AN: Ugh, I know, again right? Its more bad news. Which is why I'm updating this week (hopefully). I'm gonna be out of town this weekend and I won't have a lot of service so writing is gonna be out the window. I'll try to upload, but no promises.

Megumi felt a slight tug to her wrist before she was pressed against a unfamiliar chest, "oi, back off, she's with me!" An equally unrecognizable voice echoed to the man. Thankfully, the man that was hitting on her left and she quickly turned to see her savior. She didnt know him. Quickly, she turned to her board and wrote, 'thank you for saving me…?' She showed the small writing before he smiled at her brightly.

"Its no problem!" He said and wiped away one of the tears that managed to slip down her cheeks. "I'm just glad I managed to get here in time," he laughed slightly, but it mostly sounded like he was trying to break the atmosphere more than he thought he was funny, "someone saw me from way over there," a big hand pointed to one of the games, "and pointed out what was happening, asking me to step in so I did." He shrugged as if it was nothing.

A tiny smile spread across Megumi's lips as she looked down at her flats. Quickly, she started to write on her board, 'can I get your name and number? You seem nice…' She held the board shyly in her hands, a small lick of fear in her heart of being rejected.

"Oh, yeah, of course!" He nodded and took out his phone before reading out his number once Megumi grabbed her phone, "and my name is Haru." He smiled at her before looking down when his phone dinged. She had texted him her name so he could save it.

Haru stayed with Megumi the entire time she was in line, saying her food order after she wrote it down. Just two waters. One for her and Yahiro. Haru had asked who the second water was for, of course, which Megumi had just answered that it was for a friend. It wasn't a complete lie… Yahiro was practically her best friend after her brother. But… Why did she lie? Why didnt she just say that it was for her boyfriend? After that, she hurriedly said goodbye and ran off, checking behind to make sure he didnt follow.

"Megumi," Yahiro breathed, taking the water once it was handed to him, "what took so long?" Megumi sat next to him, drinking her own water before answering about how long the line was, "ah." Yahiro answered simply. There was only silence between the two of them after that, just relishing in each others presence. And then Megumi's phone buzzed.

The girl jumped in surprise and removed her phone from her small purse she carried, opening it to see a message from Haru. It was a picture of a little girl. He said it was his sister. She was cute: small and wore pigtails. In her arms was a stuffed animal that was practically twice her size and a giant grin on her face. He won the toy for her.

"Who's that?" Yahiro asked confused, resting his chin on her shoulder with lazy, uncaring eyes. But she knew better. She turned off her phone and grabbed the white board, writing slowly, 'a friend. He was in line with me and we started talking and decided to swap numbers.' She answered, deciding to not tell Yahiro about how she practically got sexually assaulted. "Just a friend?* Yahiro asked, pressing his lips against her bare shoulder, making her turn pink. He couldn't see her, which forced her to speak a small 'yes.' "Good." Was the only response she was given after that.

An: I know, again, it sucks but I have an idea but its gonna be super tragic and I'd have to up my rating and change some of my tags and probably the description. so I wanted y'alls opinion on it first. I'd probably do it anyways because its a great idea but still. Y'all want some really shitty angst?