Author Note: I was going to get three Halloween stories out for you however I spent the last few days really sick so I ended up cutting the three stories down to whatever I got done. Not to mention, I recently started a new job last week which caused the break to happen this past week.

Character Summary:

Kurt: married to Jane and are expecting their first child which is due right around Halloween.

Jane: married to Kurt and are expecting their first child which is due right around Halloween.

Two days before Halloween

Jane was over being pregnant with their child. It was almost Halloween and she was hoping that the baby would be born before Halloween. Kurt had managed to convice his wife to take maternally leave before their child arrived. He knew that she hated that he was still able to go to work and she was not. He finally got home around five pm.

"Hey babe. I am home." Kurt said as he walked into the house.

"Hey." She responded to him with a smile. "How was your day?"

"Just fun paperwork. How was your day?" Kurt responded to his wife.

"Just spent the day relaxing and enjoying the last few days without the baby. I am just ready for it be here." Jane revealed to her husband as he gave her a small kiss.

The couple had decided to find out the gender of their child at birth instead of the 20 week ultarsound. They enjoyed the rest of the night together.

One day before Halloween

The next morning, Kurt hope that this was the last day that he was going to work. He just wanted to be home with his wife and child. Jane got up at the same time that her husband so she can say goodbye to her husband.

"Have a great day." Kurt said to her as he gave her a small kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too. Please be safe." She responded to him. She watched her husband walked out of the door. She knew that it was going to be a few hours until her husband would get home.

A few hours later, Kurt walked into the house. They did not get done with the case until 8pm which meant that he did not get home until nine pm. He knew that his wife would not be up when he got home but he was surprised to find her still up in the bathroom.

"Honey, are you okay?" He asked her.

"No, I think that it is time. We need to go to the hospital." She responded to her husband.

"Okay, We need to go right now." Kurt revealed to his wife as they headed to the hospital.

Halloween Morning

Kurt and Jane had been there for the past tweleve hours. She had barely any sleep during the night because of the pain that she was in. Kurt made sure that he tried to help her the best that he could.

"We are almost there. I am so proud of you." Kurt said trying to encourage his wife. He knew that he had to give her a lot credit for going through this.

Halloween Night

A few hours went by and Jane was still in labor, Kurt was surprised by how much his wife was going through. He hated seeing his wife in pain.

"Gosh, Why is this baby being so stubborn right now?" Jane asked her husband.

"I don't know baby but you are doing so good." Kurt responded to her with a smile.

"Will you please stop saying that?" Jane asked her husband. She was starting to get annoyed by those words. She just wanted to be finish with this. The doctor came into the room before Kurt had a chance, Jane felt the urge to push.

About an hour later, Kurt and Jane welcomed their baby boy into the world.

Author Note: I hope that you enjoy your Halloween trick or Treating. Be sure to check out the past Halloween stories. We still have one more week of the break and then I will be back writing our two fanfictions for Blindspot. I hope that you follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time.