"How it Begin"

Centuries ago in ancient China, six kung fu master were one the greatest master in Chine. Master Dolphin was a gifted swimmer and exultant warrior in the sea, Master Wolf was material weapon master, Master Hawk was the masters of the sky and guide of the team, Master Cougar was the strongest of them all, Master Lion was the bravest of his team, and finally their leader Master Dragon was wisest of them all. With their six mystical Ani-Bracelets, they use them to fight an evil, and also become a team known as the 'Power Ranger'.

Master Dragon was the Red Ani Ranger, Master Wolf was the Blue Ani Ranger, Master Hawk the Ani Green Ranger, Master Cougar fought evil as the Ani Yellow Ranger, Master Dolphin used the power as the Ani Pink Ranger, and finally, Master Lion fought bravely as the Ani Gold Ranger. As Power Rangers, they used power suits in order to fight and also used powerful weapons in order to win. Together they fought bravely against evil, and there was nothing that can stop them.

But, of all the threats they ever face was Èyùn a bull who was corrupted by dark magic. He was originally a kung fu master until he was using his kung fu for deadly games, and fighting dirty against anyone who came in his way. He wanted to be Ranger, but he decided to use the dark magic. By using his magic he terrorist his village and other villages around China.

But Rangers fought him, but it took longer than anyone thought. Days went by, they for two whole years the Power Rangers never give up hope for their families, friends, and for their world. One day the final battle was about to come to an end.

During the final battle in the mountains, the Rangers used their last energy to trap Èyùn underground in a mystical seal for all eternity. But Èyùn swears revenge, and one day he will recreate the world into his own. But with this, the Rangers also sacrifice themselves and were transported to the Spirit World.

But the Power Rangers were going to be gone forever. But in order to save their powers, they will one day pass on their powers onto a new team of Rangers in order to save the world.

Centuries went by and the Power Rangers was slowing forgotten. But the Rangers never give up hope, they hope one-day evil would rise again.

In a small village, the Valley of Peace, it is protected by a kung fu team know as the Furious Five. The Furious Five were training by their master a red panda by the named of Master Shifu, and also an old turtle named Master Oogway. They also heard legends about the original Rangers, and Èyùn too. They also hoped that the seal would never be broken, but they also knew that it might or might not happened.

(Po's POV)

As I awoke for another day at my dad's noodle shop, I looked at my Furious Five action figures.

I screamed so loud, "Viper, Mantis, Crane, Tigress, and Monkey you five are so awesome that I must fight alongside with you." I pretend to fight bad guys, as I do so, I see my neighbor looking at me with a weird look. "Um sorry."

I got downstairs and put on an apron for work. Oh and my name is Po, I'm 18 years old I'll be 19 next week.

"Po, you've got an order." Mr. Ping called out to Po.

That's my dad Mr. Ping. Ok he's not a panda he's a goose, and ever since my birthday last year he told me everything about me and that I'm adopted, so he took me in and raise me as his son. But I'm ok now, and I want to search for my parents, and I won't give up until I find them.

As I took an order down I stared up at the sky at the Jade Palace. My whole life I wanted to meet the Furious Five, they have been my heroes, even though I'm around their age, but that's ok. Also, I've always dreamed of something more.

(Shifu's POV)

I played my flute in peace, until the Furious Five attack! But I fought back, with my might. But it was for training, so we all bowed down.

"Not bad, if you were trying to disappointment me. Tigress, you need more ferocity. Monkey, greater speed. Crane height. Viper subtlety. Mantis more patience."

"Yes, Master!" They all agreed.

For years I've trained my students in order to become the best, but their best is still not enough for me. Even though for my old age I knew that someday that they would make me proud of them.

(Tigress's POV)

I walked down the valley thinking to myself, is it true that Shifu is right, are we disappointed him too much? I don't want to disappoint him more. He's been like a father towards me ever since I was a young cub. I kept on walking until I bump into someone.

"I'm sorry, but it these-" He looked at me funny, and then I looked at him with an expression I've never had before. "Whoa, your Master Tigress the leader of the Furious Five."

"Yes, I am," I said to him, he was going all fanboy.

"Ah, man I'm seeing Master Tigress for the first time, tell me how are you doing?"

"Good, and sorry I bumped into you."

"No problem, just helping out my dad with the noodle shop, but I had to get back to work now. I'll see you later?"

"Sure. What's your name?"


"It was nice meeting you Po, bye."

I waved goodbye to him. I've got to ambit he was kind of cute... wait what am I seeing? I don't have time meet someone I have to do more kung fu training.

(Shifu"s POV)

As I walked into the Hall of Heroes, Master Oogway wanted to have a word with me, something important.

"Master I'm here."

He came out of his turtle shell and grabbed his staff. "Shifu my old friend."

"Yes, why summed me?"

"The future I have for seen it." He tried to blow out the candles, but do to his old age, I've used the wind to blow them all out, "That's better. But the seal of Ènyùn will be broken."

My eyes were wide open in shock, could it be the truth? "But he's trapped underground. How can we stopped him?"

"Not us," He then pointed at an old painting, "Them."

I gasped, "The Power Rangers."

"Yes, the original master have spoken to me, they will be coming, and they will pass on their powers on."

"But who are the Rangers?"

"I don't know."

I got this story idea from Shinigamilover2 who wrote a Sing Power Rangers story. I really recommend reading two of his Sing stories of Power Rangers they're really good. This story is also dedicated to Shinigamilover2 for giving the idea, so thank you Shinigamilover2. I hope you like this new story that I'm writing. Can you guess which Ranger is who? Don't forget to follow the story and leave a review, and the next chapter will come soon, and it will tell the villain will return and the new Rangers would be revealed.