How Do You Deal? - B7

A fallen warrior lay sprawled across the corridor floor. It was dark there and the Gray Hood was paying much attention to step over him and other things that littered the floor as he made his way deeper inside the building, towards where he could hear voices. The air was stuffy and carried a lot of smells that would make an inu youkai cover their nose and flee. The interviewer tried not to breathe in through his nose.

"I like the mysterious type," said a cheeky voice when the interviewer was stepping over the man's leg. He glanced down to see a wide smile and bright eyes directed at him.

It looked like this fallen warrior was not quite dead yet.

Or, judging by the scent mostly masked by the alcohol fumes, he was dead, but not quite departed.

"Oh, good day to you, Jakotsu," the interviewer pulled his foot back from above the mercenary to put it beside the other, safely and firmly on the floor. "I have a question, how do you and your friends deal in the time of the pandemic?"

"What time?" Jakotsu carefully sat up, blinking at the Gray Hood.

"The pandemic. It's over a month now. The whole world is suffering the covid virus..." the Gray Hood said, matter-of-factly. For some reason the confused look didn't lift from Jakotsu's face. "You know, everyone has to stay at home and stuff... Don't you know about any of that?"

"Nah," the mercenary shrugged.

"How come? You must have seen the news and the restrictions put on the folk by the government... Haven't you seen people in masks?"

"Dude," Jakotsu shook his head - very gingerly. "We haven't left our hideout since the first snow!"

"You haven't? Why?"

"Mukotsu and Renkotsu brewed some new herbal vodka or something else and we had to try it out. And just like that it was Ginkotsu's birthday... And you know, when he has a birthday party... it can last for months... We rested where we fell like dead for at least a week after!"

"Well, alright, but what...?" the Gray Hood looked towards where they could hear singing voices. The song was Happy Birthday.

"Now it's Bankotsu's after birthday party," Jakotsu explained. "And I was sent to bring more booze from the cellar. Could you give me a hand?"

"Oh, sure," the Gray Hood carefully helped Jakotsu to his feet and together they started walking towards the cellar door.

"So, you say, everyone is stuck at home, huh?" Jakotsu asked after a moment. "I wonder where Inuyasha lives..."


"Yeah. I could crawl in through a window and stare at him sleeping for hours," Jakotsu smiled wistfully. "And he'd have to stay home with me..."