[I am a huge fan of Cyborg 009, I have re-watched the series a few times and I am happy to finally be working on a story for it. Naturally my favorites would have to be 004 and 002. I'm curious to hear who other's favorite Cyborg or character are, so feel free to let me know in comments. I am also glad to hear that people are enjoying it and looking forward to reading. Thank you for the support!]

Night slipped by quietly, no disturbances surfacing. All of those within the house slept peacefully. By dawn however, the three newcomers had woken and made their way out front. The trio talking with one another by the time some of the others began to stir.

"What's up with them?" Jet caught sight of the three out the front window.

"Maybe their discussing what their going to do from here?" 008 took a sip from his cup of coffee.

"I don't buy it" the redhead frowned.

"As long as their no threat to us, then it's really none of our business" Albert came into the room.

He made his way to the couch, sitting back and opening the morning newspaper. Jet shot him a look, before turning his gaze back out the window.

"Bet 003 could hear what their talking about" he said.

The female member of their team frowned, entering with a tray of coffee and tea for everyone else.

"I am not spying on someone to ease your mind" she refused to use her talents for invading other's privacy.

He gave a slight jump, not having expected her to come in like that. 008 chuckled a bit beside him, earning the look this time. Moving to the door, 003 opened it and looked out with a soft smile.

"Tea and coffee is ready" she told them.

Alyssa smiled and nodded, "thank you."

The three made their way back into the home, the others beginning to stir from their slumbers now. 007 yawned as he entered the room, slumping into a chair looking like he'd go right back to sleep any second. With all of them now moving about, Alyssa shared a glance with her two companions.

"After breakfast, we'll see about getting you all into town and getting this sorted out" Gilmore said.

"Actually...we were hoping to discuss other matters with you" Alyssa said.

"And what would those be?" the Doctor asked a bit curiously.

Taking a breath, Armand closed his eyes, "the truth of why we're here."

The room went quiet, eyes shifted to them. It wasn't hard to see that half of them suddenly tensed.

"I knew it" 002 pointed a finger at them with a scowl, "you're not innocent bystanders...you're here for Black Ghost, aren't you?"

The others tensed even more, the last thing they needed was another assassin after them. 004 looked at the three of them, frowning slightly. As much as he wanted to possibly believe the other was right, something within him wouldn't let him fully lean that way.

"I don't think so" he said, "you're not with Black Ghost...are you..."

002 looked at him, "how can you say that, they lied to us!?"

"They also could have easily eliminated all of us last night in our sleep if they were after our heads" Albert shot back calmly.

002 went quiet for a moment, this was true. No one had noticed anything bad, nor had been attacked at all.

"If they wanted us dead to...why tell us anything now, would be giving up the upper hand and element of surprise" 008 commented.

"Tch..." Jet turned away, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We weren't sent here by Black Ghost" Alyssa held up her hands, "we were actually sent here by Dr. Ryushima."

"Ryushima..." Gilmore repeated the name, getting lost in a bit of thought.

The other's looked at him curiously.

"The name sound familiar?" Albert asked.

Gilmore nodded, "Ryushima was a young doctor who was brought into the Cyborg project later on. I found it a bit strange, because out of all of us, he seemed to have the kindest heart. I couldn't really see him with someone like Black Ghost, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."

"What happened?" 007 asked what all wanted to know.

"I'm not quite sure" Gilmore sighed, "one day...he just never came in. When I inquired about it, I was told he had been reassigned. Though naturally towards the end, I thought it more likely that he had been..."

"Eliminated.." Albert said solemnly.

Gilmore gave another nod, silence falling over the room for a moment, before he turned his attention back to the three.

"What happened to the Doctor?" he asked.

"He was to be eliminated by Black Ghost...Despite their attempts to persuade him, Dr. Ryushima couldn't fully support the plans the organization had in mind" Alyssa frowned, "they were going to get rid of him...until they saw the plans he had made."


She nodded, "for us...the Ierarchía generation."

"Hierarchy" Gilmore knew the Greek word well enough.

The female nodded, earning silence once more from everyone, before she continued.

"We were originally developed for peace, to advance medicine and assist those who other methods could not help" she clenched her hands lightly, "sadly however, once Black Ghost got his hands on the idea, he twisted it into weapons. Our main purpose is a fail safe against all of you."

This bit of information only made tension rise within the room even more.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jet turned, "you were built specifically to eliminate us?"

She gave a light nod of her head, "should other weapons or Cyborg soldiers fail in situations...we were the back up plan, the ones sent in to erase the problem. When all of you escaped, the initial plan was to finish development on us and send us after you."

"So you are here to eliminate us" Jet clenched his jaw clearly getting more and more angry.

Alyssa held up her hands, shaking her head, "I promise you we are not...Black Ghost didn't send us like I said...the doctor did... He wanted us to warn you...to help you."

"We don't need your help" he snapped at her.

"Now now 002, that's quite enough" Gilmore sighed a bit, it was a lot of information to take in, "so you three really are cyborgs?"

The three nod to confirm this.

"But when I scanned you before...I wasn't able to sense anything from you all" 003 looked a bit guilty, the others relying on her to be correct about these things.

Alyssa gave a side glance to Armand who frowned a bit. She continued on her earlier subject.

"We are only the first three of a total of four" Alyssa explained, "Duke was created first, he was given the designation Alpha. I was second, given designation Beta and Armand Gamma."

"The fourth then would be Delta correct?" Gilmore went down the list.

She nodded, "Black Ghost created something known as the Overwatch Protocol when we were developed. It was initially supposed to shut off the human remnants of us, turning us into obedient robots should the need arise. When the Doctor learned that they planned to implement this, he derived a plan to help the four of us get out and get here."

"Sadly they got to Delta first..." Armand spoke up now, "they managed to convince him that we were doing the wrong thing and should be stopped...and that one of us in particular was the main cause..."

Alyssa gave him a soft but sad look, "Delta and myself were brought in around the same time from nearby locations...then Alpha...then Gamma. We were originally given the ruse that we had all been in accidents that caused us to have to undergo Cybernetic reconstruction. We were told we couldn't leave, because due to the operations, we were more vulnerable to infection and the lab was the safest sterile place for us to remain. It was all a lie, as they continued their experiments."

"How horrible..." 003 looked away sadly.

"Eventually we discovered our powers...and when we confronted them about it" Armand shook his head a bit, "the light flipped and we became prisoners."

The others could relate in their own way, all this dragging up old memories. Though they desired information, Gilmore didn't want to force them to relive the painful past just to slate their curiosity.

"So Delta stayed behind while you three managed to get here?" he inquired.

"Yes" Alyssa responded, "when we enacted our plan, he resisted and confronted us. The guards were waiting in place to stop up, trying to return us to the lab or switch on the Overwatch protocol. Sadly, we were forced to try stopping him and he was damaged in the process. He stayed behind, while we escaped."

"And Ryushima?"

"He was recaptured..." she lowered her head, "we have no idea now what has become of him."

It wasn't to far of a stretch to believe that after escaping, the doctor had sent them to meet up with the nine, since they had managed to escape as well and elude Black Ghost. Still, all of it was a lot to digest, not all of them were able to simply believe it.

"We need a moment to discuss this..." Gilmore cut the silence once more.

"Of course" Alyssa and the other two stood, stepping out front.

"We're not seriously buying this...are we?" Jet asked, "this whole thing could still be a trap."

"I agree...but at the same time, it could be real" 004 sighed.

"So what do we do then?" 006 asked curiously.

008 crossed his arms, "it would be best to keep them close for now, that way we could keep an eye on them should something come up."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" 007 recited.

"And if it turns out to be a trap?" Jet countered their logic.

"Then we deal with them like we always have..." 009 spoke up, earning a few nods from the others, "it would be best for one of us to have eyes on each of them at all times."

"Um...like right now?" 006 scratched the side of his head.

"He's right, they could be out there contacting Black Ghost as we speak" Jet turned to the window, looking out at the three in front of the house.

None of them were on any type of communicator. Instead, Alyssa was smiling, a bird sitting on her hand as the other two stood by her side. They looked harmless, but the red haired cyborg still wasn't buying it.

"I'll keep an eye on Alyssa" 003 offered, being the only other female present to do so without looking suspicious.

"I'll take the big guy" Jet frowned, not trusting the silent Alpha.

"Guess I'll take the other then" Albert shrugged, honestly he was looking forward to talking a bit more with Armand.

"Well then, lets see what else we can figure out from them for now, before we make up our minds" Gilmore suggested.

"Divide and conquer...gotcha" Jet nods, stepping out to set the plan in motion.