Author Note: This week has been crazy busy and not to mention that I had to watch the girls so I did not get that much time to write this first chapter like I wanted to write it. This story will pick up from the season 2 finale. I can not wait for the new season starts at the end of the month.

Chapter 1

As Kurt was driving to headquarters after getting a call from the director about coming into work. The director had said that there was something going on that he needed to talk to him about. The director would not give any details over the phone. He finally got parked and headed inside of the building only to get stopped outside of the building.

"What is going on?" Kurt asked his boss.

"I have news regarding members of your team." He revealed to him.

"What do you mean? Patterson is trying to find Jane so we can get some more tattoo cases done." Kurt revealed to him.

"She, Tasha and Reade were kidnapped this morning. We also found this box there." The director said as he took out the box.

"What is this?" Kurt asked him. "What is inside of it?"

"We are not sure. We have not been able to get inside of it just yet." The director responded to him.

"Well, who can?" Kurt asked him.

"Your wife, Jane and we are wondering if it is both you and her." He said to him.

"It could be." Kurt responded to him. "That means that I need to find her like yesterday"

"You better get started on finding your wife." The director responded to him

"Alright." Kurt said as he started to head into the office. He knew that tonight before he left that he needed a location on her.

A few hours went by as Kurt sat at his computer. He was no where close to finding his wife. He knew that she was going dark. He headed into the lab to see what Patterson had found. He figured that she would have put notes on it. He went to her desk and started to look through the notes. He saw that she had mentioned the mountain. There had been a lady that check into there using the name Jane Doe. He knew that his wife would use her Jane Doe name and not their married name.

"Anything?" The lab tech asked his boss.

"Yeah. I am going to head out to check out the mountain this weekend." He responded to the lab tech.

"I hope that you find her so we can get the team back." the lab tech revealed to him.

He knew that the director did not revealed it to anyone in the building. It made him very confused about this tech person.

"How do you know that they were taken?" Kurt asked him.

"I was with Patterson and had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, she was gone and there was a box in her place. I figured that she was taken. Not to mention the next day, Tasha and Reede was not in the office." The lab tech revealed to him.

Author Note: There was no Jane in this chapter. I hope to have a longer chapter next week. I am sorry for this short chapter but I have a new job. I hope that you follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time.