Announcement First: This is a bonus chapter of Ani Force the Movie, this was also a separate story, but I'm going to delete the story and put this bonus story with the Ani Force Movie, and it this story was made in November. Hope you all like it.
Evil Force from the Future
Four months have passed since the defeat of Èyùn and Po and the Five have become very famous around China for saving their village and the world too. To be honest, there hasn't been any monsters to fight lately, which means Po and his friends haven't used their morphers for quite some time, but they're still Power Rangers.
Po and Tigress broke up for unknown reasons, and wouldn't tell anyone why they broke up, but they still decided to remain as friends, but deep down Po wants to get back with her. Even their friends still have hopes that they get back together someday.
But now, a new challenge awaits the Power Rangers Ani Force, with a new friend.
In the Valley of Peace Po was at his adoptive father's noodle shop, and was doing his normal thing, as usual, passing out noodles and making them too. His friends came along and gave them some food. He stared at Tigress and she stared at him back, they wanted to get back together, but they've been trying to but things have been getting busy with kung fu training, ranger training, protecting the valley, and Po helping his dad with the shop. Viper stared at Tigress and shakes her head.
"Don't just stand there go over there and get back with him." Viper said.
"I will, it's just um, well, it's just-" She tried to make up an excuse.
"Tigress, enough with the excuses, just go over there and kiss him, and get back together for goodness sake." Monkey said.
"Ok, ok, I'll go over there and talk. But, do you think he'll know I'm turning 19 tomorrow?"
"If he doesn't just tell him and he might throw you a surprise birthday party." Viper said.
Tigeress gets up and sights and goes up to Po. "Hey, Po got a minute?" She asked
Po puts the bowls of noodles down. "Sure, what's up?" He asked in return.
"Ok, um, tomorrow's my birthday and I'm turning 19, and I was wondering if you want to be with me and the others tomorrow?"
Po eyes widened and thought and she was still talking. 'Tomorrows her birthday, darn it how could I forgot, you stupid dumb panda. I gotta go get her a present and-'
"Po, are you listening to me?"
"Oh, uh, yeah sorry, it's just um-" He takes off his apron and ran off. "Sorry, dad I gotta go get something real quick."
"Ok, hurry back." Mr. Ping said.
"Sorry Tigress, I gotta go get some stuff talk later." He now runs out.
"Ok, hurry back," Tigress said as she waved at him. She now stared at her friends, and Monkey made a kissing joke. "Very funny."
Po wonders around the forest and was talking to himself and saying to himself how could he have not known it was Tigress's birthday. "Stupid, stupid panda, how could you have not known it was your ex-girlfriend's birthday?"
Sometimes Po wonders why he's still the Red Ranger, and why he was chosen to become one. Po kept on wondering the forest and was still talking to himself. He also wants to get back with Tigress but doesn't know how.
"Hey, you." A voice said.
Po looked back and saw an old sheep with a blanket with him with some necklaces with him. "Um, you talking to me?" Po asked.
"Yes, come here Red Ranger."
Po slowing came up to him, and sat down on the ground with him and saw the necklaces that he had. "Hey, you have some nice necklaces you now."
"Thank you, would like to buy one?"
"Sure." Po looked around and saw the perfect one with the mark of an hourglass on it. "I choose this one." He said as he gave the old sheep some money.
"Very, but be careful with it and-" Po left before the old sheep can say anything else.
Po returned to the Jade Palace and saw his friends training with each other, as he gulps, and was about to give his friend a birthday present. "Ok, here I go." He whispered to himself.
Monkey was about to strike Po with his foot, but Po grabbed his foot and tossed him away. "Sorry Monkey I have no time for training right now." He comes up to Tigress. "Hey, Tigress."
"Hey, Po," Tigress said as she stopped her training.
"I just wanted to say, um," He holds up the necklace. "Happy Birthday."
Tigress takes it. "Po, thanks, I like it."
The rest of the Five are like 'aww' by this.
Tigress puts it on, and she took a good look at it. "Thanks, Po," Tigress sights and she spin the little hourglass on it. "Po, I just wanted to say that I-"
"Guys looks." Crane pointed at the necklace and saw it was glowing.
"What's happening?" Mantis asked.
"I don't but I don't like it one bit," Po said.
Everything began to shake for unknown reasons and the necklace begins to glow. "What's going on?" Viper asked.
Po and the Five then get sucked into the hourglass, and then everything stops shaking.
A moment later Po and the Five then soon find themselves in the forest, and they wonder how they got there. "Whoa, now this is freaky," Crane said.
"I did not use my teleporting powers for this." Viper said.
"Then what happened?" Monkey asked.
While they were talking some eyes in the trees were watching them and it strikes, and it was a young snow leopard wearing a green vest, and blue pants and was using his claws to strike, but Tigress grabbed the young snow leopard's paws and tossed him to the ground. "Hey, what the heck is the matter with you kid?" Tigress asked.
"What, I can't practice my kung fu skills on you?" The young snow leopard asked.
"Wait you know kung fu?" Crane asked.
"Yeah, and you freaks are?"
"You're awfully rude you know that uh-" Viper said and doesn't know his name.
"Grey, my is Grey and I'm the Dragon Warrior." He answered.
"Wait, no I'm the Dragon Warrior," Po said.
"Pfft, yeah right, and who are you?" He crosses his arms.
"I'm Po and these are the Furious Five but you may know us as the Power Rangers."
Grey then laughs. "Yeah, right you can't be Po and the Furious Five there's no way." He continues to laugh.
"No way of what?" Mantis asked.
"Ok, ok," He tries not to laugh. "Can you prove it?"
"Ok," Po said. "Ani Bracelet ready." Po's Ani Bracelet transformed.
Grey's eyes then widened. "It- it's really guys I can't believe."
"Now you believe us?" Tigress asked.
"Wow, this can't be. How did you guys get here?"
"What do you mean?" Viper asked.
"Oh, welcome to the year 2115," Grey explained.
Po and the Five's eyes then widened and couldn't believe what Grey just said. Could it be that he's telling the truth? Po and the Five saw the Valley of Peace and saw everything's change and everything was in futuristic life.
"Everything's different," Po said.
"Yeah, I know, but I'll take you to the Jade Palace," Grey said and lead them to the Palace.
"I gotta say Grey everything's is fancy here," Tigress said.
"Yeah, I know."
"Did your parents sign you up for Kung fu?" Po asked.
"No, I'm an orphan and I live in the Bao Gu Orphanage." They looked at each other sad look in their eyes. "But it's ok, I come here once in a while, and Master Fang teaches me?"
"Master Fang?" Crane asked.
"Yeah, Master Shifu's and Mei Ling's adopted son, yeah I know they got married and decided to adopt a child, but don't ask that, because Fang wants to carry out his great-great grandfather's legacy." He said as they walked up the stairs.
When they got to the Jade Palace they see some kung fu student getting teach by a boar who stared at Grey and Po and the Five with mean glare on his face. "Oh, that's Master Jiāodiân, and trust me he's not a friendly as you think."
Po stared at him, but Jiāodiân glares at him. Grey opens the doors and saw Master Fang meditating. "Master Fang I don't want to disturb you, but I need some answers," Grey said.
Master Fang turned around, and Fang was surprised to see Po and the Five. "Can it be Po and the Furious Five know the Power Rangers?" He asked.
"Yes, master I'm surprised as you are."
Fang comes up to Tigress and saw the necklace on her. "And the Talisman of Time."
"Talisman of Time?" Tigress asked.
"Yes, the Talisman has the power to send some in the past or in the future." He explained.
Tigress looked at Po. "I didn't know I swear," Po said.
"Then how do we get home?"
"It' can only for 24 hours, so enjoy your time here," Fang said.
And now Po and the Five would have to spend at least 24 in the Valley of Peace that was now in the year 2115. They were wandering around the valley and Po got a liking to the new food there and was enjoying it. Viper was seeing some new shops there. While walking to the valley it wasn't that hard to fit in, but no one recognizes them since they're from the past.
Tigress came up to Grey and saw him making something. "Making something?" She asked.
"Yeah, just some chips things."
"What do they do?"
"I'm not sure yet."
"So, how long you been an orphan?"
Grey sights. "Since I was 4, I watched my parents gets killed in front of my eyes, I don't who killed them, but I don't why they died. So it left me in the orphaned, and I come around here a while." He begins to cry and Tigress hugs him comforts him.
"There, there it's ok."
From outside where Grey was Master Jiāodiân was watching them, and he walks away. He enters his room. "Ha, ha, ha, those fools don't know who they're dealing with."
He gets out a book and opened it and was reading some kind of read spells. Secretly he's been learning the Power of Aura, but he's been learning it so it can be used for evil. "Soon those who approach me will soon be destroyed." He laughs evilly.
He then hears a sound on his door and hears a student running and he saw and heard everything. Jiāodiân chased after him, and his dark Aura power to blaster him and killing the student. Fang saw this.
"Aura has corrupted you Jiāodiân," Fang said.
"Fang what a surprise, I can see that you're now on to me huh. But that doesn't matter, you see after all those years of training I thought it would be nice what it would be like turning evil and finish up what Êyùn started all those years ago."
"Don't let the power consume you."
"Just did." He blasts him, but doesn't kill him, but knocks him out only.
Jiāodiân walks away, and Po, the Five comes to see what's going on and find Fang on the ground. "Master, what happened?" Grey asked.
"It's Jiāodiân, he has learned the power of aura, but he's using it for evil stop him."
Everyone nod, they run after Jiāodiân, but before they do Grey gets something out, and he has two katana swords. "Whoa, buddy where did you get those?" Monkey asked.
Jiāodiân was now in the training room and opens up a portal. "STOP!" Po yelled as they come up to him.
"Sorry Rangers, that's not gonna happened, since you came here I thought I start with your time first."
"You wouldn't?" Crane said
"I would." He enters the portal.
"After him." Po order.
Everyone nods and enters the portal.
The portal opens up at the forest and Jiāodiân see's it. "So, this there time huh? Not bad."
Po, the Five and Grey follows and prepares to fight.
"So, you decided to follow huh?"
"Yes," Po said.
"Very well, let's see how you like my armor." Jiāodiân summons his armor with two blades on the shoulders, black metal chest, sharp claws, and black armor too.
"Whoa, but you don't scare us one bit." Monkey said.
"But, you will be. By the way, let's see how you like these guys." He snaps his hooves.
And zombie-like monster with sharp blades came out. "That still doesn't scare us," Crane said.
"That's right, guys let's do it." Everyone nods. "It's Morphin Time, Ani Bracelets."
"Ready!" The others said, and they're Ani Bracelets transformed.
"Ani Force, Release the Beast!" The Rangers now morphed and we're now in their suits.
Grey thought that was pretty cool. "Wow." He whispered.
"Rage of the Dragon, Ani Force Red." Po posed.
"Heart of the Dolphin, Ani Force Pink." Tigress posed.
"Feather of the Hawk, Ani Force Green." Mantis posed.
"Howl of the Wolf, Ani Force Blue." Crane posed.
"Claw of the Cougar, Ani Force Yellow." Viper posed.
"Roar of the Lion, Ani Force Gold." Monkey posed.
"Defenders of Worlds hear our Roar!" Po said.
"Power Rangers Ani Force." They all said together and a big explosive came from the back.
"Get them," Jiāodiân ordered his minions and they all begin attacking.
And now the Rangers were now fighting together. Also Grey was fighting too with them, he was actually a good fighter with his kung fu skills and was an excellent sword fighter with his katanas. The Rangers thought he was actually pretty good.
"Hey, kid how old did you say you were?" Monkey asked.
"I didn't say my age, but I'm 7 years old," Grey said.
The Rangers and Grey continued to fight, and out of nowhere, Master Shifu came to the rescue. "Hey, did I miss anything?" He asked.
"Would you believe that the kid right there is from the future and the boar too?" Po asked.
"Get out of here really?"
"No, he's not kidding." Viper said.
The zombies were now down, and Jiāodiân was the last one. "Give it up, you're finished," Po said.
"Oh, really? You've may have defeated them," He begins to grow now. "But let's see how you deal with me now." He's now huge and has a sword.
"Whoa, Grey, Shifu run now," Tigress ordered.
"Right, come on kid." Shifu grabbed his paw.
"Ani Zords arise," Po ordered and the Ani Zords soon came out and roared.
Grey was now even more impressed. "Wow."
The Rangers enters their Zords. "Zords combine." A computer voice said, and the Zords are now combined together into the Megazord.
"Ani Force Megazord ready." The Rangers said.
The Megazord and Jiāodiân were now fighting. The Lion Zord shoots out lighting out of the mouth of the chest, but Jiāodiân just blocked the attack, and he shoots out dark aura out. The Rangers were not giving up after that and were using the Dolphin and Cougar Zords fists but like the Lion Zord, it still didn't help.
The Megazord now uses it's sword and was about to strike Jiāodiân but he grabbed it and knocked down the Megazord with his bare foot and knocked the sword out its hand. He then strikes the Megazord with his sword, and the Rangers inside the cockpit were now really struggling.
"He's too strong," Mantis said.
"He's even stronger then Êyùn." Viper said.
The Megazord gets back up, and Jiāodiân just laughed at their pain. "Give up Rangers you're finished."
Tigress then gets an idea and heads out of the Megazord. "Where is she going?" Po asked.
Tigress reaches Shifu and Grey, and she bends down to Grey's height. "Grey, did you bring those chips?"
Grey gets them out. "Right here, but what are you planning?"
"You'll see." She then back to the Megazord. "Guys I got an idea."
"What is it?" Po asked.
She hands each and one of them the chips. "Believe it or not but Grey is very smart and he made these."
"Alright, let's call them Ani Spirit Chips," Po said.
They all entered the chips into the computer and each of their Zords begins to glow. "WHAT?" Jiāodiân said. He looks down. "Why you little brat, I'll start with you for making those chips."
The Megazord's hand punches him. "Let's see how you like this," Tigress said.
The Megazord's Ani Zords came into spirit formed, and the Megazord jumped into the sky with the Ani Sabre. "Ani Spirit Slash." The Rangers said and the spirits of the Ani Zords came to strike Jiāodiân and the Megazord strikes him with the saber.
Before Jiāodiân can go down and begins to struggle to stay up. "You may have defeated me, but wait until later, you'll face your biggest challenge." He falls to the ground and explodes.
The Rangers cheered. "Alright, Rangers Monster Poached," Po said.
And Grey and Shifu cheered too. And the Rangers came up to them and they demorph now. Tigress hugs Grey. "Thanks, Grey, you give us a new power source." She said.
"No problem."
"But what did he mean by our biggest challenge?" Crane asked.
"I don't know, but whatever is we're all be ready," Po said as he looked up at the sky.
The Rangers then returns Grey to his timeline, and for some reason, Tigress went out for a walk and everyone was fixing the Jade Palace. "So Master Fang what are you going to do now?" Grey asked.
"I don't know, but I'm going to look for a new teacher." He said.
Grey nods. "Hey, Grey." Grey looked back and saw Tigress.
"Hey, what's up?"
"I've been thinking, I was wondering if you accept this." She hands him a paper.
"Tigress what's this?"
"Grey I went to the orphanage, and your story touched me, and I want you to be my son." Grey's eyes widened and everyone else too. "Listen, I know I'm only 19 now but I don't care, I really want to be your mom."
Grey then gets tears in his eyes. "I love that, mom." He embraces her.
And Po comes up to them. "Hey, Tigress, if it's no problem, I really want to be your boyfriend again, and be his adoptive father."
"That I'll like Po." She kisses him and kisses her back.
"Can I call you dad now?"
Monkey runs up to Grey. "Congratulations buddy." He noogies him.
Grey is now going home with them and living with his new family, and Master Fang tells Grey that he will miss him deeply. Fang also wants Grey not to mess up the future too much since it can be dangerous, but Grey tells him he'll be careful.
"Thank you for everything Master Fang." He hugs him.
"You're welcome Grey." He looks at Tigress. "Take care of this boy."
Tigress nods. They soon entered the portal and Grey takes a good look at the Jade Palace in the old days. Grey was excited that he has a new family to look after him. Tigress told Shifu about everything about what happened and told him that he has an adoptive grandson, and Shifu was excited that he has a grandson now, and so was Mr. Ping, and Viper became an aunt towards Grey, and Monkey, Crane, and Mantis also became uncles towards him too.
Soon After everyone celebrated Tigress's 19th birthday. She was so excited that she and Po got back together and were boyfriend and girlfriend once again, and she has an adoptive son at an early age, but Tigress doesn't care about her age, what matters is that she cares for Grey and wants to raise him.
But what did Jiāodiân meant that Po and the Five would have to face a bigger challenge? But only time will tell in the future.
This story is dedicated to Supernova2015 for coming up with the character Grey, and for giving me a request to do this, thank very much. I'm going to delete the Evil Forces from the Future story and put this in the Ani Force story storyline as bonus chapter as I made the announcement from the beginning. And now coming soon in 2018 in the Series of Kung Fu Panda: Power Rangers Ani Force the Series will come up early in January, and I hope you all like it, and all hope you might like this new story. Please review.