Tales of the Cold Glass of Water

I don't know but... I've had enough of angst. Haha. Read at your heart's content! Last update and I'm on hiatus again. See you whenever I can!


Inside a lavish restaurant...

Our handsome blonde, gorgeously messed his hair as he gripped a glass of cold water. He had prepared it for the girl who broke his heart. But she refused to lift her head since she arrived. How can he execute his plan now?!

He was leaning casually on his seat, captivating blood-red eyes stared down at her.

"I'm sorry..." Fine sobbed, her forehead pressed on the table.

He gulped the water, droplets slowly traveled down his neck down to his collarbones, tracing his gorgeous features.

The other customers who happened to watch the scene unfold, including Rein, fainted clean away with blood rushing out of their noses.

"Thank you for making me your rebound guy." He muttered through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry..." Fine repeated, sobbing harder.

"Just get out of here and get out of my life too. Kindly do it, now." Damn, angry Bright is gorgeous Bright.

Those who just recovered fainted again, including Rein.

Fine gasped in surprise. "Is it just me or he took my line from a different story?"


Inside a lavish restaurant…

Bright stared as the glass was filled with cold water. The waiter excused himself after pouring Fine's glass too.

"I'm sorry…" Fine mumbled, biting her lip lightly.

His hand quivered as he gripped the glass. Fine braced herself for the coldness.

"Hey… water," Shade suddenly stepped in, his voice raspy.

"What are you doing here?" Bright muttered, signaling the waiter for another glass.

"Volleyball practice at the park across this place," Shade answered then gulped the refreshing liquid.

Fine followed the trails of water dripping down his neck down to his collarbones.

His hair messed, sweat sliding down his face which he quickly scrubbed away. His shirt plastered on his lean sturdy physique, revealing his toned muscles.

"Oh, hi Fine…" He smiled.

Fine fainted clean away.


Shine version

Fine had a scathing glare marring her features. Her hand quavered as she gripped the glass of cold water. She had it prepared for him. She plans to splash it in his face so he could finally wake up. But the guy just stared at her apathetically, extremely bored to death. How can she execute her plan now?!

"Thank you for making me your rebound girl." She muttered through gritted teeth.

"Heh. Who asked you to fall in love?" Shade scoffed, lifting an eyebrow and crinkling his nose.

Fine gawked. How dare he?!

"That's not what you're supposed to say!" She spat, pointing a finger on his chest.

"Really?" Shade nonchalantly replied. "Ah, sorry…" he mumbled, an apologetic look crossed his features.

Fine smiled in triumph and folded her arms across her chest.

"You're welcome." He breathed into her ear and walked out on her.

Fine jaw dropped.

Thank you for making me you're rebound girl.

Well, she did say "thank you".

The next thing Shade knew he was tackled on the ground with Fine laughing evilly behind him.


Brein style

Rein pulled on a glare but she couldn't direct it at Bright. Her hand trembled as she held the glass of cold water. She had it prepared for him. But her beloved, blonde guy refused to lift his head since he arrived. How can she execute her plan now?

She inhaled sharply, internally debating whether to splash it in his face or just put it aside and pull him in her arms. A part of her really wants to forgive him and it's winning.

"Thank you… for making me your rebound girl," her voice cracked, Bright let out a muffled sob.

"I'm sorry, Rein. Please, forgive me, my love…" He sniffled, taking her hand in his.

Rein averted her gaze. She can't forgive him easily.

But, he's making it difficult for her.

Bright brushed his lips on her fist and it made her drop the glass on the floor.

"Pl-please… don't do this…" Rein whimpered, tears streamed down her flushed cheeks.

Bright gasped and quickly wrapped his arms around her. "No, please don't cry…" he begged.

"No, you shouldn't cry… I'm not worth it…" Rein sobbed, wiping the tears on his face.

"No, I deserve this…" Bright whispered, leaning his forehead on hers.

"No! I'm sorry!"

"No! Don't apologize!"

Shade and Fine seethes. "YOU TWO ARE ACTING SO MOE MOE!"


Shein version

Shade bored his eyes on the condensation forming in the cold glass of water. His hand slowly gripped the glass, the coldness bit his skin lightly.

He looked up to examine the face of his company. She had an apologetic look on her beautiful face since she arrived.

She lightly bit her lower lip, which looked sexy in his eyes.

"I'm sorry…" she exhaled deeply, pressing her forehead on the table. Shade's fast reflexes allowed him to insert a hand between her forehead and the table.

"Look at me, Rein." He requested. Rein raised her head, a blush seared through her cheeks.

Shade heaved out a sigh.

"Why did you erase my memories?" He asked, averting his eyes on her cute face.

Amaterasu- er, Rein's eyes brimmed with tears and it made him gulp.

His grip on the glass tightened.

"They're not worth remembering…" she paused, then her eyes looked up at him, making him shudder in surprise. "Yes. They deserve to be forgotten." she continued, her hand brushed the strands falling across her face, exposing the soft stare in her eyes.

Shade felt his face heat up, causing him to gulp the glass of water.

I see now why there's a glass of water here.

Sigh. I've got nothing to do so I came up with it. Thanks for the reviews! I'll give proper feedback next time. Ciaossu~