A/N: The basic idea behind the story is a cross between N.C.I.S. Los Angeles and the Highlander series. I will use characters from the TV show to rewrite key scenes from the movies, even the knockoff movie that ended the series: Highlander: The Source, alongside my own story. This story should be a little more interesting than my previous stories. A word of warning, big named characters are going to be killed off that haven't died in the show, but their deaths are necessary for the story. And the usually disclaimer applies: (which I haven't done in a while) the characters that appear in this story are property of C.B.S. broadcasting company.

I find myself floating around Los Angeles for a couple of days. I can hear Hetty's words echoing in my head. Stay in Los Angeles for a week. After that allotted time, take the five thirty P.M. flight out of L.A.X. to Glasgow, Scotland. After you land in Glasgow head north for a hundred miles, and then you will find the Source. I find myself longing for the old days when I thought death was the end of it all. Mortals see immortality as the wonderful gift to take advantage of. To me it's been nothing but a curse. Having to kill to have continued life has been nothing but a burden.

"Deeks. Or is it Ashono?" Kensi asks.

I'm in the boat shed sitting on the couch in the main room. "Yes to both." I say.

I look up to see Kensi come walking in the backdoor. I remember the first time I set eyes on her. The organ in my chest known as a heart, which I had completely forgotten about for a few millennia, had skipped a beat. I thought I had gotten my wife back, but then I remember that she had passed on from this world a long time ago. I had to stop myself from walking up to Kensi and pulling her into my arms and kissing her like I did with my wife years ago. I found out later that Kensi felt the same.

"What are you still doing up this late?" I ask Kensi. It's after midnight I saw after checking my watch.

Kensi doesn't answer right away. She simply walked up to me, and then sits down straddling my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. Kensi planted a soul searing kiss on my lips, the same way that my wife use to do. "I'm guessing this brings back a few memories?"

"That, or I'm creating new ones." I say.

Kensi and I stare into each other's eyes for a time. "What did she look like? Your wife?" she asks.

"Just like you, right down to the mismatched eyes. The first time I saw you I had to stop myself from kissing you." I say.

"I guess it was a good thing I felt something for you." she said, kissing me again. We stare at each other some more. "Was it fast?"

"What was fast?" I ask

"Hetty's death?" she asked.

"Sheesh, make up your mind. Are we talking about my wife, or Hetty? But yes. Her death was more humane compared to most of the people we killed." I said.

"It's strange to know that she's gone. I thought Hetty would retire and sail off on that boat." she said.

"There's no retirement for our people. We only have one rule: kill or be killed." I say.

"So what? You're people's motto is: There can be only one?" she asked.

"Never thought of it like that, but I guess so." I say.

"Then why did Hetty leave you alive?" she asked.

"Same reason Hetty kept you around. I had my uses." I say.

"How did Hetty use you?" she asked.

"She tried to regulate our people for a time, plus she sent us out on missions to stop warlords and arms dealers, but the conclave that we had was destroyed. And we lost touch until I showed in Ops that day." I say.

"What happened to your buddy? What was his name?" she asked.

"Ray.'" I said.

"Yeah, whatever happened to him?" she asked.

"While Ray was a bit of an oddball in our little conclave, he still followed the rules. I think he didn't like living while his family had passed on before him. There was another immortal that was giving him problems. Ray wanted to move on, but he was too good at what he did. So I killed Ray, and took down that guy that was harassing him. Come to find out the guy I killed was a weapons dealer." I said.

"Was it hard to kill him?" she asked.

"Ray technically wasn't his real name. It was Reino, or I think it might have been Reino. After a while Ray grew tired of it. The killing. Missing his family. He just wanted to die, and move on. So I gave Ray one last battle. You know. To honor him as a friend and as a brother." I say shedding a tear in memory of my friend.

"Why did you take the name Martin Deeks?" Kensi asked wiping the tear.

"Not exactly sure. Hetty made me because I reminded her of a man who she encountered years earlier. I guess I was his doppelganger." I say.

There was a moment of silence for a time, and then Kensi rest her head on my shoulder. I could feel her breath on my neck, and it sent a shiver down my spine. And then I could feel Kensi' tears on my shirt. "I don't want to lose you." she said.

"If I don't do this, then you're going to die, but I'm going to live on without you. I need something else to live for beside continued life. I've seen enough of this world to last me a life time." I said.

"Or two, in your case." Kensi said, and all I could do was laugh.

Kensi stood up, and offered me her hand. I accepted it, and stood up from the couch. I saw that look in Kensi eye, one that said that she had a question to ask. "How old are you?" she asked.

"Five thousand thirty-two years old." I said.

Kensi mouth hit the floor. "You're going to have to tell me some of your stories when you return." Kensi said.

I kissed Kensi one last time, and then exit the boat shed. The next time I see Kensi I will be mortal, and ready to move on with my life. Did Ray do the right thing? It was the right thing for him, but not me. I found my love again, and I plan on keeping her this time. I think.

The week had passed, and I find myself at the airport waiting to board my flight. It wasn't long before I had visitors. "I not exactly sure why you two are here?" I ask, as Sam and Callen were walking up behind me, their shadows blocking out the sun.

"Are you sure we can't go with you?" Callen asked.

"Really, Callen? I killed Hetty, your mother figure, and you want to come along?" I ask, standing to face the partners.

"We've known Hetty for a ten years. Not once has she really aged. I'm pretty sure you gave what she wanted, anyways." Sam said.

"Where I'm going you two will be of no use. Not only that when this is all said and done I'm going to need a place to come back to." I say.

The three of us hear the P.A. system come on and announced that my flight was boarding. "Gentlemen. It's been real, and keep Kensi safe." I say.

I shake hands with both men, and then board my flight.

N.C.I.S. L.A.


"What do you have?" Kensi asked as she enter ops.

"Where's Deeks, Callen and Sam." Eric asked.

"Deeks is at L.A.X. catching a flight to Glasgow, and Sam and Callen went to see him off." Kensi said.

"Why is he going to Scotland?" Nell asked.

"Something Hetty told him to do. He never told me why." Kensi said.

"Will Deeks return after he's done?" Eric asked.

"Yeah. He has a reason to return. He has a job here." Kensi says.

Nell saw a look in Kensi eye that said that Deeks had another reason to return, but keep it to herself.

"We have a case. Dead marines on the training field at Pendleton." Eric said.

"Send the pertinent details to Callen and Sam. Tell them I will meet them there." Kensi said, and then exited ops.

N.C.I.S. L.A.

Sam's challenger-

"Can you believe that Deeks is over five thousand years old?" Sam asked.

"If Deeks is five thousand, how old was Hetty?" Callen asked.

"Good point. You think Deeks is going to come back for Kensi?" Sam asked.

"Don't know why not? Although has going to have learn to be more careful. Five thousand years of recklessness, and now he has to actually be careful and not take needless actions." Callen said with a chuckle.

"True enough. Makes you wonder what Deeks has seen to make him want to give it all up, and become human again." Sam said.

"Five thousand year of immortality by killing others can take its toll on any man. I'm surprised he lasted this long." Callen said.

"Yep." Sam said, and then partners lapsed into silence.

N.C.I.S. L.A.

Dulles airport-

I get off my flight in D.C. to make a connecting flight, but I had company waiting for me when I get to baggage claim.

"Director. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I ask.

"It seems that you're traveling light." Director Vance said.

"I have a couple changes of clothes, and my weapon in this suitcase." I said, lifting up my luggage.

"After you're done in Scotland, what are your plans?" he asked.

"Make my way back to Los Angeles, if that's alright with you sir." I said.

"Hetty trusted you, and I have no reason to doubt her judgement. Although I wanted to debrief her." he said.

"There's no debriefing for that woman." I say. "She gave me the necessary information to complete my job, and then gave up her life so I could have the power to complete my job."

"How long has Hetty been on earth?" he asked.

"Ten thousand years, give or take a thousand years, or so." I said.

Vance's eyes almost popped out of his head. "You're right, there is no debrief for that woman. Although I regret I never did buy her here that scarf."

"Don't make that mistake next time." I said.

"Until next time, Agent Deeks." Director Vance said, offering his hand.

"Next time, Director Vance." I said taking the director's hand and shake good-bye.

Vance and I make our way over to the escalator, and then part ways as I go to check in for my next flight, as Vance was heading for an exit.

N.C.I.S. L.A.

One hundred miles north of Glasgow, Scotland-

There was a stone structure out in the middle of nowhere. On the south side of the structure a small portion of the wall disappeared, revealing an opening into the structure. A few minutes after the opening appeared, a man dressed in black appeared as if materializing out of thin air.

N.C.I.S. L.A.

A plane over the Atlantic ocean-

My plane had left Dulles four hours ago. The flight attendant was waking me up. "Sir as a courtesy to our passengers we recommend that you get up and stretch your legs." she said.

"Thanks." I said.

Deep vein thrombosis is not a problem for me, but I could stretch my legs. At this time, I decide to head to the bathroom and relieve myself. After exiting the bathroom, I head back to my seat taking a few deliberate steps. When I get back to my seat, I fall right back to sleep. The dream I had was when I said good-bye to Ray.

N.C.I.S. L.A.

Fifty years ago: outskirts Scarborough, North Yorkshire-

Ray and I were walking for a time. I'm not sure what this is about, but we just survive a fight. The blood is still fresh on our clothes from our wounds as we escaped, but I can tell this isn't going to end well. I can sense the energy coming off of Ray, and when I sensed this in the past it always ended in a fight. Only this time the fight is going to end in death. We're passing a grassy knoll on a cliff, and thought this is good as any place to say good-bye.

"Ray." I say, and we both stop.

It was a moment before Ray spoke, but I knew he would ask for one last favor. "The first job I took I was supposed to kill this weapons dealer." Ray said.

"We're you successful?" I asked.

"Yes, I was, but it turn out that he became an immortal. That was four thousand nine hundred fifty years ago. Since then he took on his current profession. He flew under the radar for a while, then he killed about seven hundred immortals in the past five hundred years." He said.

"Seven hundred kills in five hundred years! He has been a busy man." I said

"The weapons dealer was behind the attack on our home. He has a tendency to attack large settlements like that, being it human or immortal, for profit." he said.

"Was the weapons dealer there when you went from him this time?" I asked.

"No, but his second-in-command was there. I know how that man works, if you kill one of his lieutenants he will challenge you in one-on-one combat." He said.

"I'm guessing the second-in-command is no push over." I said.

"Not without a little help, and dirty tactics." he said.

"Can we keep it honorable at least?" I say.

"They will come for you. The second-in-command had a list of targets on it. Hetty, you, and I were on the top of the list. Not only that the second-in-command is already dead. I took his head a few days ago." he said. "I was supposed to kill the weapons dealer, but I got the second-in-command instead."

"Wait a minute. Hetty?" I ask.

"That little ninja that ran the conclave a few thousand years ago." he said.

"She's still alive?" I asked.

"Last time I knew she was working with some big government agency in America. Possible C.I.A., or N.C.I.S., I don't know." he said.

"I'm guessing you went to kill the weapons dealer, but right hand man was waiting for you instead?" I asked, getting back to the situation at hand.

"Yep." he said.

"Nobody blames you, so don't even place it on yourself. Hetty couldn't have known that the man was going become one of us." I said.

"So where do we go from here?" he asked.

There was a moment of silence.

"Still longing for when days were simpler, and uncomplicated?" I asked.

Ray nodded. I guess this was coming. Sooner or later he was going to ask me to do this. I just wish I didn't have to finish the job that Hetty asked of him. I think.

"What should I carve on you stone?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just put my sword at the head, and walk away." he said.

"Where will the challenge take place?" I ask.

"Head to the town of Scarborough. There's a bar there where the man, Nelson Sanders, hangs out. Show them this, and they will take care of the rest." Ray said tossing me a necklace. We stood there staring at each other for a time, and then we drew our weapons.

"See you around, Ashono." Ray said.

"No. You won't." I say.

Ray lifted his sword and charged me. I lifted my sword, and parried his attack. Ray is going to push me. To make sure I'm ready. I think, and it was a grueling battle with both of us taking our fair share of wounds. I developed a sense, when fighting, which allowed me to find a weakness in my opponent's form. Ray's left shoulder always hitched when he swung from that side, so when he went to attack me from his left side, I side stepped out of the way as he was attacking. We made eye contact momentarily, so he understood what was about to happen, but all I could see was happiness. A shiver went down my spine the moment my sword had severed Ray's head from his neck.

N.C.I.S. L.A.

Scarborough, two days later-

I made it to the town that Ray had mentioned, and it didn't take long for me to find the bar in question. I had to dodge a few cars. What I wouldn't give to live in a time when those blasted contraptions didn't exist. I think. The limp I had gotten during my fight with Ray was gone, and just in time. I see the man in question after entering the bar. A dark skinned man, six feet three inches tall, with a muscular frame. This should be an interesting duel. I think.

I walk up to the table, and stand there staring at the man as he was making out with a woman. As he was making out with the woman, one hand was massaging one of her breasts, as his other hand was south of the border. I could see that she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat

"Go away!" Nelson growled. I could see that another woman, who was on her knees, had opened his trousers and was giving oral pleasure.

"What are you deaf?" another man asked coming up from behind me. This man made the mistake of pushing me. I saw a sword that was leaning against the table next to me. I drew it, and severed the man's head from his neck.

Nelson looked at me, a fire blazing in his eyes.

"Now that I have your attention." I said, as I tossed the necklace to Nelson, and he caught in mid-air. I saw him become red with anger. "One hour. The factory on the outskirts of town." he said.

"I'll be there." I said, and exited the bar.

One hour later I was stepping out of the front door of the factory as Nelson was walking up to the structure, and he came alone. I see the sword that he brought with him had blade that was massive and long. I pulled my sword from my sheath

"Any last words?" Nelson asked.

"No." I said, and then Nelson unsheathed his sword and attacked me.

Everything about his style reminds me of someone else. From the way he charged me, to the way he swings his sword. Most of his attacks were lunges, as opposed to actual swings, albeit, I've seen good fighters get stopped by lunges so I better stay on my toes. Nelson had been trained by an exile of the conclave. I think.

Nelson was pretty solid, so I had a hard time find a weakness in his form. I had to fight conservatively, while taking a few risks. I parried, and dodged a lot of Nelson's attacks. Which in turn angered him. Then I realized this man's weakness. He wants to relish the kill. I think.

I was half a step slow in making the realization, and I was run through by Nelson's sword. I've been stabbed numerous other time, but this particular stabbing sucked, let me tell you that. I think.

I fell to my knees coughing up blood. A trickle of blood ran down my chin. Nelson pulled his sword out of me and thrust into the ground. I watched Nelson crack his in preparation of beating me within an inch of my life. By the time he finished I could only use one eye, and I could barely move. Amazingly enough, or he could have been that stupid, Nelson didn't even touch my sword arm and I can roll, even if it hurt. A lot. I think.

"All that noise you made, just to be put down like a rabid dog. What happened to the man that was supposed to kill me? Reino? Ray? I can't remember his name, but you didn't kill the man who brought us here. Not that it matters, which is beside the point. Any last words?" Nelson asked.

"Good-bye!" I exclaimed, as I cut Nelson's leg off at the knee.

Nelson fell over clutching his stump, which was bleeding profusely, and I rolled over and cut off his head. I was attempting to get back to my feet as the power transfer begun, but I was to beat up and bruised to move. So I rode the Quickening out laying on the ground.

N.C.I.S. L.A.

Present day: Glasgow, Scotland-

I was getting off the plane in Glasgow. And I had company waiting for me at the baggage claim. A man and a woman.

"Can I help you?" I ask, as I was retrieving my luggage.

"I'm guessing you here because of the Source going active a day ago." he said.

"And what exactly does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"You luggage is big enough for a few changes of clothes, and a sword." the woman said.

"And?" I asked.

"You going to need some help if you want to get to the Source." the man said.

"It's a hundred miles north of the city." I said.

"Through terrain that is impossible to pass for one man alone." The woman said.

"Alright. Alright. Take me to wherever you guys are holed up at. We'll pool our resources, and then head north." I said.

A/N: I had to readjust the story to account for the actual events that I wrote. Sorry about that.