Chapter 25: Back on Your Feet

Lucy and Atlas Flame exit out of the cave where Lucy received Draco's key. "We should head back to Natsu and Happy." Lucy said to the fire lit dragon. Atlas Flame nods back to agree with her. "Why don't you summon Draco to take you to them?" Altas Flame asks her curiously. Lucy takes out the key of Draco. "I can't call Draco unless we're in a dire situation. According to him, he's to be my last resort." Lucy said back disappointedly, which doesn't seem to surprise the fire lit dragon. "So, he only shows up when needed?" He lowers himself to her level. Lucy nods back, "Yeah, Draco is a strong celestial spirit, way more powerful than my other spirits of the Celestial World. That's why he chose me to be his key holder because of the many contracts I have with them." Lucy explains when she puts Draco's key back into the pouch with the other keys. Atlas Flame frowns, "I'm sorry I didn't know about that. I was hoping he could come out more often to hang out with us. But because of his duty, it's easier said than down." He states out when he just found out about Draco's purpose. They begin walking back to the location of Natsu, Igneel and Happy.

Igneel groans as he opens his eyes to see Natsu and Happy sleeping by him. He couldn't help but smile at the two of them. So much has changed over the years. He looks up to the sky to see the sun beginning to rise over the mountains from far away. The sun light hits Igneel's scales and ca feel the heat from it, empowering him. He looks back down to the duo. He gently uses his claw to poke Natsu, "Hey Natsu." He growls softly. Natsu groans as he opens his own beady eyes to see Igneel smiling down on him. Natsu smiles back at him and he stands up too. "Morning." He happily greets and picks up Happy who is still asleep. "How about we go for a morning flight?" Igneel inquires the pink haired boy. Hearing that made Natsu stop for a few minutes. "But what about your injuries? You should be resting." Natsu suggests queitly not to wake up the little blue cat in his arms. Igneel chuckles as he expands his wings, showing it's completely recovered, as well the injuries on side of the body. "I assure that I'm alright, my boy." He tells Natsu, calming him down his worried state. "Hey, what's going on?" Happy asks as he rubs his tired eyes. Natsu smiles down to him, "Hey little buddy, Igneel wants to give us a morning flight." Natsu said to Happy. Happy looks towards the giant red dragon in perfect condition. "Aye Sir." Happy shouts out with excitement in his high-pitched voice. Natsu laughs as he hops onto Igneel's head. "Alright Igneel, let's soar!" Natsu shouts out his own excitement. Igneel laughs back as he flaps his wing ferociously and they take flight.

Altlas Flame sniffs the air. "What is it?" Lucy asks him. Atlas Flame looks in the direction where Igneel is going. "Igneel is going to the volcanoes." The dragon replies to the blonde girl. He is about to open up his wings to go after them, but that'd be bad for Lucy since she's human, she could burn to a crisp. "Lucy, call out Draco. I know this is out of his interest but it's better than riding with me since my body is lit with fire all over." Atlas Flame tells her. Lucy takes out Draco's Key. "Open, Gate of the Draco Constellation, Draco." Using her magic powers, the magic circle surrounds the key's end and Draco comes out of no where. "What is it, Lucy?" Draco asks in a serious tone. Atlas Flame stomps his foot. "We need to get to the volcanoes." He tells the white dragon. Draco gives an annoyed look. "Why have me come along?" He asks rathered rudely. Atlas Flame growls, "The quickest way to get there is by flight, and since Lucy is human, my fire would roast her and kill her on the spot. That's why it's best that you carry Lucy to the volcanoes." He explains the situation. Draco snorts and looks down to Lucy who is feeling rather shy about his attitude. "Fine. But I don't want anymore favors." He declares as he lowers himself down so that Lucy can get onto his back. "Follow me." Altlas Flame roars as he leads the white dragon and the human celestial wizard to the volcanoes.

The soaring winds forces Happy to hang onto Natsu's scarf so that he wouldn't get left behind in the skies, even though he has his aera wings for that. Natsu takes a deep breath of the air. The crisp clean air makes him feel stronger than before. "So, you're not getting motion sickness?" Happy asks him curiously. In all theirs times of traveling, Natsu never wanted to be on something with wheels. "No, the only way to not have it is with Wendy's Troia spell or righting on dragons." Natsu replies happily since he doesn't have to get worked up about such nasuea. He feels the dragon shaking, which makes him concern. "Don't push yourself, Igneel. You need to take it easy." Natsu said to his dragon as they soar towards the mountains where there's smoke coming from the top. "I know. We just need to make a pit stop to the volcanoes." Igneels replies as they get closer to the tops. Natsu sniffs the air as it's full of sulfur. "So much sulfur in the air." Natsu said to Happy. Happy schrunches his little. "It's stinks." He claims in disgust. Natsu couldn't help but laugh, "Well that's what happens around volcanoes. You know how they work?" Natsu smiles to Happy in a smug look. Happy shakes his head. "I don't want to know." He honestly replies to him. That made Natsu frown. "Fine." He murmurs as they get down to the ground.

A/N: Hello my dear follow readers, I'm going to take a break from writing this story because I need to update my other fanfiction Story "The Bet." I've been too preoccupied with this story that I forgot all about the other story that I'm supposed to working on.
