A/N. Little Authors note here.. This is my first fic, on this website anyways. I'll probably turn this into a series, if y'all want. Just some fluffy Megumi and Yahiro stuff!

Tears were slipping their way through Megumi's eyes as she saw her best friends walk and get their diplomas. They were all graduating and it brought tears to her eyes. The noise of applause was practically deafening, but she didn't mind. She was adding to the noise anyways, a bright smile on her lips, before her eyes lit up when her name was called. Silently, she went up and got her diploma, bowing and waving to Yahiro. They've been dating for a really long time now, with Akira's blessing of course. She wasn't very happy and gave him a nice lecture, but eventually said she was fine with it as long as he didn't hurt Megumi. Which he hasn't yet.

After the ceremony, she was met with all of her friends in a small group, congratulations being spread between them. Megumi, who was still writing on the little whiteboard Yahiro gave her, was wishing everyone luck. Almost everyone had work lined up. Kei and Hikari were heading to London because Kei had work, Hikari would look for work there in the meantime. Ryuu is lined up to take over his dad's company and is still happily dating Finn. Jun wants to become a psychologist, but Megumi thinks he'll end up taking over dad's company. Megumi thinks that Sakura is going to propose marriage because of all the wedding dresses she's been sending Megumi on pinterest. Akira and Tadashi plan to travel a lot before finding a place to settle down and open a cafe. Then there was Megumi. She didn't know what she was doing yet. She wanted to sing, but her voice was too powerful. It grated on people's ears; only Yahiro could listen. Speaking of Yahiro, he was coming up to her now.

"Congrats." He spoke, placing a hand on her head with a cocked eyebrow, tilting her chin up afterwards when he noticed her pout. "What's wrong?" He asked before narrowing his eyes and put a finger to her lips when she began to speak. "Protect your voice and write." He grumbled and crossed his arms. She did as he asked and wrote down what was bothering her. She had no idea what she wanted to do! "What do you mean you don't know what you want to do?" He huffed a bit, "we're going to get you a singing contract, of course, and make you a famous singer." He pointed out with a soft smile. The smile that was only ever given to her. Well, usually. Her lips opened in a small gasp and quickly wrote down a small response, "really?" It wrote.

"Yes, really." He answered with a small shake of his head and a warm smile ran across his lips at her giddy expression.

"Hey, Megumi!" The sandy blonde turned out to see Hikari waving at her, "we're having a small party at Akira's if you want to join us!" Her voice was loud and chipper, like it always was. With the small invite, she turned to Yahiro, who was always turning away to leave, before she grabbed his sleeve with a small frown. "Ugh, fine, I'll go. But you owe me." He grumbled after a moment of staring. With a small nod, she grabbed his hand and dragged him off to meet up with their friends, even if Yahiro denied it. It was definitely going to be a fun rest of the year.