Mario Kart: All-Star Circuit!
Chapter 2a: Dry Dry Highway!
Part 4b: Some More Dry Driving!

Yes, I know that there are a lot of teams in this race, but don't you worry, because things are going to move foward in this race of the best and the worst!

It's actually an interesting duality that throws bombs at everyone, so take that as an obvious answer!

There was unsurprisingly a lot of panic in the rear group, as while they weren't in the final round or anything major, considering how risky the chance of just getting knocked out of the competition really is with Maleficent and Ursula just flying around fireballs and water balls everywhere, as they clearly were wanting out of there.

The Ice Climbers were somehow able to take a long look back, as they were just genuinely.

''Are you just going to be like this all day or what?'' Popo was just shocked, but his tone was the near opposite of that.

''Yeah...are you sure they want to deal with us?'' Nana just had a dirty look.

Popo wasn't exactly too surprised at Nana's strange mood.

Ursula was just giving the dirtiest look that she could, being in 28th, just behind the Queens, who weren't remotely willing to give their place to a bunch of witches that were obviously caring a lot.

To do this much effort, it still did involve a lot of effort, as there was just a ton of magic rolling all around that was just making the course a little bit shakier than before, especially with K. Rool right behind the two duos.

K. Rool was definitely the counter, as his tech was just making the magic work and converting it into something crazy.

''I knew that would work.''

''Haha, boss, coming up with the things that will always work.'' Klubba was just in a good mood.

But that didn't mean that they were celebrating, as they were still in 29th place, about two spaces from the safe zone that was just a little bit too small for these guys to just coast.

But none of these teams were much of coasters, even including the teenage stage rivals that were just accidentally sabotaging each other with their misused items.

Those Green Shells managed to knock some others down a little bit, but overall, they were about to be swallowed by the two magical duos and the crocs that were ready to blow them up.

''Wow, life's too short to not lose this hard.'' Tori actually gave a damn.

''At the very least, it's Mario Kart.''' Jade just didn't give a single damn.

Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee weren't doing too well either in 25th, but these two weren't ready to call it quits just yet, similar to the team behind them, but the questionable turning of the Witches, meant they were down and out, thanks to the powerful push of Honey Queen's well-angled and surprisingly fast Red Shell.

Said shell went straight into the engine, just making sure that they were slightly stuck for a little bit longer than usual, as the competition wasn't really changing by a lot, thanks to Klubba throwing the Pow Block on the ground.

For obvious reasons, litterally every team that was just in front of these two got their flips handed to them, but the flips were quick enough for everybody to get right back on track.

''Okay, so, now we're rolling!'' Charmy yelled, putting that Golden Mushroom to use.

''Great job, Charmy!'' Vector still kept his eyes on the road, as the flipping was just stopping.

''Yeah, it's nothing.''

The Chaotix were now in the safe zone, thanks to the Golden Mushroom just doubling their speed and Espio being the best of the team in driving skills, leading them to 27th.

''These witches never give up do they...'' Vector remarked, as Ursula and Maleficent were somehow just blowing through. ''...Seriously, get out of here.''

Ursula just threw a accumlated fireball that was just gathered to cause some problems.

''Clearly, you think you can outrace me?'' Ursula was just enjoying this.

''Yes.'' Espio responded back.

Tori and Jade were just both in 28th, struggling to really get back on track, especially since.

At nearly the same time, while the backburners were just getting rid of a problem, the fronrunners were somehow just taking all of the announcers' time by just being that good at doing their thing.

''These frontrunning guys are killers, because they've probably killed each other's stratergies, but their spirits are still healthy!'' Tony shouted about the plumbers, the fast friends and a few others. ''Yep, just see the looks on their faces.''

The best of them were just completely sure that this race was somehow making them worse people, as Bowser didn't even care and Sonic was just a little bit confused at how friendly Mario was outside of this encounter.

''How does Mario keep up the facade?'' Knuckles was just genuinely looking unsure.

''Er, he's actually a friendly guy. The item guys, though, are the worst people in this Kingdom easily.'' Sonic was just ready to keep up the bazzar drift.

The top eight were actually in the town itself, as these guys were just taking the several paths that were actually blocked off to the normal citizens, especially since that the situation was just allowing for multi-route strategy.

The top three were definitely seeing an shortcut and taking an opportunity along with it, because this is Mario Kart.

Nothing much had changed, except that Sonic and Knuckles were faster in the mud than Mario and Luiigi trying to use all of their power to convert it into escaping the mud.

''Alright, while everyone takes the shortcut and goes through some mud! The royal highnesses are just going on the normal road and using that time to drift like a queen!'' Rawk shouted, as the ice dancers were also following the princesses.

The princesses were definitely taking the longer and less dirty way around, as their kart was just about to manouvre like an parasol that was just good to handle with.

''Alright, we're gonna corner it like our cornering stat is crazy!'' Daisy was just genuinely excited to drift around the old-school streets. ''Peach, drama queens are ten-o-clock!''

''Excuse me, I'm a drama king.'' Jacques quickly threw a high-speed Yellow Shell directly to the ground and angled in a hard-to-dodge way.

Luckily, Peach had to only pay for a paint job and a quick bump that slowed her down, but the ice dancers and the princesses got quite a bit closer to each other for a battle for fourth.

''The two most extravagant teams in the top eight are gonna fight for fourth and they have their game faces on, looking confindent!'' Tony shouted, as the two teams drifted their way into the battle.

Josee, Jacques, Peach and Daisy were actually just trying their hardest to make it through in good time, as they were just cornering around each other and even making a few harsh passes.

''However, the plumbers, the fast friends and the girl monkeys are kicking it up in the top three, providing each other with their own villains.'' Tony continued.

Candy and Dixie are completely sure that their kart was just getting less grip, thanks to some cool sand, unlike the other two teams.

''And who's gonna finish! Because the Rawk doesn't know and I've got all of the secrets like who's owning in the back!'' This hawk was just hyping up things to no end. ''And this hawk seeing some trackside tricks, even from the witches, who are kicking some serious...stuff!''

''Yep, they are witches.'' Tony just shrugged it off. ''They are safe and so are the most ruthless of them. Which ones are gonna swapped with the bottom nine, because everybody's got amazing skill!''

''Yeah, they're bringing it!''

To be continued with a good chunk of the teams finishing their race, as there's two parts to the finishing line saga!