AN:/ Heyy! I was reading this ff about Naruto and all being part of a Shakespeare play, forgot the name of the fanfic but whoever you are, it was hilarious. So! I was thinking, what if the academia guys did it too! I choose Othello only cause I actually studied the play before. I wanted to do some scenes within Othello but looking at the script and each character speaking so damn long, I just couldn't be bothered. Sorry, I am lazy like that lol. Anyway! Enjoy!

After the dimensional war, the academia changed their curriculum to fit a normal schooling one. This meant that the introduction of non-lethal subjects like home economics and art. To further enhance the appreciation of the arts, the Professor decided to host a play to deepen the students understanding of their lost culture. After much deliberation, the play he chose was none other than Shakespeare's famous "Othello". At that time, the Professor assigned Asuka as the director and in a moment of naivety, they thought that this would work out spectacularly. Everyone was going to have a great time. What they forgot to consider was the fact that Yuri and Serena were students in his academia and their absolute need to compete.

When auditions were first announced, it was received with mixed feelings. Some students were excited at the prospect of a new challenge while others were apprehensive at this foreign concept. Yuri and Serena fell into the former as they felt that this play would be another tool for them to best each other. Without much consideration and research, they auditioned for the main roles, Othello and Desdemona. It was not easy for them as there was some hidden talent amongst their fellow academia students but through their natural superb acting skills and some other unique talents (AKA intimidating potential candidates to back off), the two managed to seize the main roles. All was happy and well, until they actually read the script and they blanched.

"Othello and Desdemona are lovers?! Since when did that happen!"

"It is unfortunate that the role of the elegant and witty Desdemona has to be played by you. I bet poor Shakespeare is rolling in his grave at this very moment." Yuri sighed as he placed his hand over his heart, conveying his heartfelt sympathy.

"It's saddening to see such a noble and brave character being portrayed by you. All his virtuous traits would be tainted by your very being."

"Wow my love, I wasn't aware that you were able to comprehend such big words. Maybe we should celebrate your newfound intelligence and marriage by getting to know each other…more intimately…" suggested Yuri as he inched closer to Serena and pulled her close with his hands on her hips.

With their faces almost touching, Serena was almost captivated by Yuri's seductive pink eyes but managed to snap out of her trance and pushed Yuri away.

"Wha—you scum! How dare you spout such lies! I'll never marry you!"

"Oh dear, you wound me so! But don't you want to do your best with this play? What better way to understand your character than to live like them? We are technically married in the play."

Serena's mind was still whirling with the image of her and Yuri having to act as a married, crazily in love couple to give a coherent reply.

"Look here, there's a passionate kiss scene for us! Would you like some practice? I know we kissed once but practice makes perfect."

"Kiss?!" spluttered Serena and she felt her internal temperature reaching dangerous levels. Before she could properly retort Yuri, the Professor charged in with a furious look on his face.

"NO! I won't let you touch my precious daughter! Get away from her!" and as he said that, the Professor stood protectively in front of Serena, glaring daggers at Yuri.

"Yeah get away from him you wench! Yuri deserves someone better than an uncultured woman like you!" Dennis supplemented and met the Professors gaze with a matching intensity.

On the side, Sora was sucking on his lollipop in amusement while counting the amount of money in Dennis's wallet that he swiped a few seconds ago.

In the middle of this, Asuka walked into the mess, assessed the situation and decided that it was too early to deal with the chaos that was brewing. She decided to stand on the side with Sora and accepted a candy from him. At least her cast was getting in touch with the nature of their assigned roles…although Dennis was rooting for the wrong side.*

Ah well, she could always beat them into submission later. Nothing is scarier than a woman's wrath.

AN:/ Did everyone manage to guess their roles? If not, here was my initial plan:*

Yuri = Othello

Serena = Desdemona

Professor = Brabantio

Dennis = Roderigo

Sora = Iago

Though I didn't really give much hints to be fair. I think that with this line up it would be a comedy play instead of a tragedy. The Professor as the overprotective dad, Dennis as the jealous dude and Sora as the cunning menace that just wants to watch the sparks fly for funzies. Hope you liked this chapter! Please R&R!