Author's Note: And we're here on the final chapter of Ice Craze. For those who supported and read the story, Thank You very much This will be like.. my first 'short' story that I ever completed. Yipiieee! A big accomplishment for a lazy-ass author like me ahaha Going back, I hope you enjoy the chapter and Once again, Arigatou-Gozaimasu! :D

*Ice Craze*

It was the start of a new week and Yumi together with Yoshino were happily chatting on their way. It was currently recess time and the duo were heading to the Rose Mansion to enjoy their snacks. Needless to say, the two roses were hyped and crazy about Fairy Tail that they didn't even take note about their onee-sama's absence anymore. Their worries were gone and it's like their operation 'Forget about the Onee-samas" went successfully without them even noticing.

" You're right, Yumi-san. The part where Lucy mistook Natsu's invitation to be a confession was hilarious. Like seriously, have you seen her face?"

" Yeah I can't imagine to be in her position. I would totally slap Natsu too."

Both girls continued their chit chat and were unaware that the other Roses were listening to their conversation.

" I feel like Natsu is my twin soul. I finally found someone who is in the same predicament as mine. Ah. Motion sickness sucks." Yoshino sat down on the nearest chair with a 'thud' surprising the fellow roses especially Eriko.

"Phew. And you know what, Yoshino-san, It seems like I adapted Gray's ability to change out of nowhere. Like imagine, I freaking changed into my pajamas in just 10 seconds!"

" Say what? You gotta teach me that skill next time, Yumi-san."

" Of course, Squinty eyes. Anything for you."

" Heh. Thank you Drowsy Bastard."


The teens were slightly startled and this was only the time where they acknowledge the presence of the other roses. Yumi and Yoshino muttered a low gomen and they greeted the occupants of the room afterwards.

" My, it seems like you had an interesting weekend." - Eriko

" Yeah. Who is Gray and Natsu? Your flings?" Asked Sei with a grin.

" Stop it, Sei and Eriko." Youko heaved a sigh and faced the younger roses. " I do not permit such foul language in our meeting. Your onee-samas will be disappointed about this. Especially Sachiko, Yumi-san."

" G-Gomen. Youko-sama." replied Yumi as she hung her head low.

" Give them a break, Youko. In fact, you should be thankful about their flings- " Sei quickly composed her statement after noticing Youko's glare. " Friends. I mean New friends. *gosh woman* because they seem to be the reason why these two aren't gloomy about their onee-sama's absence anymore."

Sei glanced at the two roses for their reaction and she only got a curious stare and a couple of blinks.

" See? That's what I'm talking about!"

" Anyways..." continued Youko as she looked back and forth at the other roses. " Sachiko and Rei called me a while ago. Do you have any message you wish to relay to them?" Youko directed the question to Yumi and Yoshino.

" Um. I guess that they should have fun? And to.. take care always?" came the reply of Yoshino. " Well. I don't really have any particular message I wish to relay to Rei-chan. What about you, Yumi-san?"

" I think we're the same, Yoshino-san. Just wish them well, Youko-sama."

" O..kay." Youko raised a brow as she carefully regarded the roses' answer. If she was being honest, their answer shocked her because of how carefree it sounded. It's like they didn't even care or miss the second years in the slightest. Sei and Eriko exchanged amused looks while Shimako have a clear look of surprise written on her face.

" That's it! I'm totally meeting your flings!"

"Satou Sei!"

The prankster shrugged of Youko's warning and approached the two roses with a grin. She hung both of her arms over their shoulders and pulled them closer.

" So tell me, Yoshino and Yumi-chan. Who's this Gray and Natsu? Huh?" Sei wiggled her eyebrows to emphasize her point.

" Actually, Sei-sama. Gray and Natsu are characters in an anime" replied Yumi with a giggle.

" And they are freaking awesome with the powers, and character, and, abs and shit." Added Yoshino but she lowered her voice at the last part to avoid being reprimanded by Youko. Sei chuckled loudly and ruffled both of their heads.

" I honestly can't believe this. Rei and Sachiko will be in a great surprise once they get back. Imagine, just one week and you two are already a swearing machine."

" You should watch it too, Sei-sama!" said Yumi in an excited tone. " The story plot and fight scenes is so fucking cool!" the red rose immediately covered her hand once she realized her slip-up. She instantly replaced her 'cuss' word with trucking and this earned a giggle from Shimako.

"No need to be shy, Yumi-chan. Because you, swearing, is like music to my ears. You sound ~hot~. " Yumi blushed from Sei's statement which caused another laughter from the white rose. " And I must congratulate you both because it seems like your operation was successful."

" What operation? " both Yumi and Yoshino said at the same time.

" Yep. Definitely successful." Remarked Sei with a knowing look.

" Okay so I want you to do 6 laps and 20 push-ups afterwards. I will accept no complaints and you better make sure that you finish the exercise."

Several groans were heard on the school grounds and the coach blew her whistle to ease the commotion.

" No buts! So go and change into your Gym Clothes. Now!"


" Man, this is tiring. Why does Ichigo-sensei have to be so uptight? I can barely finish 2 laps!"

" Are you sure you'll be fine, Yoshino-san? You know.. with your health and stuff?" a worried looking Shimako asked the teen as they made their way towards the bathroom.

" No need to worry, Shimako-san. I've completely recovered, remember?" Yoshino swung a few punches in the air and Yumi giggled at her antics.

"In fact, I'm fired up for this activity. The more tiring and more stressful it is, the more it is exciting! Right, Yumi-san?"

" Hai."

Yoshino stopped in her tracks and raised one hand in the air to do the signature ' Fairy Tail' gesture. She was followed by Yumi and both girls chanted 'Long Live Fairy Tail' with their eyes closed. Shimako just awkwardly stood in the corner while watching her friends doing foreign moves to her. ( Lol. That feeling when you're the only one who can't relate to Anime. Poor you Shimako. Ahaha )

" Ummm.. Guys?"

" Oh right. We completely forgot you there, Shimako-san."

" Sorry. We just tend to get carried away. Hehe." Said Yumi with an awkward giggle.

"No big deal. I think it's kinda cute though... umm. In a unique way."

The two just exchanged glances and decided to shrug it off to avoid further awkwardness. When they reached the bathroom area, they were dumbfounded to witness the huge crowd forming outside.

" What is happening here?"

"Unfortunately, all bathrooms are closed because it is under maintenance. That means we don't have any place to change." One classmate answered as she adorned an annoyed look.

" Gosh, have you entered inside? It freaking stinks! Like Maria-sama. The place smells like dead rats!"

" What are we gonna do, Yumi-san? Where are we gonna change now?" asked Shimako.

" We have no other choice but to change in our classroom like everyone else." Said Yoshino.

" But if we all change there in it's gonna take time because the room will be crowded and all of us can't fit in there."

" Sadly, I think I'll be changing in the classroom together with our classmates. It's better than receiving Ichigo-sensei's lectures." Spoke Shimako to the younger red rose. Yumi's face suddenly lit up and she tightened the hold of her sling bag before dashing off.

" Wait, where are you going Yumi-san?"

" I'm going to change, Yoshino-san. And it's a chance to test my skill!" replied a giggling Yumi and Yoshino can't help but follow after her footsteps. She mouthed a 'see you later' to Shimako and the latter could just nod out of confusion.

" What are they up to?" Minako, the head of Lilian's Newspaper, asked Shimako.

" They said they are going to change somewhere."

" And where might it be?"

" I really have no clue, Minako-san." Replied Shimako with a slight shrug.

Meanwhile, Yumi and Yoshino reached the mini-forest of the Academy. It wasn't exactly a forest but rather a field where the soccer team conducts their practice or any other student and year level wishing to play sports. Due to the area covered mostly by trees and added to the cool and breezy atmosphere it gives, it was referred as a mini-forest which was agreed upon by the students.

"And in a count of 10 I'll be changing now."

" Wow, so you'll be doing like.. Gray's signature habit, Yumi-san?" asked Yoshino in between fits of giggles . She had doubts that Yumi will be able to copy the character's move since it's clearly fictional and just seems impossible to do. On the other had, she also had slight interest to see the cheerful girl try.

"It might be possible but it's highly-


A fast yet short rush of wind made Yoshino quickly close her eyes and open it afterwards to stare at the teen in front of her. Yumi was now fully-dressed in her Gym clothes and Yoshino's mouth hung open in shock.

" Wha-How- WHAT?!"

" Tadah! See? I told you, Yoshino-san." Said Yumi as she proudly grinned at her shocked Friend.

" I really can't believe you were able to do that, Yumi-san." Remarked Yoshino in a mixture of amazement, doubt, and shock.

" Well.. it took me hours to do it but once you have the will then anything is possible. Besides, it's strangely useful especially in situations like these." Added Yumi with a chuckle.

" No. Freaking. Way. You gotta teach me, Yumi-san! I wanna learn that skill too!" Yoshino clung to Yumi's arm and whined like a child.

" Okay, Yoshino-san. But first you need to lay out your gym clothes."


A soft click coming from a camera was heard and both teens halted in their actions to look at the source of the sound. Tsutako was holding her famous camera and casted a sheepish 'Hi' to both roses after they noticed her presence.

" What are you doing here, Tsutako-san? Isn't your class supposed to be in the Chemistry Lab today?"

" Actually.. I kinda had an errand to run so I took a short stroll around the campus. And then I saw you and well.. I followed you here." Said Tsutako with an awkward grin.

" How long have you been there?" asked Yumi.

" From the time you started executing Gray's move. And Yumi-san, I must say..That is hella awesome!"

Yumi giggled at Tsutako's enthusiasm and Yoshino broke into a big smile knowing that the girl is also a fan of Fairy Tail."

" So you also watch Fairy Tail, Tsutako-san?"

" Yeah! And I'm glad that to know that I'm not the only otaku in this school. Heck, I even thought that it was impossible to find other fans in a strict and conservative environment."

" I can totally relate to you, Tsutako-san. But it's a good thing that Yumi-san also loves anime." Said Yoshino as she glanced at the girl.

" I was influenced by my brother and if it wasn't for his weird behavior and craziness towards his fandom, I wouldn't discover Fairy Tail." Said Yumi with a laugh.

" Well I hate to break our conversation but please excuse Yumi and I since we still have to change for Gym Class. We don't want to get a detention by Ichigo-sensei."

" It's alright Yoshino-san. Knowing Ichigo-sensei, she's pretty scary." Replied Tsutako as the three of them felt imaginary shivers run down their spine.

" Anyways, would you mind if I save this picture for future use, Yumi-san?"

" W-What picture? Like the one where I was changing?" a faint blush appeared on Yumi's cheek as she asked her question.

"Don't worry. It's nothing indecent." Tsutako showed the two roses the picture she took and it displayed a focused looking Yumi placing one hand on her uniform; as if to discard it in any minute.

" I was planning to hand this to the Newspaper club and include it in the next article. If that's okay with you?"

" Um sure. I think it's okay, I guess?" Yumi tilted her head to the side to contemplate with her answer.

There was no harm in letting the photographer expose that picture but what the young rose couldn't understand was why she would even include that in the Lilian Article. There are plenty more interesting topics the Newspaper club could write about other than the fact that Fukuzawa Yumi was trying to change into her Gym Clothes.

" Really? Thank you very much, Yumi-san!" the said photographer hugged the red rose and spoke with an excited tone. " You see, this might be included in the 'Fun Facts' section in the next Article. I'm sure others will be delighted especially that one of the Yamayurikai members is featured."

" Ah. I see."

" It will be cooler if Yoshino-san will be included as well." Tsutako implied her request with a silly smile and Yoshino just dismissed it with a smirk.

" It depends if I learn the Dress Break Skill like Yumi-san. Other than that, I don't really mind."

Tsutako can't believe her luck and she confirmed her request one last time to make sure she wasn't hearing things.

" So is that reeeeaally a YES?"

Both roses faced each other and then looked at the photographer with a chuckle.

" Of course."

Prior to Tsutakos's request, Yumi's picture was indeed included in the monthly Lilian Article. Yoshino managed to learn the 'Dress Break' skill, as what they call it, and she was also included in the picture. The article rose a commotion between the students and most of them were curious about the said skill and even requested the roses to teach them. Some teachers even recommended on learning the skill especially the Gym Teachers since they thought that it would be useful for 'changing' purposes. Yumi and Yoshino were more than willing to teach the interested students but they can't help but find their situation amusing and crazy in many ways. What supposed to be a fun activity ended up to be a School Craze so you wouldn't be surprised if you find students changing out of thin air in the school grounds.

Sei and Eriko were greatly enjoying the turn of events and when they heard about the article at first, they were laughing their asses off. Youko seemed to be the unfortunate one because she literally choked on the tea she was sipping when she saw the front page and headline of the monthly newspaper. She was teased by the two pranksters about being 'unlady-like' and the oblivious Shimako was the one who diffused the situation.

Satou Sei also managed to convince the two first years to take their skill to good use. She gave them a quick job of teaching Strippers in clubs about their 'Dress Break' skill and because of how awesome and smooth talker she was, she easily fooled them in accepting the job. Of course, she keep this as a secret from the other roses, save for Eriko because the latter was open-minded like how she would describe her. Until now, Sei was baffled on how the two were still unaware of their job. She was expecting Yumi to be oblivious but with Yoshino, she thought it wouldn't be the case. Maybe the two don't have any idea on what strippers are? Nah. Who cares as long as they get paid.

" So Yumi-chan, and Yoshino-chan. Are you all ready? Eriko will be joining us since she was the one who searched for our next clients."

"Of course Sei-sama."

" I can't believe we can get money out of this." Snickered Yoshino.

" And that's why I like you, ~Yoshino-chan.~ You are business minded and have potentials." Winked Sei to the snickering girl.

" What are you all whispering about?" Youko placed down the book she was holding and looked at the group with a questioning stare.

" ~ Nothing ~. Anyways, do we still have anything to discuss, Youko?"

"Nothing in particular. I guess you are free to leave."

" Alright!" Sei stretched her arms and grabbed her belongings at the table. " I'll be going ahead. Need to do a couple of stuff you know? Gokigenyou, everyone." She finished her statement with a wink across her accomplices and left.

" I'll be going as well, Youko. My family called me for some personal reasons." Eriko stood up from her chair and followed Sei's steps afterwards.

Youko raised a brow but didn't question their sudden departure.

" Ano... Youko-sama. I'll be going ahead as well because I need to finish some assignments." Yumi looked down at the ground when saying this because let's face it, she couldn't even lie properly XD.

" Ah that's right, Rosa Chinensis. Our teacher assigned us some pretty difficult homework this time so I'll be helping Yumi-san." Said Yoshino with a straight face as she backed up her friend's lie. (Lol. Friendship Goals :D )

" But we don't have any assignment " Shimako looked at her two friends with questioning looks but she kept her thought to herself.

" If that's the case then you may go."

"Hai. Gokigenyou, Youko-sama/ Rosa Chinensis." The two casted a final glance at the elder rose and to their fellow first year before leaving. Silence enveloped the room and only Shimako and Youko were the occupants left.

" Umm.. Is it just me or do I find that quite weird?"

" *sighs* I don't know, Shimako-san. Whatever that is, I don't have any clue."

" It's still early and all of them left after the other." Mumbled Shimako and got lost in her thoughts. Youko, on the other hand, occupied herself with sipping her tea and reading her book.

" What about you, Shimako-san? Do you have any assignments you need to finish early?" asked Youko since she was aware that the three first-years are classmates.

" Actually Youko-sama –


" I'll go get it." Shimako got up from her seat and advanced to the door to open it. The two visitors standing outside brought a slight surprise to Shimako.

" Gokigenyou, Shimako-san."

"S-Sachiko-sama. And Rei-sama. Welcome back." Greeted Shimako as she recovered from her shock.

" Sachiko? And Rei?"

" Onee-sama." Sachiko entered the room and smiled warmly at her Grand Soeur. Youko hugged the raven head and greeted the other second year though she was also surprised by their arrival.

" I thought you won't return until next week?"

" Well our trip got finished earlier and we were supposed to return Tomorrow. However, we personally requested to head back before the others and the teachers agreed." Explained Sachiko while scanning the room.

" And because we also want to head home as soon as possible." Added Rei with a chuckle.

" Where are the others, onee-sama?"

" They seem to have... prior appointments." Answered Youko and shared a glance with Shimako.

" And here I am thinking that I get to see Yumi." Sachiko heaved a sigh and settled on one of the chairs. Rei took a seat next to her and adjusted her clothes.

" I'm sure you are tired from your trip. Would you please prepare a tea for us, Shimako?"

"Of course, Youko-sama." Shimako disappeared into the kitchen to prepare the beverage.

" How are things during our absence, onee-sama? Did Yumi and Yoshino got into some trouble?" I swear if Rosa Gigantea pulled any tricks, I'll be giving her a fine lecture.

" Everything went well, Sachiko." Answered Youko after sensing the underlying meaning of her petite soeur's question. " I made sure to keep an eye on Sei and stop her from doing anything funny especially if I'm around."

Sachiko sighed in relief and after a few minutes, Shimako arrived with a tray holding their tea.

" Thanks Shimako-chan." Rei said as the young rose placed the beverage on her side.

After placing the cups and dismissing the tray, Shimako returned from her previous seat which was across Youko's position.

" The trip was quite exhausting and added with the rule of limiting our use of mobile devices, it was emotionally stressful."

" We apologize for rarely contacting you over the past weeks, onee-sama."

" I understand. Besides, Rei already informed me of your situation."

" How was Yumi and Yoshino-san, onee-sama? We thought that we need to catch up and do them a favor since we rarely contacted them too." Spoke Sachiko in a worried and sincere tone.

" The-They were doing quite fine over the past weeks." Youko took a sip of her tea and avoided eye contact which earned her a questioning look from Sachiko.

" Is there something we need to know?" Sachiko looked back and forth at her Grande Soeur and Shimako. Rei grew curious as she waited for an answer coming from the two roses.

" Ano.. It's not really bad, in my opinion."

Shimako's answer intrigued Sachiko and this time, she couldn't hold her curiosity slash annoyance any further.

" Onee-sama."

With a sigh, Youko grabbed something from the nearby stand and placed the object on the table.

" It's better if you read it for yourselves."

" Hmm. We had a blast yesterday ~ " Sei sang her words as she made her way towards the Rose Mansion. As usual, Yumi and Yoshino successfully taught their skill and they even had a tip given by the club manager. The four of them divided their earnings and needless to say, they all went home with satisfaction.

" Life is sooo awesome. Gokigenyou! Mi- " Sei's words were brought to a halt when she noticed the presence of the two second years. Sachiko gave her a stern look and Sei was amused at the sudden turn of events.

" Oh, Rei and Sachiko. Good to see you're already back!"

" Good Afternoon to you too, Rosa Gigantea" Sei could sense the hidden iciness on Sachiko's greeting and she can't help but smirk at the thought.

" Ooh. This is going to be fun. I wonder what will happen to those two especially Yumi-chan."

"How was the trip?"

" Fine." Answered Sachiko in her usual blank tone. " Where's Rosa Foetida? "

" Why are you looking for Eriko? We're not doomed? Are we?" answered Sei or more like questioned in a teasing tone. Judging from Sei's answer, Sachiko was convinced that the elder rose indeed played a part in the issue. She narrowed her eyes until the door opened and Eriko stepped in.

" Gokigenyou everyone- woah."

" Good Afternoon, onee-sama." This time, Rei was the one who greeted.

" Good Afternoon. I didn't know that you arrived already." Eriko said and pointed to Rei and Sachiko. " I thought it was supposed to be next week?"

"We decided to come home early." Said Rei with a sheepish smile.

" Oh."

" Enough of that. I believe we have matters to discuss." Sachiko spoke in a calm tone but she gave the two elder roses a sharp stare. Eriko glanced at Sei as if asking " What the hell is this about?" but she just shrugged her shoulders in reply.

" What is up with this issue?" Sachiko placed the newspaper on the table and Eriko followed the heiress' line of sight.

"Oh that. Why? What's the matter with that?"

Sachiko resisted the urge to roll her eyes since she wasn't trained to do such things.

" Our petite soeurs." Sachiko said and gestured to Rei and herself. " Were uncharacteristically doing such acts and got featured in the Lilian Article."

" And what's that supposed to do with us?"

" You were supposed to look over them not only as their seniors but also as a fellow rose. And yet, we return only to find out that they've been doing these things."

" O..kay.. but I don't see anything bad in that?"

" Yeah. They look like they're having fun." Added Sei.

Youko massaged her head for an incoming headache as she watched the interaction between the other roses.

" Regardless if they had fun or not, that act is still inappropriate. You know better than to motivate them, Rosa Gigantea." Said Sachiko and directed her glare to the prankster.

" They're just changing clothes. How is that inappropriate?" replied Sei in an oblivious tone to tease the heiress. With a clenched jaw, Sachiko flipped to a certain page and pointed at a figure.

" So that's why you've been actively joining them as well?"

" Oooh I didn't know that I got included in the picture. Nice picture by the way." Sei scrutinized the image and Sachiko could only shake her head in frustration.

" Rosa Gigantea. You are unbelievable."

" Why are you so worked up about this? Their Dress Break Skill was useful since the majority of the bathrooms needed repair and they all need a place to change. It saved their time in changing clothes especially during Gym Class"

" Even the teachers approved of this one. Right, Youko?" Eriko said and looked at the third year.

" That's not the point." Grumbled Sachiko and glanced at Rei who was unusually quiet.

" Then your point is?" smirked Sei.

" I-It's Indecent! Like its completely Preposterous!"

" No need to be hysterical Sachiko. It's not like they are naked or anything." Eriko giggled at Sei's response and Sachiko directed her glare at her.

"And besides, if you want to blame anyone for this matter, it should be Gray since I'm sure he's the one who taught Yumi-chan."

" Who's Gray?" Sachiko's tone was icier than usual and Sei decided to further mess with her mood.

" Oh? You don't know him? Well... he's quite popular together with his best friend Natsu. They even have a character animation made after them. They're good friends with Yoshino and Yumi based on their interaction."

"I'm certain I never heard them before." Said Sachiko through gritted teeth. " That imbecile.. How dare he teach such things to Yumi."

" They hang out over the past weeks and thanks to them, Yumi-chan and Yoshino-chan were able to forget you- I mean, forget their loneliness about you and Rei."

Eriko chuckled at Sei while Youko face-palmed since she knew so well on what Sei was trying to do.

Sachiko's grip on the table hardened and her icy stare never leaving the empty space.

" I'll give that man a piece of my mind."

Just then, the door opened and Shimako stepped in followed by a giggling duo.


" And yeah, Yuuki told me that there is a store downtown which sells Fairy Tail merchandise."

" Really? Sweet! It's a good thing we got money from our job at the strip-

Yoshino didn't finish her statement because once she saw Rei, she immediately bolted and hit her onee-sama in the head.

" Yo-Yoshino?" asked a bewildered Rei while clutching her head.

" BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA! You deserve this for suddenly leaving without saying anything!"

Rei dodged the younger girl's attacks and after she managed to calm down, she hugged her petite soeur.

" Sshh. Stop it, Yoshino."

" Baka Rei-chan. *sniff* I miss you, you know?"

On the other hand, Yumi was frozen in her position as she finally saw her onee-sama staring back at her in the room. She had mixed emotions and wanted to rush to her in an instant but somehow, Yumi found it hard it speak and move.

" Yumi.." spoke Sachiko with all the iciness gone. " Aren't you going to greet me?"

" O-Onee-sama." Yumi choked out the few words and with shaky steps, she slowly approached her soeur.

" Yumi-chan I miss youuu!" Sei blocked Yumi and Sachiko's view and she hugged the young rose with intensity earning her a yelp. By this time, Sachiko was glaring daggers at Sei's back and she looked like she was ready to leap at Sei in any minute. Youko took actions and pulled Sei away from Yumi to avoid grave consequences.

" Are you trying to die, you idiot?" said Youko and Eriko at the same time but in different tones.

" Geez, You people are no fun."

" Yumi." Sachiko finally hugged her petite soeur and she inhaled the scent she missed for so long.

" Onee-sama."

" Don't cry Yumi." Sachiko broke away from the hug to look at the girl. "You should probably take your lunch now. I know you're definitely starving."

" Right." Yumi awkwardly moved away from Sachiko and placed her bento on the table.

" Sachiko, are you an idiot?" asked Sei and was immediately rewarded with a glare.

" Stop provoking my petite soeur, Sei."

" For someone so smart, I don't understand how Sachiko could be so dense. Way to kill the mood." Remarked Sei with a whistle.

" I'll prepare some tea. Do you want some, Yumi-san?" asked Shimako.

" Ano.. is there Iced Tea?"

" We don't have Iced Tea, Yumi-san."

" Oh.. then can you just add ice cubes to my tea please? Make it three."

" O..kay?" replied Shimako who seemed taken aback by Yumi's request.

" Yumi. Why would you add ice cubes to your tea?" Sachiko voiced her curiosity to Yumi since she find the thought weird.

" It's just something I developed over the past weeks." Answered Yumi with a sheepish smile.

" Then do you always prefer your tea with ice cubes?" Sachiko thought that she should take note of Yumi's preference.

" Not all the time unless it's Iced Tea, I think?"

"You're really starting to act like Gray, Yumi-san." Giggled Yoshino as she poured hot sauce on her meal.

" Hey! No fair! You're also starting to adapt to Natsu's " pouted Yumi which increased Yoshino's giggle.

Sachiko's icy behavior resurfaced when she heard the name of Gray being mentioned in the picture.

" Yumi. Who is Gray?"

" O-Oh. Onee-sama he's a-

" He's Yumi-chan's idol. Right, Yumi-chan? ~ " Sei butted in and flashed the girl a wink. The young rose blushed in her seat which fueled Sachiko's rage.

" And why do you say so, Sei-sama? "

" She is so freaking jealous that it's funny! If only you knew who Gray really is. But nah. Where's the fun in that?" thought a smirking Sei.

" Well. Based on Yumi-chan's description, he is cool, awesome, a great fighter, and also attractive. And sorry to say this Sachiko but it seems like you have a competition for the title of Ice."

Eriko and Yoshino erupted in laughter while Rei just shook her head on how childish her rose family is acting right now.

"Yumi. You should stop associating with this Gray person."

" But why, onee-sama?" asked a puzzled Yumi.

" B-Because he's a bad influence! Look at how you're acting right now. You're putting ice cubes to your tea!"

" Onee-sama? How is that a bad influence?"

" Just drop it, Sachiko." Rei said as she found the argument silly.

" Excuse me?" The proud Ogasawara shot her friend an incredulous look and she grabbed the newspaper on the table.

" Look at this. Is this what he has been teaching you? Synchronized Stripping? Who in their right minds would do such things?!"

" Onee-sama. Gray is not showing bad influence because of that." Yumi frowned at how Sachiko regarded her idol because even though Gray is just a fictional character, she still held some respect and admiration for him.

" Yumi.. I can't believe you!"

"No! Onee-sama I can't believe you! Why would you go insulting someone just because they strip out of their shirts because of habit? That is so unfair!" Yumi stood up her seat to face Sachiko.

" Why are you siding with him, Yumi? His habits are indecent and it's unladylike to just change your clothes and strip out of nowhere!" Sachiko said and raised her voice.

"It's not unladylike since he is definitely not a lady and it's not indecent because he's not naked!"

" HAH! Good one, Yumi-chan!" cheered Sei and was immediately hit by Youko.

" Owww!"

" Shut your mouth and stop complicating things!"

" Maria-sama.. I can't believe you would talk to me like that? Yumi, you've become sarcastic and rude!"

" Okay that's enough!" Youko's voice stopped the banter between the two and they immediately stepped away from each other.

" Sachiko, Yumi. Please don't turn a small misunderstanding into a big argument."

" Gomenasai, Onee-sama/Youko-sama." Both girls mumbled a low apology and Yumi picked up her lunchbox to exit the room.

" I'll be heading back to my classroom. Please excuse me." Yumi avoided eye contact with Sachiko and left the room.

" Yumi-san wait!" Yoshino quickly packed her bento and followed her best friend.

"Wow.. that was.."

" Don't even start it, Eriko." Said Youko in a stern voice.

" Okay okay. Chill out." Eriko raised her hand up in surrender.

" Sachiko, that was completely uncalled for." Youko said with a disappointing look.

" But onee-sama. I'm just trying to correct Yumi's behavior from those indecent influences!"

" You sure you're not just jealous?" Sei asked with a grin but stopped once Youko gave her those infamous glares.

"Still. Arguing over a small matter is too much."

" I'm just trying to make Yumi realize that whatever influence that Gray person is showing her, it is utterly preposterous." Defended Sachiko which was accompanied by a slight scoff.

" I really think you shouldn't worry about anything of that matter, Sachiko." Rei said as she shook her head at how stubborn the heiress sounded.

" Come again? How could you be so accepting about this, Rei? From what I learned, Yoshino seemed to be under the influence of someone named Natsu."

" Oh I have, Sachiko. More than you do, actually." Said Rei and leaned back on her chair. " I can't believe Sachiko would get jealous over an anime character. But then again, she doesn't know who it is."

" I'm back. Ano.. Did I miss something?" Shimako awkwardly stood in her position when she noticed the tense atmosphere of the room.

" Tsk tsk tsk. Little Sis, You've missed all of the good stuff." Answered Sei as she feigned sadness.

"Don't mind her, Shimako-san. "

Shimako served each of the roses their tea and then returned to her seat.

" You should talk to Yumi-san after class, Sachiko. You need to sort out this argument between her."

" But Onee-sama –

" Or you would like to continue this charades and stop talking to her for weeks." Said Youko as she tried to persuade Sachiko knowing how stubborn she is.

"I'm sure you didn't return here just to have a quarrel with your petite soeur. Did you?"

" *sighs* I understand, onee-sama." Replied Sachiko to the elder rose who only showed a triumphant smile.

" Gokigenyou Yoshino-san."

" Gokigenyou Yumi-san."

" Gokigenyou." Greeted Yoshino and Yumi in unison to the retreating students.

"So Yumi-san. What will you do about your quarrel with Sachiko-sama?"

" I don't know, Yoshino-san." Replied Yumi in a low voice and looked down on her feet. " I don't understand why onee-sama would get mad about Gray."

" Oh believe me, Yumi-san. Sachiko-sama isn't really mad." Said Yoshino with a smirk as she realized how the heiress was acting. " Jealous is the right word."

" But anyways.. Yuuki called me that the shop will open in a short while."

" Really? That's sweet! We're lucky that we get to buy some Fairy Tail merchandise. Now let's go before we run out of stocks!" Yoshino grabbed Yumi's arm as they started running towards the school gates.

" W-Wait, Yoshino-chan! Slow down and won't Rei-sama go looking for you?"

" Nah. Rei-chan knew better than to stop me from my Fairy Tail Fantasy. I'm unstoppable from my dream that not even the rules of 'walking slowly' can stop me from doing so!" She picked up their face and set a determined expression.

" So Rei-sama knew about Fairy Tail too?"

" Mou, Yoshino-chan. Slow down or we'll both trip-

The two slowed down and stopped in their tracks once they saw a familiar figure standing outside the school gates. Sachiko was beside her chauffeur and once she noticed the two roses, she gave a small smile but mostly directed it to Yumi.

" You should talk to Sachiko-sama first, Yumi-san. I'll catch up to you afterwards."

" Wah- Hey Yoshino-chan! Don't leave me."

Yoshino pushed Yumi towards the heiress and she held up a peace sign and grin before walking away.

" Ano.. O-Onee-sama." Fidgeted Yumi as she looked all over the area except for Sachiko.

" Yumi."

"H-Hai! Onee-sama."

Sachiko released the breath she was holding before she continued to speak.

" I'm sorry for arguing with you this afternoon. I just wanted to look after you and make sure that you're not harmed since we've lost contact for almost a month." Sachiko looked down sadly and Yumi can't help but feel guilty.

" I-I'm sorry too, Onee-sama. I know you are already stressed from your trip and arguing with you was not a good way to welcome you."

" I guess we're both at fault this time." Said Sachiko as she released small giggles. The sight brought a smile upon Yumi and it improved her mood all the way.

" But I'm sure I'm the one who was at greater fault since I'm being sarcastic to you, onee-sama."

" It's okay, Yumi. They say that sarcasm is a sign of a healthy brain and mind." Spoke Sachiko and Yumi was unsure if her onee-sama was being sincere or just teasing her.

" Mou. Onee-sama. You're teasing me, again." Yumi pouted and Sachiko giggled once more before she hugged the younger girl.

" O-onee-sama."

"I'm really sorry, Yumi. We've been away for a pretty long time and arguing with you is the least thing I wanted to do. I missed you and instead of spending time with you as your onee-sama and friend, I started a quarrel with you instead.

" O-onee-sama missed me? 0/0 "

" It's okay, onee-sama.. I was also at fault ... and I-I miss you too."

Sachiko gave off a satisfied sigh and she released her hold of Yumi to face her. The younger girl had a faint blush on her cheeks and Sachiko was thankful for her years of training to compose herself because otherwise, she would hold the same expression as Yumi but albeit greater.

" Why is it that we always seem to argue over the smallest of things? This has always been the case ever since we became soeurs." (Because you're possessive and jealous, Sachiko. Hehe)

" I also don't know, onee-sama." Answered Yumi as she giggled.

" I guess our issue is resolved." Said Sachiko with a smile. She gestured towards her chauffeur and faced Yumi.

" Would you like to head home with me? I can drop you off at your house if you like?"

" Ano.. I would love to onee-sama. But Yoshino-san and I were planning to go somewhere after this." Replied Yumi with a sheepish smile.

" Oh." Sachiko raised a brow and decided to question her petite soeur. " And where are you heading to?"

" We're going to buy some merchandise and see Gray and Natsu." Yumi's enthusiasm irked Sachiko especially when the name Gray was mentioned again.

" So she'll refuse my offer just so she can hang out with that Gray person." Sneered Sachiko in her thoughts.

"I see. Well, you can invite Yoshino-san because I'll be dropping you off at your destination then." Sachiko said with a forced smile. The younger rose couldn't believe what she was hearing and couldn't hide her excitement any further.

" R-Really onee-sama?"

" Hai. And I'm also coming with you." Declared Sachiko with finality as she decided that she'll meet whoever this Gray is who dared steal Yumi's attention.

And boy, Sachiko will definitely be in a great surprise.


A.N.- Phew. A jealous Sachiko is both scary and cute at the same time. * Laughs awkwardly* And I guess Sei and Eriko got lucky that their sideline wasn't discovered or else they would receive multiple beatings ahaha. This was definitely a long chapter but I did it on purpose since this will be the last and final one. Huhuhuhu Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story and thanks for reading, minna-san :D See you in my future fics! Domo-arigaaaattoouu