Chapter 6

Disclaimer: Well folks, I do believe this is the final chapter. Thanks for all the support for this fic as it has been appreciated!

Unfortunately for Matthew 'Daredevil' Murdock, his hopes for having imagined his sight darkening had been for naught. As it would continue to happen as the days continued on into his second month of having his sight back. The darkening of his sight happened randomly and varied in length and even more unfortunate, had been playing havoc with his senses much to his dismay. Matt had even tried to hide it from those around him but with a wife like Elektra and his friends, such a thing was essentially impossible. Though it didn't help when he'd been almost ran over at one point while out and about and Matt at the time had felt they were making too much of a fuss over the whole thing. Naturally, that hadn't settled well with any of them and they had tried to get him to go and see a Doctor about the whole thing. Something he refused to do until another incident occurred that saw Matt give into their demands.

Though it might have helped that Elektra, in a no nonsense tone of voice, threatened to make him sleep on the couch for three months if he didn't do it. And Matt, knowing his wife and not liking the idea of that at ALL, went and saw one. But not a regular one however, more like the good Medical minded members of the Xavier Institute since they were his best bet for the whole thing. Especially as young Mary was still learning lots of things there and could potentially provide the best insight despite her young age. Tests were done, tears were had, and many reassurances given from Matt to Mary when it was determined that he was losing his sight for certain. Hank theorized that because of Mary's age, her healing ability just simply wasn't strong enough to truly and permanently heal Matt's sight. Hank also determined that by the end of the month, Matt would be completely blind again and his senses would once again be back in full effect and not causing him anymore problems.

And while a part of Matt was upset over this, another more larger part of him was grateful for the fact he'd been given a temporary opportunity to be able to see again. Several of his friends had been surprised by his lack of a much stronger reaction and in morbid amusement, Matt had asked 'What? Expecting me to throw a tantrum and destroy things? There's honestly no point in doing that as it wouldn't be productive at all.'

Both Foggy and Peter had remarked that that was a healthy and mature way to look at things as Matt also mentioned that he wasn't going to waste his time being upset over the whole thing and instead, would just be grateful for the chance that had been given to him. Afterwards, he quickly made his leave as Foggy and Peter got distracted with the argument of who got to make their remark first much to the exasperation of everyone else. Karen on the other hand, and later Foggy once he got to really thinking about it, worried that this meant Matt was going to make a return to the life of Daredevil. Even bringing up the subject to Elektra and getting a shrug and the response of 'Well, if Matthew does, that will be his decision, Karen. One I will support and no doubt be by his side on as he cracks heads here and there.'

Needless to say, Karen hadn't been a happy camper and after a conversation or two with Foggy, decided to leave it be and wait to see how things went before confronting Matt. That Elektra had an eagerness about her when she made that response also hadn't sat too well with Karen either. And sure enough as Hank McCoy had thought, Matt's sight was gone once the end of the month arrived. And in a moment that only Elektra would know about until her dying day, the man had unexpectedly wept uncontrollably over having become blind once again. Now one thing that would shock him as he'd later discover was the fact that he had a sort of echo location in place of his sight provided there was sound to cause it to happen. Sure, it was all blue and was fairly disorienting, but Matt saw it as a blessing in disguise and trained himself with some assistance from Elektra to get used to it so that it could be a most effective tool for him. And once Matt felt he was trained enough to be efficient with his new found skill, he pulled out a certain trunk containing his night time activities.

"So, think you're ready to bust some heads tonight, my love?" Elektra asked softly as she stood close to Matt.

The Devil of Hell's Kitchen merely nodded. "I am. The criminals of Hell's Kitchen are long over due for a meeting with the Devil." He declared gravely.

They had it easy with the others but easy was gone now. Suddenly, his head whipped to the side, making for a rather alert Elektra as she brought out her Sais. "Hello, Frank."

"Heh… Hey, Red. Nice to see ya again." Came the voice of Frank Castle as he stepped into view with a young girl in tow.

"The Punisher? Well, this could get interesting, love." Purred Elektra.

"Looks like you found yourself a live one there, Red."

Matt smiled briefly before growing serious again. "What brings you and your friend to New York, Frank?"

Said girl was clearly nervous too for that matter according to his senses. Frank briefly looked at his travel partner before looking towards the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. "Let's just say me and Amy here could use a little help." He said finally.

"Help of the Lawyer kind or Vigilante?"

"I'll take either one, Red. But by the end of this, we'll probably need the Vigilante more."

"Then let's talk."

"Ooh, I love a team up!" Threw in Elektra energetically.

Frank was clearly amused by this while Amy just wondered if the woman was perhaps as nutty as the guy next to her was. Man, I hope Frank knows what he's doing with these two. Otherwise Beth will kick his ass!

Which… Would be funny as Hell to see in her view!

Author's Notes: It wasn't until after I watched season 2 of 'The Punisher' some time ago that I got the idea to throw in what you all saw at the end. I honestly liked Beth and wish we had gotten more of her so with this, things are a bit AU where him, Beth, her son, and Amy are concerned. And admittedly, I liked the whole weird blue echo location thing they did in the movie a ways back and thought it would be neat to have in this as a sort of trade off for going blind again. Once again, thanks for reading and supporting this fic!