AN: Hey guys! So I thought I got my shipping feels out of me but no, it only got stronger and I couldn't resist writing another fanfic for this! This fic was inspired by the fanfic "Rivalry" by peachakia elf. I highly recommend everyone to read it. If I owned Yugioh Arc-V, predatorshipping would be official...or at least have more shipping moments in the series. I mean, come one! This is the only couple that does not have a single official shipping moment! Enjoy!

"So how does this work? Does kissing means that two people are in love?"

"Well, even if you ask me I wouldn't know that now would I?"

Both had been trained by the academia, the professor to be a perfect soldier. There was no time for worthless emotions like love, there was only pride and glory. They were taught from young to abandon these weak emotions that only served to tie one down, prevent one from thinking straight and become a crack in their armour. Looking at the other Yu-boys and bracelet girls being head over heels for each other, blushing as they kissed at times, the Fusion duo simply could not understand what was the catch of having a relationship.

"This is stupid, I wonder why Yuzu and the other girls are so crazy about romance. It is simply a waste of time and it brings down one's efficiency." Serena scoffed while casually flipping her hair.

"Now isn't this rare, I can't help but agree with you here. Maybe you do have a shred of intelligence somewhere in you after all."

"What did you say you-" But her cries were cut off by something pressing firmly against her lips.

That something being Yuri's lips…it was a lot softer than she imagined for someone so sharp-tongued.

Finally waking up to her senses, Serena aimed a punch at Yuri's cheek in which he gracefully dodged. While doing so, he licked his lips, savouring the remaining taste of her lips on his and his pink eyes radiated absolute smugness.

"So, Serena my love, don't you feel your heart pounding and longing for more of me?" Yuri slyly drawled out as he brushed his thumb slowly across his lips to emphasize his point.

It irked Serena to no end, seeing how Yuri had somehow managed to catch her off guard and gain an advantage over her (in this imaginary rivalry game they had) only to direct his trademark condescending look at her.

Also, his impeccable good looks and her slight growing attraction (curiosity, her mind quickly corrected) did not help her case here.

This was unacceptable.

She was going to have her revenge and revenge was going to be sweet.

In her head, the cogs started to turn and a plan began to hatch in her head. Taking a deep breath, she looked at him with the most angelic smile she could conjure and moved closer towards him.

"Of course…how could I have been so blind all this time? You, Yuri, you are the one whom my heart has been longing for all this time. Come now my love, let us be together!" Serena leapt towards Yuri, arms encircling his neck and pinning him down.

This time it was Yuri who was surprised, when he kissed Serena, he knew that he was going to get a reaction out of her. Just not this kind of reaction, more of a fuming and raging one. Seeing her angelic smile, he was momentarily stunned, he never knew that Serena could be…for a lack of better word—cute. Just for a second, he swore his heart started beating faster than it usually did but when he looked up at Serena's smirk, he knew that it was game on.

Ever since that, Yuri and Serena kept exchanging the cheesiest and most cliché romantic gestures listed in every romance guidebook. From gifting Serena with a handmade bouquet of flowers, personally grown in his greenhouse to dragging Yuri into a horror house in an amusement park and clinging tightly onto him.

The list was endless.

The others had no clue, thinking that it was weird but adorable how romantic the Fusion duo was acting, some even wishing that their partners could do the same for them.

Ah, ignorance was a bliss.

AN: It's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed it! I am planning on writing a chapter in which Yuri arranges the bouquet and the horror house scene but I am open to prompts too!