Inuyasha Story: The Bet

Kagome is a new student at a school that has students betting against each for what they want more. What she doesn't know is that she's going to be a victim to an arrogant student that has his eyes on her at first sight.

Chapter 1: Safe with Me

On a nice sunny day, a girl, Kagome Higurashi has long raven black that reaches to her wait looks up at the building in front of her. As such she wears a uniform that belongs to this building. The tope is with with a green sailor top with a red ribbon from the middle. The skirk is green as well, reaching towards her knees. According to the school's uniform policy, the skirts are not to be shorted than the females' knees. But Kagome doesn't care about that. "Great." She speaks sarcastically. "Another school, which means another boring year for me." She sighs in the end. She adjusted her backpack over her shoulder and walks casually towards the entrance. She ignores the other students who spot her. "Whoa. Look at her." One whispers to another. Kagome rolls her eyes while closing them. She doesn't want to get them the wrong idea. The idea: She doesn't like arrogant students. Especially the males. She knows better that the boys are more egotistic, prideful, and arrogant for what they do. The girls on the other hand. Not so much. They do the best they can to avoid such stuff that the guys would do to them. Kagome looks down to her schedule and spots the first room, which happens to be her homeroom. "Finally." She smiles and walks in.

Inside the room, there are more males than the females. Unlike the other students who are sitting in their assigned seats, Kagome walks over towards the window sill and sits on top of it. She's not comfortable being around the guys. The door opens up to allow another girl come in. Like Kagome she wears the same uniform. Her hair is dark brown with chestnut brown eyes with confidence within them. She spots Kagome minding her own business by sketching something on her book. She walks up to her. "Hello." The dark brown haired girl greets her. Kagome looks back up to her. Observing for the girl's expression, she seems nice. "Hello." Kagome smiles back as she puts her book away. "I'm Sango Taijiya. What's yours?" Sango sits on the desk top. "Kagome Higurashi. I'm new here." Kagome does the same thing and sits in the chair.

Sango smiles a bit more. "Ah. A newbie huh?" She leans towards her. "If I were you, I'd be careful about these arrogant jerks." She points her towards the boys, not caring if they look back at her. Kagome nods. "I pretty much expected that when I came in." Sango chuckles softly. "Hey can I take a look at your schedule?" Sango asks politely. Kagome doesn't hesitate to give it to her. Sango pulls out her own to see what the two have in common. "Well, you're in good hands with me, Kagome. You and I have the same classes." She gives Kagome's schedule and sits in an empty desk beside her. Kagome could help but to smile in relief. It's been 5 minutes and Kagome just made a friend.

Not long after Kagome and Sango begin to talk among themselves, the doors open up again to allow two male students into the room. "I'm telling you, dude. You gotta check out this new girl." The first guy tells the other. The one who spoke is a guy in a man's uniform, which is all black from neck to foot. He has black hair that is just long enough to be pull into a small ponytail at the nape of the neck. He has violet eyes with a pervy expression. But what is startling to see is that his left ear is pierced with a small golden hoop. There wasn't any spool rule that allow guys to have piercings somewhere on the body. The other guy is in the same uniform as the first one. His hair is long jet black hair, with two locks on both sides of his face. His expression is fill of uninterested stuff from his wooden brown eyes. "Like I'd care about the new girl. I'm not that kind of guy who would place a bet that would involve her." The second guy counters back. He takes his seat in an empty desk seat. The other guy follows his lead. Just as the long hair guy puts his bag onto the hook on the side of the desk, he catches the glimpse of Kagome. 'Oh shit. Miroku wasn't kidding.' He thoughts as a faint blush appears on his cheeks. Miroku spots his friend in the matter he never thought he'd be right about. 'Gotcha.' He grins.

Once homeroom is over, the students gather their belongs and head out to go somewhere else in the school where their next class is. Kagome follows Sango closely so that she wouldn't get lost. She is just glad that her classes has her in there as well. While walking at a casual pace one of the guys bumps onto her side. "Hey, watch where you're going." He said to her rudely. Kagome is about to respond back to him, but Sango stretches her hand in front of her. "Don't. These are one of those arrogant ones." She looks back to her. However the guy glares at her. "Well, it looks like Taijiya has a newbie for protection." The guy speaks in such an arrogant attitude. Sango keeps her stoic expression. She knows a lot when comes to confrontations like this. "You should watch where you're going." She speaks back and walks away with Kagome on her side.

Sango and Kagome enter their next classroom. "Sango. Who was that?" Kagome asks as they take their seats. "Oh, that's Takahashi." She gives the last name instead of the first. Kagome. "You weren't kidding about that guy." She comments to Sango. Sango smirks. "Trust me, Kagome. He's the most arrogant guy in the school. You should be lucky that I was there. But I know his reputation." Kagome raises her eyes in a confused look. "What reputation?" She asks curiously. Sango is about to tell more, until the guy that bumps into Kagome comes in. Not only him but also his friend Miroku. Sango knows better not to speak such a thing in front of him. She mouths later. Kagome nods back.

Once the next class is over, Sango and Kagome gather their stuff and head towards the door they came in. But a voice stops her. "Oh Sango." He chimes. Sango groans and turns around to spot that it's Miroku who called her name. Kagome turns around as well. "Oh Sango, will you go out with me?" He asks her. Kagome looks back at Sango. But what she didn't expect is a contact of a hand on her behind. Kagome widens her eyes in anger. She growls and sucker punch him under the chin. Sango blinks her eyes a couples. Surprised she never expected a reaction. "You got a lot of nerve of groping me." Kagome said to him. Miroku smirks up to her. "Oh you're feisty one. That's awesome." Kagome twitches her eyes in disgust. Just as Kagome is about to stomp onto Miroku's back, Sango holds her back. "Don't Kagome. He's like this to every pretty girl he sees." Sango glares back to Miroku. Miroku whimpers, "Hey, Inuyasha. Help me out here."

Kagome turns up to spot the guy that bumps into her leaning onto the wall. "Why should I? You're the one who groped her, not me." He said with his arms crossed. Kagome shakes her head and goes out. Sango follows her. She turns around at the last second with the finger gesture 'I'm on you.' Miroku chuckles as he gets back up on his feet. "Are you ever gonna break that habit of yours?" Inuyasha asks him. Miroku feels hurts. "Why Inuyasha, how you could be so mean? I was being friendly." He said innocently. Inuyasha scoffs. "Yeah right. Do you honestly think that groping girls is friendly? No you're just a pervert. I'm surprised to see the newbie upper cut you. You deserved it." He grins in the end. Miroku rubs the soreness where Kagome punched him. "Yeah, but I prefer the slaps from the beautiful Sango." He sighs with a creepy grin on his face. Inuyasha sighs and leaves the room, not interested on what Miroku is up to.