your perfect pranks

How you laugh when you win

You think you're gonna win

This huge bet

Just you wait we'll see

But I am smarter and I get out a white blank paper

I write all four names down and begin to plan my revenge

Just four names listed but your name is red underline

I check it twice just to make sure it's right

Then I go to Izo's room

To tell him 'bout my plan

When I tell him he seems to be thinking about something

Then he looks up at me

What he tells me next is

Not what I was expecting at all and can't believe it

Izo: "I don't like your chances, Marco. So I'm not helping. You're better off asking Ace to help you out. If not then Thatch."

Marco: "What?!"

He is the one I'm trying to get out first so how can he-?!

Marco gets annoyed and grabs his list and then leaves Izo's room

And when Marco leaves Izo brings out a paper

I: "Marco, you got yours but I have mine to."

I know I'm smarter and that's why your name is number one

I know you have a way better chance of winning than us

Just four names listed but your name is in red underline

I check it once because I know it's right

I then heard Ace and Thatch pass by and heard them talking

Ace: "What do you think we should do?"

Thatch: "You know I can't plan nothing. But once this week's over-"

A: "Are you planning something?"

T: "No! But I will when this bet is over and I'm not gonna trust nobody cuz nobody trusts me. I'll be the prankster starring in their bad dreams."

Ace just looks at Thatch wondering how long he'll last

By the looks of it, it might not be too long

Ace knows if Thatch loses he'll have a chance winning

A: "Think you can win against Izo and Marco?"

T: "If Marco gets paperwork, yes. As for Izo…"

A: "You're right. Izo has more patience than-"


A and T: "AH!"

A: "Look what you made me do!"

Ace accidentally burned the hall a bit

Haruta: "I'm sorry. No I'm not but I'm gonna tell Oyaji."

A: "Why?"

H: "Oh. Cuz you lost!"

A: "What?!"

Then Haruta started to run and Ace began to chase after her as Thatch just stayed there laughing and said:

"Ooh, she got you good there, Ace!"

T: 'But I don't think that counts.'

Thatch then sweat dropped when they both bumped into Marco and said person looked annoyed but grew confused when Haruta and Ace began talking at once

Marco looked at Thatch who just shrugged pretending not know

Sometimes Thatch thought if the bet was a good idea

T: 'What did I do?'

Hopefully it wasn't too confusing to follow.

Thank You for reading.