Chapter 49: As We Move On (Epilogue)

A few weeks later, Kaoru had to make sure that his students didn't know his inner secrets for what he has been doing for such a long time. So far, no a single one didn't pressured him to tell them through lectures. For his teachings is genealogy, helping student try to get into further details of their own ancestors. A few of them had interesting connections of the warring states Era. Others have found out that a few of them have sailed overseas for a better life etc. As such, Kaoru is relieved that Naraku is gone for good. It means he can finally go home to his family.

As the clock strikes 5 pm, Kaoru smiles as he gathers his belongings and heads out the campus. "Finally." He smiles as he steps into the setting sun's rays. He walks to the subway knowing that its one station is close to his home. He walks down the stairs deep underground, along the way he feels that he can make it out alive. So many times he tried to slip, he would get caught. But that's not going to happen, not anymore.

Ai is chopping the vegetables to make tonight's dinner. 'He'll be so happy to have my home cooking. It's been way too long to have such a meal.' She smiles happily. This is just bliss for her. At long last, she doesn't have to worry about Kaoru's whereabouts. All that matters is that he's finally free, and can finally come home. "I'm home." Kaoru calls after closing the door behind. "Welcome, home dear." Ai responds as she puts the knife down and hugs her husband. Kaoru couldn't let go of his wife. 'I can finally embrace her.' He smiles with his eyes closed. "Where are the kids?" He asks as he looks around the first floor. Ai sadly smiles up to him. "Kagome is with Inuyasha, and Sota is with Kohaku." She answers the question before going back to the kitchen. Kaoru hmms at her. "I don't mind Sota being with Kohaku, but Kagome…" He walks in.

"…you don't have to worry about her. You saw how Inuyasha is to her." Ai interrupts him calmly. "I know how it was when we first met. It's only natural for the father to be protective of the daughter and the same for the mother to the son. Daddy's little girl, and Mommy's boy." She explains the process. Kaoru nods back, "Yes, Inuyasha is a good guy. I never expected Kagome to meet a guy. She was usually a girlie girl with girlfriends and such." He goes into the silverware drawer and bring out two pairs of chopsticks. He goes up to the cupboard and bring down the required dishes for the three of them. Ai caught him. "Just two tonight." She tells him as she takes the two sets. Kaoru turned around to see that the table is with just two chairs across from each other. "Oh, it's just us?" He asks her. Ai nods, "Yes. Father is out with his old friends for the night. So it's just you and me." She pours the chopped vegetables into a boiling pot on the stove. "So what is tonight's dinner?" Kaoru asks her while he sets the table. "Oden." Ai answers as she begins to stir the pot. Kaoru chuckles. "Figures. You know that's my favorite." He walks up to her. Ai giggles back. "Not just you, Kagome loves Oden as much as you do." She counters as she pulls out the spoon to let Kaoru take a sip. Kaoru slurps the contents and is delighted. "Just like the way you made it." He kisses her cheek and helps her out with any other sides dishes for the dinner.

At the Takahashi Mansion, Kagome grins with so much smug on her face. "Ha ha. I win. You know what means, Inuyasha." She and Inuyasha are paying poker with Sango and Miroku. Sango is impressed with Kagome. "How is it that you're so good?" She asks Kagome as Kagome sets her pair of a royal flush onto the table. Kagome shrugs her shoulders. "Beats me. But I think my grandpa was a great card player himself." She rests her head onto her hands. Miroku sighs in disappointment. "So what does Inuyasha have to do?" He asks this time. Inuyasha groans, "I have to be her limo driver for a month."

"But what would happen if you won?" Sango asks him curiously. "Then Kagome had to do my homework. As well as being my cheater for tests." He admits to them. "Be your cheater. Like how is that even possible? Have Kagome stand behind you and snoop onto other students' tests?" She jokes at them. Inuyasha digs into his pocket to pull out an earpiece. "Oh. Sorry." Sango quickly apologizes to them. "Trust me, Sango, I was totally against. In the end I won, thus no cheating on his end." She grins against. "Next game. After all, this is best 3 out of 5." She gathers the cards and shuffles the deck and serve them to the players. "Alright guys, what are your bets on this game?" She temps them. Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku all look at each to come up with a good one. "My bet is this…" They all said simultaneously.

I want to thank you all for reading this story. My next one is going to be a sequel to "A Fragile Life." I hope you enjoy it.
